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Simplified notation in ICaL components of ord models
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MichaelClerx committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent 60d6ea2 commit aa9565b
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Showing 3 changed files with 134 additions and 169 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions c/bartolucci-2020.mmt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ ENa = phys.RTF * log(extra.Na_o / sodium.Na_i)
EK = phys.RTF * log(extra.K_o / potassium.K_i)
in [mV]
desc: Reversal potential for Potassium currents
PNaK = 0.01833
PKNa = 0.01833
desc: Permeability ratio K+ to Na+
EKs = phys.RTF * log((extra.K_o + PNaK * extra.Na_o) / (potassium.K_i + PNaK * sodium.Na_i))
EKs = phys.RTF * log((extra.K_o + PKNa * extra.Na_o) / (potassium.K_i + PKNa * sodium.Na_i))
in [mV]
desc: Reversal potential for IKs
EKshift = 8 [mV]
Expand Down
213 changes: 91 additions & 122 deletions c/ohara-2011.mmt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: ohara-2011
version: 20240814
version: 20240815
mmt_authors: Michael Clerx
display_name: O'Hara et al., 2011
desc: """
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ = 1
ito.ap = 0
ito.ifp = 1
ito.isp = 1
ical.d = 0
ical.d = 0.2
ical.ff = 1
ical.fs = 1
ical.fcaf = 1
ical.fcas = 1
ical.jca = 1
ical.nca = 0
ical.nca = 0.2
ical.ffp = 1
ical.fcafp = 1
ikr.xf = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ amplitude = -80 [A/F]
mode = 1
desc: The type of cell. Endo = 0, Epi = 1, M = 2
desc: The type of cell. Endo = 0, Epi = 1, Mid = 2
L = 0.01 [cm] : Cell length
in [cm]
r = 0.0011 [cm] : Cell radius
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ K_o = 5.4 [mM] : Extracellular K+ concentration
ENa = phys.RTF * log(extra.Na_o / sodium.Na_i)
in [mV]
desc: Reversal potential for Sodium currents
desc: Reversal potential for sodium currents
EK = phys.RTF * log(extra.K_o / potassium.K_i)
in [mV]
desc: Reversal potential for Potassium currents
PNaK = 0.01833
desc: Reversal potential for potassium currents
PKNa = 0.01833
desc: Permeability ratio K+ to Na+
EKs = phys.RTF * log((extra.K_o + PNaK * extra.Na_o) / (potassium.K_i + PNaK * sodium.Na_i))
EKs = phys.RTF * log((extra.K_o + PKNa * extra.Na_o) / (potassium.K_i + PKNa * sodium.Na_i))
in [mV]
desc: Reversal potential for IKs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,128 +392,97 @@ Ito = fto * gto * (V - rev.EK) * ((1 - camk.f) * a * i + camk.f * ap * ip)
use membrane.V
use extra.Ca_o, extra.K_o, extra.Na_o
use calcium.Ca_ss, potassium.K_ss, sodium.Na_ss
vf = V * phys.FRT
vff = V * phys.FFRT
in [C/mol]
evf = exp(vf)
evf2 = exp(2 * vf)
# Activation
sd = 1 / (1 + exp((V + 3.94 [mV]) / -4.23 [mV]))
desc: Steady-state value for activation gate of ICaL
td = 0.6 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (exp(-0.05 [1/mV] * (V + 6 [mV])) + exp(0.09 [1/mV] * (V + 14 [mV])))
desc: Time constant for activation gate of ICaL
in [ms]
dot(d) = (sd - d) / td
desc: Activation gate of ICaL channel
# Inactivation
sf = 1 / (1 + exp((V + 19.58 [mV]) / 3.696 [mV]))
desc: Steady-state value for inactivation gate of ICaL
tff = 7 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.0045 * exp((V + 20 [mV]) / -10 [mV]) + 0.0045 * exp((V + 20 [mV]) / 10 [mV]))
desc: Time constant for fast inactivation of ICaL
dot(d) = (inf - d) / tau
inf = 1 / (1 + exp((V + 3.94 [mV]) / -4.23 [mV]))
tau = 0.6 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (exp(-0.05 [1/mV] * (V + 6 [mV])) + exp(0.09 [1/mV] * (V + 14 [mV])))
in [ms]
# Voltage-dependent inactivation (fast and slow)
f_inf = 1 / (1 + exp((V + 19.58 [mV]) / 3.696 [mV]))
