diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md index 065098fb4add17..870db85b7be73b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Jeder Haltepunkt (ein Schlüssel) stimmt mit einer *festen* Bildschirmbreite (ei - ** lg, ** groß: 1280px - ** xl ** extra groß: 1920px -Diese [ Haltepunktwerte](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) werden zur Bestimmung von Haltepunktbereichen verwendet. Ein Bereich beginnt mit dem Haltepunktwert einschließlich bis zum nächsten Haltepunktwert: +Diese [ Haltepunktwerte](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) werden zur Bestimmung von Haltepunktbereichen verwendet. Ein Bereich beginnt mit dem Haltepunktwert einschließlich bis zum nächsten Haltepunktwert: ```js Wert |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Breite |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> Bereich | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) Schlüssel. +Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) Schlüssel. Die Haltepunkte werden intern in verschiedenen Komponenten verwendet, um sie ansprechbar zu machen, Sie können sie jedoch auch benutzten, um das Layout Ihrer Anwendung über das [Grid](/layout/grid/) zu steuern und für [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) Komponenten. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Einige Implementierungsdetails, die interessant sein könnten: #### Argumente -1. `Optionen` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `Optionen` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme ` (*Boolean* [optional]): Standardeinstellung ist `false`. Übergeben Sie das `Theme` Objekt als Eigenschaft an die Komponente. - `options.noSSR ` (*Boolean* [optional]): Standardeinstellung ist `false`. Um den serverseitigen Renderingabgleich durchzuführen, muss er zweimal gerendert werden. Ein erstes Mal mit nichts und ein zweites Mal mit den Kind-Elementen. Dieser Zyklus mit zwei Durchgängen ist mit einem Nachteil verbunden. Die Benutzeroberfläche blinkt möglicherweise. Sie können dieses Flag auf ` true` setzen, wenn Sie kein serverseitiges Rendering durchführen. - ` options.initialWidth ` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): Da ` window.innerWidth ` auf dem Server nicht verfügbar ist, wird eine leere Komponente während der ersten Mounts standardmäßig gerendert. Vielleicht mögen Sie eine Heuristik verwenden, um annähernd die Bildschirmbreite des Client-Browsers zu bestimmen. Sie könnten beispielsweise den Benutzeragenten oder die Client-Hinweise verwenden. Mit https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, können wir die anfängliche Breite global festlegen, indem Sie die [`benutzerdefinierten Eigenschaften`](/customization/themes/#default-props) zum Theme verwenden. Um die Anfangsbreite festzulegen, müssen wir eine benutzerdefinierte Eigenschaft mit dieser Form übergeben: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md index 0c1020244a43ff..aeb809a1b66410 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/layout/grid/) and [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Some implementation details that might be interesting to being aware of: #### Argumentos -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/themes/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md index d0782173f7ed00..9513a015bfe701 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/layout/grid/) and [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Some implementation details that might be interesting to being aware of: #### Paramètres -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Valeur par défaut `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/themes/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md index 559eae4a4bf8bb..10bd41869fe401 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/layout/grid/) and [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Some implementation details that might be interesting to being aware of: #### 引数 -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/themes/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md index b7010d1cb0f20d..4971c112c1b298 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Cada ponto de quebra (uma chave) corresponde a uma largura de tela *fixa* (um va - **lg,** grande: 1280px - **xl,** extra-grande: 1920px -Estes [valores de ponto de quebra](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) são usados para determinar intervalos de ponto de quebra. Um intervalo inicia a partir do valor do ponto de quebra, incluindo seu valor inicial, até o próximo valor de ponto de quebra menos um: +Estes [valores de ponto de quebra](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) são usados para determinar intervalos de ponto de quebra. Um intervalo inicia a partir do valor do ponto de quebra, incluindo seu valor inicial, até o próximo valor de ponto de quebra menos um: ```js valor |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ largura da tela |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> intervalo | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema, no objeto [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values). +Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema, no objeto [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values). Os pontos de quebra são usados internamente em vários componentes para torná-los responsivos, mas você também pode tirar proveito deles para controlar o leiaute da sua aplicação através dos componentes [Grade](/layout/grid/) e [Hidden](/layout/hidden/). @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Alguns detalhes de implementação que podem ser interessantes para estar ciente #### Argumentos -1. `options` (*Object* [opcional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [opcional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [opcional]): Padrão `false`. Fornecer o objeto `theme` para o componente como uma propriedade. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [opcional]): Padrão `false`. Para realizar a reconciliação de renderização do lado do servidor, ele precisa renderizar duas vezes. Uma primeira vez sem nada e uma segunda vez com os filhos. Este ciclo de renderização de dupla passagem tem uma desvantagem. A interface do usuário pode piscar. Você pode definir esse sinalizador para `true` se você não estiver fazendo a renderização do lado do servidor. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [opcional]): Como `window.innerWidth` não esta disponível no servidor, retornamos uma correspondência padrão durante a primeira montagem. Você pode querer usar uma heurística para aproximar a largura da tela no navegador do cliente. Por exemplo, você poderia estar usando o user-agent ou o client-hint. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, também podemos definir a largura inicial globalmente usando [`propriedades customizadas`](/customization/themes/#default-props) no tema. Para definir o initialWidth, precisamos passar uma propriedade customizada com esta forma: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // Componente withWidth ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Propriedade de largura inicial - initialWidth: 'lg', // Ponto de quebra globalmente iniciado + initialWidth: 'lg', // Ponto de quebra globalmente iniciado }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md index 22a461e0e20051..9ba26434ddbb39 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ For optimal user experience, material design interfaces need to be able to adapt - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -Эти [ значения точек останова ](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) используются для определения диапазонов точек останова. Диапазон начинается с значения первой точки останова включительно до следующей точки останова не включая её: +Эти [ значения точек останова ](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) используются для определения диапазонов точек останова. Диапазон начинается с значения первой точки останова включительно до следующей точки останова не включая её: ```js значение |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ For optimal user experience, material design interfaces need to be able to adapt диапазон | xs | m | md | lg | xl ``` -Эти значения всегда можно изменить. Вы найдете их в теме, в объекте [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values). +Эти значения всегда можно изменить. Вы найдете их в теме, в объекте [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values). The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/layout/grid/) and [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ type Breakpoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; #### Аргументы -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Defaults to `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/themes/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md index eeaa28de62cfcb..58d56d93b4bb58 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - ** lg, **大:1280px - ** xl, **超大:1920px -这些[断点值](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values)用于确定断点范围。 