Netspective Fluent consists of interfaces to retrieve data from connected devices through RS232, Ethernet, USB, GSM, and other connection channels.
The requirements for compiling and running :
- OpenSplice DDS v5.x
- BOOST v1.40 (or higher)
- GCC/G++ v4.1 (or higher)
- Log for c++ 1.0 (or higher)
OpenSplice DDS is one of several open source implementation of the OMG Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) standard.
Download the OpenSplice version of OpenSpliceDDSV5.4.1-x86_64.linux2.6-gcc412-gnuc25-HDE.tar.gz
from the following link.
Extract the downloaded tar file with following command, after extracted the tar file you could find the HDE folder.
$ tar xf OpenSpliceDDSV5.4.1-x86_64.linux2.6-gcc412-gnuc25-HDE.tar.gz
$ source release.com
$ ospl start
Use the above commands to source the path and to start OpenSplice.
Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications.
$ yum install libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev libboost-doc libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-graph-dev
libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-regex-dev
libboost-signals-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
GCC is an integrated distribution of compilers for several major programming languages.
$ yum install build-essential
Log4cpp is library of C++ classes for logging to files, syslog and other destinations.[Click here to download] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/log4cpp/files/) for log4cpp libraries.
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install
This package contains the following file: ../support/build/Makefile
To build, do the following steps
1.Include the OpenSliceDDS environment variables from the Opensplice installed directory as ahown below.
$ source /../../HDE/x86.linux2.6/release.com
Run the makefile
$ cd support/build $ make
This will be created in following directory and to clean all the generated files run the command .
$ ../../bin/ $ make clean
1. Set OpenSpliceDDS environment using the following command
$ source /usr/local/HDE/x86.linux2.6/release.com
2. Start OpenSpliceDDS
$ ospl start
3. Start the data generator at the terminal using the following command
$ ./data-generator
- Data Generator will wait until it receives a request from publisher and once the request is received then it generates the data
randomly corresponding to the publisher and send it to the publisher. The request can be from any of the three publishers listed below,
3.1. Start the blood pressure publisher
shall be started by passing the various options suffix to the command .
$. /bp-pub --
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--data-gen-ip arg Data Generator IP
--data-gen-port Data Generator Port
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
./bp-pub --data-gen-ip --data-gen-port 5000 --domain blood --device-id BP_LAB3 --log-info blood.info --log-data blood.data --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_bp.conf
- Once the publisher binds with the data generator and send a command, it receives data from data-generator and displays the data in the log files.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format
3.1.1 Multiple publishers need to publish the data on the topic use the following command with the options
$./bp-pub.sh --
Available Options are:
--domain Device Domain
--device-id Device ID to identify the particular device
--spawn Number of publishers to run
--log4cpp-conf Configration file path
EXAMPLE: $./bp-pub.sh --domain=blood --device-id=BP --spawn=5 --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_bp.conf
NOTE : The arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format
3.2. Start the blood pressure subscribers
on the other terminal by passing the various options suffix to the command .
$ ./bp-sub-echo --
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--lod-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
$ /bp-sub-echo --domain blood --device-id BP_LAB3 --log-info blood.info --log-data blood.echo --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the blood pressure subscriber is started it will retrieve data from the Topic. Subscriber uses ContentFilterTopic to retrieve messages based on the Device ID from a single topic.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
3.3. Start the blood pressure alarm
on the other terminal by passing the various options suffix to the command.
$ ./bp-sub-alarm
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
--systolic-low arg Systolic low pressure alarm specification - default <90
--systolic-high arg Systolic high Pressure alarm specification - default >140
--diatolic-low arg Diatolic low pressure alarm specification - default <60
--diatolic-high arg Diatolic high pressure alarm specification - default>90
--pulse-rate-low arg Pulse low rate alarm specification - default <60
--pulse-rate-high arg Pulse high rate alarm specification - default >90
Example :
$./bp-sub-alarm --domain blood --device-id BP_LAB3 --log-info blood.info --log-data blood.alarm --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the blood pressure alarm is started it will retrieve the data and the displays in log file based on the default assessment or from the specified
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
3.4. Start the blood pressure persists
in the other terminal by passing the various options suffix to the command.
