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Parameter Freedom

Loosen restrictions around positional, optional, and named parameters. Add rest parameters and a spread operator. Let API authors define flexible, expressive parameter lists that free callers from writing useless boilerplate.


My goal with the "UI as code" work is a holistic set of language changes that hang together to improve the user experience of the code. In order to make progress, it's useful to break that into individual proposals that we can work on independently and incrementally.

Every set of features I've considered so far includes at least three changes to parameter lists:

Passing positional arguments after named arguments

If a method takes a big function literal, collection, or other large nested expression as an argument, it's easiest to read at the end of the argument list. If the method accepts other named arguments, this forces you to make this trailing argument named, even if you don't want it to be optional or the name is pointless. For example:

  style: Theme.of(context).text.body1.copyWith(fontSize: config.fontSize),
  child: Column(
    children: [
        child: Block(
          padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
          scrollAnchor: ViewportAnchor.end,
          children: => ChatMessage(m)).toList(),

Here, you want the child widget to be the last argument because it's larger than the style argument. But it should also be mandatory and the child name doesn't add much value.

The problem is a simple syntactic limitation: Dart doesn't let you place positional arguments following named ones. Removing that restriction would let you turn child into a mandatory positional parameter and write:

  style: Theme.of(context).text.body1.copyWith(fontSize: config.fontSize),
    children: [
        child: Block(
          padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
          scrollAnchor: ViewportAnchor.end,
          children: => ChatMessage(m)).toList(),

Both optional positional and named parameters

Dart allows optional positional parameters or optional named ones, but not both. When those features were first designed, the language team knew this was an arbitrary limitation. This restriction causes a couple of problems:

  • If you want to give a name to one optional parameter, you have to name all of them. This can lead to not-very-useful parameter names like child and children. These parameter have to be named, even though the name communicates little, because the methods taking them also want to take other parameters that are named.

  • Once a method chooses an optional style, it is stuck with it. You define a method that takes an optional positional parameter and ship the API. Later, you want to add another optional parameter. That's a non-breaking change. But that parameter really should be named. Alas, you can't do that. You would have to go back and change the existing parameter to be named too, which is a breaking change.

    The language team has a goal to improve the ability to evolve APIs without breaking them. This is one of the corners of the language that causes that unneeded breakage. Allowing a single method to take both optional positional and optional named fixes that.

    (See issue #21406.)

(See issue #7056.)

Rest parameters

Almost every language has a way to pass an unbounded series of arguments to a function without having to explicitly create a list or array, usually called "varargs", "variadic parameters" or "rest parameters". Dart doesn't, which leads to a large amount of boilerplate children: [ ... ] code in Flutter widgets. This is something Flutter users often complain about.

Because Dart doesn't support rest parameters and JavaScript does, we have to work around it in interop.

(See issue #16253, StackOverflow 1, StackOverflow 2.)

Non-trailing optional parameters

Dart currently requires all optional positional parameters to be at the end of the parameter list. Sometimes this leads to an unnatural parameter order. A classic example is a function that takes a range with an optional minimum, like:

int random(int minOrMax, [int max]) {
  // ...

That weird first parameter name is because what it represents depends on whether or not the second parameter is passed. The problem is much worse if the two parameters need to have different types. At that point, you are usually forced to make both named and throw an exception if the user passes the wrong one.

Individually, these are all fairly minor changes. But given how much code, especially Flutter UI code, is composed of method invocation, these changes can have a large impact on the clarity and brevity of a user's program. They probably won't move the needle—we should look into more ambitious features in addition to these—but they eliminate a large number of small frictions.

Since these changes are intertwined in the same corner of the language's semantics and grammar, this proposal addresses them all together.


An over-arching goal of this proposal is good performance for ahead-of-time compiled code. A large fraction of execution time is spent calling functions and binding parameters to arguments. We want to be able to do as much of the resolution and binding logic—determining which argument ends up associated with which parameter position—at compile time.

At the same time, we still support dynamic calls and don't want behavior to diverge if you defer binding to runtime. To achieve that, this proposal ensures that the runtime types of functions and arguments do not affect the way parameters are bound. The static type of the function and the arity of the argument list completely control binding.

The rest of the proposal goes into detail about each change, but here is a quick introduction to the proposed solutions:

Passing positional arguments after named arguments

We maintain the rule that arguments are evaluated strictly left-to-right. It's just that now that may involve evaluating a mixture of positional and named arguments instead of knowing all of the positional arguments will be evaluated first.

Both optional positional and named parameters

The semantics for positional and named parameters in Dart are orthogonal. (This is unlike most languages where you can pass any parameter by name or position.) To support both, we just permit both in a single function.