每个范围包含起始断点,不包含终止断点。 +这些[断点值](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values)用于确定断点范围。 每个范围包含起始断点,不包含终止断点。 ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -这些值可以自定义。 这些值被用于主题设定,你可以在 [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) 对象上找到它们。 +这些值可以自定义。 这些值被用于主题设定,你可以在 [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) 对象上找到它们。 许多组件内部都使用了断点来实现响应式要求,同时你也可以利用断点来控制应用的布局,这可借助于 [Grid](/layout/grid/) 和 [Hidden](/layout/hidden/) 组件。 @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ type Breakpoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; #### 参数 -1. `选项` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `选项` (*Object* [optional]): - ` options.withTheme ` (*Boolean* [optional]): 默认值为 `false`。 将 ` theme ` 对象作为属性提供给组件。 - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): 默认值为`false`。 为了执行服务器端呈现协调,它需要呈现两次。 第一次没有任何东西,第二次与孩子们在一起。 这种双遍渲染周期有一个缺点。 用户界面可能会闪烁。 如果不进行服务器端渲染,可以将此标志设置为 `true`。 - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [可选的]): 为`window.innerWidth`在服务器上不可用, 我们默认在第一次安装期间呈现空组件。 您可能希望使用启发式来近似 客户端浏览器屏幕宽度的屏幕宽度。 例如,您可以使用用户代理或客户端提示。 https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/themes/#default-props) on the theme. 为了设置initialWidth,我们需要传递一个具有以下形状的自定义属性: @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ // withWidth component ⚛️ MuiWithWidth: { // Initial width property - initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set + initialWidth: 'lg', // Breakpoint being globally set }, }, }); diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-de.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-de.md index 1cebc61ad0298f..83a88fabca3e90 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-de.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { The `` and `` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defaults. More specifically: - Der Rand in allen Browsern wird entfernt. -- Die Standardhintergrundfarbe des Materialdesigns wird angewendet. Es verwendet [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) für Standardgeräte und einen weißen Hintergrund für Druckgeräte. +- Die Standardhintergrundfarbe des Materialdesigns wird angewendet. Es verwendet [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) für Standardgeräte und einen weißen Hintergrund für Druckgeräte. ### Layout diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-es.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-es.md index 2f52b983110abd..57892825293888 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-es.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { The `` and `` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defaults. More specifically: - Se elimina el margen en todos los navegadores. -- Se aplica el color de fondo predeterminado de Material Design. Utiliza [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) para dispositivos estándares y un fondo blanco para dispositivos de impresión. +- Se aplica el color de fondo predeterminado de Material Design. Utiliza [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) para dispositivos estándares y un fondo blanco para dispositivos de impresión. ### Disposición diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-fr.md index 19208ae90f8dff..5bc50e8740026b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-fr.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { The `` and `` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defaults. More specifically: - La marge dans tous les navigateurs est supprimée. -- La couleur d'arrière-plan par défaut de Material Design est appliquée. Ceci est réalisé à l'aide de [`thème.la palette.arrière-plan.par défaut`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) pour les appareils standard et un fond blanc pour les périphériques d'impression. +- La couleur d'arrière-plan par défaut de Material Design est appliquée. Ceci est réalisé à l'aide de [`thème.la palette.arrière-plan.par défaut`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) pour les appareils standard et un fond blanc pour les périphériques d'impression. ### Disposition diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ja.md index a1f35ca456e779..261d39be1f1720 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ja.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { `` および `` 要素は、ページ全体のデフォルトが改善されるように更新されています。 具体的には: - すべてのブラウザの余白が削除されています。 -- デフォルトのマテリアルデザインの背景色が適用されます。 標準のデバイスや、白背景に印刷されたデバイスの為に[`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) が使われています。 +- デフォルトのマテリアルデザインの背景色が適用されます。 標準のデバイスや、白背景に印刷されたデバイスの為に[`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) が使われています。 ### レイアウト diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-pt.md index f1806c32f76d88..841ca058e2f9bf 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-pt.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { Os elementos `` e `` são atualizados para fornecer melhores padrões para toda a página. Mais especificamente: - The margin in all browsers is removed. -- A cor de fundo padrão do material design é aplicada. Isto usando [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) para dispositivos padrão e um fundo branco para dispositivos de impressão. +- A cor de fundo padrão do material design é aplicada. Isto usando [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) para dispositivos padrão e um fundo branco para dispositivos de impressão. ### Leiaute diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ru.md index 1306ffe5781ca4..4e59be044aa447 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-ru.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { The `` and `` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defaults. More specifically: - Поля во всех браузерах удалены. -- The default Material Design background color is applied. It's using [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) for standard devices and a white background for print devices. +- The default Material Design background color is applied. It's using [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) for standard devices and a white background for print devices. ### Расположение diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-zh.md index 3deebf52046740..d10c536c00884e 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline-zh.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default function MyApp() { 我们更新了 `` 和 `` 元素,这样能够更好地设置页面范围的默认设置。 具体来说: - 所有浏览器中的边距将会被删除。 -- Material Design 的背景颜色会默认地被应用。 标准设备采用 [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background),而打印设备上会采用白色的背景色。 +- Material Design 的背景颜色会默认地被应用。 标准设备采用 [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background),而打印设备上会采用白色的背景色。 ### 布局 diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline.md b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline.md index 0533b6ffdfd9e7..c7c45dcdd7c628 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/css-baseline/css-baseline.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The `` and `` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defau - The margin in all browsers is removed. - The default Material Design background color is applied. -It's using [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.background) for standard devices and a white background for print devices. +It's using [`theme.palette.background.default`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.background) for standard devices and a white background for print devices. ### Layout diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-de.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-de.md index 53ac09f6bc82e3..92aaa459bc7364 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-de.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Weitere Informationen finden Sie im [Schriftprojekt](https://github.com/KyleAMat ## Theme -In einigen Situationen können Sie möglicherweise die Komponente `Typography` nicht benutzen. Hoffentlich können Sie die Hauptfunktionalitäten der [`Typografie`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) des Themas nutzen. +In einigen Situationen können Sie möglicherweise die Komponente `Typography` nicht benutzen. Hoffentlich können Sie die Hauptfunktionalitäten der [`Typografie`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) des Themas nutzen. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-es.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-es.md index d2c301e1c27ee5..59589c890ab75c 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-es.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For more info check out the [typeface](https://github.com/KyleAMathews/typefaces ## Tema -In some situations you might not be able to use the `Typography` component. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. +In some situations you might not be able to use the `Typography` component. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-fr.md index 24966d9cc655e1..dc0998787e41f2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-fr.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For more info check out the [typeface](https://github.com/KyleAMathews/typefaces ## Thème -In some situations you might not be able to use the `Typography` component. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. +In some situations you might not be able to use the `Typography` component. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ja.md index 92efc5a46cada7..0a425354a28ef4 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ja.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import 'typeface-roboto'; ## テーマ -状況によっては、 `Typography` コンポーネントを使用できない場合があります。 このテーマのe [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography)キーを活用できることを願っています。 +状況によっては、 `Typography` コンポーネントを使用できない場合があります。 このテーマのe [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography)キーを活用できることを願っています。 {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-pt.md index 7bbec493f7eb72..ad9dc4818ffa01 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-pt.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Para mais informações confira o projeto [typeface](https://github.com/KyleAMat ## Tema -Em algumas situações, talvez você não consiga usar o componente `Tipografia`. Com sorte, você possa talvez tirar proveito das chaves de [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) do tema. +Em algumas situações, talvez você não consiga usar o componente `Tipografia`. Com sorte, você possa talvez tirar proveito das chaves de [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) do tema. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ru.md index 7a5af392df56ca..1340a74741586b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-ru.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For more info check out the [typeface](https://github.com/KyleAMathews/typefaces ## Theme -В некоторых ситуациях вы не сможете использовать компонент `Typography`. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. +В некоторых ситуациях вы не сможете использовать компонент `Typography`. Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-zh.md index eb2169dca98ec4..394f41c8c64c57 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography-zh.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import 'typeface-roboto'; ## 主题 -在某些情况下,您可能无法使用 `Typography` 组件。 希望您可以利用主题的 [`排版`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) 键。 +在某些情况下,您可能无法使用 `Typography` 组件。 希望您可以利用主题的 [`排版`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) 键。 {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography.md b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography.md index 8262434b112fcb..2755101df3603b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/components/typography/typography.md @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Material-UI default typography configuration only relies on 300, 400, 500, and 7 ## Theme In some situations you might not be able to use the `Typography` component. -Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. +Hopefully, you might be able to take advantage of the [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) keys of the theme. {{"demo": "pages/components/typography/TypographyTheme.js"}} diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md index 2e3a0869133143..ea0492a4acddaa 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-de.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Jeder Haltepunkt (ein Schlüssel) stimmt mit einer *festen* Bildschirmbreite (ei - ** lg, ** groß: 1280px - ** xl ** extra groß: 1920px -Diese [ Haltepunktwerte](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) werden zur Bestimmung von Haltepunktbereichen verwendet. Ein Bereich beginnt mit dem Haltepunktwert einschließlich bis zum nächsten Haltepunktwert: +Diese [ Haltepunktwerte](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) werden zur Bestimmung von Haltepunktbereichen verwendet. Ein Bereich beginnt mit dem Haltepunktwert einschließlich bis zum nächsten Haltepunktwert: ```js Wert |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Breite |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> Bereich | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) Schlüssel. +Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) Schlüssel. Die Haltepunkte werden intern in verschiedenen Komponenten verwendet, um sie ansprechbar zu machen, Sie können sie jedoch auch benutzten, um das Layout Ihrer Anwendung über das [Grid](/components/grid/) zu steuern und für [Hidden](/components/hidden/) Komponenten. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Einige Implementierungsdetails, die interessant sein könnten: #### Argumente -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme ` (*Boolean* [optional]): Standardeinstellung ist `false`. Übergeben Sie das `Theme` Objekt als Eigenschaft an die Komponente. - `options.noSSR ` (*Boolean* [optional]): Standardeinstellung ist `false`. Um den serverseitigen Renderingabgleich durchzuführen, muss er zweimal gerendert werden. Ein erstes Mal mit nichts und ein zweites Mal mit den Kind-Elementen. Dieser Zyklus mit zwei Durchgängen ist mit einem Nachteil verbunden. Die Benutzeroberfläche blinkt möglicherweise. Sie können dieses Flag auf ` true` setzen, wenn Sie kein serverseitiges Rendering durchführen. - ` options.initialWidth ` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): Da ` window.innerWidth ` auf dem Server nicht verfügbar ist, wird eine leere Komponente während der ersten Mounts standardmäßig gerendert. Vielleicht mögen Sie eine Heuristik verwenden, um annähernd die Bildschirmbreite des Client-Browsers zu bestimmen. Sie könnten beispielsweise den Benutzeragenten oder die Client-Hinweise verwenden. Mit https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, können wir die anfängliche Breite global festlegen, indem Sie die [`benutzerdefinierten Eigenschaften`](/customization/globals/#default-props) zum Theme verwenden. Um die Anfangsbreite festzulegen, müssen wir eine benutzerdefinierte Eigenschaft mit dieser Form übergeben: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md index bb868c23711886..96e9f1bcb9c211 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-es.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/components/grid/) and [Hidden](/components/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Some implementation details that might be interesting to being aware of: #### Argumentos -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Default `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Default `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/globals/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md index 208e5cd69e55fb..3fcd398bf528b6 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-fr.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/components/grid/) and [Hidden](/components/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Some implementation details that might be interesting to being aware of: #### Paramètres -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): Valeur par défaut `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): Valeur par défaut `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/globals/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md index 91bbd87dbd43f8..52ed55bb5b4d9e 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ja.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -これらの[ブレークポイント値](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values)は、ブレークポイントの範囲を決定するために使用されます。 範囲は、ブレークポイント値を含む範囲から、次のブレークポイント値を除く範囲までです。 +これらの[ブレークポイント値](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values)は、ブレークポイントの範囲を決定するために使用されます。 範囲は、ブレークポイント値を含む範囲から、次のブレークポイント値を除く範囲までです。 ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -これらの値はいつでもカスタマイズできます。 これらは、テーマの[`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values)オブジェクトにあります。 +これらの値はいつでもカスタマイズできます。 これらは、テーマの[`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values)オブジェクトにあります。 ブレークポイントは、さまざまなコンポーネントで応答性を高めるために内部的に使用されますが、[Grid](/components/grid/)および[Hidden](/components/hidden/)コンポーネントを使用してアプリケーションのレイアウトを制御する場合にも利用できます。 @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ type Breakpoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; #### 引数 -1. `オプション` (*オプジェクト* [任意]): +1. `オプション` (*オプジェクト* [任意]): - `options.withTheme` (*ブール値* [任意]): デフォルト値 `false`. `theme`オブジェクトをプロパティとしてコンポーネントに提供します。 - `options.noSSR` (*ブール値* [任意]): デフォルト値 `false`. サーバー側のレンダリング調整を実行するには、2回レンダリングする必要があります。 1回目は何もない状態で、2回目は子要素と一緒です。 このダブルパスレンダリングサイクルには欠点があります。 UIが点滅することがあります。 