Javaslang needs to be compiled with jdk 1.8.0_40 at minimum, which fixes many type inference bugs of the java compiler.[Fork] the GitHub, send a[pull request] and keep your fork in[sync] with the upstream repository.
We use recent IDE version to develop Javaslang. IntelliJ IDEA is preferred over Eclipse.
Using IntelliJ IDEA, the Community Edition works out-of-the-box. The idea-settings.jar can be found in the repo.
The IDEA settings include:
- Code Style
- File templates
- Inspection profiles
Just a few notes here. In general it is good to look at existing code to get a clear picture.
- Public API needs javadoc, e.g. public classes and public methods.
- Non-trivial private methods need javadoc, too.
- A package, which is part of the public API, contains a
. - Unit tests contain no javadoc at all (because they introduce no new API and contain no business logic).
- Running
mvn javadoc:javadoc
results in no javadoc errors. - All classes start with the following copyright notice, which contains the list of core developers:
/* / \____ _ _ ____ ______ / \ ____ __ _______
* / / \/ \ / \/ \ / /\__\/ // \/ \ // /\__\ JΛVΛSLΛNG
* _/ / /\ \ \/ / /\ \\__\\ \ // /\ \ /\\/ \ /__\ \ Copyright 2014-2016 Javaslang,
* /___/\_/ \_/\____/\_/ \_/\__\/__/\__\_/ \_// \__/\_____/ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- There is only one first-level package: javaslang.
- The maximum package depth is two.
- Package names are denoted in singular.
- Packages are sliced by domain (no util or tool packages).
- Package private classes are used in order to hide non-public API.
- Inner classes are preferred over package private classes in case of one-to-one dependencies.
- Public API is tested.
- High-level functionality is tested in first place.
- Corner cases are tested.
- Trivial methods are not directly tested, e.g. getters, setters.
- The test method name documents the test, i.e. 'shouldFooWhenBarGivenBaz'
- In most cases it makes sense to run one assertion per @Test.
- Javaslang has no dependencies other than Java.
- Unit tests depend solely on junit and assertj.
- Benchmarks are done with JMH
- Executing tests:
mvn clean test
- Executing doclint:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
- Executing code coverage report:
mvn -P ci clean test jacoco:report
- Create -javadoc.jar:
mvn javadoc:jar
- Create -source.jar:
mvn source:jar
- Update version properties:
mvn versions:update-properties
- Check for new plugin version:
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
mvn clean test -Pbenchmark
Sonatype-Nexus specific maven configuration: ~/.m2/settings.xml
Note: Detailed information about performing a release can be found in the SCM section.
- Commits are coarsely granular grouped by feature/change.
- Commits do not mix change sets of different domains/purpose.
- Commit messages provide enough detail to extract a changelog for a new release.
We following a simple git workflow/branching model:
| v2.0.x
release v2.0.0 - - - - - - + - - - + 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
| |
bugfix1 | |
| | |
PR x---->|<------+ cherry-picking bugfix1
| |
featureA | |
| | |
PR x---->| |
| |
release v2.0.1 - - - - - - | - - - + 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT
| |
| | v2.1.x
release v2.1.0 - - - - - - + - - - X - - - + 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT
| |
| |
featureB | |
| | |
PR x---->| |
... ...
Performing a release requires admin-rights.
get a fresh copy of the repo
git clone
perform the release
mvn release:clean mvn release:prepare mvn release:perform
Go to
and stage the release.
[CAUTION] Delete the old maintenance branch (e.g. v2.0.x)
git push origin :v2.0.x
Create the new maintenance branch (e.g. v2.1.x) based on the new release tag (e.g. v2.1.0)
git checkout origin/master git fetch origin git branch v2.1.x v2.1.0 git checkout v2.1.x git push origin v2.1.x
Update the version of the maintenance branch
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.1.1-SNAPSHOT
When a maintenance release is performed, we increase the last digit of the new development version of the maintenance branch (e.g. 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT).
Pull requests are merged into master. Only specific commits are merged from master into the maintenance branch.
git checkout v2.1.x
git log --date-order --date=iso --graph --full-history --all --pretty=format:'%x08%x09%C(red)%h %C(cyan)%ad%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08 %C(bold green)%aN%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d %C(reset)%s'
# pick one or more commits from the log, e.g. a741cf1.
git cherry-pick a741cf1