Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Your help is greatly appreciated. This guide will help you understand how to contribute effectively and ensure that your contributions are aligned with the project's goals.
If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue on our GitHub repository. When reporting a bug, please include:
- A clear and descriptive title.
- Steps to reproduce the issue.
- Expected and actual results.
- Screenshots or code snippets, if applicable.
- Any relevant logs or error messages.
- Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button on the repository's GitHub page.
- Create a new branch: Use a descriptive name for your branch (e.g.,
). - Make your changes: Implement your feature or bugfix.
- Commit your changes: Write clear and concise commit messages.
- Push to your fork: Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request: Open a pull request on the original repository with a clear description of your changes and any relevant information.
To set up the project for development, follow these steps:
- First, setup package manager & install dependencies.
corepack up
- Run the project in development mode.
node --run dev #or pnpm dev
- (Optional) If you want https, install mkcert and run the following commands.
mkcert -install
mkcert localhost
- Follow the existing code style and conventions.
- Use meaningful variable and function names.
- Include comments where necessary to explain your code.
- Ensure your code is well-documented.
Thank you for your contributions! Your efforts help make this project better for everyone.