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Sonic Pi Synths


  • custom-build - a custom builder to (re)compile sonic-pi (basically the original build script with a bunch of stuff commented out)

Basically, lein repl, (use 'dxk-spisynths.compiler) and the following:

  • (compile-fft)
    • pv_maggate
  • (compile-reverb)
    • fverbfilt
  • (compile-delay)
    • fbdellop
  • (compile-stutter)
    • stutter

synthinfo.rb additions

  • classes to add to app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/synths/synthinfo.rb
    • fbdellop.rb - fbdellop
    • fverbfilt.rb - fverbfilt
    • stutter.rb - stutter
    • pv_maggate.rb - pv_maggate
  • must instantiate at bottom of synthinfo.rb (follow others for examples)


See ruby files (or documentation) for complete params

  • fbdellop - like :echo, but with an added lowpass (lop) parameter and feedback (fb) specified instead of decay
  • fverbfilt - like :reverb, but with an added lowpass (lop_in and lop_out) pre-verb and post-verb as well as hipass (hip_in and hip_out)
  • stutter - stuttering effect which stutters a maximum of max_phase seconds with lengths of stutter given by stutlen
  • pv_maggate - performs fft (of size winsize) gating at thresh magnitude, scaling magnitudes below if positive (above abs if negative) with scale factor scale


GPL v3