This is the disassembled and commented source code for the demo DNA by Jeff Minter.
To compile and run it do:
$ make
The compiled game is written to the bin
To just compile the game and get a binary (dna.prg
) do:
$ make dna
Minter uses a compression scheme for storing character sets and sprites:
- The sprite and charset data is read from the end instead of the front.
- When a sequence such as $00,$05,$1E is encountered it is treated as a tag length value (TLV) where $1E is the tag, $00 is the character to output and $05 is the number of instances to output. So $00,$05,$1E translates to $00,$00,$00,$00,$00.
In practice this scheme is most effective when storing long sequences of zeroes in sprite data. Here is an example:
; SPRITE $02
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
; $00,$A8,$00 000000001010100000000000 * * *
; $0B,$AA,$80 000010111010101010000000 * *** * * * *
; $2E,$AA,$A0 001011101010101010100000 * *** * * * * * *
; $2A,$AA,$A0 001010101010101010100000 * * * * * * * * *
; $2A,$AA,$A0 001010101010101010100000 * * * * * * * * *
; $FE,$AA,$A8 111111101010101010101000 ******* * * * * * * *
; $5E,$AA,$A8 010111101010101010101000 * **** * * * * * * *
; $5E,$AA,$A8 010111101010101010101000 * **** * * * * * * *
; $5E,$AA,$A8 010111101010101010101000 * **** * * * * * * *
; $FE,$AA,$A8 111111101010101010101000 ******* * * * * * * *
; $2A,$AA,$A0 001010101010101010100000 * * * * * * * * *
; $2A,$AA,$A0 001010101010101010100000 * * * * * * * * *
; $2A,$AA,$A0 001010101010101010100000 * * * * * * * * *
; $0A,$AA,$80 000010101010101010000000 * * * * * * *
; $00,$A8,$00 000000001010100000000000 * * *
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
; $00,$00,$00 000000000000000000000000
.BYTE $00,$06,$1E,$A8
.BYTE $00,$0B,$AA,$80,$2E,$AA,$A0,$2A
.BYTE $AA,$A0,$2A,$AA,$A0,$FE,$AA,$A8
.BYTE $5E,$AA,$A8,$5E,$AA,$A8,$5E,$AA
.BYTE $A8,$FE,$AA,$A8,$2A,$AA,$A0,$2A
.BYTE $AA,$A0,$2A,$AA,$A0,$0A,$AA,$80
.BYTE $00,$A8,$00,$15,$1E
So in this instance the sprite is stored in 49 bytes rather than 64.
This is the routine used to decompress the sprite and charset data and store it to the locations in memory where it will be used when the program is running:
; Copy the charset and sprite data to banks $2000 and $3000. Sprites
; are copied to $3000.
; - The sprite and charset data is read from the end instead of the front.
; - When a sequence such as $00,$05,$1E is encountered it is treated as a tag length
; value (TLV) where $1E is the tag, $00 is the character to output and $05 is the
; number of instances to output. So $00,$05,$1E translates to $00,$00,$00,$00,$00.
b1425 DEY
BNE e035A
DEC CharSetPtrHi
LDA (CharSetPtrLo),Y
STA ZeroesToCopy
BNE b1437
DEC CharSetPtrHi
b1437 LDA (CharSetPtrLo),Y
; The first byte at $13E4 is $01 so this falls through.
CMP #$1E
BEQ FinishLoadingCharsetData
; Copies the zeros specified by a TLV sequence.
b143D STA f3430,X ; a036D - The high byte '34' in this address gets manipulated by this routine
BNE b144B
DEC a036D
DEC a038C
b144B DEC ZeroesToCopy
BNE b143D
b144F DEY
BNE b1456
DEC CharSetPtrHi
b1456 LDA (CharSetPtrLo),Y
CMP #$1E
BEQ b1425
; Copy the data to the position in $2000 - $3000
STA f3430,X ; a038C - The high byte '34' in this address gets manipulated by this routine
BNE b144F
DEC a036D
DEC a038C
BNE b144F
The program's initialization sequence modifies itself the runs from the start again. Maybe the purpose of this is to obfuscate the code?
It starts out by bootstrapping to address $0811, which is regular enough.
