New extensions and utilities for Kerbal Space Program by Lisias.
- Latest Release
- Source
- Issue Tracker
- Documentation
- Homepage on L Aerospace KSP Division
- Project's README
- Install Instructions
- Change Log
- Known Issues
- TODO list
- Official Distribution Channels:
- Homepage on L Aerospace
- Source and Binaries on GitHub.
Offer standardised, KSP version abstracted features, utilities and helpers to help the fellow KSP Add'On Author to seamless support part, present and (hopefully) future versions of KSP without needing even a recompile.
See the respective Manual for more information.
Offer a compatibility layer to older Add'Ons that relies on the (now) legacy API from KSP API Extensions.
See the Manual for more information.
Detailed installation instructions are now on its own file (see the In a Hurry section) and on the distribution file.
- KSPe is double licensed at user discretion:
- SKL 1.0. See here
- You are free to:
- Use : unpack and use the material in any computer or device
- Redistribute: redistribute the original package in any medium
- Under the following terms:
- You agree to use the material only on (or to) KSP
- You don't alter the package in any form or way (but you can embedded it)
- You don't change the material in any way, and retain any copyright notices
- You must explicitly state the author's Copyright, as well an Official Site for downloading the original and new versions (the one you used to download is good enough)
- You are free to:
- GPL 2.0. See here
- You are free to:
- Use : unpack and use the material in any computer or device
- Redistribute : redistribute the original package in any medium
- Adapt : Reuse, modify or incorporate source code into your works (and redistribute it!)
- Under the following terms:
- You retain any copyright notices
- You recognize and respect any trademarks
- You don't impersonate the authors, neither redistribute a derivative that could be misrepresented as theirs.
- You credit the author and republish the copyright notices on your works where the code is used.
- You relicense (and fully comply) your works using GPL 2.0
- Please note that upgrading the license to GPLv3 IS NOT ALLOWED for this work, as the author DID NOT added the "or (at your option) any later version" on the license.
- You don't mix your work with GPL incompatible works.
- You are free to:
- If by some reason the GPL would be invalid for you, rest assured that you still retain the right to Use the Work under SKL 1.0.
- SKL 1.0. See here
are distributed under its own license.TinyJSON.dll
are distributed under its own license.- See 3rd Parties License for additional licenses for Third Parties material used with permission (implicit or explicit).
Please note the copyrights and trademarks in NOTICE.
KSPe use, embed or reference previous works by:
- KSP API Extensions /L
- Tiny.JSON /L
- Rémi Gillig
- Microsoft
- Maik Schreiber
- Some code in Source/KSPe/Util/Image.cs
There's no upstream, I am (g)ROOT :)