From 05f906130d7c7ace86cf4bdfb00ca30f0d012a66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 15:36:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Update CONTRIBUTING file Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri --- | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index b3aaa7a..f72537e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # Contributing to this project We welcome anyone who can contribute something to this project. +The project aims to remain maintainable and educational, so keep this in mind when preparing your PRs. ## Discussion @@ -14,6 +15,9 @@ We aim to follow the Mathlib style guidelines for all definitions, statements, p - [Documentation style]( - [Mathlib naming conventions]( +In addition we welcome comments explaining what is going on in the code, and ensuring a good level of +readability of the proofs. + ## Collaborating on this project Contributions should be made by forking the repo and then opening a pull request. Most often some discussion in advance is useful. From 86cb0de1e238492f80b200bcd38c9aed7e3adbeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 15:40:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Birkhoff.lean: import changes to from wip branch Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri --- BET/Birkhoff.lean | 479 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 439 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) diff --git a/BET/Birkhoff.lean b/BET/Birkhoff.lean index 6fcc479..60c2ab7 100644 --- a/BET/Birkhoff.lean +++ b/BET/Birkhoff.lean @@ -31,59 +31,458 @@ open BigOperators MeasureTheory /- - `T` is a measure preserving map of a probability space `(α, μ)`, -- `f g : α → ℝ` are integrable. +- `φ : α → ℝ` is integrable. +-/ +variable {α : Type*} [m0: MeasurableSpace α] +/- +The original sigma-algebra is now named m0 because we need to distiguish +b/w that the the invariant sigma-algebra. -/ -variable {α : Type*} [MeasurableSpace α] variable {μ : MeasureTheory.Measure α} [MeasureTheory.IsProbabilityMeasure μ] -variable {T : α → α} (hT : MeasurePreserving T μ) -variable {f g : α → ℝ} (hf : Integrable f μ) (hg : Integrable g μ) -variable (x : α) -variable (n : ℕ) - -/- define `A := { x | sup_n ∑_{i=0}^{n} f(T^i x) = ∞}`. -def A := { x : α | ∃ n, ∀ C : ℝ, ∑ i in Finset.range n, f (T^[i] x) > C } - -define `A := { x | lim_n ∑_{i=0}^{n} f(T^i x) = ∞}`. +variable (T : α → α) (hT : MeasurePreserving T μ) +variable (φ : α → ℝ) (hphi : Integrable φ μ) (hphim : Measurable φ) +/- For the moment it's convenient to also assume that φ is measurable +because for Lean Integrable means almost everywhere (strongly) measurable +and, as I said, I think it's not convenient to carry around "a.e." in the +main prooof. We can probably fix this later by taking an almost everywhere +(strongly) measurable fn, turn it into a truly measurable function which is +a.e. equal to the given function, apply the thoerem to this one and then +derive conclusions for the original function -/ +variable (R : Type*) [DivisionSemiring R] [Module R ℝ] -- used for birkhoffAverage + +lemma map_measurable : Measurable T := by + exact hT.measurable + +/- when calling the definition below, T will be an explicit argument, because we made +T an explicit variable (and we couldn't do otherwise, Floris explained) and becauae we +used T in the construction of the definition -/ +def invSigmaAlg : MeasurableSpace α where + MeasurableSet' := fun s ↦ MeasurableSet s ∧ T ⁻¹' s = s + -- also 'MeasurableSet' s := MeasurableSet s ∧ T ⁻¹' s = s' + measurableSet_empty := by + constructor + · exact MeasurableSet.empty + · exact rfl + measurableSet_compl := by + intro s + dsimp only -- problems at least with infoview on this part + intro hinit -- the last 3 lines can be abbreviated to: 'intro h hinit' + obtain ⟨hinit1, hinit2⟩ := hinit + constructor + · exact MeasurableSet.compl hinit1 + · exact congrArg compl hinit2 -- this was suggested by Lean + measurableSet_iUnion := by + intro s + dsimp + intro hinit + constructor + · have hi1st : ∀ i, MeasurableSet (s i) := by + intro i + exact (hinit i).left + exact MeasurableSet.iUnion hi1st + · have hi2nd : ∀ i, T ⁻¹'(s i) = s i := by + intro i + exact (hinit i).right + rw [Set.preimage_iUnion] + exact