Non-trailing optional parameters

We remove the restriction that the [...] section must be after all the required parameters. Instead, it can appear at any point in the positional argument list, like here:

int random([int min = 0], int max) {
  // ...

When calling a method where the optional parameters aren't necessarily at the end, we rely on the arity of the call—the number of arguments—to determine which parameters are bound and which aren't. With the above, the valid calls are:

random(10);    // Uses the default for min and binds max to 10.
random(5, 15); // Binds min to 5 and max to 15.

Since we want to support parameter lists with leading or trailing optional parameters, it's a relatively small step to go to full generality and support multiple [...] sections, with non-optional parameters between them:

method(int a, [bool b, double c], num d, [String e]) { ... }

That, of course, is a pathological example. Almost all real code will contain a single optional parameter section, usually just a single parameter.

Rest parameters

To support rest parameters, we define one more kind of positional section in a parameter list. A rest parameter is an (optional) type annotation followed by ... and then a parameter name. For example:

runProcess(String command, List<String> ...arguments) { ... }

main() {
  runProcess("cat", "file1.txt", "file2.txt");

Spread arguments

If you want to expand a collection object into a sequence of rest arguments, you can use the "spread" operator:

var files = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"];
runProcess("cat", ...files);

In order to ensure that we can statically analyze calls based on arity, we need to take some care when using the spread operator. Unlike dynamically-typed JavaScript, we can't (easily) support things like:

function(int a, int b, [int c]) { ... }

var args = [1, 2, 3];

Because you could get into weird situations like:

function(int a, int b, [String c]) { ... }

var args = [1, 2];
if (flipCoin()) args.add(3);
function(...args, "a string");

How do you type check that? To avoid this situation, spread arguments are only allowed in a position where it will be bound to a rest parameter. You cannot spread to other parameters. In typical cases, there's a single spread that maps directly to the rest parameter:

int sum(List<int> ...ints) => ints.fold(0, (a, b) => a + b);

var numbers = [3, 4, 5];

It's also fine to mix a spread with regular arguments:

var numbers = [3, 4, 5];
sum(1, 2, ...numbers, 6, 7);

In fact, you can also have multiple spreads, even spreads interleaved with other non-spread arguments. They just all need to get bound to the rest parameter:

var numbers = [3, 4, 5];
var more = [8, 9];
sum(1, 2, ...numbers, 6, 7, ...more, 10);

In the future, we may add destructuring assignment or pattern matching to Dart. If that happens, it will likely support a similar feature so this anticipates that.


With all of these changes, some Flutter code that looks like this:

  style: Theme.of(context).text.body1.copyWith(fontSize: config.fontSize),
  child: Column(
    children: [
        child: Block(
          padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
          scrollAnchor: ViewportAnchor.end,
          children: => ChatMessage(m)).toList(),

Can become:

  style: Theme.of(context).text.body1.copyWith(fontSize: config.fontSize),
        padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
        scrollAnchor: ViewportAnchor.end, => ChatMessage(m)),

It's not a radical difference, but it's hopefully a real improvement. The changes here are general enough that they should be useful for a wide variety of APIs outside of Flutter too. In much greater detail...


I've never been thrilled about Dart's parameter syntax. The square brackets and curlies are weird and unintuitive. But they're what we have and it's hard to come up with something better that covers all of the various use cases.

If/when we later add support non-nullable types, I think we should revisit parameters and consider using the nullability of a parameter to imply optionality too. In the meantime, this proposal takes a more conservative approach and builds on the existing syntax.

Rest parameters

Some languages use a keyword (params in C#, vararg in Kotlin), some use a * (prefix in Ruby and Python, postfix in Scala), and some use ... (postfix in Java, prefix in JavaScript, on its own in C).

Since Dart's syntactic legacy most strongly follows JavaScript and Java, I prefer .... I think it's more familiar and also stands out. If we later add support for destructuring assignment, that's the syntax we'd likely want to use for rest arguments there. Since the type annotation is optional, we place the ... before the parameter name:

void concat(List<String> ...arguments) { ... }

Note that unlike Java and Scala, a rest parameter does not implicity convert the type to a collection. You have to explicitly write List<String> and not just String. This is verbose, but consistent with other places in Dart. Marking a function async does not implicitly wrap its return type in Future<___>.

There's argument that * is a better choice for Dart given sync* and yield*. A user study would help us choose between the two. I could go either way. If we switch to * for rest, we should do the same for spread.

Argument lists

There are two changes to the calling side of the grammar:

  • Allow positional arguments after named ones.
  • Allow spread arguments.

