Project made for the Systems and Interactive Technologies course from Master's in Informatics Engineering.
This project is a prototype of a simple art store online application where you can search art products and buy them.
Make sure you have Flutter SDK installed on your machine, if you don't have it installed you can follow these instructions:
git clone
cd art-store
flutter build appbundle
orflutter build apk --split-per-abi
Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable
Make sure you have Developer Mode active and you have enabled USB Debugging
flutter install
cd art-store
flutter build apk --split-per-abi
- Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable
- Copy the app APK to your phone located in ==./build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app.aab==
instructions for iOS
instructions for macOS
instructions for linux
instructions for windows
instructions for web
For more information check the Flutter documentation