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Stake Wars Troubleshooting

This document will address the most common issues you may have while running Stake Wars and setting up your node. Contributions and corrections are welcome!

Table of contents

Node-related issues

  1. My validator is in the current_validators set, but it's not producing blocks
  2. I get Telemetry data error in the logs
  3. I get a Peer stream error while syncing with other nodes
  4. My node seems stuck at 98% of the sync, without progressing
  5. My node is stuck at zero peers

Near-cli and RPC issues

  1. I get a Server error: Timeout when I use near-cli
  2. I get a type: 'UntypedError' if I try to use near-cli
  3. I get a KeyNotFound error if I try to use near-cli
  4. I get a timeout error from the RPC after I send a command
  5. I had a wallet created on, and now I can't access it anymore
  6. I try to login with near-cli, but I receive the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error on the website

Staking-related issues

  1. I used near send instead of near call to my staking pool
  2. I used near stake instead of near call to stake funds to my pool
  3. I get a GuestPanic when I try to unstake funds from my staking pool
  4. I get a GuestPanic when I try to withdraw funds from my staking pool
  5. I set up the wrong owner to my staking pool

1. Node-related issues

1.1 My validator is in the current_validators set, but it's not producing blocks

This issue can happen if there's a mismatch of public_key or account_id between your validator node and the staking transaction.

On your node

Check if your node is actively validating blocks, by inspecting the logs with the command docker logs nearcore --tail 5 2>&1 | grep "V/" or nearup logs | grep "V/" -n 5 (the latter if you are not using Docker). If this command produces zero results, your node may be misconfigured.

Issue the command cat .near/betanet/validator_key.json | grep "account_id\|public_key". You should expect the following result:

  "account_id": "c2.nearkat",
  "public_key": "ed25519:Zk6cdWPxmK1H5cy3K3GbyDRUyHz9w8a9Q2Mb7ezKiHW",

Note this result and proceed to verify the staking pool configuration.

On your near-cli machine

Issue the command curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -c '.result.current_validators[] | select(.account_id | contains ("c2.nearkat"))'. (Remember to replace c2.nearkat with the account_id from your validator_key.json)

You should expect the following result:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 39719  100 39641  100    78   342k    690 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  343k

If the account_id or public_key are different from your validator_key.json, your pool is misconfigured, and you have to correct either the node or the staking pool config.


If your account_id is wrong, follow these steps:

  1. Stop your node with nearup stop
  2. Edit the file ~/.near/betanet/validator.json and manually change the account_id with the one from the RPC query
  3. Delete the data folder with the command rm -rf ~/.near/betanet/data
  4. Restart your node

You might expect a result similar to this one:

Using officially compiled binary
Downloaded binary version is up to date
Our genesis version is up to date
Stake for user 'c2.nearkat' with 'ed25519:Zk6cdWPxmK1H5cy3K3GbyDRUyHz9w8a9Q2Mb7ezKiHW'
Starting NEAR client...
Node is running! 
To check logs call: `nearup logs` or `nearup logs --follow`

If successful, num_produced_blocks will be higher than zero.

Otherwise, if your public_key is wrong, follow these steps:

  1. Issue the command near call <ACCOUNT_ID> update_staking_key '{"stake_public_key":"ed25519:Zk6cdWPxmK1H5cy3K3GbyDRUyHz9w8a9Q2Mb7ezKiHW"}' --accountId <OWNER_ID>
  2. Issue the command curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -c '.result.current_proposals[] | select(.account_id | contains ("<ACCOUNT_ID>"))'

(where <ACCOUNT_ID> is the ID of your staking pool, and <OWNER_ID> is your main wallet).

You might expect a result similar to this one:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 33922  100 33844  100    78   367k    866 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  368k

If successful, num_produced_blocks will be higher than zero.

Remember to ping your staking pool to re-issue your staking transaction, as your node will most probably be kicked out in the next epoch, and you will lose your validator seat. Use the command near call <ACCOUNT_ID> ping '{}' --accountId <OWNER_ID>.