Note that spread is not a general expression form. It's only allowed in an argument list. Here's the grammar:

  '(' argumentList? ')'

  argument (',' argument)* ','?

  label? expression |
  '...' expression

Note that there is no "named spread" syntax. Rest parameters, by their nature, are never named.

Parameter lists

We have three changes to parameter lists:

  • Allow both optional positional and named parameters.
  • Rest parameters.
  • Non-trailing optional parameters.

I think the following grammar changes cover them:

  '(' ')' |
  '(' positionalSections ','? ')' |
  '(' namedParameters ','? ')' |
  '(' positionalSections ',' namedParameters ','? ')' |

  positionalSection ( ', ' positionalSection )*

  normalFormalParameter |
  restParameter |
  '[' defaultFormalParameter (', ' defaultFormalParameter)* ']'

  finalConstVarOrType? '...' identifier

It is a compile-time error if a parameter list contains multiple rest parameters. It is a compile-time error if a parameter list contains multiple adjacent optional parameter sections. (The latter isn't harmful, but we prohibit it to avoid two ways of expressing the same thing.)

Definitions and Model

Before we get into the detailed semantics, I want to define a model for parameters, a few terms, and an algorithm that will be used throughout.


With the introduction of spread arguments, the definition of "argument" gets fuzzier. In:

var elements = [1, 2, 3];

How many arguments are there, one or three? In this proposal, the answer is "one". An "argument" is a single comma-delimited element in the argument list. It may or may not be a spread argument. We can query any argument to see if it's a spread one or not. In this example, function takes one spread argument.

After a spread argument is "unpacked" or "spread out", we know longer talk about "arguments" and talk about "elements" or "values".


A function type specifies a signature for how you can call it and a type that you get in return. We'll ignore return types since they aren't relevant to this proposal. So:

function(int a, bool b, String c)

Lets you call it like:

function(1, true, "three")

When a function type has optional parameters, you can think of it as specifying a set of "overloaded" signatures, all of which are valid. So:

function(int a, [bool b, String c])

Is conceptually a bundle of three overloads:

function(int a)
function(int a, bool b)
function(int a, bool b, String c)

The rule for binding parameters to arguments is that as long as the argument list matches one of the function's overloads, it's a valid call to that function.

For subtyping, the rule is a function must have at least all of the overloads of the supertype to be a valid subtype. So given:

function(int a, [bool b, String c])

// Which expands to:
function(int a)
function(int a, bool b)
function(int a, bool b, String c)

This is a valid subtype (and thus also a valid method override):

sub(int a, [bool b, String c, double d])

// Which expands to:
sub(int a)
sub(int a, bool b)
sub(int a, bool b, String c)
sub(int a, bool b, String c, double d)

It adds another overload, but that's OK. (This is also why adding an optional parameter to a superclass method is a breaking change. It adds a new overload that the subclass overrides may not all support.)

Dart's current restrictions around optional parameters simplify what it means to "choose an overload" when resolving and type checking a call and when doing subtype tests between functions. Since the optional arguments are always at the end, and filled in left-to-right, the presence or absence of an optional argument never "shifts" any other arguments.

This means that if, say, the second parameter has type String, that is true across all overloads that accept a second parameter. This lets you type check calls and subtypes by just walking the parameter list and ignoring overloads and optional parameters.

When we allow interleaving optional parameters and required ones, we lose that property:

function([int a], String b)

// Which expands to:
function(String b)
function(int a, String b)

The type of the first parameter depends on which overload is chosen. The proposal here accommodates that.

Binding priority

When there aren't enough arguments for all of the parameters a function expects, some parameters end up unfilled and use their default value. With required parameters, interleaved optional parameters, and rest parameters, determining which parameters get which arguments is more complex.

Dart's current principles are:

  • Required parameters always get arguments. That's what "required" means.

  • An optional parameter doesn't get a value unless all optional parameters to its left do first.

This proposal preserves those and adds:

  • A rest parameter doesn't get any arguments until after all optional parameters do.

You can think of argument binding as happening in two steps:

  1. For each parameter, you figure out if it gets an argument.
  2. Then, for each parameter that does get an argument, figure out which one (or ones for rest) it gets.

We do the first step by giving each parameter a binding priority. Binding priorities start at zero (the first, highest priority) and increase from there:

  1. Assign each required parameter successive binding priorities from left to right.

  2. Then each optional parameter from left to right. These come immediately after the required ones in priority, and increase as you go from left to right. This way, if only some of the optionals get filled, it's the leftmost ones that win.

  3. Then the rest parameter, if there is one.

Given a set of arguments, the rule to determine which parameters get arguments is simple:

  • Any parameter whose binding priority is lower than the number of arguments passed wins. So if you pass three arguments to a function, parameters with binding priority 0 through 2 get arguments, and any others won't.