サーバサイドレンダリングを実行しない場合は、このフラグを`true`に設定できます。 - ` options.initialWidth ` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As ` window.innerWidth `サーバーでは使用できません デフォルトでは、最初のマウント時に空のコンポーネントがレンダリングされます。 ヒューリスティックを使用して、次の値を近似できます。 クライアント・ブラウザの画面幅。 たとえば、ユーザーエージェントまたはクライアントヒントを使用できます。 https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint、[`テーマにカスタムプロパティを使用して初期幅 @@ -243,4 +243,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## デフォルト値 -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md index e1bd98dcb9dd2d..444a5407ad8b24 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-pt.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Cada ponto de quebra (uma chave) corresponde a uma largura de tela *fixa* (um va - **lg,** grande: 1280px - **xl,** extra-grande: 1920px -Estes [valores de ponto de quebra](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) são usados para determinar intervalos de ponto de quebra. Um intervalo inicia a partir do valor do ponto de quebra, incluindo seu valor inicial, até o próximo valor de ponto de quebra menos um: +Estes [valores de ponto de quebra](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) são usados para determinar intervalos de ponto de quebra. Um intervalo inicia a partir do valor do ponto de quebra, incluindo seu valor inicial, até o próximo valor de ponto de quebra menos um: ```js valor |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ largura da tela |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> intervalo | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema, no objeto [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values). +Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema, no objeto [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values). Os pontos de quebra são usados internamente em vários componentes para torná-los responsivos, mas você também pode tirar proveito deles para controlar o leiaute da sua aplicação através do componente [Grade](/components/grid/) e [Hidden](/components/hidden/). @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Alguns detalhes de implementação que podem ser interessantes para estar ciente #### Argumentos -1. `options` (*Object* [opcional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [opcional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [opcional]): Padrão `false`. Fornecer o objeto `theme` para o componente como uma propriedade. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [opcional]): Padrão `false`. Para realizar a reconciliação de renderização do lado do servidor, ele precisa renderizar duas vezes. Uma primeira vez sem nada e uma segunda vez com os filhos. Este ciclo de renderização de dupla passagem tem uma desvantagem. A interface do usuário pode piscar. Você pode definir esse sinalizador para `true` se você não estiver fazendo a renderização do lado do servidor. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [opcional]): Como `window.innerWidth` não esta disponível no servidor, retornamos uma correspondência padrão durante a primeira montagem. Você pode querer usar uma heurística para aproximar a largura da tela no navegador do cliente. Por exemplo, você poderia estar usando o user-agent ou o client-hint. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, também podemos definir a largura inicial globalmente usando [`propriedades customizadas`](/customization/globals/#default-props) no tema. Para definir o initialWidth, precisamos passar uma propriedade customizada com esta forma: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Valores padrão -Você pode explorar os valores padrão dos pontos de quebra usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +Você pode explorar os valores padrão dos pontos de quebra usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md index 37797f68131ad2..c4d0967619cd37 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-ru.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -Эти [ значения контрольных точек](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) используются для определения диапазонов. Диапазон начинается с значения первой точки (включительно) до следующей, но не включая её: +Эти [ значения контрольных точек](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) используются для определения диапазонов. Диапазон начинается с значения первой точки (включительно) до следующей, но не включая её: ```js значение |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ диапазон | xs | m | md | lg | xl ``` -Эти значения всегда можно изменить. Вы найдете их в теме, в объекте [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values). +Эти значения всегда можно изменить. Вы найдете их в теме, в объекте [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values). The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them for controlling the layout of your application through the [Grid](/components/grid/) and [Hidden](/components/hidden/) components. @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ type Breakpoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; #### Аргументы -1. `варианты` (*объекта* [optional]): +1. `варианты` (*объекта* [optional]): - `options.withTheme` (*Boolean* [optional]): По умолчанию - `false`. Provide the `theme` object to the component as a property. - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [optional]): По умолчанию - `false`. In order to perform the server-side rendering reconciliation, it needs to render twice. A first time with nothing and a second time with the children. This double pass rendering cycle comes with a drawback. The UI might blink. You can set this flag to `true` if you are not doing server-side rendering. - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [optional]): As `window.innerWidth` is unavailable on the server, we default to rendering an empty component during the first mount. You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/globals/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md index f1ce0f3c6a1bef..3b6d9f98ce6b2f 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints-zh.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - ** lg, **大:1280px - ** xl, **超大:1920px -这些[断点值](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values)用于确定断点范围。 每个范围包含起始断点,不包含终止断点。 +这些[断点值](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values)用于确定断点范围。 每个范围包含起始断点,不包含终止断点。 ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ screen width |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------> range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` -这些值可以自定义。 这些值被用于主题设定,你可以在 [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) 对象上找到它们。 +这些值可以自定义。 这些值被用于主题设定,你可以在 [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) 对象上找到它们。 许多组件内部都使用了断点来实现响应式要求,同时你也可以利用断点来控制应用的布局,这可借助于 [Grid](/components/grid/) 和 [Hidden](/components/hidden/) 组件。 @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ type Breakpoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; #### 参数 -1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): +1. `options` (*Object* [optional]): - ` options.withTheme ` (*Boolean* [optional]): 默认值为 `false`。 将 ` theme ` 对象作为属性提供给组件。 - `options.noSSR` (*Boolean* [可选的]): 默认值为`false`。 为了执行服务器端呈现协调,它需要呈现两次。 第一次没有任何东西,第二次与孩子们在一起。 这种双遍渲染周期有一个缺点。 UI显示的时候可能会发生闪烁,如果你不打算使用SSR服务器端渲染 你可以将其设置为`true`来避免这种情况发生 - `options.initialWidth` (*Breakpoint* [可选的]): 为`window.innerWidth`在服务器上不可用, 我们默认在第一次安装期间呈现空组件。 You might want to use an heuristic to approximate the screen width of the client browser screen width. For instance, you could be using the user-agent or the client-hints. https://caniuse.com/#search=client%20hint, we also can set the initial width globally using [`custom properties`](/customization/globals/#default-props) on the theme. In order to set the initialWidth we need to pass a custom property with this shape: @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## 默认值 -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints.md index 4f11145044489d..4397b96cc896a1 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/breakpoints/breakpoints.