This is an archive of bibliographies for several topics including genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, applied sciences, machine learning.
These files contain bibtex keys. The identifying keys are imported in all citation managers. Consequently, they can be generated from the same applications. For example, Google scholar can export citations as bibtex keys.
Years: [2000 TO 2015 %in% ++]
This bibliography contains references related to immune defence, next-generation sequencing, machine learning, microarray, bioinformatics, and statistics. Genomics Marine bibliography is used in three published papers in Reviews in aquaculture, Gene and a third paper in BMC genomics.
- genomicsMarine.bib (in progress)
Deep Learning bibliography is generated by Memkite. All the related files can be found here.
- deeplearninggpu2014.bib (finished)
- deeplearninggpuwithkeywords2014.bib (finished)
Bibliographies of genome-wide association (GWA) studies contain a collective dump scrapped from CiteULike. Published papers are related to human genetics in general and discuss overall genetics variants and common complex diseases.
- humanGenetics.bib (in process)
- gwas2014.bib (finished - contains abstract - doi - ?? articles)
- genomicsMarine.bib (in progress)