Priority tells us if a parameter gets any argument. Next, we decide which arguments go to which parameters. Dart's principle is:

  • Non-named parameters are bound to arguments in strictly left-to-right order.

Even though we allow optional parameters to appear before required ones, which means you can have lower priority parameters before higher ones, we preserve this principle. That's why we split it into two phases. First, priority determines if a given parameter gets any arguments. Then we start over and walk the argument list left-to-right, doling them out to parameters as needed.

We also need to handle the rest parameter. This means a single parameter might get multiple arguments. Since the rest parameter only gets "extra" arguments, the number of arguments it claims is always the total number of arguments minus the number used for optional and required parameters.

Positional binding algorithm

Here is the full algorithm that binds positional (required, optional, and rest) parameters to arguments. It takes a parameter signature (a function type), and a list of positional arguments, some of which may be spread arguments. It returns a mapping of arguments to parameters. Multiple arguments may be mapped to a single parameter, and some parameters may get no arguments.

This algorithm is used by both the static and dynamic semantics. When used statically, the signature is a function's static type, and the list of arguments is the list of their static types. When used dynamically, the signature is the function's runtime type and the arguments is the list of argument values.

The algorithm may produce errors. When used for static semantics, these are compile-time errors. For dynamic semantics, they throw a type error.

  1. Let args be the number of positional arguments.

  2. Let required be the number of required positional parameters.

  3. Let optional be the number of optional positional parameters.

  4. Let restArgs be argCount - required - optional. This is the number of arguments that will get bound to the rest parameter. It may be negative.

  5. If args < required, then there are not enough arguments for all the required parameters. Error.

  6. If args > required + optional and there is no rest parameter, then there are too many arguments. Error.

  7. Start at the first positional argument. For each positional parameter:

    1. If the parameter is the rest parameter:

      1. Bind the parameter to the next restArgs arguments in the argument list and advance past them.

      Else if the binding priority of the parameter is less than the number of positional arguments:

      1. If the argument is a spread argument, error. You cannot apply a spread argument to a non-rest parameter.

      2. Bind the parameter to the current argument, and advance to the next argument.

      Else the parameter is not bound to an argument.

Here's a (grotesque) example of it in action:

function(int a, [int b], List<int> ...c, int d, [int e])
// priority: 0       2                4      1       3

As you can see, the required parameters have the lowest priority numbers, then the optionals, then finally the rest parameter. Valid calls at different arities looks like this:

//       a  b  c     d  e
function(1,          2)     // a: 1, b: none, c: [],     d: 2, e: none
function(1, 2,       3)     // a: 1, b: 2,    c: [],     d: 3, e: none
function(1, 2,       3, 4)  // a: 1, b: 2,    c: [],     d: 3, e: 4
function(1, 2, 3,    4, 5)  // a: 1, b: 2,    c: [3],    d: 4, e: 5
function(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)  // a: 1, b: 2,    c: [3, 4], d: 5, e: 6

As you add more arguments, the optionals get filled in in order. Once those are all provided for, adding more arguments increases the number that go to the rest parameter.

Static Semantics

Function declaration

The object bound to a rest parameter is automatically created by the implementation, so its type is restricted. It is a compile-time error for a rest parameter to have a static type other than dynamic or List<T> for some T. (We allow dynamic mostly to support unannotated rest parameters.)

If the static type of a rest parameter is List<T> for some T, the element type of the rest parameter is T. Otherwise, it is Object.

Function invocation

When calling a function whose static type we know, we check that the argument list is valid for the function's parameter list. The binding algorithm does the heavy lifting. What's left is to make sure the types of the arguments match the parameters and that rest and spread are treated correctly.

  1. If the function's type is dynamic or Function, the invocation is not checked statically. Otherwise:

  2. Run the positional binding algorithm using the function's static type and the static types of the positional arguments.

  3. For each non-rest positional parameter:

    1. If the argument the parameter is bound to is a spread argument, compile-time error. You cannot spread to non-rest parameters.

    2. If the argument is not assignable to the parameter, compile-time error.

    3. If the argument is a supertype of the parameter, insert an implicit downcast to the parameter's type.

  4. If there is a rest parameter, for each argument the rest parameter is bound to:

    1. If the argument is a spread argument:

      1. If the argument is not assignable to Iterable<T> where T is the rest parameter's element type, compile-time error.

      Else (non-spread argument):

      1. If the argument's type is not assignable to the parameter's element type, compile-time error.
  5. Apply the existing static semantics for named arguments/parameters and the return type.


