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eBPF Agent configuration environment variables

Please also refer to the file config.go which is the primary source of truth.

The following environment variables are available to configure the NetObserv eBFP Agent:

  • EXPORT (default: grpc). Flows' exporter protocol. Accepted values are: grpc, kafka, ipfix+udp, ipfix+tcp or direct-flp. In direct-flp mode, flowlogs-pipeline is run internally from the agent, allowing more filtering, transformations and exporting options.
  • TARGET_HOST (required if EXPORT is grpc or ipfix+[tcp/udp]). Host name or IP of the target flow or packet collector.
  • TARGET_PORT (required if EXPORT is grpc or ipfix+[tcp/udp]). Port of the target flow or packet collector.
  • GRPC_MESSAGE_MAX_FLOWS (default: 10000). Specifies the limit, in number of flows, of each GRPC message. Messages larger than that number will be split and submitted sequentially.
  • AGENT_IP (optional). Allows overriding the reported Agent IP address on each flow.
  • AGENT_IP_IFACE (default: external). Specifies which interface should the agent pick the IP address from in order to report it in the AgentIP field on each flow. Accepted values are: external (default), local, or name:<interface name> (e.g. name:eth0). If the AGENT_IP configuration property is set, this property has no effect.
  • AGENT_IP_TYPE (default: any). Specifies which type of IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 or any) should the agent report in the AgentID field of each flow. Accepted values are: any (default), ipv4, ipv6. If the AGENT_IP configuration property is set, this property has no effect.
  • INTERFACES (optional). Comma-separated list of the interface names from where flows will be collected. If empty, the agent will use all the interfaces in the system, excepting the ones listed in the EXCLUDE_INTERFACES variable. If an entry is enclosed by slashes (e.g. /br-/), it will match as regular expression, otherwise it will be matched as a case-sensitive string.
  • EXCLUDE_INTERFACES (default: lo). Comma-separated list of the interface names that will be excluded from flow tracing. It takes priority over INTERFACES values. If an entry is enclosed by slashes (e.g. /br-/), it will match as regular expression, otherwise it will be matched as a case-sensitive string.
  • INTERFACE_IPS (optional) Comma-separated list of IPs/Subnets in CIDR notation (i.e. Any interface with an associated IP address within the given ranges will be listened on. This is an alternative to specifying INTERFACES, useful when you know ahead of time what IP or IP range an interface will have but not the OS-assigned interface name itself. Exclusive with INTERFACES/EXCLUDE_INTERFACES.
  • SAMPLING (default: disabled). Rate at which packets should be sampled and sent to the target collector. E.g. if set to 10, one out of 10 packets, on average, will be sent to the target collector.
  • CACHE_MAX_FLOWS (default: 5000). Number of flows that can be accumulated in the accounting cache. If the accounter reaches the max number of flows, it flushes them to the collector.
  • CACHE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT (default: 5s). Duration string that specifies the maximum duration that flows are kept in the accounting cache before being flushed to the collector.
  • DEDUPER (default: none, disabled). Accepted values are none (disabled) and firstCome. When enabled, it will detect duplicate flows (flows that have been detected e.g. through both the physical and a virtual interface). firstCome will forward only flows from the first interface the flows are received from.
  • DEDUPER_FC_EXPIRY (default: 2 * CACHE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT). Specifies the expiry duration of the firstCome deduplicator. After a flow hasn't been received for that expiry time, the deduplicator forgets it. That means that a flow from a connection that has been inactive during that period could be forwarded again from a different interface.
  • DEDUPER_JUST_MARK (default: false) will mark duplicates (adding an extra boolean field) instead of dropping them.
  • DIRECTION (default: both). Allows selecting which flows to trace according to its direction. Accepted values are ingress, egress or both.
  • LOG_LEVEL (default: info). From more to less verbose: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic.
  • KAFKA_BROKERS (required if EXPORT is kafka). Comma-separated list of tha addresses of the brokers of the Kafka cluster that this agent is configured to send messages to.
  • KAFKA_TOPIC(default: network-flows). Name of the topic where the flows' processor will receive the flows from.
  • KAFKA_BATCH_MESSAGES (default: 1000). Limit on how many messages will be buffered before being sent to a Kafka partition. you actually need to set the CACHE_MAX_FLOWS and/or MESSAGE_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES
  • KAFKA_BATCH_SIZE (default: 1048576). Limit of the maximum size of a request in bytes before being sent to a Kafka partition.
  • KAFKA_COMPRESSION (default: none). Compression codec to be used to compress messages. Accepted values: none, gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd.
  • KAFKA_ENABLE_TLS (default: false). If true, enable TLS encryption for Kafka messages. The following settings are used only when TLS is enabled:
    • KAFKA_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY (default: false). Skips server certificate verification in TLS connections.
    • KAFKA_TLS_CA_CERT_PATH (default: unset). Path to the Kafka server certificate for TLS connections.
    • KAFKA_TLS_USER_CERT_PATH (default: unset). Path to the user (client) certificate for mutual TLS connections.
    • KAFKA_TLS_USER_KEY_PATH (default: unset). Path to the user (client) private key for mutual TLS connections.
  • PROFILE_PORT (default: unset). Sets the listening port for Go's Pprof tool. If it is not set, profile is disabled.
  • ENABLE_RTT (default: false disabled). If true enables RTT calculations for the captured flows in the ebpf agent. See docs for more details on this feature.
  • ENABLE_PKT_DROPS (default: false disabled). If true enables packet drops eBPF hook to be able to capture drops flows in the ebpf agent.
  • ENABLE_DNS_TRACKING (default: false disabled). If true enables DNS tracking to calculate DNS latency for the captured flows in the ebpf agent.
  • ENABLE_PCA (default: false disabled). If true enables Packet Capture Agent.
  • PCA_FILTER (default: none). Works only when ENABLE_PCA is set. Accepted format <protocol,portnumber>. Example PCA_FILTER=tcp,22.
  • PCA_SERVER_PORT (default: 0). Works only when ENABLE_PCA is set. Agent opens PCA Server at this port. A collector can connect to it and recieve filtered packets as pcap stream. The filter is set using PCA_FILTER.
  • FLP_CONFIG: flowlogs-pipeline configuration as YAML or JSON, used when EXPORT is direct-flp. The ingest stage must be omitted from this configuration, since it is handled internally by the agent. The first stage should follow "preset-ingester". E.g, for a minimal configuration printing on terminal: {"pipeline":[{"name": "writer","follows": "preset-ingester"}],"parameters":[{"name": "writer","write": {"type": "stdout"}}]}. Refer to flowlogs-pipeline documentation for more options.
  • METRICS_ENABLED (default: false). If true, the agent will export metrics to the configured EXPORT endpoint.
    • METRICS_SERVER_ADDRESS Address of the server where the metrics will be exported.
    • METRICS_SERVER_PORT (default: 9090). Port of the server where the metrics will be exported.
    • METRICS_TLS_CERT_PATH (default: unset). Path to the certificate file for the TLS connection.
    • METRICS_TLS_KEY_PATH (default: unset). Path to the private key file for the TLS connection.
    • METRICS_PREFIX (default: ebpf-agent). Prefix for the exported metrics.
  • ENABLE_FLOW_FILTER (default: false). If true, the agent will filter flows based on the configured FLOW_FILTER. See docs for more details on this feature.
    • FLOW_FILTER_DIRECTION (default: unset). Direction of the flows to be filtered. Accepted values are ingress, egress, this is optional configuration.
    • FLOW_FILTER_IP_CIDR (default: unset). IP CIDR to be filtered. Accepted format: this field is mandatory.
    • FLOW_FILTER_PROTOCOL (default: unset). Protocol to be filtered. Accepted values are TCP, UDP, SCTP, ICMP, ICMPv6, this is optional configuration.
    • FLOW_FILTER_SOURCE_PORT (default: unset). Source port to be filtered. Accepted format: 80 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_DESTINATION_PORT (default: unset). Destination port to be filtered. Accepted format: 80 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_PORT (default: unset). Port to be filtered can be either source or dst port. Accepted format: 80 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_SOURCE_PORT_RANGE (default: unset). Source port range to be filtered. Accepted format: 80-90 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_DESTINATION_PORT_RANGE (default: unset). Destination port range to be filtered. Accepted format: 80-90 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_PORT_RANGE (default: unset). Port range to be filtered can be either source or dst port. Accepted format: 80-90 this field
    • FLOW_FILTER_ICMP_TYPE (default: unset). ICMP type to be filtered. Accepted format: 8 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_ICMP_CODE (default: unset). ICMP code to be filtered. Accepted format: 8 this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_PEER_IP (default: unset). Peer IP address to be filtered. Accepted format: this field is optional.
    • FLOW_FILTER_ACTION (default: unset). Action to be taken when the flow is filtered. Accepted values are Accept, Reject.

