Here is a response object (removed empty objects & properties) as fetched from the API.
location: {
"name": "Glen Query",
"region": "Maryland",
"country": "United States of America",
"lat": 39.07,
"lon": -77.28,
"tz_id": "America/New_York",
"localtime_epoch": 1662283983,
"localtime": "2022-09-04 5:33"
"current": {
"last_updated_epoch": 1662283800,
"last_updated": "2022-09-04 05:30",
"temp_c": 21.0,
"is_day": 0,
"condition": {
"text": "Clear",
"icon": "//",
"code": 1000
"wind_kph": 6.8,
"wind_dir": "S",
"humidity": 88,
"cloud": 0,
"feelslike_c": 21.0,
"uv": 1.0,
"air_quality": {
"co": 195.3000030517578,
"no2": 3.0,
"o3": 63.70000076293945,
"so2": 0.8999999761581421,
"pm2_5": 11.300000190734863,
"pm10": 13.5,
"us-epa-index": 1,
"gb-defra-index": 1
"forecastday": [
"date": "2022-09-04",
"date_epoch": 1662249600,
"day": {
"avgtemp_c": 25.0,
"totalprecip_mm": 0.0,
"daily_will_it_rain": 0,
"daily_chance_of_rain": 0,
"daily_will_it_snow": 0,
"daily_chance_of_snow": 0,
"condition": {
"text": "Partly cloudy",
"icon": "//",
"code": 1003
"astro": {
"sunrise": "06:40 AM",
"sunset": "07:35 PM"