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703 lines (572 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

703 lines (572 loc) · 13.5 KB


To start with project you need to set some env var first.

.env variables

var name value
MONGO_URI mongodb uri to connect to db
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECERET secret token to sign jwt
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY stripe secret key
AWS_ACCESS_KEY aws access key
AWS_SECRET_KEY aws secret key
SENDGRID_API_KEY sendgrid api key to send mails


async function addToCart() {
  try {
    const res = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/cart/add", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        Authorization: "Bearer JWT_token_received_when_signed_up",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Accept: "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        product_id: "5f2975006fe70c274078c781",
    const data = await res.json();
  } catch (error) {

SignUp routes

Create a new user
route : '/auth/account/signup/local',
method : POST,
        name: string,
        lastname: string,
        email: string,
        password: string,
        file: image, // optional

description : `Create a new user and return user object wth jwt token for authorization purpose and a boolean
welcome_mail_sent to indicate if a welcome mail is sent to user`,

response_object : {
    "token":"jwt token",
        "user_id": string,
        "name": string,
        "lastname": string,
        "email": string,
        "img": {
            "key": string,
            "url": string
        "created_at": timestamp,
        "display_name": string,
    "welcome_mail_sent": boolean

Login routes

Login user
route : '/auth/account/login/local',
method : POST,
        email: email,
        password: password,

description : `If a user found with email and authenticated return user object with a new jwt token`,

response_object : {
    "token":"jwt token",
        "user_id": string,
        "name": string,
        "lastname": string,
        "email": string,
        "img": {
            "key": string,
            "url": string
        "created_at": timestamp,
        "display_name": string,

Product routes

Must be a admin to add update or delete product. Add a {"role":"admin"} field in user in db to create a admin

Get all products
route : 'product/',
method : GET,

description : "Returns all products. returns empty array[] if no product available",

response_object : {
    "message": "Successfull",
            "_id": string,
            "name": string,
            "price": string,
            "quantity": string,
            "description": string,
            "currency": string
                    "_id": string,
                    "location": string
            "average_review": number,
            "total_reviews": number,
            "total_stars": number,
            "created_at": timestamp
Search for product
route : 'product/search?q=<text>&limit=<number>&last_time=<timestamp>',
method : GET,

description : `Search for product and returns an array sorted desc by created time. Return default 10 if no limit is
 provied max 100 to get second page use the last_time key in response`,

response_object : {
            "_id": string,
            "name": string,
            "price": string,
            "quantity": string,
            "description": string,
            "currency": string
                    "_id": string,
                    "location": string
            "average_review": number,
            "total_reviews": number,
            "total_stars": number
            "created_at": timestamp
Get trending products
route : 'product/trending?time=<timestamp>',
method : GET,

description : `Returns 4 trending products id's for past 1 day if time is not specified in query.
if trending products for past 1 week is needed provide 1 week timestamp in time query.

response_object : {
            "id": string
Get a single product
route : 'product/single/:productId',
method : GET,

description : "Get a single product",

response_object : {
    "message": "Successfull",
        "_id": string,
        "name": string,
        "price": string,
        "quantity": string,
        "description": string,
        "currency": string,
                "_id": string,
                "location": string
        "created_at": timestamp
Create a new product

Authorization required

route : 'product/new',
method : POST,
body: {
    type: FormData,
        name: string,
        price: number,
        quantity: number,
        description: string,
        currency: string, // inr , usd , cad
        files: image, // multiple images or single image

description : "Creates a new product",

response_object : {
    "message": "Successfull",
Update a product

Authorization required

route : 'product/update',
method : POST,
body: {
    type: FormData,
        product_id: string,
            "name": string,
            "price": number,
            "description": string,
            "quantity": number,
            "files": image, // multiple images or single image
            "img_keys": string[], // keys of product images to delete

description : "Update a product",

response_object : {
    "message": "updated",

Cart routes

Authorization required

Get all cart items
route : 'cart/',
method : POST,

description : "Get the current cart items",

response_object : {
    "cart": [
            "_id": string
            "cart_id": string,
            "product_id": string,
            "user_id": string,
            "quantity": number,
            "price": number,
            "name": string,
            "description": string,
            "checkout": boolean,
Add a item to cart