Development-only variables

The following configuration variables are mostly used for development and fine-grained debugging, so no user should need to change them.

  • BUFFERS_LENGTH (default: 50). Length of the internal communication channels between the different processing stages.
  • EXPORTER_BUFFER_LENGTH (default: value of BUFFERS_LENGTH) establishes the length of the buffer of flow batches (not individual flows) that can be accumulated before the Kafka or GRPC exporter. When this buffer is full (e.g. because the Kafka or GRPC endpoint is slow), incoming flow batches will be dropped. If unset, its value is the same as the BUFFERS_LENGTH property.
  • KAFKA_ASYNC (default: true). If true, the message writing process will never block. It also means that errors are ignored since the caller will not receive the returned value.
  • LISTEN_INTERFACES (default: watch). Mechanism used by the agent to listen for added or removed network interfaces. Accepted values are:
    • watch: interfaces are traced immediately after they are created. This is the recommended setting for most configurations.
    • poll: recommended mostly as a fallback mechanism if watch misbehaves. It periodically queries the current network interfaces. The poll frequency is specified by the LISTEN_POLL_PERIOD variable.
  • LISTEN_POLL_PERIOD (default: 10s). When LISTEN_INTERFACES value is poll, this duration string specifies the frequency in which the current network interfaces are polled.