Given two images source, destination and a mask, it is to blend destination into source in a manner that is visually appealing.
We implemented an encoder-decoder network which takes low resolution(64X64) composite image(source cropped onto destination) and generates a low resolution image(64X64) which looks more natural than the composite. Using this low resolution image and using Laplacian pyramid we tried to optimize Gaussian-Poisson Equation
i) By gradient Descent
ii) Pyramid Blending
pytorch cv2 numpy
Download the data from Create train test splits Create low resolution data by using savedata(train) in src/ Change hyperparameters as desired Run the train function
run the script with arguments -src source_img -dest dest_img -mask mask_img -model path_to_network_weights
GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending
Look at ImageBlending.ipynb for understanding code