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Mark Moffat edited this page Oct 7, 2020 · 4 revisions

Payment providers included:

Paypal (Payments)

The Paypal config file is located: /config/payment/config/paypal.json. A example Paypal settings file is provided:

    "description": "Paypal payment",
    "mode": "live", // sandbox or live
    "client_id": "this_is_not_real",
    "client_secret": "this_is_not_real",
    "paypalCartDescription": "expressCart", // Shows as the Paypal description
    "paypalCurrency": "USD" // The Paypal currency to charge in

Note: The client_id and client_secret is obtained from your Paypal account.

Stripe (Payments)

The Stripe config file is located: /config/payment/config/stripe.json. A example Stripe settings file is provided:

    "description": "Card payment",
    "secretKey": "sk_test_this_is_not_real",
    "publicKey": "pk_test_this_is_not_real",
    "stripeCurrency": "usd", The Stripe currency to charge in
    "stripeDescription": "expressCart payment", // Shows as the Stripe description
    "stripeLogoURL": "http://localhost:1111/images/stripelogo.png" // URL to the logo to display on Stripe form
    "stripeWebhookSecret": "whsec_this_is_not_real"

Note: The secretKey, publicKey and stripeWebhookSecret is obtained from your Stripe account dashboard.

Blockonomics (Bitcoin Payments)

You have to configure the HTTP Callback URL parameter into Blockonomics -> Merchants -> Settings: http://CartURL/blockonomics/checkout_return where CartURL is the address of your server

The Blockonomics config file is located: /config/payment/config/blockonomics.json. A example Blockonomics settings file is provided:

    "description": "Blockonomics payment",
    "apiKey": "this_is_not_real",
    "hostUrl": "", // You usually don't need to change this
    "newAddressApi": "/api/new_address", // You usually don't need to change this
    "priceApi": "/api/price?currency=" // You usually don't need to change this

Note: The apiKey is obtained from your Blockonomics account. (Payments)

The config file is located: /config/payment/config/authorizenet.json. A example settings file is provided:

    "description": "Card payment",
    "loginId": "loginId",
    "transactionKey": "transactionKey",
    "clientKey": "clientKey",
    "mode": "test"

Note: The credentials are obtained from your account dashboard.

Adyen (Payments)

The Adyen config file is located: /config/payment/config/adyen.json. A example Adyen settings file is provided:

    "description": "Card payment",
    "environment": "TEST",
    "apiKey": "this_is_not_real",
    "originKey": "this_is_not_real",
    "merchantAccount": "this_is_not_real",
    "statementDescriptor": "a_statement_descriptor",
    "currency": "AUD"

Note: The publicKey, apiKey and merchantAccount is obtained from your Adyen account dashboard.

Westpac PayWay (Payments)

The PayWay config file is located: /config/payment/config/payway.json. A example PayWay settings file is provided:

    "description": "Card payment",
    "apiKey": "TXXXXX_SEC_btbqXxXxqgtzXk2p27hapvxXXXXxw28gh3febtuaf2etnkXxXxehdqu98u",
    "publishableApiKey": "T11266_PUB_btbq8r6sqgtz5k2p27hapvx8nurxw28gh3fepbtua2f2etnkp4bmehdqu98u",
    "merchantId": "TEST"

Note: The apiKey, publishableApiKey and merchantId is obtained from your PayWay account dashboard.

Zip (Payments)

The Zip config file is located: /config/payment/config/zip.json. A example Zip settings file is provided:

    "description": "Pay with Zip",
    "privateKey": "KqtU4WtVeXAAbksD1dPpufYXgtfFe0hL9OhBF7hLXzQ=",
    "mode": "test",
    "currency": "AUD",
    "supportedCountries": [
        "New Zealand"

Note: The privateKey is obtained from your account dashboard.

Instore (Payments)

The Instore config file is located: /config/payment/config/instore.json. A example Instore settings file is provided:

    "description": "Instore payment",
    "orderStatus": "Pending",
    "buttonText": "Place order, pay instore",
    "resultMessage": "The order is place. Please pay for your order instore on pickup."

Note: No payment is actually processed. The order will move to the orderStatus set and the payment is completed instore.

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