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Each breakpoint (a key) matches with a *fixed* screen width (a value): - **lg,** large: 1280px - **xl,** extra-large: 1920px -These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: +These [breakpoint values](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) are used to determine breakpoint ranges. A range starts from the breakpoint value inclusive, to the next breakpoint value exclusive: ```js value |0px 600px 960px 1280px 1920px @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ range | xs | sm | md | lg | xl ``` These values can always be customized. -You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. +You will find them in the theme, in the [`breakpoints.values`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints.values) object. The breakpoints are used internally in various components to make them responsive, but you can also take advantage of them @@ -264,4 +264,4 @@ export default withWidth()(MyComponent); ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). +You can explore the default values of the breakpoints using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.breakpoints) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.breakpoints`). diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/default-theme/DefaultTheme.js b/docs/src/pages/customization/default-theme/DefaultTheme.js index 8f2bc896d7be00..dc3052eb29ba6b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/default-theme/DefaultTheme.js +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/default-theme/DefaultTheme.js @@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ function ObjectEntry(props) { Object.keys(objectValue).length === 0 ? undefined : Object.keys(objectValue).map(key => { - return ( - - ); - }); + return ( + + ); + }); } const classes = useObjectEntryStyles(); @@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ function DefaultTheme(props) { React.useEffect(() => { const URL = url.parse(document.location.href, true); - const expandPath = URL.query['expend-path']; + // 'expend-path' is for backwards compatibility of any external links with a prior typo. + const expandPath = URL.query['expand-path'] || URL.query['expend-path']; if (!expandPath) { return; diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-de.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-de.md index 8a48675f432eb0..d2bf22b67699b3 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-de.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Wenn Sie mehr über Farbe erfahren möchten, können Sie sich im [Farbabschnitt] Sie können die Standardpalettenwerte überschreiben, indem Sie ein Palette Objekt als Teil Ihres Themas hinzufügen. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. Der Intentionswert kann entweder ein [ Farbobjekt ](/customization/color/) sein oder ein Objekt mit einem oder mehreren der Schlüssel, die von der folgenden TypeScript-Schnittstelle angegeben werden: @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-es.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-es.md index 32a186e4f3cb34..158013074ed6ab 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-es.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you want to learn more about color, you can check out [the color section](/cu You may override the default palette values by including a palette object as part of your theme. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. The intention value can either be a [color](/customization/color/) object, or an object with one or more of the keys specified by the following TypeScript interface: @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-fr.md index d5340cc0318cb9..700e94f29ab6d7 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-fr.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you want to learn more about color, you can check out [the color section](/cu You may override the default palette values by including a palette object as part of your theme. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. The intention value can either be a [color](/customization/color/) object, or an object with one or more of the keys specified by the following TypeScript interface: @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ja.md index 50f77d2e74b23a..11cee6a43d3893 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ja.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ A color intention とは、パレットをアプリケーション内の特定 テーマの一部として palette オブジェクトを含めると、パレットの既定値を変更できます。 -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. Intention値は、 [color](/customization/color/)オブジェクト、または次のTypeScriptインターフェイスで指定されたキーを持つオブジェクトのいずれかです。 @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## デフォルト値 -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-pt.md index 7f3a978015f2d9..0302eb20243aa6 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-pt.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Se você quiser aprender mais sobre cor, você pode conferir [a seção de cores Você pode sobrescrever os valores padrão da paleta incluindo um objeto palette como parte do seu tema. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. O valor da intenção pode ser um objeto [cor](/customization/color/), ou um objeto com uma ou mais das chaves especificadas pela seguinte interface TypeScript: @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## Valores padrão -Você pode explorar os valores padrão da paleta usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +Você pode explorar os valores padrão da paleta usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ru.md index 404bc1a8128cca..c2551a8ea8a36c 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-ru.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ You may override the default palette values by including a palette object as part of your theme. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. The intention value can either be a [color](/customization/color/) object, or an object with one or more of the keys specified by the following TypeScript interface: @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-zh.md index a5c5b42776318b..23274ccb7164ec 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette-zh.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you want to learn more about color, you can check out [the color section](/cu 您可以通过在主题中包含 palette 对象来覆盖默认调色板值。 -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), [`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), [`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), [`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), [`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or [`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. 意图值可以是一个[color](/customization/color/) 对象,也可以是通过下面的TypeScript接口指定的包含一个或多个键的对象 @@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ function App() { ## 默认值 -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette.md index 806d608c966f4d..f4c5f52032af61 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/palette/palette.md @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ If you want to learn more about color, you can check out [the color section](/cu You may override the default palette values by including a palette object as part of your theme. -If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.primary), -[`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.secondary), -[`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.error), -[`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.warning), -[`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.info) or -[`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette.successs) +If any of the [`palette.primary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.primary), +[`palette.secondary`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.secondary), +[`palette.error`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.error), +[`palette.warning`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.warning), +[`palette.info`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.info) or +[`palette.successs`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette.successs) 'intention' objects are provided, they will replace the defaults. The intention value can either be a [color](/customization/color/) object, or an object with one or more of the keys specified by the following TypeScript interface: @@ -169,4 +169,4 @@ function App() { ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). +You can explore the default values of the palette using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.palette`). diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-de.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-de.md index 06daba05b17d65..3775d2dec4afbd 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-de.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-es.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-es.md index c0249c191dbd55..29694267718ae0 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-es.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-fr.md index dbfc6b5cda5b2b..e859224fdbb445 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-fr.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ja.md index 684f16453c0d34..53a1e2c4e9e66d 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ja.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## デフォルト値 -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-pt.md index 5f5a27f972a7e7..07431dbd5330f5 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-pt.