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23 lines (21 loc) · 730 Bytes

File metadata and controls

23 lines (21 loc) · 730 Bytes

Bare minimum

  1. balls.nvim / Lazy.nvim
  2. Telescope
  3. vim-tmux && vim-tmux-navigator
  4. tokyonight or catppuccin (could probably rip the highlight groups)
  5. Some kind of completion engine
  6. Comment.nvim
  7. Conform.nvim → Formatting
  8. iswap.nvim
  9. leap & flit
  10. lsp_lines + nvim-lspconfig + mason-tool-installer + mason
  11., mini.indentscope, nvim-autopairs
  12. nvim-navic, nvim-surround, nvim-treesitter + friends (context, autotag, commentstring, textobjects)
  13. Oil.nvim
  14. tabout.nvim
  15. treesj, treesitter-unit, trouble.nvim
  16. undotree, vim-sleuth
  17. Todo-comments.nvim


  • Extract gitlinker.nvim into a simple keymap.
  • Create a custom vim.ui.input wrapper for vim.lsp.buf.rename()