Serve the content of a folder based on a subdomain (we use it to review our feature branch, hence the name)
This app will serve the content of a folder based on the subdomain.
will serve the content of the folder $HOME/features/my-branch
This app also contains a webhook to delete a folder when a branch is deleted.
git clone
cd reviewly
yarn install
yarn run start
Put reviewly/
in another folder, e. g. reviewly-wrapper/
Create features/
folder inside reviewly-wrapper/
Run: ROOT_FOLDER=~/mycs/reviewly-wrapper ACCESS_TOKEN=<github token> NODE_ENV=local npm start
(you can find the github token in circleci)
Since we are using async/await with koa@2, this app needs to run on >= Node7.
yarn test
- Koa2 is used to serve the folders and its plugin koa-send.
- pm2 is used for the deployment and monitoring of the app
- Circleci is used for continuous integration. Circleci will start the app, run the tests and deploy if all pass.
- (optional) yarn as dependency manager
- mocha, should and supertest for testing the server
- eslint for linting the codebase
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Thanks to pm2 deploy, circleci will automatically deployd a new release on a given server.