Dart supports calling functions dynamically when nothing is known statically about the type of the function being called. Even with static types, the runtime type of the actual function called may be a subtype of the static type of the invocation.

It is profoundly confusing to users if those don't all behave the same. For example, say you have:

range([int min = 0], int max) => print("$min - $max");

range(10); // "0 - 10".
range(3, 8); // "3 - 8".

Great. We could conceivably consider that function to be a valid subtype of Function(int a, [int b]). They both accept either one or two parameters. But consider what happens when you invoke the former through a variable with the latter's type:

Function(int a, [int b]) fn = range;
fn(3, 8);

We want to be able to statically determine which arguments get bound to which parameters and thus which parameters use their default. Based on the static type of fn, we would expect fn(10) to bind 10 to the first parameter and use the default for the second. But that's exactly the opposite of how range() behaves if you call it directly.

To avoid these cases, we restrict the rules around subtyping. The principle is:

  • A function type is only a subtype of another it supports all of the same invocations and they all bind the same parameter positions to the same argument positions. In other words, all corresponding parameters need to have the same binding priority. The existing subtype rules follow this principle.

To determine if function type Type is a subtype of function type Supe:

  1. If Supe has more positional parameters than Type, Type is not a subtype. It needs to accept at least every parameter that Supe accepts.

  2. For each parameter position in Supe:

    1. Let pSupe be the parameter at that position in Supe. Let pType be the parameter at that position in Type.

    2. If pSupe is not a subtype of pType, Type is not a subtype. This is the usual contravariant parameter rule.

    3. If pSupe is rest and pType is not, or vice versa, Type is not a subtype.

    4. If pSupe is optional and pType is not, Type is not a subtype. A subtype cannot turn an optional parameter required because it would be possible to call it through the supertype and not pass the argument.

    5. If the binding priority of pSupe is not the same as the binding priority of pType, Type is not a subtype. This ensures you can't get a different argument order when you invoke the same function through a supertype as through a subtype.

      The effective restriction is that required parameters in the supertype usually stay required in the subtype. However, a subtype can make one or more required parameters optional if all optional parameters in the supertype are after all of its required parameters. It's OK for a rest parameter to be anywhere in there. This follows the existing Dart rules.

  3. If Supe has a rest parameter and Type has more positional parameters than Supe, Type is not a subtype. You can't "add" extra parameters when the supertype already has a rest parameter, because those additional parameters will consume arguments and shift which arguments get bound to the rest parameter.

  4. For each parameter position in Type beyond the last parameter position in Supe (i.e. for the extra parameters Type has at the end):

    1. If the parameter is required, Type is not a subtype. You can only add optional parameters and/or a rest parameter.
  5. It the return type of Type is not a subtype of the return type of Supe, Type is not a subtype.

  6. Apply the existing function subtyping rules for named parameters.

  7. If we get here, Type is a subtype.

Note: We ignore generic type arguments because they aren't affected by this proposal.

This is basically the same subtype logic Dart currently has except that:

  • It handles optional parameters appearing before required parameters. Since Dart already requires each optional parameter in a supertype to be optional in a subtype, this is a non-breaking extension of that.

  • It handles rest parameters. For a function type to be a subtype, any rest parameters must line up.

  • It makes it invalid for a subtype to add any optional parameters if the supertype has a rest parameter. Since no functions have rest parameters in Dart today, this is also non-breaking.

Dynamic Semantics

Function declaration

When a function with a rest parameter is called, the implementation takes the rest arguments and bundles them into a rest object which is the actual object the rest parameter is bound to. The competing goals for this object are to make it useful for users in the body of the function, while restricting it so that implementations have room to optimize its representation (possibly to the point of not materializing it at all).

To that end, the rest object:

  • Implements List<T> where T is the rest parameter's element type.

  • May throw a runtime exception on any attempts to modify the object. This lets implementations use optimized representations that don't support modification.

  • Makes no guarantees about its identity. You may get a rest object that is identical to one from another invocation, a different function, or some user-visible object. This lets implementations reuse a const empty list in cases where no arguments are passed or otherwise reuse objects when practical.

Basically, if you are taking a rest parameter, assume you can read from it inside the body of the function but otherwise treat it as ephemeral.

Function invocation

This extends the existing behavior of evaluating an invocation's arguments (16.14.1) and binding parameters to them (16.14.2).

  1. Evaluate the argument expressions (both named and positional) in the order that they appear at the invocation. If an argument is a spread argument, evaluate the expression after the ..., but do not yet iterate over the resulting object.