ff_tau = 7 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.0045 * exp((V + 20 [mV]) / -10 [mV]) + 0.0045 * exp((V + 20 [mV]) / 10 [mV]))
in [ms]
tfs = 1000 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (3.5e-5 * exp((V + 5 [mV]) / -4 [mV]) + 3.5e-5 * exp((V + 5 [mV]) / 6 [mV]))
desc: Time constant for fast inactivation of ICaL
fs_tau = 1000 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (3.5e-5 * exp((V + 5 [mV]) / -4 [mV]) + 3.5e-5 * exp((V + 5 [mV]) / 6 [mV]))
in [ms]
dot(ff) = (sf - ff) / tff
desc: Fast inactivation of ICaL
dot(fs) = (sf - fs) / tfs
desc: Slow inactivation of ICaL
Aff = 0.6 : Fraction of ICaL channels with fast inactivation
Afs = 1 - Aff : Fraction of ICaL channels with slow inactivation
f = Aff * ff + Afs * fs
desc: Inactivation of ICaL
# Ca-dependent inactivation
sfca = sf
desc: Steady-state value for Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
tfcaf = 7 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.04 * exp((V - 4 [mV]) / -7 [mV]) + 0.04 * exp((V - 4 [mV]) / 7 [mV]))
desc: Time constant for fast Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
dot(ff) = (f_inf - ff) / ff_tau
dot(fs) = (f_inf - fs) / fs_tau
Aff = 0.6 : Fraction of channels with fast inactivation
Afs = 1 - Aff : Fraction of channels with slow inactivation
f = Aff * ff + Afs * fs : Total voltage-dependent inactivation
# Calcium-dependent inactivation of non-phosphorylated channels
fcaf_tau = 7 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.04 * exp((V - 4 [mV]) / -7 [mV]) + 0.04 * exp((V - 4 [mV]) / 7 [mV]))
in [ms]
tfcas = 100 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.00012 * exp(V / -3 [mV]) + 0.00012 * exp(V / 7 [mV]))
desc: Time constant for slow Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
fcas_tau = 100 [ms] + 1 [ms] / (0.00012 * exp(V / -3 [mV]) + 0.00012 * exp(V / 7 [mV]))
in [ms]
dot(fcaf) = (sfca - fcaf) / tfcaf
desc: Fast Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
dot(fcas) = (sfca - fcas) / tfcas
desc: Slow Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
dot(fcaf) = (f_inf - fcaf) / fcaf_tau
dot(fcas) = (f_inf - fcas) / fcas_tau
Afcaf = 0.3 + 0.6 / (1 + exp((V - 10 [mV]) / 10 [mV]))
desc: Fraction of ICaL channels with fast Ca-dependent inactivation
Afcas = 1 - Afcaf
desc: Fraction of ICaL channels with slow Ca-dependent inactivation
fca = Afcaf * fcaf + Afcas * fcas
desc: Ca-dependent inactivation of ICaL
desc: Ca-dependent inactivation of non-phosphorylated ICaL
# Recovery from Ca-dependent inactivation
tjca = 75 [ms] : Time constant of recovery from Ca-dependent inactivation
jca_tau = 75 [ms]
in [ms]
dot(jca) = (sfca - jca) / tjca
dot(jca) = (f_inf - jca) / jca_tau
desc: Recovery from Ca-dependent inactivation
# Inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
tffp = 2.5 * tff
in [ms]
desc: Time constant for fast inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
dot(ffp) = (sf - ffp) / tffp
desc: Fast inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
# Voltage-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated channels
dot(ffp) = (f_inf - ffp) / (2.5 * ff_tau)
fp = Aff * ffp + Afs * fs
desc: Inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
# Ca-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
tfcafp = 2.5 * tfcaf
in [ms]
desc: Time constant for fast Ca-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
dot(fcafp) = (sfca - fcafp) / tfcafp
desc: Fast Ca-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
desc: Voltage-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
# Calcium-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated channels
dot(fcafp) = (f_inf - fcafp) / (2.5 * fcaf_tau)