Set.iUnion_congr hi2nd + + + + +/- the lemma below was a problem because it was hard to find out what m ≤ m0 meant, when +m, m0 are measurable spaces. Hovering over the ≤ sign in infoview and following links +explained it: +instance : LE (MeasurableSpace α) where le m₁ m₂ := ∀ s, MeasurableSet[m₁] s → MeasurableSet[m₂] s +-/ +lemma leq_InvSigmaAlg_FullAlg : invSigmaAlg T ≤ m0 := by + intro s hs -- here the infoview is faulty and doesn't show everything (known Lean problem, Floris says) + exact hs.left + + +open Finset in +/-- The max of the first `n + 1` Birkhoff sums, i.e., +`maxOfSums T φ x n` corresponds to `max {birkhoffSum T φ 1 x,..., birkhoffSum T φ (n + 1) x}`. -/ +def maxOfSums (x : α) (n : ℕ) := + sup' (range (n + 1)) (nonempty_range_succ) (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) + +/- Note that maxOfSums T φ x n corresponds to Φ_{n+1} -/ + +theorem maxOfSums_zero : maxOfSums T φ x 0 = φ x := by + unfold maxOfSums + simp only [zero_add, Finset.range_one, Finset.sup'_singleton, birkhoffSum_one'] + +/-- `maxOfSums` is monotone (one step version). -/ +theorem maxOfSums_succ_le (x : α) (n : ℕ) : (maxOfSums T φ x n) ≤ (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1)) := by + exact Finset.sup'_mono (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) + (Finset.range_subset.mpr (Nat.le.step Nat.le.refl)) Finset.nonempty_range_succ + +/-- `maxOfSums` is monotone (explict version). -/ +theorem maxOfSums_le_le (x : α) (m n : ℕ) (hmn : m ≤ n) : + (maxOfSums T φ x m) ≤ (maxOfSums T φ x n) := by + induction' n with n hi + rw [ hmn] + rcases Nat.of_le_succ hmn with hc | hc + exact le_trans (hi hc) (maxOfSums_succ_le T φ x n) + rw [hc] + +/-- `maxOfSums` is monotone. +(Uncertain which is the best phrasing to keep of these options.) -/ +theorem maxOfSums_Monotone (x : α) : Monotone (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) := by + unfold Monotone + intros n m hmn + exact maxOfSums_le_le T φ x n m hmn + +open Filter in +/-- The set of divergent points `{ x | lim_n Φ_n x = ∞}`. -/ +def divSet := { x : α | Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) atTop atTop } + +/- Marco morking here + +open Finset in +lemma maxOfSums_measurable : ∀ n, Measurable (fun x ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) := by + intro n + have hBSm : ∀ (k : range (n + 1)), Measurable (fun x ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k+1) x) := by sorry + have pivot : maxOfSums T φ x n = ⨆ (k : range (n + 1)), (fun x ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k+1) x) := by sorry + let hend := measurable_iSup hBSm + rw [pivot] + exact -/ -def A := { x : α | Filter.Tendsto (fun n ↦ ∑ i in Finset.range n, f (T^[i] x)) Filter.atTop Filter.atTop } - -/- `A` is in `I = inv_sigma_algebra`. -/ --- idea: is it better to define a new type measurable sets in alpha and then restrict to that type? --- def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ T⁻¹' S = S } -def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ IsInvariant (fun n x ↦ T^[n] x) S } - -/- define `Φ_n : max { ∑_{i=0}^{n} φ ∘ T^i }_{k ≤ n}` -/ - -/- ∀ `x ∈ A`, `Φ_{n+1}(x) - Φ_{n}(T(x)) = φ(x) - min(0,Φ_{n}(T(x))) ≥ φ(x)` decreases to `φ(x)`. -/ - -/- Using dominated convergence, `0 ≤ ∫_A (Φ_{n+1} - Φ_{n}) dμ = ∫_A (Φ_{n+1} - Φ_{n} ∘ T) dμ → ∫_A φ dμ`. -/ - -/- `(1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^k ≤ Φ_n / n`. -/ - -/- If `x ∉ A`, `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^i ≤ 0`. -/ -/- If conditional expectation of `φ` is negative, i.e., `∫_C φ dμ = ∫_C φ|_inv_sigmal_algebra dμ < 0` for all `C` in `inv_sigma_algebra` with `μ(C) > 0`, -then `μ(A) = 0`. -/ -/- Then (assumptions as prior step) `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^i ≤ 0` a.e. -/ +/- +here I plan to use +theorem measurable_iSup {α : Type u_1} {δ : Type u_5} [TopologicalSpace α] +[MeasurableSpace α] [BorelSpace α] [MeasurableSpace δ] +[ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder α] [OrderTopology α] +[TopologicalSpace.SecondCountableTopology α] {ι : Sort u_6} +[Countable ι] {f : ι → δ → α} (hf : ∀ (i : ι), Measurable (f i)) : +Measurable fun b => ⨆ i, f i b +-/ -/- Let `φ = f - f|_I - ε`. -/ + -- XXXXXXX Marco working