diff --git a/quiz-app/readme.md b/quiz-app/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c4a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quiz-app/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Quiz App
+Welcome to the Quiz App! This application is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is fully responsive.
+## Features
+- Multiple choice questions
+- Real-time score tracking
+- Responsive design for all devices
+- Timer for each question
+- Interactive UI/UX
+## Technologies Used
+- CSS
+- JavaScript
+## Getting Started
+Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
+### Prerequisites
+Make sure you have a web browser installed.
+### Installation
+1. Clone the repository:
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/yourusername/quiz-app.git
+ ```
+2. Navigate to the project directory:
+ ```bash
+ cd quiz-app
+ ```
+3. Open `index.html` in your web browser to start the app.
+## Usage
+1. Start the quiz by clicking the "Start Quiz" button.
+2. Select the correct answer from the multiple choices.
+3. Your score will be updated in real-time.
+4. Complete all questions to see your final score.
+## License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License.
+## Contact
+For any questions or feedback, please contact [your email].
+Enjoy the quiz!
diff --git a/quiz-app/src/app.js b/quiz-app/src/app.js
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index 0000000..74285b4
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+++ b/quiz-app/src/app.js
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+const question = [
+ {
+ ques: 'Which of the following is the markup Language?',
+ a: 'HTML',
+ b: 'CSS',
+ c: 'JavaScript',
+ d: 'PHP',
+ correct: 'a',
+ },
+ // 2 nd qs
+ {
+ ques: 'In Which JavaScript was launched?',
+ a: '1996',
+ b: '1995',
+ c: '1998',
+ d: '2000',
+ correct: 'b',
+ },
+ {
+ ques: 'What does CSS stands for?',
+ a: 'Cascade Style Sheet',
+ b: 'Cascading Style Sheet',
+ c: 'Hyper Text Markup Lanaguage',
+ d: 'Jason object Notation',
+ correct: 'b',
+ },
+const total = question.length;
+const display = document.querySelector('.box');
+const ques = document.querySelector('.Ques');
+const options = document.querySelectorAll('.options');
+const btn = document.querySelector('.submit');
+const again = document.querySelector('.again');
+let index = 0;
+let right = 0;
+let wrong = 0;
+// for without result
+// const emptyQues = function () {
+// display.innerHTML = '';
+// loadQues();
+// };
+const loadQues = function () {
+ if (index !== total) {
+ console.log(index);
+ let data = question[index];
+ console.log(data);
+ /*
+ const html = `
Q${index + 1}) ${data.ques}
+ `;
+ */
+ //////// this is for without try again button
+ ques.innerText = `Q${index + 1}) ${data.ques}`;
+ options[0].nextElementSibling.innerText = data.a;
+ options[1].nextElementSibling.innerText = data.b;
+ options[2].nextElementSibling.innerText = data.c;
+ options[3].nextElementSibling.innerText = data.d;
+ // for without result correct
+ // display.innerHTML = html;
+ } else {
+ endQuiz();
+ }
+const getResult = function () {
+ let data = question[index];
+ console.log(data);
+ const answer = checkAnswer();
+ if (answer == data.correct) {
+ right++;
+ } else {
+ wrong++;
+ }
+ index++;
+ reset();
+ loadQues();
+ return;
+const reset = () => {
+ options.forEach(input => {
+ input.checked = false;
+ });
+const checkAnswer = function () {
+ let answer;
+ options.forEach(input => {
+ if (input.checked) {
+ answer = input.value;
+ }
+ });
+ return answer;
+const endQuiz = () => {
+ if (index !== total) {
+ console.log(display);
+ display.innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ let html = '';
+ if (right === total) {
+ html = `Excellent👏`;
+ } else if (right == total - 1) {
+ html = `Good 👍`;
+ } else if (right == total - 2) {
+ html = `Satisfactory `;
+ } else {
+ html = `Better Luck Next time`;
+ }
+ // console.log(display);
+ // again.classList.remove('hidden');
+ display.innerHTML = `