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Valores padrão -Você pode explorar os valores padrão da tipografia usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +Você pode explorar os valores padrão da tipografia usando [o explorador de tema](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) ou abrindo o console das ferramentas de desenvolvimento nesta página (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ru.md index 146f876680df05..75bb6032be0cd2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-ru.md @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-zh.md index bab4048364a139..f3de843abf4cb2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography-zh.md @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ }); ``` -## 字体大小 +## 字体大小 Material-UI uses `rem` units for the font size. The browser `` element default font size is `16px`, but browsers have an option to change this value, so `rem` units allow us to accommodate the user's settings, resulting in a better accessibility support. Users change font size settings for all kinds of reasons, from poor eyesight to choosing optimum settings for devices that can be vastly different in size and viewing distance. @@ -187,4 +187,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## 默认值 -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography.md index 564bcb9d11556f..22607df6087ed0 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/typography/typography.md @@ -200,4 +200,4 @@ const theme = createMuiTheme({ ## Default values -You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). +You can explore the default values of the typography using [the theme explorer](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) or by opening the dev tools console on this page (`window.theme.typography`). diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-de.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-de.md index 357d99727a6166..e2717be59fe2c9 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-de.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Einige Material-UI-Komponenten verwenden den `z-Index`. Es wird eine Standard-z- - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) Schlüssel des Themes. Von der individuellen Anpassung einzelner Werte wird abgeraten. Wenn Sie einen ändern, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich alle ändern. \ No newline at end of file +Diese Werte können immer angepasst werden. Sie finden sie im Theme unter dem [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) Schlüssel des Themes. Von der individuellen Anpassung einzelner Werte wird abgeraten. Wenn Sie einen ändern, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich alle ändern. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-es.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-es.md index e8174267cfde7d..67f97e75dd0bad 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-es.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Several Material-UI components utilize `z-index`, employing a default z-index sc - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file +These values can always be customized. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-fr.md index ae38cf2903accd..5893c13591832b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-fr.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Several Material-UI components utilize `z-index`, employing a default z-index sc - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file +Ces valeurs peuvent être personnalisées. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ja.md index f57cf4ed540c23..55c21bed185ee2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ja.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -これらの値はいつでもカスタマイズできます。 これらは、テーマの[`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex)キーの下のテーマにあります。 個々の値をカスタマイズすることはお勧めできません。; 1つを変更した場合は、すべてを変更する必要があります。 \ No newline at end of file +これらの値はいつでもカスタマイズできます。 これらは、テーマの[`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex)キーの下のテーマにあります。 個々の値をカスタマイズすることはお勧めできません。; 1つを変更した場合は、すべてを変更する必要があります。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-pt.md index 65b3824ee76ee6..88322c086b3e91 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-pt.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Vários componentes do Material-UI utiliza `z-index`, empregando uma escala z-in - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema sob a chave [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) do componente theme. Customização de valores individuais não é recomendada; você deve mudar um, você provavelmente precisará mudar todos eles. \ No newline at end of file +Esses valores sempre podem ser customizados. Você os encontrará no tema sob a chave [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) do componente theme. Customização de valores individuais não é recomendada; você deve mudar um, você provavelmente precisará mudar todos eles. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ru.md index 2d27d445267c86..ef852a4f469d14 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-ru.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Several Material-UI components utilize `z-index`, employing a default z-index sc - snackbar: 1400 - tooltip: 1500 -Эти значения всегда можно изменить. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file +Эти значения всегда можно изменить. You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-zh.md index 088e0a29989857..1a3c91bdf953f7 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index-zh.md @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Several Material-UI components utilize `z-index`, employing a default z-index sc - snackbar:1400 - tooltip(提示):1500 -这些值可以自定义。 You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file +这些值可以自定义。 You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index.md b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index.md index dcb6b04ce0f6d2..4b769e7c115a17 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/customization/z-index/z-index.md @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ that has been designed to properly layer drawers, modals, snackbars, tooltips, a - tooltip: 1500 These values can always be customized. -You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. +You will find them in the theme under the [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) key of the theme. Customization of individual values is discouraged; should you change one, you likely need to change them all. diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-de.md b/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-de.md index 904e64cde4adfd..df28520c1ad093 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-de.md @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ |:--------------------------------- |:---------------- |:---------------- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `border` | `border` | `border` | `borders` | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | -| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | +| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderTop` | `borderTop` | `border-top` | `borders` | | [shadows](/system/shadows/) | `boxShadow` | `boxShadow` | `box-shadow` | `shadows` | @@ -24,35 +24,35 @@ | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `flexWrap` | `flexWrap` | `flex-wrap` | none | | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `justifyContent` | `justifyContent` | `justify-content` | none | | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `order` | `order` | `order` | none | -| [palette](/system/palette/) | `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| [palette](/system/palette/) | `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| [palette](/system/palette/) | `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| [palette](/system/palette/) | `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `left` | `left` | `left` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | -| [positions](/system/positions/) | `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| [positions](/system/positions/) | `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `height` | `height` | `height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `maxHeight` | `maxHeight` | `max-height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `maxWidth` | `maxWidth` | `max-width` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `minHeight` | `minHeight` | `min-height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `minWidth` | `minWidth` | `min-width` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `width` | `width` | `width` | none | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | [typography](/system/typography/) | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-es.md b/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-es.md index 986e23df2d7bf9..93b926179f1150 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/api/api-es.md @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ |:--------------------------------- |:----------------- |:---------------- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `border` | `border` | `border` | `borders` | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | -| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | +| [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | [borders](/system/borders/) | `borderTop` | `borderTop` | `border-top` | `borders` | | [shadows](/system/shadows/) | `boxShadow` | `boxShadow` | `box-shadow` | `shadows` | @@ -24,35 +24,35 @@ | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `flexWrap` | `flexWrap` | `flex-wrap` | none | | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `justifyContent` | `justifyContent` | `justify-content` | none | | [flexbox](/system/flexbox/) | `order` | `order` | `order` | none | -| [palette](/system/palette/) | `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| [palette](/system/palette/) | `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| [palette](/system/palette/) | `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| [palette](/system/palette/) | `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `left` | `left` | `left` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | [positions](/system/positions/) | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | -| [positions](/system/positions/) | `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| [positions](/system/positions/) | `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `height` | `height` | `height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `maxHeight` | `maxHeight` | `max-height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `maxWidth` | `maxWidth` | `max-width` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `minHeight` | `minHeight` | `min-height` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `minWidth` | `minWidth` | `min-width` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `width` | `width` | `width` | none | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | 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| none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `minWidth` | `minWidth` | `min-width` | none | | [sizing](/system/sizing/) | `width` | `width` | `width` | none | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| 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[`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [spacing](/system/spacing/) | `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| [typography](/system/typography/) | 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end of file +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-fr.md index 0d05e5d8eff3c4..07c493710f07d4 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-fr.md @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ import { borders } from '@material-ui/system'; | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | 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`borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-pt.md index 4563e0f8653c8c..7805c5ef1dac07 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-pt.md @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ import { borders } from '@material-ui/system'; | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | | `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/system/borders/) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-ru.md index dec755428d2bcd..e46673a73e069b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-ru.md @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ import { borders } from '@material-ui/system'; | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-zh.md index 7ad7f4b92e4dcd..f0a06ffa6041ba 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders-zh.md @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ import { borders } from '@material-ui/system'; | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders.md b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders.md index f1439efb026e4e..a865b09beacf59 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/borders/borders.md @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ import { borders } from '@material-ui/system'; | `borderLeft` | `borderLeft` | `border-left` | `borders` | | `borderRight` | `borderRight` | `border-right` | `borders` | | `borderBottom` | `borderBottom` | `border-bottom` | `borders` | -| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.shape) | +| `borderColor` | `borderColor` | `border-color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `borderRadius` | `borderRadius` | `border-radius` | [`shape`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.shape) | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-de.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-de.md index a78a8449392d39..d63b93fa74c88d 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-de.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Inportname | Eigenschaften | CSS-Eigenschaft | Theme-Schlüssel | |:---------- |:------------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-es.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-es.md index 503e2980e26129..52811366825944 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-es.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nombre del import | Prop | Propiedad CSS | Clave del tema | |:----------------- |:--------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-fr.md index bb5daa34037ef2..42b1c6ed3c00e5 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-fr.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:--------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ja.md index 854ce410d312e7..230c9833007af7 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ja.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:--------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-pt.md index 29238e510dbed6..55d4ca284fc8da 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-pt.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nome da importação | Propriedade | Propriedade CSS | Chave do tema | |:------------------ |:----------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ru.md index d169c9e3559952..02f114289319e4 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-ru.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Импорт | Свойство | Свойство CSS | В теме | |:--------- |:--------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-zh.md index 076d59a286bf82..3d23919cb1eb23 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette-zh.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | 导入名称 | Prop | CSS 属性 | Theme key | |:--------- |:--------- |:----------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette.md b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette.md index 0c10417c42e7e1..34fc479a46c5cf 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/palette/palette.md @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ import { palette } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:------------|:-----|:-------------|:----------| -| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | -| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.palette) | +| `color` | `color` | `color` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | +| `bgcolor` | `bgcolor` | `backgroundColor` | [`palette`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.palette) | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-de.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-de.md index 9547eab6e16d74..ab137bf41127ee 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-de.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Inportname | Eigenschaften | CSS-Eigenschaft | Theme-Schlüssel | |:---------- |:------------- |:--------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-es.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-es.md index 1a7fe81e24e838..f7f49c2ab50a56 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-es.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nombre del import | Prop | Propiedad CSS | Clave del tema | |:----------------- |:---------- |:------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-fr.md index 1a55b9be31af51..1624d85520206a 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-fr.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:---------- |:------------ |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ja.md index e106531b8e1598..b929d82bde4189 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ja.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:---------- |:------------ |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-pt.md index 4c1c9872c816e9..5cfb9911fec774 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-pt.