Extract data from the Art of Problem Solving website with Python Selenium, which can be exported to JSON or HTML format. It first executes a JavaScript code and then displays the result on the terminal.
The configuration file is located at config.py, which can be manually edited.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install ChromeDriver and add it to PATH.
from aops_tools import show_aops_data
show_aops_data("c6h1671291", stalk_users={"mijail"})
show_aops_data("c6184h1061455", write_files=True)
show_aops_data("c6h2484456", verbose=True)
show_aops_data("c3838", find_text="windmill")
show_aops_data("c13", search_method=["National Olympiads", "All-Russian", "2021"], verbose=True)
show_aops_data("c3831", brave=True, verbose=True)
show_aops_data("c14", verbose=True)
Their outputs are located in the assets folder.