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Mixgen is a library that will help you to simplify your css.

The idea of this library is to generate classes that will be directly used in your HTML, you will not have to create weird class name because you need to add a specific css property.

Getting stated

Optionally: to install with bower, use:

bower install mixgen --save
npm install mixgen --save

Add Mixin Styles

Add the sass module you need, and call the mixin to generate your classes.

Ex: If you want to generate generic padding classes you will add the padding.scss file and call the mixin like that:

@include generate-paddings();

By default some mixin are using default values located in the variables.scss

Generic Mixin Class Generator

All mixin used to generate your css classes are using the generic mixin called css-generator, this mixin allows you to generate any css class you need.

How it's work

Mixin definition :

@mixin css-generator($className, $cssProperty, $values, $breakpoints);
Arguments Type Description
$className String The name of your generated class name
$cssProperty Css property The css property to use (Ex: padding, background-color, ...)
$values (List of map) or (map) The generated values for the css property and optionally class name concatenated with $className
$breakpoints Map The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Example 1

@include css-generator($className: 'color', $cssProperty: color, $values: ('red': #ff0000), $breakpoints: (xs: 0, sm: 544px));

will generate

.color-red-xs {
  color: #ff0000 !important; }

@media (min-width: 544px) {
  .color-red-sm {
    color: #ff0000 !important; } }

Example 2

@include css-generator($className: 'border-top', $cssProperty: border-top, $values: (('xs': 1px), solid, ('red': #ff0000)), $breakpoints: null);

will generate

.border-top-xs-red {
  border-top: 1px solid #ff0000 !important; }

Advanced example :

css-generator('box-shadow', box-shadow, (('h10': 10px), ('v10': 10px), ('s5': 5px), ('red': red)), null);

will generate

.box-shadow-h10-v10-s5-red {
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px red !important; }

Included mixin

All mixin using the breakpoints to disable it you have to set the $breakpoints value to null


Arguments Type Required Description
$colors Map true The color you want to apply to the border (Ex: ('red': #ffffff, 'blue': #ffffff))
$values Map optional (default values used from variables.scss) The differents values to apply to this border (Ex: ('xs': 1px, 'sm': 2px))
$type Css property optional (default value is solid) The type of the border (Ex: solid, dotted ...)
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from variables.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Colors (will generate the background-color and text-color class)

Arguments Type Required Description
$colors List or Map true The color you want to apply to the border (Ex: ('red': red, 'white': white))
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Float (will generate the pull-left and pull-right)

Arguments Type Required Description
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Line Height

Arguments Type Required Description
$values Map optional (default values used from variables.scss) The differents values to apply to this border (Ex: ('xs': 1, 'sm': 2))
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Margins and Paddings

Arguments Type Required Description
$sizes Map optional (default values used from variables.scss) The differents values to apply to this border (Ex: ('xs': 1px, 'sm': 2px))
$sides List of css property optional (default value used from variables.scss) The type of the border (Ex: left, right, bottom)
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))

Text align

Arguments Type Required Description
$sides List of css property optional (default value used from variables.scss) The type of the border (Ex: left, center, right)
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))


Arguments Type Required Description
$sizes Map optional (default values used from variables.scss) The differents values to apply to this border (Ex: ('xs': 10px, 'sm': 15px))
$breakpoints Map optional (default values used from varaibles.scss) The breakpoints values (Ex: ('xs': 0, 'sm': 544px, 'md': 768px, 'lg': 992px, 'xl': 1200px))