1.2. I get Telemetry data errors in the logs

Sometimes, after you restart your node or shortly after an update, you may see this error in the logs:

Jun 10 23:17:30.014  INFO telemetry: Telemetry data could not be sent due to: Failed to connect to host: Timeout out while establishing connection

This is not an issue, you can safely ignore this error as it only impacts the ability of the BetaNet explorer to receive data from your node. As a result, it is possible that your node won't appear in the list at the address

1.3. I get a Peer stream error while syncing with other nodes

If you see an error similar to this one:

May 26 04:39:58.712 WARN network: Peer stream error: Os { code: 104, kind: ConnectionReset, message: "Connection reset by peer" }

it is possible that one of your peers disconnected your node. It may happen if:

  • your node is not running the same version of the other peer
  • your node is a validator, but it's producing zero blocks (see above)

If this message is repeated multiple times and your node gets zero connected peers, you may need to stop nearup, clean entirely the data in the folder at ~/.near/betanet, and start the node again.

Heads up: deleting this folder will generate a new public key for your node and will need a resync. As a result, your node may result offline and be kicked out.

1.4. My node seems stuck at 98% of the sync, without progressing

The counter simply measures the number of blocks remaining to reach the tip of the chain, and not the amount of computation necessary to complete the operation. As a result, it is possible that certain blocks contain more information and need more time to be processed, showing slower progress.

If your node has no active peers, you may need to reset your .near/betanet folder, and generate a new node key. Check the in the logs if the number of peers is not 0/0/40:

Jun 10 23:18:15.092  INFO stats: # 6949467 Downloading headers 5% -/86  8/8/40 peers ⬇ 493.4kiB/s ⬆ 181.2kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 80%, Mem: 462.5 MiB

1.5. My node is stuck at zero peers

Other peers may have banned your node because it is running an outdated release of nearcore.

On your node Issue one of these two commands:

  • docker logs nearcore 2>&1 | grep Build if you are running nearup using Docker
  • nearup logs | grep Build if you are running nearup with the --nodocker switch

You should expect a result similar to this one:

Jun 10 23:17:11.628  INFO near: Version: 1.0.0, Build: b30864b8, Latest Protocol: 22 

On your near-cli machine Issue the command curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "status", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq .result.version

You should expect a result similar to this one:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "build": "b30864b8"

If you see different version or build, your node is running an outdated release of nearcore and needs a reset.


  1. Stop nearup with nearup stop
  2. Make a backup copy of your validator_key.json file with the command cp ~/.near/betanet/validator_key.json ~
  3. Clean the betanet folder with the command rm -rf ~/.near/betanet
  4. [ONLY FOR DOCKER USERS] run the command docker system prune --volumes to clean up the containers and the cache
  5. Start nearup again with the command nearup betanet (remember to add --nodocker and the --binary-path if you are using them)
  6. Press enter, leaving empty the validator ID
  7. Stop nearup again with nearup stop
  8. Clean the data folder in ~/.near/betanet/data
  9. Copy the validator key in the betanet folder with the command cp ~/validator_key.json ~/.near/betanet/
  10. Start nearup again

At the end of this process, you should expect a message like the one below:

Using officially compiled binary
Downloaded binary version is up to date
Our genesis version is up to date
Stake for user 'c2.nearkat' with 'ed25519:Zk6cdWPxmK1H5cy3K3GbyDRUyHz9w8a9Q2Mb7ezKiHW'
Starting NEAR client...
Node is running! 
To check logs call: `nearup logs` or `nearup logs --follow`

This process will use nearup scripts to generate the config files, the node keys and the genesis.json file from scratch while keeping the validator_key intact (which is used by the staking pool contract). Be sure that only one node at a time is using your validator_key.json, or you risk to double-sign blocks.

2.Near-cli and RPC issues

2.1. I get a Server error: Timeout when I use near-cli

If you are on BetaNet, we often apply experimental features that can impact RPC's stability.

