GraalVM 101: Practical Workshop to Get Started with GraalVM Enterprise Edition and Micronaut Framework.
Table of Contents
- Install GraalVM EE
- Creating a simple Spring Boot Bond Princing API
- GraalVM JIT to boost Throughputs
- GraalVM Native Image : Faster,Leaner
- Cloud Native Deployments with GraalVM Native Image
Use the following docs/links to install GraalVM Enterprise 22.3+ for Java 17
A Bond is a financial instrument that represent a loan made by an investor to a borrower that pays investor a fixed rate of return over a specific timeframe(Maturity). At the end of the maturity period the Principal amount is paid back to the investor.
In this section, you will have to create a Bond Pricing SpringBoot API that compute the selling price of a bond using the Present Value Model with
is the Selling price/Fair Value to computeC
is a coupon, periodic interest received by the lender.C = Contractual * Face Value of the bond
is the market yield to maturityT
represents the number of payment to received/ years( Maturity Term)- More about the formular
Use Micronaut Launch to create the following project Fill the form with the following details. Application Type: Micronaut Application
Java Version: 17
Name: MnBondPricing Base Package:
Include Features: GraalVM, Micrometer-Prometheus -
Download the project, unzip it and open the directory in your favorite code editor. Add a
class as describeb below.
- The price conroller is annotated
has two endpoints /
return a welcome text/{name}/{principal}/{maturity}?yield=xx&interestRate=y
used to compute the bond fair price
public class PriceController {
String price (
@PathVariable(name = "name") String name,
@PathVariable(value ="principal" ) double principal,
@PathVariable(value = "maturity") int maturity,
@QueryValue(value = "yield") double yield,
@QueryValue( value="interestRate" ) double interestRate
Double bondMarketPrice=
Stream.iterate(1, year -> year +1)
.mapToDouble(t -> interestRate*principal/Math.pow(1+yield,t)) // compute coupon (interest) stream
.sum() ;
bondMarketPrice += principal/Math.pow(1+yield,maturity);
return String.format("%.3f\n",bondMarketPrice);
$ java -version
java version "19.0.1" 2022-10-18
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment GraalVM EE 22.3.0 (build 19.0.1+10-jvmci-22.3-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM GraalVM EE 22.3.0 (build 19.0.1+10-jvmci-22.3-b07, mixed mode, sharing)
A full version is available in the repository.
- Clone the project
$git clone
- Change the working direcotry to
$cd GraalVM101/02-micronaut/MnBondPricing
- Use Maven to package the application.
$ mvn clean package
[INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact.
[INFO] Replacing /home/opc/GraalVM101/02-micronaut/MnBondPricing/target/MnBondPricing-0.1.jar with /home/opc/GraalVM101/02-micronaut/MnBondPricing/target/MnBondPricing-0.1-shaded.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12.444 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-21T13:37:32Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Build a container image with OpenJDK17 as base image
$ docker build -t nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17 -f ./docker/Dockerfile.openjdk .
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
STEP 1/5: FROM openjdk:17-oraclelinux8
STEP 2/5: ARG APP_FILE=MnBondPricing-0.1.jar
--> Using cache 5970960c925f7b58c86cb4f8c920946972d4b5d42fa118a61edfc427eec935ce
--> 5970960c925
STEP 3/5: EXPOSE 8080
--> Using cache 692bce678d0af7fc3b4fbf792b5f7d883dbb4da0200063854841f24783ca8451
--> 692bce678d0
STEP 4/5: COPY ./target/${APP_FILE} app.jar
--> 92da598c1e8
STEP 5/5: CMD ["java","-jar","app.jar"]
COMMIT nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17
--> 90f5b44f481
Successfully tagged localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17
- Start a local container
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm --name MnBondPricing nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
- Check the containers logs and startup times.
$ docker logs 565683c94ad0
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
__ __ _ _
| \/ (_) ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _| |_
| |\/| | |/ __| '__/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | | __|
| | | | | (__| | | (_) | | | | (_| | |_| | |_
|_| |_|_|\___|_| \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__|
Micronaut (v3.7.4)
13:42:50.677 [main] INFO i.m.context.env.DefaultEnvironment - Established active environments: [oraclecloud, cloud]
13:42:51.589 [main] INFO io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 1562ms. Server Running: http://565683c94ad0:8080
This containers is ready to fullfill user resquests after 1.6 seconds
- Send requests to the container.