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--host Host Ip_Address
--database Database Name
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
./bp-sub-persist --domain blood --device-id BP_LAB3 --log-info blood.info --log-data blood.persist --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the blood pressure persistence is started it will update the data in to the data base and displays the data in the log file.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
Common Webserver:
Start the
Common Webserver
in the terminal by passing few options suffix to the command ,it can be used as common for all the subsrcibers-webserver$./web-listener
Available Options are:
--web server name Webserver Name
--port_no Port Number
$./web-listener netspective-webserver.com 9003
Once the subscriber starts as webserver the data about domain and device will be recieved on the web browser.
The web browser can be access data through the following URL
NOTE: Domain name and device id are missed in the URL then the entire device data will be displayed.
4.1. Pulse oximeter publisher
shall be started by passing the various options suffix to the command .
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--data-gen-ip arg Data Generator IP
--data-gen-port Data Generator Port No.
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
Example :
./pulseox-pub --data-gen-ip --data-gen-port 5000 --domain pulse --device-id PULSE_LAB3 --log-info pulse.info --log-data pulse.data --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_pulse.conf
- Once the publisher binds with the data generator and send a command, it receives data from data-generator and displays the data in the log files.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
4.1.1. Multiple publishers
need to publish the data on the topic use the following command with the options
./pulseox-pub.sh --
Available Options are:
--domain Device Domain
--device-id Device ID to identify the particular device
--spawn Number of publishers to run
--log4cpp-conf Configration file path
EXAMPLE: $./pulse-oximeter-pub.sh --domain=pulse --device-id=Pulse --spawn=5 --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_bp.conf
NOTE : The arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format
4.2. Start the pulse oximeter subscribers
on the other terminal using by passing various options suffix to the command,
$./pulseox-sub-echo -
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--lod-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
$ ./pulse-sub-echo --domain pulse --device-id Pulse_LAB3 --log-info pulse.info --log-data pulse.echo --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the pulse oximeter subscriber is started it will retrieve data from the Topic. Subscriber uses ContentFilterTopic to retrieve messages based on the Device ID from a single topic.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
4.3. Start the pulseox oximeter alarm on the other terminal using by passing various options suffix to the command
$./pulseox-sub-alarm -
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
--spo2-low arg SPO2 low level alarm specification - default <88
--spo2-high arg SPO2 high level alarm specification - default >92
$./pulseox-sub-alarm --domain pulse --device-id PULSE_LAB3 --log-info pulse.info --log-data pulse.alarm --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the pulse oximeter alarm is started will retrieve the data and the displays in log file based on the default assessment or from the specified
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
4.4. Start the pulse oximeter persist on the other terminal using by passing various options suffix to the command
$./pulseox-sub-persist --
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--host Host Ip_Address
--database Database Name
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
$./pulseox-sub-persist --domain pulse --device-id PULSE_LAB3 --log-info pulse.info --log-data pulse.persist --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the pulse oximeter persistence is started it will update the data in to the database and displays the data in the log file.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
5.1. Temperature monitor publisher shall be started by passing the various options suffix to the command.
$./tempmonitor-pub --
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--data-gen-ip arg Data Generator IP
--data-gen-port Data Generator Port No.