; Start executing at position $0811 (2065)
; 10 SYS 2065
.BYTE $0F,$08,$CF,$07,$9E,$32,$30,$36,$35,$20
.BYTE $41,$42,$43,$00,$00,$00
; Execution starts here
; e0811 (SYS 2065)
LDA #$36
STA a01
JMP CopyCodeCharsetAndSprites
From $0811 it branches to the routine CopyCodeCharsetAndSprites
. As well as setting up the Character Set and Sprite data as described above, this routine also does the following:
; Copy 123 bytes of code from $1405 to $0333
LDX #$7B
b13FA LDA f1405,X
STA f0333,X
f1400 DEX
f1405 =*+$02
JMP CopyCharSetData
; This is the boot code executed by FinishLoadingCharsetData.
; It's copied to $0801 below. The bytes disassemble to:
; * = $0801
; ; 10 SYS 2064
; .BYTE $0B,$08,$0A,$00,$9E,$32,$30,$36,$34,$00
; .BYTE $00,$00,$08,$02,$00
; ;--------------------------------------------------------
; ; Execute
; ; e0810 (SYS 2064)
; ;--------------------------------------------------------
; LDA #$7F
; LDA #$00
; STA $D020
; STA $D021
; LDA #$18
; STA $D018 ; Sets character set to 2000?
.BYTE $0B,$08,$0A ; $1401:
.BYTE $00,$9E,$32,$30,$36,$34,$00,$00 ; $1409:
.BYTE $00,$08,$02,$00,$A9,$7F,$8D,$0D ; $1411:
.BYTE $DC,$A9,$00,$8D,$20,$D0,$8D,$21 ; $1419:
.BYTE $D0,$A9,$18,$8D ; $1421:
; Copy the 31 bytes of code in $0333 (see aboved) to $0800 and execute it?
LDX #$1F
b146E LDA f0333,X
STA f0800,X
BNE b146E
LDA #$1E
LDA #$37
STA a01
JMP eA8BC ; Value at this address is $00,$00 - so presumably execution returns to $0810?
BRK #$00
That is, it copies a chunk of data from $1400 to $0333, and from there to $0800. It then branches to an invalid address ($A8BC), which presumably has the effect of returning exeuction to $0801 - where the newly copied code at $0801 is waiting to execute again:
* = $0801
; 10 SYS 2064
.BYTE $0B,$08,$0A,$00,$9E,$32,$30,$36,$34,$00
.BYTE $00,$00,$08,$02,$00
; Execute
; e0810 (SYS 2064)
LDA #$7F
LDA #$00
STA $D020
STA $D021
LDA #$18
STA $D018 ; Sets character set to 2000?
STA $D015
LDA #$00
STA $D010
STA $D017 ;Sprites Expand 2x Vertical (Y)
STA $D01D ;Sprites Expand 2x Horizontal (X)
LDA #$3F
STA $D01C ;Sprites Multi-Color Mode Select
LDA #$01
STA $D02D ;Sprite 6 Color
STA $D026 ;Sprite Multi-Color Register 1
LDA #$02
STA $D025 ;Sprite Multi-Color Register 0
LDA #$0B
STA $D02E ;Sprite 7 Color
JSR ClearTextFromScreen
JMP Main_Loop
The code that lives there now initializes the sprite settings, clears any text on the screen and jumps to the main loop.
This shuffling of code makes disassembly harder later as it mungs relative addresses in the disassembly - meaning that it is harder to find the actual entry point for some routines.
For example in the CheckKeyboardInput routine, the entry point is at the ;CheckKeyboardInput
comment, not the CheckKeyboardInput
label itself:
; CheckKeyboardInput
; Check if the user has pressed any key and update the display
; settings accordingly.
CMP #$40 ; No Key pressed
BEQ b0A69
LDA LastKeyPressed
STA LastRecordedKey
b0A69 LDA LastKeyPressed
STA LastRecordedKey
CMP #$0C ; Z pressed
BNE b0A78
DEC Wave1Frequency
JMP UpdateDisplay
b0A78 CMP #$17 ; X pressed
CheckKeyboardInput =*+$01 ; Not the real label, see above.
BNE b0A82
INC Wave1Frequency
JMP UpdateDisplay