$ curl 'localhost:8080/price/graalvm/100/10/?yield=0.03&interestRate=0.02'
The application is responding perfectly. We can now deploy it in any container platform of our choice. For this demo, we have a running Verrazzano cluster running on top of kubernetes 1.24
- Deploy your application on Verrazzano or Any Kubernetes Plateform with Prometheus and Graphana to collect metrics.
$ kubectl apply -f ../03-verrazzano/bondpricer-jit.yaml`
- Check application pods
$ kubectl get pods -n ms-dev
bondpricer-jit-workload-6bc7b6fcc5-7wb47 2/2 Running 0 4d23h
- Check Virtual services
$ kubectl get virtualservices
bondpricer-jit-ingress-rule-0-vs ["ms-dev-bondpricer-jit-appconf-gw"] [""] 61m
- Call the application
$ curl -k ''
- Launch stress tests
hey -z 20m ''
- Check prometheus metrics from your web browser
In the next section we are building the same application container image using AOT and GraalVM Native Image Enterprise.
- check the multistage Dockerfile
# Install tar and gzip to extract the Maven binaries
RUN microdnf update \
&& microdnf install --nodocs \
tar \
gzip \
maven \
&& microdnf clean all \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/yum
ENV MAVEN_HOME /usr/share/maven
# Set the working directory to /home/app
WORKDIR /build
# Copy the source code into the image for building
COPY . /build
# Build
RUN mvn clean package -Dpackaging=native-image
# The deployment Image
# Copy the native executable into the containers
COPY --from=builder /build/target/MnBondPricing .
ENTRYPOINT ["/MnBondPricing"]
available for native image build. [Micronaut Maven plugin] (
- Build native image
$ docker build -t nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-graalee-native-u1 -f ./docker/Dockerfile.native-graalvm-ee .
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
[1/2] STEP 1/7: FROM AS builder
[1/2] STEP 2/7: RUN microdnf update && microdnf install --nodocs tar gzip maven && microdnf clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum
Downloading metadata...
16.6s (3.2% of total time) in 104 GCs | Peak RSS: 3.90GB | CPU load: 1.82
Produced artifacts:
/build/target/MnBondPricing (executable)
/build/target/MnBondPricing.build_artifacts.txt (txt)
Finished generating 'MnBondPricing' in 8m 38s.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 09:11 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-24T14:56:34Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The requested profile "native" could not be activated because it does not exist.
--> 32abad31a8b
[2/2] STEP 1/4: FROM
[2/2] STEP 2/4: EXPOSE 8080
--> 700ab57d45f
- Push image to Docker registry repository
docker push nelvadas/bondpricing:1.0.0-micronaut-graalee-native-u1
[opc@enono-workstation-01 MnBondPricing]$ docker images |grep micronaut
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing 1.0.0-micronaut-graalee-native-u1 cd15b918c4e0 About an hour ago 86.8 MB 1.0.0-micronaut-graalce-native-u1 f66c72050e18 3 hours ago 165 MB
localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing 1.0.0-micronaut-graalce-native-u1 f66c72050e18 3 hours ago 165 MB
localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing 1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17-u2 1e43d1de2965 26 hours ago 491 MB
localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing 1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17-u1 acea9d6cb391 2 days ago 491 MB
localhost/nelvadas/bondpricing 1.0.0-micronaut-openjdk17 155536d84d4d 2 days ago 491 MB
[opc@enono-workstation-01 MnBondPricing]$
- Deploy your application on Verrazzano or Any Kubernetes Plateform with Prometheus and Graphana to collect metrics.
kubectl apply -f ../03-verrazzano/bondpricer-native-ee.yaml`
- Check application pods
$ kubectl get pods -n ms-dev-ee
bondpricer-native-ee-workload-6b64fd985f-jmwtf 2/2 Running 0 3d21h
- Check Virtual services
$$ kubectl get virtualservices -n ms-dev-ee
bondpricer-native-ee-ingress-rule-0-vs ["ms-dev-ee-bondpricer-native-ee-appconf-gw"] [""] 3d21h
Send a huge workload by running the scrip
$ ./
Check the metrics on the grafana dashboad.
GraalVM EE application starts faster than the traditionnal app, and use less CPU & Memory.