  2. Evaluate the function expression or look up the member. Get the runtime type of the resulting function.

  3. Run the positional binding algorithm using the function's runtime type and the values of the positional arguments.

  4. For each non-rest positional parameter:

    1. If the argument the parameter is bound to is a spread argument, throw an error. You cannot spread to non-rest parameters.

    2. If the argument's type is not a subtype of the parameter's type, throw an error. This can only fail on dynamic invocations. In static calls, the argument type will either be a subtype or a previously-inserted implicit downcast will have failed.

  5. If there is a rest parameter:

    1. Create a rest object. Assume the existence of this function which appends the given element to the rest object:

      void addToRest(T value) { ... }

      Here, T is the rest parameter's element type. Calling this implies a runtime cast to T, which may throw a cast error.

    2. For each argument that the rest parameter is bound to:

      1. If argument is a spread argument, add argument's elements to the rest object by evaluating:

        for (T element in argument) addToRest(element);

        Note that argument could be a user-defined implementation of Iterable<T> that modifies the underlying collection or has side effects, so this iteration is potentially user-visible. However, since we iterate over argument once and add the individual elements to a new hidden rest object, no modifications to the spread object after this point will affect the rest object.

      2. Else, add the non-spread value to the rest object by evaluating:

    3. Bind the rest parameter to the rest object.

  6. Bind named parameters to named arguments as usual.

TODO: In the case where the rest parameter receives a single spread argument, we could consider binding the rest parameter directly to it. We need to call this out explicitly because doing so is user-visible if the iteration has side effects. This would avoid forcing implementations to always create an eager copy of the spread object.

These dynamic semantics align with the static semantics. If the static type of the function is known and it analyzed without error, then the only runtime errors that can be thrown are implicit downcast failures when binding parameters to arguments or when adding an element from the spread argument to the rest object.

A working prototype of the parameter binding and subtyping logic is here.


No language proposal is a good idea if it can't be implemented in reasonable time with reasonable efficiency. Here's my understanding from talking to implementation teams.

TODO: Talk to analyzer, dart2js, DDC, and VM runtime teams.

Passing positional arguments after named arguments

Implementations already have to deal with the fact that named arguments can appear in a different order than the named parameters they bind to, this doesn't cause much additional complexity.

The VM's current calling convention implementation takes some advantage of the fact that positional arguments always come first, but they believe they can make this work with acceptable performance.

TODO: Talk to analyzer, dart2js, DDC, and VM runtime teams.

Both optional positional and named parameters

There are no concerns here for the VM.

DDC's function calling convention (and thus its JS interop API) takes advantage of the fact that a function cannot have both optional positional and named parameters, and that the optional positional parameters are all at the end.

TODO: Talk to analyzer, dart2js, DDC, and VM runtime teams.

Non-trailing optional parameters

There are no performance concerns here for the VM.

TODO: Talk to analyzer, dart2js, DDC, and VM runtime teams.

Rest parameters and spread arguments

The proposal tries to be vague enough that an implementation may be able to avoid spurious copies in cases where an existing collection is bound directly to a rest parameter, but it's hard to allow that while also being precise about evaluation order. We may need to refine this when we get more insight into how often the feature is used and how performance-critical it is.

It would be nice if implementations could avoid redundantly materializing a rest object when one rest parameter is forwarded to another:

first(List ...things) {

second(List ...things) { ... }

main() {
  first(1, 2, 3);

It would be good if an implementation didn't need to materialize a second rest object when first() forwards to second(). It's not clear if this proposal allows that or if implementations will be able to avoid the copy.

TODO: Talk to analyzer, dart2js, DDC, and VM runtime teams.


If this proposal did its job correctly, everything in here is non-breaking and backwards compatible at the language level. Existing method declarations are valid and fit within a subset of what is now expressible.

However, library maintainers may wish to change their APIs to take advantage of these new features. That needs to be done thoughtfully.

Turning named parameters to positional parameters

In order to take advantage of these features, API designers may want to turn some named parameters (think child in Flutter) into positional parameters or vice versa. That is a breaking change, but can be phased in by supporting both for a while:

SomeWidget(aRequiredParameter, [Widget child2], {@deprecated Widget child}) {
  child ??= child2;
  // ...

(This is an example of why supporting both optional positional and named is really handy. It's also a good example of why not allowing positional parameters to be passed by name is useful. When the old named child parameter is removed, child2 can be renamed to child without breaking any callers since it can only be passed by position.)

Turning named parameters to rest parameters

Changing a named parameter to a rest parameter (think children) is also doable with a deprecation period:

SomeWidget(aRequiredParameter, List<Widget> ...children2,
    {@deprecated List<Widget> children}) {
  children ??= children2;
  // ...