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nome da importação | Propriedade | Propriedade CSS | Chave do tema | |:------------------ |:----------- |:--------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ru.md index 46312e364de724..63e2980c872a78 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-ru.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Импорт | Свойство | Свойство CSS | В теме | |:---------- |:---------- |:------------ |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-zh.md index 88c073a9ecfbb5..dabc655a0b43b8 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions-zh.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | 导入名称 | Prop | CSS 属性 | Theme key | |:---------- |:---------- |:---------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------- | | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom` | `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions.md b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions.md index d078703e7250a8..212bf7db602ec2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/positions/positions.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { positions } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:------------|:-----|:-------------|:----------| | `position` | `position` | `position` | none | -| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.zIndex) | +| `zIndex` | `zIndex` | `z-index` | [`zIndex`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.zIndex) | | `top` | `top` | `top` | none | | `right` | `right` | `right` | none | | `bottom` | `bottom`| `bottom` | none | diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-de.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-de.md index da9d85d629fdbf..58e678f60d2082 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-de.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Inportname | Eigenschaften | CSS-Eigenschaft | Theme-Schlüssel | |:---------- |:------------- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-es.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-es.md index b705a7426295f3..dd4745e219eaf3 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-es.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nombre del import | Prop | Propiedad CSS | Clave del tema | |:----------------- |:---- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-fr.md index 5aea55d694279a..6928b7069e1f84 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-fr.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:---- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ja.md index 34cc4ef6abb004..23cd85f4634eb7 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ja.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:----------- |:---- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-pt.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-pt.md index 39437394741ef3..1439d368d41bfa 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-pt.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-pt.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nome da importação | Prop | Propriedade CSS | Chave do tema | |:------------------ |:---- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Algumas pessoas acham a propriedade abreviada confusa, você pode usar a versão completa se preferir:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ru.md index 97a6770924a135..35b7f075039802 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-ru.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Импорт | Свойство | Свойство CSS | В теме | |:--------- |:-------- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-zh.md index 27a1424f61d548..8ad1a572c56e0b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing-zh.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | 导入名称 | Prop | CSS 属性 | Theme key | |:--------- |:---- |:------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing.md b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing.md index 50dea57dd2fd8d..94393c4bb183e2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/spacing/spacing.md @@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:------------|:-----|:-------------|:----------| -| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | -| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `m` | `margin` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mt` | `margin-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mr` | `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mb` | `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `ml` | `margin-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `mx` | `margin-left`, `margin-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `my` | `margin-top`, `margin-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `p` | `padding` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pt` | `padding-top` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pr` | `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pb` | `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `pl` | `padding-left` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `px` | `padding-left`, `padding-right` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | +| `spacing` | `py` | `padding-top`, `padding-bottom` | [`spacing`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.spacing) | *Some people find the prop shorthand confusing, you can use the full version if you prefer:* diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-de.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-de.md index 5202165d1f2539..0a9d4ed59b8f42 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-de.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-de.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Inportname | Eigenschaften | CSS-Eigenschaft | Theme-Schlüssel | |:--------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-es.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-es.md index b4c4d44d38012d..e17d35e56d3c81 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-es.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-es.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Nombre del import | Prop | Propiedad CSS | Clave del tema | |:----------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-fr.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-fr.md index db96a8b089d7e1..b69c2dffa5bfd3 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-fr.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-fr.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:--------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ja.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ja.md index ea949b7725a8a7..2002756e101c67 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ja.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ja.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:--------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ru.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ru.md index 095cf25c556bd5..403c0bf81f6693 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ru.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-ru.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Импорт | Свойство | Свойство CSS | В теме | |:--------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-zh.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-zh.md index 1a668cd8e4ebd4..0ef9fef95517b2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-zh.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography-zh.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ … ``` -## 字体大小 +## 字体大小 {{"demo": "pages/system/typography/FontSize.js", "defaultCodeOpen": false}} @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | 导入名称 | Prop | CSS 属性 | Theme key | |:--------------- |:--------------- |:---------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography.md b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography.md index 177d9797755932..008a4c72a41340 100644 --- a/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography.md +++ b/docs/src/pages/system/typography/typography.md @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ import { typography } from '@material-ui/system'; | Import name | Prop | CSS property | Theme key | |:------------|:-----|:-------------|:----------| -| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | -| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expend-path=$.typography) | +| `fontFamily` | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontSize` | `fontSize` | `font-size` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontStyle` | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | +| `fontWeight` | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | [`typography`](/customization/default-theme/?expand-path=$.typography) | | `letterSpacing` | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | none | | `lineHeight` | `lineHeight` | `line-height` | none | | `textAlign` | `textAlign` | `text-align` | none |