The error may look similar to this one:

Error:  TypedError: [-32000] Server error: Timeout
    at JsonRpcProvider.sendJsonRpc (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:129:27)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    at async Account.signAndSendTransaction (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:97:22)
    at async scheduleFunctionCall (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/commands/call.js:30:34)
    at async Object.handler (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/utils/exit-on-error.js:4:9) {
  type: 'UntypedError'


  1. Look for the transaction on the BetaNet Explorer
  2. Point near-cli to a local node
  3. The network is not producing new blocks

1. Look for the transaction on the BetaNet Explorer Most of the time, your transaction was correctly sent to the network, regardless of the timeout error in near-cli. If you don't see the transaction in the explorer, you can issue the command again and refres the explorer page.

2. Point near-cli to a local node Download and run nearup on your local machine, and point near-cli to the localhost for the queries. As an example, the command near state test would become near state test --nodeUrl --helperUrl You should see a result similar to this one:

Using options: {
  nodeUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  networkId: 'betanet',
  contractName: undefined,
  walletUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  accountId: 'test',
  initialBalance: null
Account test
  amount: '78447050893413945551764297785000',
  locked: '0',
  code_hash: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
  storage_usage: 182,
  storage_paid_at: 0,
  block_height: 7095636,
  block_hash: '9ukamhGe6fFgDnHXWvUQJoJhWXVQqKxqEr7zmmugfyWs',
  formattedAmount: '78,447,050.893413945551764297785'

3. The network is not producing new blocks In the unlikely situation that NEAR Protocol is not producing new blocks, near-cli cannot issue commands that change the state of the ledger, such as near call or near login. In this case, you have to check the status of the network from the page at and wait when the services are back online to perform such actions.

2.2. I get a type: 'UntypedError' if I try to use near-cli

Most of the time you can find the reason of the error by scrolling up a few lines:

Using options: {
  networkId: 'default',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: undefined,
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  accountId: 'nearkat',
  initialBalance: null
Error:  TypedError: [-32000] Server error: account nearkat does not exist while viewing
    at JsonRpcProvider.sendJsonRpc (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:129:27)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    at async JsonRpcProvider.query (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:61:24)
    at async Account.fetchState (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:46:23)
    at async Account.state (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:53:9)
    at async Near.account (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/near.js:41:9)
    at async exports.viewAccount (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/index.js:161:19)
    at async Object.handler (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/utils/exit-on-error.js:4:9) {
  type: 'UntypedError'

Simply analyze the Error: line of the message. In this case, account nearkat does not exist while viewing means I'm trying to view the user nearkat on TestNet network and not BetaNet (as you can see in the walletUrl and helperUrl fields of the options).

2.3. I get a KeyNotFound error if I try to use near-cli

Your near-cli may not have the keys to operate on your account, showing an error similar to the one below:

Sending 1 NEAR to test from bowen.test
Error:  TypedError: Can not sign transactions for account bowen.test, no matching key pair found in Signer.
    at Account.signAndSendTransaction (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:91:19)
    at async exports.sendMoney (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/near-shell/index.js:198:33)
    at async Object.handler (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/near-shell/utils/exit-on-error.js:4:9) {
  type: 'KeyNotFound'

Remediations You can use near login again, and authorize your machine, or just copy your json key from your backups to the ~/.near-credentials/betanet/ folder. Previous versions of near-cli were storing credentials in the neardev folder, so if your account name is nearkat.betanet you may look for it with the command find -name "*nearkat*.json", showing results as below:


The files ./betanet/nearkat.betanet.json and ./neardev/betanet/nearkat.betanet.json contain a valid private key to control the account nearkat.betanet, so moving them to the directory ./.near-credentials/betanet/ will allow your near-cli to sign a transaction for that account.

Heads Up: This solution doesn't apply if you are using a Ledger Wallet.