fcap = Afcaf * fcafp + Afcas * fcas
desc: Ca-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated ICaL
desc: Ca-dependent inactivation of phosphorylated channels
# Fraction of channels in Ca-dependent inactivation mode
Kmn = 0.002 [mM] in [mM]
k2n = 1000 [1/ms] in [1/ms]
km2n = jca * 1 [1/ms] in [1/ms]
anca = 1 / (k2n / km2n + (1 + Kmn / Ca_ss)^4)
dot(nca) = anca * k2n - nca * km2n
desc: Fraction of channels in Ca-depdent inactivation mode
Kmn = 0.002 [mM]
in [mM]
k2n = 1000 [1/ms]
in [1/ms]
km2n = jca * 1 [1/ms]
in [1/ms]
anca = 1 / (k2n / km2n + (1 + Kmn / Ca_ss)^4)
# Total currents through L-type calcium channels
PhiCaL = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
2 * phys.F * (Ca_ss - 0.341 * Ca_o),
4 * vff * (Ca_ss * evf2 - 0.341 * Ca_o) / (evf2 - 1))
desc: Fraction of channels in Ca-dependent inactivation mode
# Permeabilities
vf = V * phys.FRT
vff = V * phys.FFRT
in [C/mol]
evf = exp(vf)
evf2 = exp(2 * vf)
PhiCa = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
2 * phys.F * (Ca_ss - 0.341 * Ca_o),
4 * vff * (Ca_ss * evf2 - 0.341 * Ca_o) / (evf2 - 1))
in [mC/L]
PhiCaNa = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
0.75 * phys.F * (Na_ss - Na_o),
0.75 * vff * (Na_ss * evf - Na_o) / (evf - 1))
PhiNa = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
0.75 * phys.F * (Na_ss - Na_o),
0.75 * vff * (Na_ss * evf - Na_o) / (evf - 1))
in [mC/L]
PhiCaK = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
0.75 * phys.F * (K_ss - K_o),
0.75 * vff * (K_ss * evf - K_o) / (evf - 1))
PhiK = if(abs(vf) < 1e-6,
0.75 * phys.F * (K_ss - K_o),
0.75 * vff * (K_ss * evf - K_o) / (evf - 1))
in [mC/L]
PCa_base = 0.0001 [L/ms/F]
in [L/ms/F]
label gCaL
PCa_base = 0.0001 [L/F/ms]
in [L/F/ms]
PCa = PCa_base * piecewise(cell.mode == 0, 1, cell.mode == 1, 1.2, 2.5)
in [L/ms/F]
PCap = 1.1 * PCa
in [L/ms/F]
PCaNa = 0.00125 * PCa
in [L/ms/F]
PCaK = 3.574e-4 * PCa
in [L/ms/F]
PCaNap = 0.00125 * PCap
in [L/ms/F]
PCaKp = 3.574e-4 * PCap
in [L/ms/F]
g = d * (f * (1 - nca) + jca * fca * nca)
desc: Conductivity of non-phosphorylated ICaL
gp = d * (fp * (1 - nca) + jca * fcap * nca)
desc: Conductivity of phosphorylated ICaL
ICaL = (1 - camk.f) * PCa * PhiCaL * g + camk.f * PCap * PhiCaL * gp
in [L/F/ms]
PNa = 0.00125 * PCa
in [L/F/ms]
PK = 3.574e-4 * PCa
in [L/F/ms]
Pp = 1.1
desc: Permeation multiplication factor for phosphorylated channel
# Conductivity (weighted sum of gates)
g = d * ((f * (1 - nca) + jca * fca * nca) * (1 - camk.f) +
(fp * (1 - nca) + jca * fcap * nca) * camk.f * Pp)
# Current
ICaLCa = g * PCa * PhiCa
in [A/F]
desc: Ca-component of L-type calcium current
ICaNa = (1 - camk.f) * PCaNa * PhiCaNa * g + camk.f * PCaNap * PhiCaNa * gp
ICaLNa = g * PNa * PhiNa
in [A/F]
desc: Na-component of L-type calcium current
ICaK = (1 - camk.f) * PCaK * PhiCaK * g + camk.f * PCaKp * PhiCaK * gp
ICaLK = g * PK * PhiK
in [A/F]
desc: K-component of L-type calcium current
ICaL_total = ICaL + ICaK + ICaNa
ICaL_tot = ICaLCa + ICaLK + ICaLNa
in [A/F]
label ICaL

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -805,7 +774,7 @@ Kxkur = 292 [mM] # Original
Knap = 224 [mM] # Original
in [mM]
desc: Dissociation constant relating [NaPi] and [Na]i
# Table 1 parameters in Smith & Cramin
# Table 1 parameters in Smith & Crampin
k1p = 949.5 [1/s] # Refit from 1050
in [1/s]
k1m = 182.4 [1/s/mM] # Refit from 172.1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -848,38 +817,38 @@ Knao = Knao0 * exp((1 - delta) * V * phys.FRT / 3)
in [mM]
# Equations 30: Forward (clockwise) rates
a1 = k1p * (Na_i / Knai)^3 / ((1 + Na_i / Knai)^3 + (1 + K_i / Kki)^2 - 1)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
