An unofficial screen-scraping API for
scrapes by using Selenium/WebDriver to navigate a browser.
Once logged in,
allows programatic, automated access to Mint's UI.
We recently released 2.0, which supports (and only supports) the new Mint UI:
- If your account has the new UI with the nav on the left, you'll need to install at least 2.0:
pip install mintapi>=2.0
- If your account still has the original UI with the nav on top, to use 2.0, you will need to specify
in your command-line options or submitbeta=True
when initializing the class. Otherwise, please install the latest 1.x release:pip install mintapi<2.0
Please note that due to data changes on the side as well as various new features and changes on the mintapi side, there are several breaking changes in 2.0. Please see the CHANGELOG for details.
Install with pip from PyPi
pip install mintapi
Or for the latest release:
pip install git+
Then simply:
mintapi --keyring --headless
You will be prompted for your password, which will be stored securely in your system keyring,
and use a headless (invisible) browser to log in and grab the account data.
If this triggers an MFA prompt,
you'll be prompted for the one-time code on the command line.
MFA prompts default to SMS unless you specify --mfa-method=email
persists the browser session in $HOME/.mintapi/session to avoid an MFA in the future,
unless you specify --session-path=None
To simplify CLI invocation,
you can specify a configuration file with the --config-file
For arguments such as --transactions
you can add a line in your config file that says transactions
For other arguments that have input,
such as --start-date
you would add a line such as start-date=10/01/21
Reading email and password from config files is not supported.
You must pass them as arguments directly or through a keyring.
For help, or just to chat with fellow mintapi users, please join us on Discord! :)
Mint accepts MFA in one of four ways: text, voice, email, or TOTP
(Time-based One-Time Password).
supports all of these options except Voice.
While you may disable MFA altogether, doing so is not recommended. Not only will it decrease your account security, but Mint will sometimes still email you a second factor code. So, for the least fragility, enable MFA.
As of v2.0,
the mfa_method parameter is only required when using soft-token,
or if your login flow presents you with the option
to select which Multifactor Authentication Method you wish to use.
Prior to v2.0, mfa_method
is always required.
Set mfa_method
to soft-token
Obtain the seed for mfa_token
as follows:
- Navigate to the Intuit MFA settings (or in your Mint setings page, navigate Intuit Account -> Sign In & Security -> Two-step verification).
- Token MFA is only allowed as a secondary option, so first enable one of the other options (text, email, voice).
- Now you're ready to setup token MFA. Select the Authenticator app option, and navigate through the prompts. If you already have TOTP enabled on your account, you will first have to disable and delete the old TOTP token before setting up a new one.
- When you get to the part where you see the QR code,
copy the manual setup code that appears next to it.
This is the token you pass to
in either the python api or from the command line. BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU STORE THIS, as anyone with it will be able to take over your Mint account. - Complete the setup process by providing a generated code from your authenticator app when requested.
In order for mintapi
to automate the retrieval of the MFA code from your email,
your email provider must provide IMAP access. If you use IMAP in conjunction with keyring
then you can store your IMAP password (imap-password
) in keyring. To do so,
simply omit imap-password
and you will initially be prompted for the password associated with your IMAP account.
Then, on subsequent uses of your IMAP account, you will not have to specify your password.
automatically downloads the latest stable chromedriver.
For long term, automated deployments,
verify that the particular chrome and chromedrive binaries you have downloaded work together,
and use the --use_chromedriver_on_path
flag to prevent mintapi
from auto updating the chromedriver binary
Keep these binaries separate from your regular installation to avoid accidental breakage via auto-update.
Use your distribution's package manager to install chromium and chromedriver:
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver
# RHL/Fedora
sudo dnf install chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver
# Arch/Manjaro
sudo pacman -S chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver
You can also manually download a chromedriver
version of your choice.
To use your custom chromedriver in mintapi
you can either add it to your Python working directory
or add it to your PATH
as described in the
Seleninum driver documentation.
(To use a browser other than Chrome/Chromium, see the python section below.)
The following cron job runs mintapi
looking for the chromium executable in /usr/bin
every day at 07:00:
0 7 * * * PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH mintapi --use_chromedriver_on_path --headless my_password
Note that the PATH
is only affected for this job,
and will not change the environment for any other process.