Changing list parameters to rest parameters

Changing a positional parameter that takes a list to a rest parameter does not work. Every existing call would break because those would need to simultaneously be changed to spread arguments to preserve the same behavior. A method like List.addAll() will likely never use rest parameters.

It would be nice if we could change print() to:

print(List<Object> ...objects);

This is theoretically safe because it's not an instance method and every existing invocation of print() is also a valid call to the above function. However, the above change breaks cases where print has been used as a closure, as in:

[1, 2, 3].forEach(print);

TODO: Can we safely relax the subtyping rules to accommodate this?

When to use rest parameters

We should give users some guidance on when to use a rest parameter versus a regular list-typed parameter. Some heuristics to consider:

  • If the caller thinks of it as passing several arguments to the function, use a rest parameter. For example a hash() function that can generate a hash code given some objects is a good candidate. The caller doesn't think of it as passing a collection of objects. Instead, they perceive it more like there being multiple overloads of hash() for different numbers of parameters.

  • If the function or constructor being called itself feels like a collection, use a rest parameter. For example, it feels redundant to pass an explicit list of children to Flutter's Column class because that class itself is a container.

  • Higher-level DSL-like APIs are a more natural fit for rest parameters. Simpler, more concrete APIs benefit from being more explicit.

  • If most callsites pass list literals, then a rest parameter is a net improvement to brevity. Conversely, if most callsites would end up having to use a spread argument, the rest parameter isn't being helpful.

In some cases, it may be reasonable for a class to support a rest-parameter and non-rest parameter version of the same operation. For example, we could add List.addRest(List<E> ...elements).

Next Steps

Right now, this proposal is just a draft. The first step is to run it by the language leads and see what they think. Assuming that's OK, going forward means gathering more feasiblity and usability data:

  • Talk to the DDC, dart2js, and VM teams to see how supporting the additional parameters affects the calling conventions, ABI, and performance of function calls.

  • My understanding is that when dart2js compiles a function with optional parameters, it generates stub entrypoints for every possible arity. That doesn't scale to rest parameters where there is no upper limit to the number of parameters. We'll have to work with them and see if it's possible to come up with a reasonable compilation strategy and calling convention.

  • Consider some kind of user study or survey to get data on whether ... or * is a better choice for rest/spread.

  • Consider user studies of Flutter's API to see if turning child into a positional parameter is helpful or not.

  • Likewise, test to see if turning children into a rest parameter helps or harms.

  • In order to get a sense of how useful rest parameters would be, we can scrape some corpora to look for existing rest-like APIs. We can look for functions where most arguments are list literals. Or look for declarations containing a series of optional positional parameters of the same type and similar names, like:

    foo([Type thing1, Type thing2, Type thing3])
  • If we're adding a spread syntax, it's natural to allow it inside list and map literals as well:

    var numbers = [1, 2, 3];
    var more = [5, 6];
    var everything = [0, ...numbers, 4, ...more, 7];

    I don't do that here because it's orthogonal to this proposal, but we should consider writing a separate proposal for that. I wouldn't be surprised if ... ended up more useful in list literals than it is in argument lists.

Questions and Alternatives

Why are rest parameters declared explicitly?

One option to get the most bang for the buck would to say any parameter whose type is Iterable<T> or List<T> can implicitly be called using rest parameters. That way, existing APIs that take those types automatically "upgrade" to supporting rest parameters.

There's a few problems with this, but a sufficiently fatal one is that an API may take multiple iterable parameters. If you try to have multiple rest parameters, it becomes ambigious which argument goes to which parameter:

method(List<int> ...a, List<int> ...b) {}

method(1, 2, 3, 4);

Which numbers get bound to a and which to b? The safer option is to make rest parameters explicit. This means there may be a window of time where the feature isn't as useful as it could be until library maintainers go back and add ... to the right APIs, but it's safer and easier to reason about.

Why not use the same syntax for optional parameters as other languages?

One of Dart's greatest virtues is how familiar and easy to learn it is. We achieve that mostly by following in the footsteps of existing languages. Our optional parameter syntax is a case where we didn't do that. In most other languages, you make a parameter optional simply by giving it a default value:

 function foo(i = 123)          // JavaScript
      def foo(i = 123)          // Python
      def foo(i = 123)          // Ruby
 function foo($i = 123)         // PHP
     void foo(int i = 123)      // C++
     void Foo(int i = 123)      // C#
      fun foo(i: int = 123)     // Kotlin
procedure foo(i: integer = 123) // Pascal
      def foo(i: int = 123)     // Scala
     func foo(i: Int = 123)     // Swift
 function foo(i: number = 123)  // TypeScript

Unfortunately, we can't always do that in Dart because optional parameters are also part of function types, not just function declarations. In something like, say:

typedef TakeOneOrTwo = Function(int one, [int another]);

It doesn't make sense to provide a default value, so we can't use the familiar = blah syntax to indicate optional parameters.