a2 = k2p
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
a3 = k3p * (K_o / Kko)^2 / ((1 + Na_o / Knao)^3 + (1 + K_o / Kko)^2 - 1)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
a4 = k4p * MgATP / Kmgatp / (1 + MgATP / Kmgatp)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
# Equations 31: Backward (anticlockwise) rates
b1 = k1m * MgADP
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
b2 = k2m * (Na_o / Knao)^3 / ((1 + Na_o / Knao)^3 + (1 + K_o / Kko)^2 - 1)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
b3 = k3m * P * H / (1 + MgATP / Kmgatp)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
b4 = k4m * (K_i / Kki)^2 / ((1 + Na_i / Knai)^3 + (1 + K_i / Kki)^2 - 1)
in [Hz]
in [1/s]
# Equation 33
P = eP / (1 + H / Khp + Na_i / Knap + K_i / Kxkur)
in [mM]
# Terms used to calculate the steady-state occupancies of the four states
# Based on the "diagram method" described in [2], these terms are the sums of
# the reaction rates of all (non-cyclical) paths leading to each state
x1 = a4 * a1 * a2 + b1 * b4 * b3 + a2 * b4 * b3 + b3 * a1 * a2
in [Hz^3]
in [s^-3]
note: Corrected from the original code (b1 in second term)
x2 = b2 * b1 * b4 + a1 * a2 * a3 + a3 * b1 * b4 + a2 * a3 * b4
in [Hz^3]
in [s^-3]
x3 = a2 * a3 * a4 + b3 * b2 * b1 + b2 * b1 * a4 + a3 * a4 * b1
in [Hz^3]
in [s^-3]
x4 = b4 * b3 * b2 + a3 * a4 * a1 + b2 * a4 * a1 + b3 * b2 * a1
in [Hz^3]
# Cycle rate (obtaining by writing any one of the four flux equations: they all
in [s^-3]
# Cycle rate (obtained by writing any one of the four flux equations: they all
# give the same result so that the pump count is conserved).
r = (a1 * a2 * a3 * a4 - b1 * b2 * b3 * b4) / (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4)
in [1/s]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,7 +933,7 @@ dot(Jrelnp) = (inf - Jrelnp) / tau
in [ms]
inf = base * if(cell.mode == 2, 1.7, 1)
in [mM/ms]
base = -1 [mM/ms/mV] * a_rel * ical.ICaL / (1 + (1.5 [mM] / Ca_jsr)^8)
base = -1 [mM/ms/mV] * a_rel * ical.ICaLCa / (1 + (1.5 [mM] / Ca_jsr)^8)
in [mM/ms]
btp = 1.25 * bt
in [ms]
Expand All @@ -978,7 +947,7 @@ dot(Jrelp) = (inf - Jrelp) / tau
in [ms]
inf = base * if(cell.mode == 2, 1.7, 1)
in [mM/ms]
base = -1 [mM/ms/mV] * a_relp * ical.ICaL / (1 + (1.5 [mM] / Ca_jsr)^8)
base = -1 [mM/ms/mV] * a_relp * ical.ICaLCa / (1 + (1.5 [mM] / Ca_jsr)^8)
in [mM/ms]
Jrel = (1 - camk.f) * Jrelnp + camk.f * Jrelp
desc: SR Calcium release flux via Ryanodine receptor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1027,7 +996,7 @@ INa_tot = ina.INa + inal.INaL + inab.INab + 3 * inaca.INaCa + 3 * inak.INaK
dot(Na_i) = -INa_tot * AFC / vmyo + diff.JdiffNa * vss / vmyo
desc: Intracellular Potassium concentration
in [mM]
INa_ss_tot = ical.ICaNa + 3 * inacass.INaCa_ss
INa_ss_tot = ical.ICaLNa + 3 * inacass.INaCa_ss
in [A/F]
dot(Na_ss) = -INa_ss_tot * AFC / vss - diff.JdiffNa
in [mM]
Expand All @@ -1047,7 +1016,7 @@ IK_tot = (
- 2 * inak.INaK
in [A/F]
IK_ss_tot = ical.ICaK
IK_ss_tot = ical.ICaLK
in [A/F]
dot(K_i) = -(IK_tot + stimulus.i_stim) * AFC / vmyo + diff.JdiffK * vss / vmyo
desc: Intracellular Potassium concentration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1090,7 +1059,7 @@ dot(Ca_i) = buff * (-ICa_tot * AFC / (2 * vmyo) - serca.Jup * vnsr / vmyo + diff
in [mM]
desc: Intracellular calcium concentration
buff = 1 / (1 + cmdnmax * kmcmdn / (kmcmdn + Ca_i)^2 + trpnmax * kmtrpn / (kmtrpn + Ca_i)^2)
ICa_ss_tot = ical.ICaL - 2 * inacass.INaCa_ss
ICa_ss_tot = ical.ICaLCa - 2 * inacass.INaCa_ss
in [A/F]
dot(Ca_ss) = buff * (-ICa_ss_tot * AFC / (2 * vss) + ryr.Jrel * vjsr / vss - diff.Jdiff)
in [mM]
Expand Down

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