This page has instructions for setting a scheduled task in Windows with Powershell. Running just once is as easy as:
$ENV:PATH = "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome;$ENV:PATH"
mintapi --headless my_password
You can also use the docker image to help manage your environment so you don't have to worry about chrome or chromedriver versions. There are a few caveats:
- Headless mode is recommended. GUI works but introduces the need to configure an X11 server which varies with setup. Google is your friend.
- Almost always use the flag
as the chrome and chromedriver built into the docker image already match and getting the latest will break the image. - If you want to persist credentials or your chrome session, you'll need to do some volume mounting.
To use the image:
docker run --rm --shm-size=2g mintapi my_password --headless --use-chromedriver-on-path
AWS Lambda may need a specific chrome driver with specific options. You can initialize Mint with your own pre-configured headless serverless chrome through a constructor:
driver = initialize_serverless_chrome_driver(...)
mint = mintapi.Mint(..., driver=driver)
As of v2.0, mintapi supports returning multiple types of data in one call, such as: mintapi --accounts --budgets --transactions
. When exporting multiple data types, you can either send it directly to stdout
or you can export to a file via --filename
. mintapi will create a file for each type of data, with a suffix based on the format. For example, if you run mintapi --accounts --transactions --filename=current --format=csv
, then you will receive two files: current_account.csv
and current_transaction.csv
. The following table outlines the option selected and its corresponding suffix:
Option | Suffix |
accounts | account |
bills | bills |
budgets | budget |
transactions | transaction |
trends | trends |
categories | category |
investments | investment |
net-worth | net_worth |
credit-score | credit_score |
credit-report | credit_report |
Mint supports providing some analysis of your financial data based on different types of "trends". Mint's requirements for accessing this data using mintapi is a bit more complex than the other endpoints.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
report_type | ReportView.Options | The type of report to generate. |
date_filter | DateFilter.Options | The date window to analyze your trends. |
start_date | Optional[str] | An optional beginning date (mm-dd-yy) to your trend analysis. |
end_date | Optional[str] | An optional ending date (mm-dd-yy) to your trend analysis. |
category_ids | List[str] | An optional list of category IDs to include in your trend analysis. |
tag_ids | List[str] | An optional list of tag IDs to include in your trend analysis. |
descriptions | List[str] | An optional list of descriptions to include in your trend analysis. |
account_ids | List[str] | An optional list of account IDs to include in your trend analysis. |
match_all_filters | boolean | Whether to match all supplied filters (True) or at least one (False) |
limit | int | The page size of results. |
offset | int | The starting record of your results. |
The Report Type is the type of report for which to generate trend analysis. The supplied value must be one of the following enum values:
Enum Value | Description |
1 | Spending Over Time |
2 | Spending by Category |
3 | Spending by Merchant |
4 | Spending by Tag |
5 | Income Over Time |
6 | Income by Category |
7 | Income by Merchant |
8 | Income by Tag |
9 | Assets by Type |
10 | Assets Over Time |
11 | Assets by Account |
12 | Debts Over Time |
13 | Debts by Type |
14 | Debts by Account |
15 | Net Worth Over Time |
16 | Net Income Over Time |
If you want to provide a more granular filtering of your financial data transactions, you can select from a variety of search filters that are sent to Mint.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
date_filter | DateFilter.Options | The date window for which to filter your transactions. |
start_date | Optional[str] | An optional beginning date (mm-dd-yy) to your transaction filtering. |
end_date | Optional[str] | An optional ending date (mm-dd-yy) to your transaction filtering. |
category_ids | List[str] | An optional list of category IDs of transactions to include. |
tag_ids | List[str] | An optional list of tag IDs of transactions to include. |
descriptions | List[str] | An optional list of descriptions of transactions to include. |
account_ids | List[str] | An optional list of account IDs of transactions to include. |
match_all_filters | boolean | Whether to match all supplied filters (True) or at least one (False) |
include_investment | boolean | Whether to include those transactions that are associated with an Investment Account. |
remove_pending | boolean | Whether to remove those transactions that are still Pending. |
limit | int | The page size of results. |
offset | int | The starting record of your results. |
The Date Filter is the date window for which to generate your trend analysis or for which to search transactions. The supplied value must be one of the following enum values:
Enum Value | Description |
1 | Last 7 Days |
2 | Last 14 Days |
3 | This Month |
4 | Last Month |
5 | Last 3 Months |
6 | Last 6 Months |
7 | Last 7 Months |
8 | This Year |
9 | Last Year |
10 | All Time |
11 | Custom |
If you select a Custom Date Filter, then start_date
and end_date
are required fields. Similarly, if you wish to use start_date
and end_date
, Custom Date Filter must be used.