2.4. I get a timeout error from RPC after I sent a command

NEAR RPC may be unresponsive or too slow to reply, generating this type of error. The first step is to control that all the services are running correctly from the url

If all services are operational, try to use the explorer yourself, by visiting the url If the explorer itself is slow or unresponsive, you can try to use your local node.

Remediation: You can call the same RPC commands to your local node, replacing with your node's IP address. As an example the command

curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "status", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq


curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "status", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq

(note that you have to use plain http, and specify the port 3030).

2.5. I had a wallet created from the URL at and now I can't see it anymore

NEAR Protocol recently switched from the website to As a result, some cookies have been reset and your browser can't find your wallet.

Remediation: You have two main ways to recover your account:

  1. Use the method above to recover your json wallet file, and copy it where it is needed
  2. Recover your wallet using the recovery email, sms or seed passphrase

While option 1 is already documented above, option 2 requires additional steps if you want to use the recovery email with a magic link. More specifically, the magic link may still point to, so your recovery could fail. Look for any email coming from and copy/paste the "Recover Account" link on your favorite text editor. The result should be similar to the one below:


Your seed passphrase is separated by %20, so you can manually separate the keys (in this case they are crazy, horse, battery, staple) and try to recover your account using the passphrase method.

Heads Up: always use the right wallet address to recover your account:

Network Wallet URL

Trying to use the right passphrase with the wrong wallet URL will produce no results.

2.6. I try to login with near-cli, but I receive the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error on the website

You may encounter this error if you copy/paste the url from the login window. The login dialog may be similar to the one below:

 ~ $ near login
Using options: {
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: undefined,
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  helperAccount: 'betanet',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  initialBalance: null

Please authorize NEAR Shell on at least one of your accounts.

If your browser doesn't automatically open, please visit this URL
Please authorize at least one account at the URL above.

Which account did you authorize for use with NEAR Shell?
Enter it here (if not redirected automatically):

Near-cli generates an URL to automatically redirect to http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A5000, generating the error if your near-cli is not running locally but on a remote server.

Remediation This error has no impact on a successful login. Simply return to the shell window, and type the username you want to use on near-cli in the propmt screen. If successful, you should see a message similar to the one below:

Enter it here (if not redirected automatically):
Logged in as [ nearkat.betanet ] with public key [ ed25519:AvQK7m... ] successfully

3. Staking-related issues

Heads up: most of the commands below imply that you are using the most recent Staking Pool Contract to participate in the Stake Wars.

3.1. I used near send instead of near call deposit to send funds to my staking pool

This command will produce a loss of these funds. More specifically, the staking pool will use these funds as very generous rewards, distributing them to all delegators, based on their shares.

Remediation: There is no remediation, as using the command near send will produce a key not found error:

Sending 10 NEAR to pepe.betanet from c2.nearkat
Error:  TypedError: Can not sign transactions for account c2.nearkat, no matching key pair found in Signer.
    at Account.signAndSendTransaction (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:91:19)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    at async exports.sendMoney (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/index.js:198:33)
    at async Object.handler (/usr/lib/node_modules/near-shell/utils/exit-on-error.js:4:9) {
  type: 'KeyNotFound'

3.2. I used near stake instead of near call to send funds to my staking pool

If your pool is correctly deployed, you shouldn't have the keys to perform this command. If you still have the keys to the staking pool, this command will generate an invalid state of the contract, locking your funds but not using them to stake as a validator.

Remediation: Try to unstake your funds with the command near stake <POOL_ID> <VALIDATOR_PUBKEY> 0 --accountId <POOL_ID>, where 0 is the amount you want to stake with pool. After three epochs, you should be able to recover the funds and deploy a new pool from scratch.