Authorization required

route : 'cart/add',
method : POST,
    quantity: number // max 5

description : "Add the product to cart",

response_object : {
    "cart": [
            "_id": string
            "cart_id": string,
            "product_id": string,
            "user_id": string,
            "quantity": number,
            "price": number,
            "name": string,
            "description": string,
            "checkout": boolean,
Remove a item from cart

Authorization required

route : 'cart/remove',
method : POST,

description : "Remove the product from cart",

response_object : {
     "message": "Removed successfully",
Update cart item quantity

Authorization required

route : 'cart/update',
method : POST,
    quantity: number // 1 to increment or -1 decrement,

description : `Increment or Decrement cart item quantity by 1.
 Min cart item quantity 1, max is 5`,

response_object : {
     "message": "Removed successfully",
Checkout cart and charge customer

Authorization required

route : 'cart/checkout',
method : POST,
    stripeToken: stripeToken // to charge the user on server,
        city: string,
        state: string,
        postal_code: number,
        country: string,
    phone: string

description : "Checkout user and calculate cart price on server and charge user with stripe",

response_object : {
        "_id": string,
        "user_id": string,
            "line1": string,
            "line2": string, // optional
            "city": string,
            "state": string,
            "country": string,
            "postal_code": number
        "phone": string,
        "cart_id": string,
        "transaction_id": string,
        "payment_status": number,
        "total_price": number,
        "ordered_at": number,
        "order_status": number,
        "receipt_url": string

Feedback routes

Authorization required

Get feedbacks on a product
route : 'product/fedback/all',
method : POST,
    product_id: string,
    last_time: timestamp,
    limit: number

description : `Returns the latest feedbacks on product. Return default 10 if no limit is
 provied max 100 to get second page use the last_time key in response`,

response_object : {
            "_id": string
            "product_id": string,
            "stars": number,
            "feedback": string,
            "user_id": string,
            "created_at": timestamp
     length: number,
     last_time: number
Create or update a feedback on product
route : 'product/fedback/create',
method : POST,
    product_id: string,
    feedback: string, // optional
    stars: number // required if creating new feedback

description : `If a feedback is not created it will create the feedback but if a feedback
is already created it will update the feedback.
 Product needs to be purchased to create a feedback`,

response_object : {
    "message": "Done!",
Get the user feedback on a product if any
route : 'product/fedback/user/:productId',
method : POST,

description : "Get the user feedback if any on a product",

response_object : {
    feedback: {
        "_id": string
        "product_id": string,
        "stars": number,
        "feedback": string,
        "user_id": string,
        "created_at": timestamp
Remove a feedback from a product
route : 'product/fedback/remove',
method : POST,
    product_id: string

description : "Remove a user feedback on a product",

response_object : {
    "message": "Removed successfully"

User routes

Authorization required

Update user profile
route : 'user/update',
method : POST,
    type: FormData,
        name: string,
        lastname: string,
        email: string,
        file: image

description : "Update user profile",

response_object : {
    "message": "updated!"
Send OTP to reset password
route : 'user/password/sendresetotp',
method : POST,
        email: string,

description : "Send OTP to user email to verify. OTP is valid for 10 minutes",

response_object : {
    "message": "OTP sent!"
Verify the OTP to reset password
route : 'user/password/verifyresetotp',
method : POST,
        email: string,
        otp: number,

description : `Verify the OTP created for resetting password and return a token after
 it's verified for resetting password`,

response_object : {
    "token": string
Reset the password using token
route : 'user/password/reset',
method : POST,
        token: string,
        password: string,
        email: string,

description : "Reset the password with token received after verifying OTP",

response_object : {
    "message": "Password updated!"
Change current password
route : 'user/password/change',
method : POST,
        old_password: string,
        new_password: string,
        email: string,

description : "Change current password",

response_object : {
    "message": "Password changed!"

Order routes

Authorization required

Get all user orders
route : 'order/',
method : POST,

description : "Get user's all order successfull or failed",

response_object : {
            "_id": string,
            "user_id": string,
                "line1": string,
                "line2": string,
                "city": string,
                "state": string,
                "country": string,
                "postal_code": number
            "phone": string,
            "cart_id": string,
            "transaction_id": string,
            "payment_status": number,
            "total_price": number,
            "ordered_at": number,
            "order_status": number,
            "receipt_url": string
Cancel order
route : 'order/cancel',
method : POST,
        order_id: string,
description : "Cancel order",

response_object : {
    "message": string,
    "cancellation_email_sent": boolean