From python, instantiate the Mint class (from the mintapi package) and you can
make calls to retrieve account/budget information. We recommend using the
library for persisting credentials.
import mintapi
mint = mintapi.Mint(
'', # Email used to log in to Mint
'password', # Your password used to log in to mint
# Optional parameters
mfa_method='sms', # See MFA Methods section
# Can be 'sms' (default), 'email', or 'soft-token'.
# if mintapi detects an MFA request, it will trigger the requested method
# and prompt on the command line.
mfa_input_callback=None, # see MFA Methods section
# can be used with any mfa_method
# A callback accepting a single argument (the prompt)
# which returns the user-inputted 2FA code. By default
# the default Python `input` function is used.
mfa_token=None, # see MFA Methods section
# used with mfa_method='soft-token'
# the token that is used to generate the totp
intuit_account=None, # account name when multiple accounts are registered with this email.
headless=False, # Whether the chromedriver should work without opening a
# visible window (useful for server-side deployments)
# None will use the default account.
session_path=None, # Directory that the Chrome persistent session will be written/read from.
# To avoid the 2FA code being asked for multiple times, you can either set
# this parameter or log in by hand in Chrome under the same user this runs
# as.
imap_account=None, # account name used to log in to your IMAP server
imap_password=None, # account password used to log in to your IMAP server
imap_server=None, # IMAP server host name
imap_folder='INBOX', # IMAP folder that receives MFA email
wait_for_sync=False, # do not wait for accounts to sync
wait_for_sync_timeout=300, # number of seconds to wait for sync
fail_if_stale=True, # True will raise an exception if Mint is unable to refresh your data.
use_chromedriver_on_path=False, # True will use a system provided chromedriver binary that
# is on the PATH (instead of downloading the latest version)
driver=None, # pre-configured driver. If None, Mint will initialize the WebDriver.
quit_driver_on_fail=True # Quit from the browser and driver if an unexpected exception caught.
# Could be useful to set it to False if the ownership of the driver should not be owned by Mint object.
# Get account information
# Get budget information
# Get transactions
mint.get_transaction_data() # as pandas dataframe
# Get transactions for a specific account
accounts = mint.get_account_data()
for account in accounts:
# Get net worth
# Get credit score
# Get bills
# Get investments (holdings and transactions)
# Get tags
# Get rules for assigning category and description
# Close session and exit cleanly from selenium/chromedriver
# Initiate an account refresh
# you can also use mintapi's login in workflow with your own selenium webdriver
# this will allow for more custom selenium driver setups
# one caveat is that it must be based on seleniumrequests currently
# seleniumrequests has most browsers already
# it also has mixins for any browsers it doesn't have so the sky is the limit!
from seleniumrequests import Firefox
mint = mintapi.Mint()
mint.driver = Firefox()
mint.status_message, mint.token = mintapi.sign_in(
email, password, mint.driver, mfa_method=None, mfa_token=None,
mfa_input_callback=None, intuit_account=None, wait_for_sync=True,
wait_for_sync_timeout=5 * 60,
imap_account=None, imap_password=None,
imap_server=None, imap_folder="INBOX",
# now you can do all the normal api calls
# ex:
Run it as a sub-process from your favorite language; pip install mintapi
creates a binary in your $PATH. From the command-line, the output is JSON:
usage: mintapi [-h] [--session-path [SESSION_PATH]] [--accounts] [--investments]
[--beta] [--budgets | --budget_hist] [--net-worth]
[--credit-score] [--credit-report]
[--exclude-inquiries] [--exclude-accounts] [--exclude-utilization]
[--start-date [START_DATE]] [--end-date [END_DATE]]
[--limit] [--include-investment] [--show-pending]
[--format] [--filename FILENAME] [--keyring] [--headless]
[--mfa-method {sms,email,soft-token}]
[--categories] [--attention]
[--transactions] [--transaction-date-filter]
[--trends] [--trend-report-type] [--trend-date-filter]
email [password]
positional arguments:
email The e-mail address for your account (required)
password The password for your account (if not supplied, --keyring must be provided)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--accounts Retrieve account information (default if nothing else
is specified)
--session-path [SESSION_PATH]
Directory to save browser session, including cookies. Used to prevent repeated
MFA prompts. Defaults to $HOME/.mintapi/session. Set to None to use a temporary
--beta Use the beta version of Mint
--bills Retrieve bills information
--budgets Retrieve budget information for current month
--budget_hist Retrieve historical budget information (past 12 months)
--categories Retrieve your configured Mint categories
--config-file, -c File used to store arguments
--credit-score Retrieve credit score
--credit-report Retrieve full credit report & history
--exclude-inquiries Used in conjunction with --credit-report, ignores credit inquiry data.
--exclude-accounts Used in conjunction with --credit-report, ignores credit account data.
--exclude-utilization Used in conjunction with --credit-report, ignores credit utilization data.
--net-worth Retrieve net worth information
--transactions, -t Retrieve transactions
--transaction-date-filter The date window for which to filter your transactions. Default is All Time.
--trends Retrieve trend data related to your financial information
--trend-report-type The type of report for which to generate trend analysis. Default is Spending Over Time.
--trend-date-filter The date window for which to generate your trend analysis. Default is This Month.
--start-date [START_DATE]
Earliest date for which to retrieve transactions.
Used with --transactions. Format: mm/dd/yy
--end-date [END_DATE]
Latest date for which to retrieve transactions.
Used with --transactions. Format: mm/dd/yy
--investments Retrieve data related to your investments, whether they be retirement or personal stock purchases
--include-investment Used with --transactions
--limit Number of records to include from the API. Default is 5000.
--show-pending Retrieve pending transactions.
Used with --transactions
--fail-if-stale At login, Mint attempts to refresh your data. If you wish to exit when the sync fails, use this option.
--filename FILENAME, -f FILENAME
write results to file. If no file is specified, then data is written to stdout. Do not specify the file extension as it is determined based on the selection of `--format`.
--format Determines the output format of the data, either `csv` or `json`. The default value is `json`. If no `filename` is specified, then this determines the `stdout` format. Otherwise, if a `filename` is specified, then this determines the file extension.
--keyring Use OS keyring for storing password information
--headless Whether to execute chromedriver with no visible
Whether to use the chromedriver on PATH, instead of
downloading a local copy.
--mfa-method {sms,email,soft-token}
The MFA method to automate.
--mfa-token The base32 encoded MFA token.
--imap-account IMAP_ACCOUNT
--imap-password IMAP_PASSWORD
--imap-folder IMAP_FOLDER
Default is INBOX
--imap-test Test access to IMAP server
--no_wait_for_sync Do not wait for accounts to sync
Number of seconds to wait for sync (default is 300)
--attention. Get notice if there are any accounts that need attention
>>> mintapi --keyring
"accountName": "Chase Checking",
"lastUpdatedInString": "25 minutes",
"accountType": "bank",
"currentBalance": 100.12,
Because of the inter-connected nature of Intuit's products, when signing in to Mint for one account, you may see accounts associated with Intuit products other than Mint. If you do have multiple Intuit accounts, you should be aware that if one email is associated with two different usernames (and multiple Intuit products, such as TurboTax or Quickbooks), you may receive a prompt for Multifactor Authentication, even with a saved session. One possible solution is separating the two accounts to use two different emails. For many email clients, you can route different email addresses to the same account by using a suffix. For example, you could have email addresses "" and "" and receive emails for both in the "" inbox.
NOTE: You must have Chrome or Chromium installed, on the stable
track, and be up-to-date!
If you run into a SessionNotCreatedException
about "ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version XX",
you need to update Chrome.