Releases: nais/cli
nais-cli (1.20210917.130032)
4bf6ddb Merge branch 'master' of
cbad9ba Smoother experience
c766909 use: nais not nais-cli
nais-cli (1.20210917.111933)
0a5cfa6 And release needs test, not build
8c0de6b Cancel previous build on same branch
87835ef Job is really only test, not build
8b41a2e Make draft releases until we're done debugging
2c44c9f Only darwin needs arm
4e94676 Seems like goreleaser fails on drafts
5536b19 Use separate token for homebrew push
4ad28d5 doc: for better understanding. Added secret-name in output
9486cec update reponse to user about cmds.
nais-cli (1.20210917.095332)
0be6a07 add windows support for file creation. Add more descriptive cmds
nais-cli (1.20210917.093334)
48ec1a5 Branch is named master
8d2bcd4 Build deb with goreleaser
dab55d6 Complete rewrite of github workflows
72cb113 Merge branch 'master' into add-aiven-client
a890428 Merge branch 'master' of
f08c934 Merge pull request #6 from nais/add-tests
4be8b97 Merge pull request #7 from nais/add-aiven-client
ce7325c Rename project to nais-cli and binary to nais
ea358a4 Try to build a deb
4701e35 Update debuk cli version: v0.0.2
d96d8fa add: client
1fe3102 add: coverprofile
b529017 add: tests
16ce122 add: tests for aiven. add test to pipline build master. update makefile
98b4ebe cleanup: code and add some output for users.
2a67506 doc updates
15ed869 docs
5e2919d fix: better response when using commands
ed93765 handle error
f7ba064 lit generelle forbedringer. lagt til tester
1988a18 minor doc updates
28457e5 move client folder to pkg
a6a619e remove .DS_Store file
7ff8480 remove file
557a07b remove unused files. renamed command files. added annotations check
650b314 remove unused function
ed95e98 rename files
93aa695 restructure some code
34063a9 rewrite half of application. Updated readme, added some more tests.
cf8cc46 rewrite: rename, and use kubernetes native client
1e44e3d secretname kubernetefied
d5e56e0 simply, use runtime client update doc
9413ea1 simplyfy and add test
4d9a641 update doc. Add release drafter. Add dependabot.yml for dep. updates
55ee086 update puml
2d37e98 update: Makefile and doc.
6ceef2c update: doc
1459d84 update: doc
d4282ba update: docs
1b9c114 v prefix in release drafter