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
Example :
$./tempmonitor-pub --data-gen-ip --data-gen-port 5000 --domain temp --device-id TEMP_LAB3 --log-info temp.info --log-data temp.data --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_temp.conf/simulation_log_temp.conf
- Once the publisher binds with the data generator and send a command, it receives data from data-generator and displays the data in the log files.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
5.1.1 Multiple publishers
need to publish the data on the topic use the following command with the options
$./tempmonitor-pub.sh --
Available options are:
--domain Device Domain
--device-id Device ID to identify the particular device
--spawn Number of publishers to run
--log4cpp-conf Configration file path
$./temperature-pub.sh --domain=blood --device-id=BP --spawn=5 --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_bp.conf
NOTE : The arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format
5.2. Start the temperature monitor subscribers
on the other terminal by passing the various options suffix to the command ,
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--lod-data arg Log data file
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
$ ./temperature-sub-echo --domain temp --device-id Temp_LAB123 --log-info temp.info --log-data temp.echo --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_temp_sub.conf
- Once the temp subscriber is started it will retrieve data from the Topic. Subscriber uses ContentFilterTopic to retrieve messages based on the Device ID from a single topic.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
5.3. Start the temperature-monitor alarm
by passing the various options suffix to the command ,
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
--avg-time-period arg Average time period for temperature - default 1 min
--temp-low arg Temperature low level alarm specification -default<88
--temp-high arg Temperature high level alarm specification-default>92
$ ./temperature-sub-alarm --domain pulse --device-id TEMP_LAB3 --log-info temp.info --log-data temp.alarm --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_temp_sub.conf
- Once the pulse oximeter alarm is started it will retrieve the data and the displays in log file based on the default assessment or from the specified
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
5.4. Start the temperature-monitor persistence
by passing the various options suffix to the command,
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device domain
--device-id arg Device ID for identification
--host Host Ip_Address
--database Database Name
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
$./temperature-sub-persist --domain pulse --device-id TEMP_LAB3 --log-info temp.info --log-data temp.persist --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/
- Once the temperature monitor persistence is started it will update the data in to the database and displays the data in the log file.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
** ECG **
6.1 Ecg publisher shall be started by passing the various options suffix to the command.
$./ecg-pub --
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--data-gen-ip arg Data Generator IP
--data-gen-port Data Generator Port No.
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--log-data arg Log data category
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
Example :
./ecg-pub --data-gen-ip --data-gen-port 5000 --domain ECG --device-id ECG_LAB44 --log-info ecg.info --log-data ecg.data --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_ecg.conf
- Once the publisher binds with the data generator and send a command, it receives data from data-generator and displays the data in the log files.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
6.2. Start the ecg subscribers
on the other terminal by passing the various options suffix to the command ,
Available options are:
--help Produce help message
--domain arg Device Domain
--device-id arg Device ID - for device identification
--log-info arg Log information category
--lod-data arg Log data file
--log4cpp-conf arg Log configuration and format specification file
./ecg-sub-echo --domain ECG --device-id ECG_LAB44 --log-info ecg.info --log-data ecg.echo --log4cpp-conf ../src/c++/production/conf/simulation_log_ecg_sub.conf
- Once the temp subscriber is started it will retrieve data from the ContentFilterTopic to retrieve messages based on the Device ID from a single topic.
NOTE : The category name arguments passed to the application needs to be configured in the log4cpp configuration file with the appender and layout format.
1. From the installation location of OpenspliceDDS, we need to change the few confiuration in the ospl config file located in,
2. Following statements should be modified in the config file,
<NetworkInterfaceAddress> first available </NetworkInterfaceAddress>
<Partitioning> <GlobalPartition Address="broadcast,Central-IP"/> </Partitioning>
- In config file the above statements should be included and the IP_Address should be entered into the specified locations.
NOTE : The same configuration changes needs to reflected in all the machines running in the same domain.
3. Architecture of Distributed Application will be as following structure:
DataGenerator & Publishers[OsplDDS] ----------------------> Central[OsplDDS] --------------------> Subscribers[OsplDDS]
4. In the given architecture each entities can reside in different machines or publishers and data generator can be reside in same machine.
5. Central OsplDDS acts as an gateway between the publishers and the subscribers.
6. Publisher can reside in different machine and makes the request to the data generator to generate the data randomly and receives the data .
7. Publishers & Subscribers Ospl should contain the IP_Address of central ospl IP_Address in its config file.
8. The process of all the entities will remain the same as single machine implementation and the extension is it has been distributed with few