Most other languages also don't distinguish between optional positional and named parameters—if named parameters are supported, you can usually pass any parameter by name.

Distinguishing named from positional parameters is a nice feature of Dart. It gives API authors more control over how the API is used and avoids inadvertently bleeding parameter names into the public API. It also makes our function subtyping and override rules more tractable. (C# is weird about this.)

So, unlike other languages, we need a way to distinguish named and positional parameters. And we need a way to indicate optional parameters that doesn't rely on the presence of a default value.

We could support both the typical syntax for optional (positional) parameters as well as the [...] for use in things like typedefs:

method(int i, int j = 2, {int named}) { ... }

typedef OneOrTwo = void Function(int i, [int j], {int named});

But it's not clear that the familiarity and brevity is worth having two ways to say the same thing.

Why is a spread operator required?

It seems like a natural way to handle spreading is to say that if argument is a collection of the rest parameter's type, implicitly spread it. So, like:

function(List<String> ...args) {}

var stuff = ["a", "b"];

We know that stuff is a list of string and it's being passed to a rest parameter that contains strings so we can just assume the user wants to implicitly unpack it.

This is how C# and Java work. But those languages also allow overloading by type, which Dart does not. Dart is becoming more of a statically typed language, but we don't yet rely heavily on types to change runtime semantics.

If, for example, inference were to fail on stuff in the above example for some reason, the meaning of the call to function() would change. It also raises weird questions around which types can be unpacked. Is a List<Object> a valid type for a rest parameter of List<String> since Object can be implicitly downcast to String?

The safest option is to provide a little syntax for the user to make their intent clear.

What about required named parameters?

Flutter and many other users would like to support parameters that are passed by name but not optional. This would be particularly nice for Boolean parameters since the style guide recommends those always by passed by name.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come up with a syntax that felt reasonable or any better than the @required annotation currently being used. This is another feature worth revisiting when non-nullable types are added: A named parameter whose type is non-nullable and doesn't have a default value is a natural candidate for becoming a required parameter.

Is mixing optional and required parameters useful?

Probably the least-justified corner of this proposal is that it allows arbitrary interleaving of required, optional, and rest parameters. This lets you define very strange functions like:

function(a, [b], c, ...d, [e], f, [g]) { ... }

Few mere mortals can understand what this does if you call it with, say, five arguments. (Though this proposal does specify the behavior very explicitly in a way I think is reasonable.) Examples like this are not good API design and not what the feature is about. Here are some examples that I do think are important:

runProcess(String command, List<String> ...args) { ... }

One or more required arguments following by a trailing rest parameter is the obvious easy example. With closures, sometimes you want to have a specific argument be last so that the argument list is more readable. It's possible to also want to use a rest parameter, so I think it makes sense to allow leading rest parameters:

test(List<String> ...options, Function() body) { ... }

test("sync", "no-timeout", "browser", () {
  expect("thing", equals("thing"));

It's reasonable to combine the above two cases in APIs like:

withProcess(String command, List<String> ...args, Function(Process) body) {

withProcess("dart", "--observe", "temp.dart", (process) {
  process.stdin("some input");

These imply that it's worth allowing the rest parameter to appear anywhere in the list of required parameters.

What about optional parameters? We could say that any function with a rest parameter simply can't have optional parameters. That's similar to the restriction Dart 1 had with optional and named parameters. This proposal is a living example that that restriction turned out to be wrong, so I hesitate to introduce a new arbitrary restriction at the same time.

I can imagine some APIs might use both:

runProcess(String command, [String workingDir], List<String> ...args) { ... }

withProcess(String command, List<String> ...args, Function(Process) body,
    [Function() onError]) { ... }

This implies we want to support the rest parameter appearing anywhere inside the required and optional parameters, at least. Consider a notation that let you express that. I think it would be confusing to put the ... inside the [] if you want a rest parameter between some optional parameters:

function([a, ...b, c]) { ... }

That looks like b is an "optional rest" parameter, but there's no such thing. It's just a rest parameter that happens to have optional parameters before and after it. I think a more natural syntax is:

function([a], ...b, [c]) { ... }

That means, at least syntactically, we have some notion of multiple "sections" of optional positional parameters. And because the rest parameter can appear anywhere, we already have non-contiguous required optional parameters.

At that point, I figured we may as well do the last step towards full generality and allow an optional parameters to precede required ones. It is what Ruby does, and allows some handy patterns like:

random([int min = 0], int max) { ... }