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Design Patterns / Entwurfsmuster

Ich hatte Zeit und wollte hier einfach einmal alle Entwurfsmuster nachprogrammieren, lernen und trainieren.

Somit sind hier alle bisherigen Entwurfsmuster aufgelistet und implementiert. Ich habe versucht die Implementierungen so nahe am Muster zu halten wie möglich, damit diese einfacher zu verstehen sind ohne das man sich in ein Beispiel einlesen muss, welches das Muster anwendet.

Um ein Muster auszuprobieren einfach die main Methode der Client Klasse eines Musters ausführen.

I had some sparetime and just wanted to program, learn and train all the different design patterns.

So here the list of all design patterns already done. I tried to keep them as close to the pattern as possible so that understanding the pattern is easier as if you first have to get a example that implements that specific pattern.

To run a specific pattern simply execute the main method of the Client class of a pattern.

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Table of content / Inhalt:

  Creational Patterns Erzeugungsmuster
Link Factory Method Fabrik Methode
Link Factory Method Static Fabrik Methode Statisch
Link Abstract Factory Abstrakte Fabrik
Link Singleton Einzelstück
Link Multiton Multiton
Link Builder Erbauer
Link Prototype Prototyp
  Structural Patterns Strukturmuster
Link Adapter Adapter
Link Bridge Brücke
Link Composite Kompositum
Link Wrapper / Decorator Dekorierer
Link Facade Fassade
Link Flyweight Fliegengewicht
Link Proxy Proxy
Link Chained Proxy Verketteter Proxy
  Behaviour Patterns Verhaltensmuster
Link Chain of Responsibility Zuständigkeitskette
Link Command Kommando / Befehl
Link Interceptor Interceptor
Link Interpreter Interpreter
Link Iterator / Cursor Iterator
Link Mediator Vermittler
Link Token / Memento Memento
Link Observer Beobachter
Link State Zustand
Link Strategy Strategie
Link Template Method Schablonenmethode
Link Visitor Besucher
Link Null Object Null Objekt
  Data Patterns Datenmuster
Link Unit of Work Unit of Work
Link Data Mapper Data Mapper
  GUI Patterns Oberflächenmuster
Link Model View Controller Model View Controller
  Other Patterns Andere Muster
Link Callback Callback
Link Marker Markierung
Link Monad Monade
Link Double checked locking Double checked locking
  Template Template

Open / TODO:

  • Abstract document
  • Acyclic visitor
  • Aggregator microservices
  • Ambassador
  • API gateway
  • Async method invocation
  • Balking
  • Business delegate
  • Caching
  • Collection pipeline
  • Converter
  • CQRS
  • DAO
  • Data bus
  • Data transfer object
  • Delegation
  • Dependency injection
  • Dirty flag
  • Double dispatch
  • EIP aggregator
  • EIP message channel
  • EIP publish subscribe
  • EIP splitter
  • EIP wire tap
  • Event aggregator
  • Event aggregator
  • Event asynchronous
  • Event driven architecture
  • Event queue
  • Event sourcing
  • Execute around
  • Extension objects
  • Factory kit
  • Feature toggle
  • Fluentinterface
  • Flux
  • Front controller
  • Guarded suspension
  • Half sync half async
  • Hexagonal
  • Intercepting filter
  • Layers
  • Lazy loading
  • Master worker pattern
  • Model view presenter
  • Module
  • Monostate
  • Mute idiom
  • Mutex
  • Naked objects
  • Object mother
  • Object pool
  • Page object
  • Partial response
  • Poison pill
  • Private class data
  • Producer consumer
  • Promise
  • Property
  • Queue load leveling
  • Reactor
  • Reader writer lock
  • Repository
  • Resource acquisition is initialisation
  • Retry
  • Semaphore
  • Servant
  • Serverless
  • Service layer
  • Service Locator
  • Spatial partition
  • Specification
  • Step builder
  • Thread pool
  • Throttling
  • TLS
  • Tolerant reader
  • Trampoline
  • Twin
  • Value object

Nachschlagewerk bot das Buch "Entwurfsmuster" von Matthias Geirhos (2015)

Reference offered the book "Entwurfsmuster" by Matthias Geirhos (2015)