Please note that:

  • this solution won't work if you issue pool commands like near call <POOL_ID> ping or near call <POOL_ID> stake as they will re-stake the funds
  • moving the funds out of the pool with near send will steal the tokens of other delegators and will put the contract into an inconsistent/unresponsive state
  • this solution wouldn't be possible if you deleted all the access keys to your pool

Use the command near keys <POOL_ID> | grep length to see if your pool is locked:

 ~ $ near keys blazenet | grep length
[ [length]: 0 ]

3.3. I get a GuestPanic error when I try to unstake funds from my staking pool

This error may appear when you use a command similar to this one: near call c2.nearkat unstake '{"amount": "10094702816452052707222750328"}' --accountId pepe.betanet

This call is trying to unstake a certain amount of YoctoNEAR, with no success:

  type: 'GuestPanic',
  index: 0,
  panic_msg: "panicked at 'The new total balance should not be less than the old total balance', src/"


  1. Ping the contract
  2. Unstake the funds
  3. Send a small amount of NEAR tokens

In detail:

  1. Call the ping method with the command near call <POOL_ID> ping '{}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID>, to spend some gas from <ACCOUNT_ID> and calculate the rewards of the pool. You should see a result similar to this:
 ~ $ near call blazenet ping '{}' --accountId pepe.betanet
Using options: {
  accountId: 'pepe.betanet',
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'blazenet',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  gas: '100000000000000',
  amount: '0',
  methodName: 'ping',
  args: '{}',
  initialBalance: null
Scheduling a call:{})
[blazenet]: Epoch 50: Contract received total rewards of 28434755107890138499172929 tokens. New total staked balance is 118722681336756467553977389908. Total number of shares 113966017752308135773807659229
[blazenet]: Total rewards fee is 2729550721834190531620296 stake shares.

  1. Unstake the funds Use the command near view <POOL_ID> get_account_staked_balance '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT_ID"}' to receive the exact amount of YoctoNEAR available in the account. The result should be as follows:
 ~ $ near view blazenet get_account_staked_balance '{"account_id": "pepe.betanet"}'
Using options: {
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'blazenet',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  methodName: 'get_account_staked_balance',
  args: '{"account_id": "pepe.betanet"}',
  initialBalance: null
View call: blazenet.get_account_staked_balance({"account_id": "pepe.betanet"})

Afterward, you can issue the command near call <POOL_ID> unstake '{"amount": "<AMOUNT>"}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID> where it is important to copy/paste an amount in YoctoNEAR wich is minor or equal to the amount above (25074462113250696720368460556), and set the <ACCOUNT_ID> with the owner of the staked funds (in this case --accountId pepe.betanet). The result should be similar to the one below:

$ near call blazenet unstake '{"amount":"100"}' --accountId pepe.betanet
Using options: {
  accountId: 'pepe.betanet',
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'blazenet',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  gas: '100000000000000',
  amount: '0',
  methodName: 'unstake',
  args: '{"amount":"100"}',
  initialBalance: null
Scheduling a call: blazenet.unstake({"amount":"100"})
[blazenet]: Epoch 49: Contract received total rewards of 954000293751552732160506517 tokens. New total staked balance is 118694246581648577415478217080. Total number of shares 113963288201586301583276039030
[blazenet]: Total rewards fee is 91597540363018443977531872 stake shares.
[blazenet]: @pepe.betanet unstaking 102. Spent 97 staking shares. Total 104 unstaked balance and 24250598102835383494138245619 staking shares
[blazenet]: Contract total staked balance is 118694246581648577415478216979. Total number of shares 113963288201586301583276038933
  1. If you still can't issue any call method on your staking pool, it is possible that you need additional funds to pay for the storage (see the Introduction to NEAR Protocol’s Economics for more details). Sending 1 NEAR token should be enough. From the shell, you can issue the command near send <ACCOUNT_ID> <POOL_ID> 1 to add some funds, and try if the contract becomes responsive again.

Heads Up: Any funds sent to a locked pool become inaccessible, so you won't be able to withdraw them later on.