here!!! -/- `f_I ∘ T = f|_I` and so `(1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^k = (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^k - f_I - ε`. -/ -/- `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^i ≤ f|_I + ε` a.e. -/ -/- Replacing `f` with `-f` we get the lower bound. -/ +/- can probably be stated without the '[m0]' part -/ +lemma divSet_neasurable : MeasurableSet[m0] (divSet T φ) := by sorry +/- +For the above lemma we need to use that the set A, defined by all x s.t. +lim_n φ_n = ∞ is m0-measurable. Since φ is measurable (b/c integrable) +it all boils down to understanding what Lean means with φ : α → ℝ being +measurable, that is, wrt to what sigma-algebra in ℝ. Since ℝ is ℝ, Lean +might assume it's wrt the Lebesgue measurable sets. In this case, we're +good. Of course we still need to find a lemma in mathlib that says that +the "counterimage of ∞ is measurable". Note that the lemma can't say +exactly that becuase φ takes values in ℝ and not in ENNReal (in which +case we might have had a chance). +In any case, if we don't find such lemma, I can easily produce it. +-/ -/- Birkhoff's theorem: Almost surely, `birkhoffAverage ℝ f g n x` converges to the conditional expectation of `f`. -/ -#check birkhoffAverage ℝ T f n x +/- ∀ `x ∈ A`, `Φ_{n+1}(x) - Φ_{n}(T(x)) = φ(x) - min(0,Φ_{n}(T(x))) ≥ φ(x)` decreases to `φ(x)`. -/ -/- If `T` is ergodic, show that the invariant sigma-algebra is a.e. trivial. -/ +/-- Convenient combination of `birkhoffSum` terms. -/ +theorem birkhoffSum_succ_image (n : ℕ) (x : α) : + birkhoffSum T φ n (T x) = birkhoffSum T φ (n + 1) x - φ x := by + rw [birkhoffSum_add T φ n 1 x] + rw [eq_add_of_sub_eq' (birkhoffSum_apply_sub_birkhoffSum T φ n x)] + simp + exact add_sub (birkhoffSum T φ n x) (φ (T^[n] x)) (φ x) + +/-- Would expect this to be in `Mathlib/Data/Finset/Lattice`. +Or perhaps there is already an easier way to extract it from mathlib? -/ +theorem sup'_eq_iff_le {s : Finset β} [SemilatticeSup α] (H : s.Nonempty) (f : β → α) (hs : a ∈ s) : + s.sup' H f = f a ↔ ∀ b ∈ s, f b ≤ f a := by + constructor + · intros h0 b h2 + rw [← h0] + exact Finset.le_sup' f h2 + · intro h1 + have hle : s.sup' H f ≤ f a := by + simp only [Finset.sup'_le_iff] + exact h1 + exact (LE.le.ge_iff_eq hle).mp (Finset.le_sup' f hs) + +/-- convenient because used several times in proving claim 1 -/ +theorem map_range_Nonempty (n : ℕ) : ( (addLeftEmbedding 1) + (Finset.range (n + 1))).Nonempty := by + use 1 + refine Finset.mem_map.mpr ?h.a + use 0 + constructor + · simp only [Finset.mem_range, add_pos_iff, zero_lt_one, or_true] + · exact rfl + +open Finset in +/-- modified from mathlib to make f explicit - isn't the version in mathlib inconvenient? -/ +theorem comp_sup'_eq_sup'_comp_alt [SemilatticeSup α] [SemilatticeSup γ] {s : Finset β} + (H : s.Nonempty) (f : β → α) + (g : α → γ) (g_sup : ∀ x y, g (x ⊔ y) = g x ⊔ g y) : g (s.sup' H f) = s.sup' H (g ∘ f) := by + refine' H.cons_induction _ _ <;> intros <;> simp [*] + +open Finset in +/-- Claim 1: a convenient equality for `maxOfSums`. -/ +theorem claim1 (n : ℕ) (x : α) : + maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = φ x - min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) := by + -- Consider `maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) = max {birkhoffSum T φ 1 x,..., birkhoffSum T φ (n + 2) x}` + -- tthe max is equal to the first term or the max of all the other terms + have hc : maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) = birkhoffSum T φ 1 x ∨ + maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) = sup' (map (addLeftEmbedding 1) (range (n + 1))) + (map_range_Nonempty n) fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x := by + have h0 : range (n + 2) = {0} ∪ map (addLeftEmbedding 1) (range (n + 1)) := by + rw [← range_one, ← Nat.add_comm 1 (n + 1)] + exact range_add_eq_union 1 (n + 1) + have h1 := sup'_union (singleton_nonempty 0) (map_range_Nonempty n) + (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) + simp_rw [← h0] at h1 + -- the max is the max of first term and the max of all the other terms + have h2 : maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) = max (birkhoffSum T φ 1 x) + (sup' (map (addLeftEmbedding 1) (range (n + 1))) (map_range_Nonempty n) + fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) := by + unfold maxOfSums + rw [h1] + simp + exact rfl + have h3 := max_choice (birkhoffSum T φ 1 x) + (sup' (map (addLeftEmbedding 1) (range (n + 1))) (map_range_Nonempty n) + fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) + rw [← h2] at h3 + exact h3 + -- divide into cases + rcases hc with hcl | hcr + -- case when max is the first term + have h35 : ∀ k ∈ range (n + 1 + 1), birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x ≤ birkhoffSum T φ 1 x := by + have h41 : 0 ∈ (range (n + 1 + 1)) := mem_range.mpr (Nat.add_pos_right (n + 1) Nat.le.refl) + have h11 := sup'_eq_iff_le nonempty_range_succ (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) h41 + simp at h11 + simp + refine' _ + unfold maxOfSums at hcl + simp at hcl + exact hcl + have h1 : birkhoffSum T φ 1 x = φ x := birkhoffSum_one T φ x + have h2 : ∀ k, birkhoffSum T φ k (T x) = birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x - φ x := by + intro k + exact birkhoffSum_succ_image T φ k x + have h3 : ∀ k ≤ n + 1, birkhoffSum T φ k (T x) ≤ 0 := by + intros k hk + rw [h2] + rw [h1] at hcl + simp only [tsub_le_iff_right, zero_add] + rw [birkhoffSum_one'] at h35 + exact h35 k (mem_range_succ_iff.mpr hk) + have h4 : maxOfSums T φ (T x) n ≤ 0 := by + unfold maxOfSums + simp only [sup'_le_iff, mem_range] + intros k hk + rw [Nat.lt_succ] at hk + refine h3 (k + 1) (Nat.add_le_add hk Nat.le.refl) + have h5 : min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := min_eq_right h4 + linarith + -- case when max is not achieved by the first element + rw [sup'_map (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) (map_range_Nonempty n)] at hcr + simp at hcr + have h1 : maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) = φ x + maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := by + rw [hcr] + unfold maxOfSums + have h4 (k : ℕ) (_ : k ∈ range (n + 1)) := birkhoffSum_succ' T φ (k + 1) x + have h5 := sup'_congr nonempty_range_succ rfl h4 + have h7 := comp_sup'_eq_sup'_comp_alt (nonempty_range_succ : (range (n + 1)).Nonempty) + (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) (T x)) (fun a ↦ (φ x) + a ) (fun a b ↦ add_sup a b (φ x)) + simp at h7 + simp at h5 + simp_rw [← h7] at h5 + simp_rw [← h5, add_comm] + -- in this case the min is zero + have h8 : 0 ≤ maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := by + have h9 : φ x ≤ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) := by + unfold maxOfSums + have h41 : 0 ∈ (range (n + 1 + 1)) := mem_range.mpr (Nat.add_pos_right (n + 1) Nat.le.refl) + have h10 := le_sup' (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) h41 + simp at h10 + norm_num + exact h10 + linarith + rw [min_eq_left h8, h1] + simp + +open Filter in +/-- Eventual equality - variant with assumption on `T x`. -/ +theorem diff_evenutally_of_divSet' (x : α) (hx : (T x) ∈ divSet T φ ): + ∀ᶠ n in atTop, maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = φ x := by + unfold divSet at hx + simp at hx + -- since `maxOfSums T φ (T x) n` → ∞, eventually `min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = 0` + have h1 : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = 0 := by + have h0 : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, 0 ≤ maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := by + exact Tendsto.eventually_ge_atTop hx 0 + simp at h0 + simp + obtain ⟨k,hk⟩ := h0 + use k + simp only [eventually_atTop, ge_iff_le] at h1 + obtain ⟨k,hk⟩ := h1 + simp + use k + intros m hm + -- take advantage of claim 1 + have h3 := claim1 T φ m x + rw [hk m hm, sub_zero] at h3 + exact h3 + +open Filter in +/-- Eventual equality - variant with assumption on `x`. -/ +theorem diff_evenutally_of_divSet (x : α) (hx : x ∈ divSet T φ): + ∀ᶠ n in atTop, maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = φ x := by + unfold divSet at hx + simp at hx + have hx' : Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1)) atTop atTop := by + exact (tendsto_add_atTop_iff_nat 1).mpr hx + -- since `maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1)` → ∞, eventually `min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = 0` + have h1 : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = 0 := by + have h2 : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, φ x + 1 ≤ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) := by + exact Tendsto.eventually_ge_atTop hx' (φ x + 1) + simp at h2 + obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := h2 + simp + use k + intros n hn + have h3 := hk n hn + have h5 := eq_add_of_sub_eq' (claim1 T φ n x) + rw [h5] at h3 + by_contra hf + push_neg at hf + have h4 : min 0 (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) = maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := by + simp + apply le_of_lt + exact hf + rw [h4] at h5 + simp at h5 + linarith + simp only [eventually_atTop, ge_iff_le] at h1 + obtain ⟨k,hk⟩ := h1 + simp + use k + intros m hm + -- take advantage of claim 1 + have h3 := claim1 T φ m x + rw [hk m hm, sub_zero] at h3 + exact h3 + +open Filter in +/-- Claim 2: the set of divergent points is invariant. -/ +theorem divSet_inv : T⁻¹' (divSet T φ) = (divSet T φ) := by + ext x + constructor + · intro hx + have h2' : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - φ x := by + -- there should be a slicker way of rearranging the equality in Tendsto ------------------ + simp + have h2 := diff_evenutally_of_divSet' T φ x hx + simp at h2 + obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := h2 + use k + intros n hn + suffices hs : maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = φ x by linarith + exact hk n hn + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + -- use the eventual equality + have h5 : Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - φ x) atTop atTop := by + exact Tendsto.congr' h2' hx + -- rearrange using properties of `Tendsto` + have h6 : Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1)) atTop atTop := by + have h7 := tendsto_atTop_add_const_right atTop (φ x) h5 + simp at h7 + exact h7 + refine' (tendsto_add_atTop_iff_nat 1).mp _ + exact h6 + · intro hx + have hx' : Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1)) atTop atTop := by + exact (tendsto_add_atTop_iff_nat 1).mpr hx + -- eventually we have a precise equality between the two maxOfSums + have h2' : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - φ x = maxOfSums T φ (T x) n := by + -- there should be a slicker way of rearranging the equality in Tendsto ------------------ + simp + have h2 := diff_evenutally_of_divSet T φ x hx + simp at h2 + obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := h2 + use k + intros n hn + suffices hs : maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n = φ x by linarith + exact hk n hn + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + exact Tendsto.congr' h2' (tendsto_atTop_add_const_right atTop (- φ x) hx') + +/-- Framed formula: the negative difference of maxOfSums is monotone. -/ +theorem diff_Monotone (x : α) : Monotone (fun n ↦ -(maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n)) := by + unfold Monotone + intros n m hnm + simp_rw [claim1] + simp + by_cases hc : 0 ≤ maxOfSums T φ (T x) m + · left + exact hc + · right + exact maxOfSums_Monotone T φ (T x) hnm + +open Filter in +/-- ✨ Outside the divergent set the limsup of Birkhoff average is non positive. -/ +theorem non_positive_of_notin_divSet (x : α) (hx : x ∉ divSet T φ) : + limsup (fun n ↦ (birkhoffAverage R T φ n x)) ≤ 0 := by + /- By `hx` we know that `n ↦ birkhoffSum T φ n x` is bounded. Conclude dividing by `n`. -/ + sorry + +/-- `divSet T φ` is a measurable set -/ +theorem divSet_MeasurableSet : MeasurableSet (divSet T φ) := by + /- ? -/ + sorry + +open Filter Topology Measure in +/-- The integral of an observable over the divergent set is nonnegative. -/ +theorem integral_nonneg : 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), φ x ∂μ := by + have h0 (n : ℕ) : 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ := by + have hn : n ≤ (n + 1) := by simp + have h01 : ∀ x ∈ divSet T φ, 0 ≤ (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ x n) := by + intros x hx + have h00 := maxOfSums_Monotone T φ x hn + linarith + exact set_integral_nonneg (divSet_MeasurableSet T φ) h01 + have h1 (n : ℕ) : ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ = + ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ := by + have h10 : ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ = + ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ := by + /- Invariance using that divSet and μ are invariant + with + - `divSet_inv` + -/ + sorry + have h11 (n : ℕ) : Integrable (fun x ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) (restrict μ (divSet T φ)) := by + sorry + have h12 (n : ℕ) : Integrable (fun x ↦ maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) (restrict μ (divSet T φ)) := by + sorry + rw [integral_sub (h11 (n + 1)) (h11 n), h10, ← integral_sub (h11 (n + 1)) (h12 n)] + have h2 : + Tendsto (fun n ↦ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) + - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ) atTop (nhds (∫ x in (divSet T φ), φ x ∂μ)) := by + /- Use monotone convergence theorem + - `lintegral_iSup` + - `lintegral_tendsto_of_tendsto_of_monotone` + - `lintegral_iSup'` + with + - `diff_Monotone` + - `diff_evenutally_of_divSet` + -/ + sorry + have h3 (n : ℕ) : 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) + - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ := by + calc 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ := h0 n + _ = ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ := h1 n + exact le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' tendsto_const_nhds h2 h3 -/- Show that the conditional expectation with respect to an a.e. trivial subalgebra is a.e. -the integral. -/ -/- Birkhoff theorem for ergodic maps. -/ +/- `A` is in `I = inv_sigma_algebra`. -/ +-- idea: is it better to define a new type measureable sets in alpha and then restrict to that type? +-- def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ T⁻¹' S = S } +-- def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ IsInvariant (fun n x ↦ T^[n] x) S } end Ergodic_Theory From b95eef3fab69288bb04efa96a357ee18bc14c004 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 15:40:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Birkhoff.lean: slighlty polish comments and proofs Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri --- BET/Birkhoff.lean | 69 ++++++++++++++++------------------------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) diff --git a/BET/Birkhoff.lean b/BET/Birkhoff.lean index 60c2ab7..472af45 100644 --- a/BET/Birkhoff.lean +++ b/BET/Birkhoff.lean @@ -36,42 +36,43 @@ open BigOperators MeasureTheory variable {α : Type*} [m0: MeasurableSpace α] /- The original sigma-algebra is now named m0 because we need to distiguish -b/w that the the invariant sigma-algebra. +b/w that and the invariant sigma-algebra. -/ variable {μ : MeasureTheory.Measure α} [MeasureTheory.IsProbabilityMeasure μ] variable (T : α → α) (hT : MeasurePreserving T μ) variable (φ : α → ℝ) (hphi : Integrable φ μ) (hphim : Measurable φ) /- For the moment it's convenient to also assume that φ is measurable because for Lean Integrable means almost everywhere (strongly) measurable -and, as I said, I think it's not convenient to carry around "a.e." in the -main prooof. We can probably fix this later by taking an almost everywhere +and it's not convenient to carry around "a.e." in the main prooof. +We can probably fix this later by taking an almost everywhere (strongly) measurable fn, turn it into a truly measurable function which is a.e. equal to the given function, apply the thoerem to this one and then derive conclusions for the original function -/ variable (R : Type*) [DivisionSemiring R] [Module R ℝ] -- used for birkhoffAverage -lemma map_measurable : Measurable T := by - exact hT.measurable - -/- when calling the definition below, T will be an explicit argument, because we made -T an explicit variable (and we couldn't do otherwise, Floris explained) and becauae we -used T in the construction of the definition -/ +/- when calling the definition below, T will be an explicit argument. +This is for two reasons: +- we made T an explicit variable (and we couldn't do otherwise, Floris explained), and +- we used T in the construction of the definition -/ def invSigmaAlg : MeasurableSpace α where + -- same as `MeasurableSet' s := MeasurableSet s ∧ T ⁻¹' s = s` MeasurableSet' := fun s ↦ MeasurableSet s ∧ T ⁻¹' s = s - -- also 'MeasurableSet' s := MeasurableSet s ∧ T ⁻¹' s = s' measurableSet_empty := by constructor · exact MeasurableSet.empty · exact rfl measurableSet_compl := by - intro s - dsimp only -- problems at least with infoview on this part - intro hinit -- the last 3 lines can be abbreviated to: 'intro h hinit' - obtain ⟨hinit1, hinit2⟩ := hinit + -- intro s + -- dsimp only + -- intro hinit + -- obtain ⟨hinit1, hinit2⟩ := hinit + -- the above can be abbreviated as follows + intro h ⟨hinit1, hinit2⟩ constructor · exact MeasurableSet.compl hinit1 · exact congrArg compl hinit2 -- this was suggested by Lean measurableSet_iUnion := by + -- now we explicitly want s, so we need to intro it intro s dsimp intro hinit @@ -87,11 +88,8 @@ def invSigmaAlg : MeasurableSpace α where exact Set.iUnion_congr hi2nd - - -/- the lemma below was a problem because it was hard to find out what m ≤ m0 meant, when -m, m0 are measurable spaces. Hovering over the ≤ sign in infoview and following links -explained it: +/- it was hard to find out what `m ≤ m0` meant, when `m, m0` are measurable spaces. +Hovering over the `≤` sign in infoview and following the links explained it: instance : LE (MeasurableSpace α) where le m₁ m₂ := ∀ s, MeasurableSet[m₁] s → MeasurableSet[m₂] s -/ lemma leq_InvSigmaAlg_FullAlg : invSigmaAlg T ≤ m0 := by @@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ open Finset in def maxOfSums (x : α) (n : ℕ) := sup' (range (n + 1)) (nonempty_range_succ) (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) -/- Note that maxOfSums T φ x n corresponds to Φ_{n+1} -/ +/- Note that maxOfSums T φ x n corresponds to Φ_{n+1} in our notation -/ theorem maxOfSums_zero : maxOfSums T φ x 0 = φ x := by unfold maxOfSums @@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ theorem maxOfSums_succ_le (x : α) (n : ℕ) : (maxOfSums T φ x n) ≤ (maxOfSu exact Finset.sup'_mono (fun k ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k + 1) x) (Finset.range_subset.mpr (Nat.le.step Nat.le.refl)) Finset.nonempty_range_succ -/-- `maxOfSums` is monotone (explict version). -/ +/-- `maxOfSums` is monotone (general steps version). -/ theorem maxOfSums_le_le (x : α) (m n : ℕ) (hmn : m ≤ n) : (maxOfSums T φ x m) ≤ (maxOfSums T φ x n) := by induction' n with n hi @@ -136,31 +134,10 @@ open Filter in /-- The set of divergent points `{ x | lim_n Φ_n x = ∞}`. -/ def divSet := { x : α | Tendsto (fun n ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) atTop atTop } -/- Marco morking here - open Finset in +-- Marco is working on this lemma maxOfSums_measurable : ∀ n, Measurable (fun x ↦ maxOfSums T φ x n) := by - intro n - have hBSm : ∀ (k : range (n + 1)), Measurable (fun x ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k+1) x) := by sorry - have pivot : maxOfSums T φ x n = ⨆ (k : range (n + 1)), (fun x ↦ birkhoffSum T φ (k+1) x) := by sorry - let hend := measurable_iSup hBSm - rw [pivot] - exact --/ - - -/- -here I plan to use -theorem measurable_iSup {α : Type u_1} {δ : Type u_5} [TopologicalSpace α] -[MeasurableSpace α] [BorelSpace α] [MeasurableSpace δ] -[ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder α] [OrderTopology α] -[TopologicalSpace.SecondCountableTopology α] {ι : Sort u_6} -[Countable ι] {f : ι → δ → α} (hf : ∀ (i : ι), Measurable (f i)) : -Measurable fun b => ⨆ i, f i b --/ - - -- XXXXXXX Marco working here!!! - + sorry /- can probably be stated without the '[m0]' part -/ @@ -189,7 +166,7 @@ theorem birkhoffSum_succ_image (n : ℕ) (x : α) : simp exact add_sub (birkhoffSum T φ n x) (φ (T^[n] x)) (φ x) -/-- Would expect this to be in `Mathlib/Data/Finset/Lattice`. +/- Would expect this to be in `Mathlib/Data/Finset/Lattice`. Or perhaps there is already an easier way to extract it from mathlib? -/ theorem sup'_eq_iff_le {s : Finset β} [SemilatticeSup α] (H : s.Nonempty) (f : β → α) (hs : a ∈ s) : s.sup' H f = f a ↔ ∀ b ∈ s, f b ≤ f a := by @@ -203,7 +180,7 @@ theorem sup'_eq_iff_le {s : Finset β} [SemilatticeSup α] (H : s.Nonempty) (f : exact h1 exact (LE.le.ge_iff_eq hle).mp (Finset.le_sup' f hs) -/-- convenient because used several times in proving claim 1 -/ +/- convenient because used several times in proving claim 1 -/ theorem map_range_Nonempty (n : ℕ) : ( (addLeftEmbedding 1) (Finset.range (n + 1))).Nonempty := by use 1 From 28302a2805ce8b70d9f48830688128a8880fde99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 16:14:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Birkhoff.lean: avoid deprecation warning Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri --- BET/Birkhoff.