This application can be run as a Shiny app or locally in the R shell.
Data is generated and stored in ./ReplicateData/
and can be visualized
by functions from the app within the shell or through the Shiny app.
To run the app:
Start an R session and set the working directory to the directory containing the
file. -
In the R session enter:
> source('./trial.r')
- Enter
> runtrial()
You should find the data generated in
Then enter:
> getDensities()
to get an overview on the distributions of responses depending on doses.
- Enter:
> getBoxplots()
to get a boxplot overview of the simulated data.
- Enter:
> library(shiny)
> runApp()
to open the app in the browser.
You may of course skip steps 2) - 7) if you just want to use the Shiny app.