3.4. I get a GuestPanic when I try to withdraw funds from my staking pool

The widthdraw command is used to move back to your wallet any unstaked funds in the pool. You have to check if:

  • the amount you are trying to withdraw is higher than your unstaked balance
  • the unstaked balance is not yet available and still in the lock-period You should see an error similar to the one below:
  type: 'GuestPanic',
  index: 0,
  panic_msg: "panicked at 'Not enough unstaked balance to withdraw', src/"


  1. Ping the contract
  2. View the available unstaked balance
  3. Verify if the funds are unlocked

In detail:

  1. is documented above, and is easily performed with the command near call <POOL_ID> call ping '{}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID>.

  2. requires the use of the command near call <POOL_ID> get_account_unstaked_balance '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT_ID>"}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID> to show the amount of YoctoNEAR available to withdraw. You should see a result similar to the one below:

 ~ $ near call blazenet get_account_unstaked_balance '{"account_id":"pepe.betanet"}' --accountId pepe.betanet
Using options: {
  accountId: 'pepe.betanet',
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'blazenet',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  gas: '100000000000000',
  amount: '0',
  methodName: 'get_account_unstaked_balance',
  args: '{"account_id":"pepe.betanet"}',
  initialBalance: null
Scheduling a call: blazenet.get_account_unstaked_balance({"account_id":"pepe.betanet"})

104 is the balance available to withdraw.

  1. requires the use of the command near call <POOL_ID> is_account_unstaked_balance_available '{"account_id": "<ACCOUNT_ID"}' --accountId <ACCOUNT_ID> to see if the funds are locked or not by the protocol. NEAR allows the withdraw of unstaked funds after 3 epochs, to mitigate attacks.

By issuing this command, you should get the following result:

 ~ $ near view blazenet is_account_unstaked_balance_available '{"account_id": "pepe.betanet"}'
Using options: {
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'blazenet',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  methodName: 'is_account_unstaked_balance_available',
  args: '{"account_id": "pepe.betanet"}',
  initialBalance: null
View call: blazenet.is_account_unstaked_balance_available({"account_id": "pepe.betanet"})

If the result is not true, your withdraw command will fail, with an error similar to the one below:

  type: 'GuestPanic',
  index: 0,
  panic_msg: "panicked at 'The unstaked balance is not yet available due to unstaking delay', src/"

Heads up: this remediation can't make a distinction between funds unstaked at different times. It would show a false statement even if a portion of your funds was available for withdraw (in the example above 4 YoctoNEAR are available out of the 104 unstaked).

3.5. I set up the wrong owner to my staking pool, are funds lost?

When you deploy the staking pool, you have to specify the <POOL_ID> and the <OWNER_ID>. The former is an account that will have to be locked and will receive funds by other users (the delegators). The latter is the manager of the pool, which has specific methods to configure the pool (such as change the validator node public key or the fees).

Setting the <OWNER_ID> with the same account as the <POOL_ID> will lock your pool and will make you unable to change its parameters. As a result, when you lock your staking pool you lose the capability to change any of the parameters above. The solution is to re-deploy the pool and ask your delegators to manually move their funds. Your delegators will not lose funds, but they will have to unstake, wait three epochs, and withdraw any funds that were previously locked in your misconfigured pool.

You can check the pool owner id by using the command near view <POOL_ID> get_owner_id '{}'. The resulting account should be different from the <POOL_ID> itself:

 ~ $ near view c2.nearkat get_owner_id '{}'
Using options: {
  networkId: 'betanet',
  nodeUrl: '',
  contractName: 'c2.nearkat',
  walletUrl: '',
  helperUrl: '',
  useLedgerKey: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'",
  methodName: 'get_owner_id',
  args: '{}',
  initialBalance: null
View call: c2.nearkat.get_owner_id({})

In the example above, the owner is the same of the pool address, so the only way to control the pool is to have keys to the account c2.nearkat.

Remediation: You and your delegators have to unstake the funds and move them to a new pool. Expect to have your node offline more than four epochs of time: three to unlock the funds, and up to two to receive a seat.

Additional resources