- [✓] evaluate MRJob (et al) vs shell scripts
- [✓] add RunIf condition to restore_python.sh so master can be i686
- Store png in MBtiles
- mbtiles.org
- how to merge output from multiple reducers?
- how to serve mbtiles data?
- Store png in HBase
- quadtree key instead of z/x/y ?
- serve directly from REST gateway?
- add simple where-am-i information
- add "jump to coordinates"
- support switching tile layer source (local fs, s3, &c)
- typed bytes instead of base64
- [✓] hdfs vs s3? writing directly to s3 on small dataset is equally performant as writing to HDFS. Re-evaluate with larger input.
- [✓] more reducers!
- lzo compress input
- investigate large jumps in reducer progress
- can a TOP help even our reducer load in small datasets?