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/BET/Birkhoff.lean b/BET/Birkhoff.lean index 472af45..0755e36 100644 --- a/BET/Birkhoff.lean +++ b/BET/Birkhoff.lean @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ theorem integral_nonneg : 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), φ x ∂μ := by intros x hx have h00 := maxOfSums_Monotone T φ x hn linarith - exact set_integral_nonneg (divSet_MeasurableSet T φ) h01 + exact setIntegral_nonneg (divSet_MeasurableSet T φ) h01 have h1 (n : ℕ) : ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ = ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x (n + 1) - maxOfSums T φ (T x) n) ∂μ := by have h10 : ∫ x in (divSet T φ), (maxOfSums T φ x n) ∂μ = From 3f03f861bee781ebad008a083244c9b994e715a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 16:19:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Birkhoff.lean: keep the sketch of the proof for reference Signed-off-by: Marcello Seri --- BET/Birkhoff.lean | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+) diff --git a/BET/Birkhoff.lean b/BET/Birkhoff.lean index 0755e36..977f79b 100644 --- a/BET/Birkhoff.lean +++ b/BET/Birkhoff.lean @@ -457,9 +457,43 @@ theorem integral_nonneg : 0 ≤ ∫ x in (divSet T φ), φ x ∂μ := by exact le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' tendsto_const_nhds h2 h3 +-- Sketch of the proof of the main theorem, for reference + /- `A` is in `I = inv_sigma_algebra`. -/ -- idea: is it better to define a new type measureable sets in alpha and then restrict to that type? -- def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ T⁻¹' S = S } -- def inv_sigma_algebra := { S : Set α | MeasurableSet S ∧ IsInvariant (fun n x ↦ T^[n] x) S } +/- define `Φ_n : max { ∑_{i=0}^{n} φ ∘ T^i }_{k ≤ n}` -/ + +/- ∀ `x ∈ A`, `Φ_{n+1}(x) - Φ_{n}(T(x)) = φ(x) - min(0,Φ_{n}(T(x))) ≥ φ(x)` decreases to `φ(x)`. -/ + +/- Using dominated convergence, `0 ≤ ∫_A (Φ_{n+1} - Φ_{n}) dμ = ∫_A (Φ_{n+1} - Φ_{n} ∘ T) dμ → ∫_A φ dμ`. -/ + +/- `(1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^k ≤ Φ_n / n`. -/ + +/- If `x ∉ A`, `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^i ≤ 0`. -/ + +/- If conditional expectation of `φ` is negative, i.e., `∫_C φ dμ = ∫_C φ|_inv_sigmal_algebra dμ < 0` for all `C` in `inv_sigma_algebra` with `μ(C) > 0`, +then `μ(A) = 0`. -/ + +/- Then (assumptions as prior step) `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} φ ∘ T^i ≤ 0` a.e. -/ + +/- Let `φ = f - f|_I - ε`. -/ + +/- `f_I ∘ T = f|_I` and so `(1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^k = (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^k - f_I - ε`. -/ + +/- `limsup_n (1/n) ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} f ∘ T^i ≤ f|_I + ε` a.e. -/ + +/- Replacing `f` with `-f` we get the lower bound. -/ + +/- Birkhoff's theorem: Almost surely, `birkhoffAverage ℝ f g n x` converges to the conditional expectation of `f`. -/ + +/- If `T` is ergodic, show that the invariant sigma-algebra is a.e. trivial. -/ + +/- Show that the conditional expectation with respect to an a.e. trivial subalgebra is a.e. +the integral. -/ + +/- Birkhoff theorem for ergodic maps. -/ + end Ergodic_Theory From 443d07050c9e7fa9ad78f986047cd05683b89aa7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Seri Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 19:02:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update Co-authored-by: Oliver Butterley <> --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index f72537e..0bdc966 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # Contributing to this project We welcome anyone who can contribute something to this project. +For efficiency it is best that all pull requests are in response to an open issue. Potential contributors are encouraged to participate in issue conversations or open new issues. The project aims to remain maintainable and educational, so keep this in mind when preparing your PRs. ## Discussion