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Überauth Gitlab

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Gitlab OAuth2 strategy for Überauth.


  1. Setup your application in Gitlab under your profile applications menu

  2. Add :ueberauth_gitlab_strategy to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do
      [{:ueberauth_gitlab_strategy, "~> 0.4"}]
  3. Add the strategy to your applications:

    def application do
      [applications: [:ueberauth_gitlab_strategy]]
  4. Add Gitlab to your Überauth configuration:

    config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,
      providers: [
        identity: { Ueberauth.Strategy.Identity, [
            callback_methods: ["POST"],
            uid_field: :email,
            nickname_field: :username,
          ] },
        gitlab: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Gitlab, [default_scope: "read_user"]},
  5. Update your provider configuration:

    config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Gitlab.OAuth,
      client_id: System.get_env("GITLAB_CLIENT_ID"),
      client_secret: System.get_env("GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET"),
      redirect_uri: System.get_env("GITLAB_REDIRECT_URI")
  6. Include the Überauth plug in your controller:

    defmodule MyApp.AuthController do
      use MyApp.Web, :controller
      pipeline :browser do
        plug Ueberauth
  7. Create the request and callback routes if you haven't already:

    scope "/auth", MyApp do
      pipe_through :browser
      get "/:provider", AuthController, :request
      get "/:provider/callback", AuthController, :callback
  8. Your controller needs to implement callbacks to deal with Ueberauth.Auth and Ueberauth.Failure responses.

For an example implementation see the Überauth Example application on how to integrate other strategies. Adding Gitlab should be similar to Github.


Depending on the configured url you can initial the request through:


Or with options:

/auth/gitlab?scope=api read_user

Configuration for adding Gitlab as Üeberauth Strategy

config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,
  providers: [
    identity: { Ueberauth.Strategy.Identity, [
        callback_methods: ["POST"],
        uid_field: :email,
        nickname_field: :username,
      ] },
    gitlab: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Gitlab, [default_scope: "read_user"]},

It is also possible to disable the sending of the redirect_uri to Gitlab. This is particularly useful when your production application sits behind a proxy that handles SSL connections. In this case, the redirect_uri sent by Ueberauth will start with http instead of https, and if you configured your Gitlb OAuth application's callback URL to use HTTPS, Gitlab will throw an uri_missmatch error. In addition if the redirect_uri on the the authorize request must match the redirect_uri on the token request.


The docs can be found at ueberauth_gitlab on Hex Docs.