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All libraries are released with the same version for convenience.

Following libraries are available:

├── build.gradle.kts
├── libs
│   ├── auth                # ktor auth for routes
│   ├── auth-test           # ktor auth for testing 
│   ├── cache               # green thread safe caching
│   ├── http                # ktor http factory
│   ├── jdbc                # jdbc trasactions, connections and migrations and green threads
│   ├── jdbc-test           # testcontainer/h2 setup for jdbc
│   ├── job                 # green thread job
│   ├── kafka               # Kafka consumer/producer
│   ├── mq                  # Clients for consumers and producers
│   ├── mq-test             # testcontainer/mq for intel m2 og m3
│   ├── utils               # common utilities for logging, error-handling, etc
│   ├── ws                  # webservice clients; soap and sts
│   └── xml                 # xml parsers
└── settings.gradle.kts