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Collection all competitive programming contributions

  1. LeetCode
  2. Advent of Code
    1. 2022
    2. 2023


ID Title Go Python
1 Two Sum ✔️
9 Palindrome Number ✔️
13 Roman to Integer ✔️
14 Longest Common Prefix ✔️
20 Valid Parentheses ✔️
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists ✔️
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array ✔️
27 Remove Element ✔️
28 Implement strStr() ✔️
35 Search Insert Position ✔️
53 Maximum Subarray ✔️
58 Length of Last Word ✔️
66 Plus One ✔️
67 Add Binary ✔️
69 Sqrt(x) ✔️
70 Climbing Stairs ✔️
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List ✔️
88 Merge Sorted Array ✔️
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal ✔️
100 Same Tree ✔️
101 Symmetric Tree ✔️
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree ✔️
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree ✔️
110 Balanced Binary Tree ✔️
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree ✔️
112 Path Sum ✔️
118 Pascal's Triangle ✔️
119 Pascal's Triangle II ✔️
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ✔️
125 Valid Palindrome ✔️
136 Single Number ✔️
141 Linked List Cycle ✔️
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal ✔️
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal ✔️
160 Intersection of Two Liked Lists ✔️
168 Excel Sheet Column Title ✔️
169 Majority Element ✔️
171 Excel Sheet Column Number ✔️
190 Reverse Bits ✔️
191 Number of 1 Bits ✔️
202 Happy Number ✔️
203 Remove Linked List Elements ✔️
205 Isomorphic Strings ✔️
206 Reverse Linked List ✔️
217 Contains Duplicate ✔️
219 Contains Duplicate II ✔️
225 Implement Stack using Queues ✔️
226 Invert Binary Tree ✔️
228 Summary Ranges ✔️
231 Power of Two ✔️
232 Implement Queue using Stacks ✔️
234 Palindrome Linked List ✔️
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree ✔️
237 Delete Node in a Linked List ✔️
242 Valid Anagram ✔️
257 Binary Tree Paths ✔️
258 Add Digits ✔️
263 Ugly Number ✔️
268 Missing Number ✔️
278 First Bad Version ✔️
283 Move Zeroes ✔️
290 Word Pattern ✔️
292 Nim Game ✔️
326 Power of Three ✔️
338 Counting Bits ✔️
342 Power of Four ✔️
344 Reverse String ✔️
345 Reverse Vowels of a String ✔️
349 Intersection of Two Arrays ✔️
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II ✔️
367 Valid Perfect Square ✔️
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower ✔️
383 Ransom Note ✔️
387 First Unique Character in a String ✔️
389 Find the Difference ✔️
392 Is Subsequence ✔️
401 Binary Watch ✔️
404 Sum of Left Leaves ✔️
405 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal ✔️
409 Longest Palindrome ✔️
412 Fizz Buzz ✔️
414 Third Maximum Number ✔️
415 Add Strings ✔️
434 Number of Segments in a String ✔️
441 Arranging Coins ✔️
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array ✔️
455 Assign Cookies ✔️
459 Repeated Substring Pattern ✔️
461 Hamming Distance ✔️
463 Island Perimeter ✔️
476 Number Complement ✔️
482 License Key Formatting ✔️
485 Max Consecutive Ones ✔️
492 Construct the Rectangle ✔️
495 Teemo Attacking ✔️
496 Next Greater Element I ✔️

Advent of Code

Credits: All credits of the tasks and questions go to Eric Wastl (Twitter: @ericwastl)! Go check out his website: Advent of Code to support him and get further information!

Day Part 1 (Go) Part 2 (Go)
Day Part 1 (Go) Part 2 (Go)