An Architectural Decision (AD) is a justified software design choice that addresses a functional or non-functional requirement that is architecturally significant. An Architecturally Significant Requirement (ASR) is a requirement that has a measurable effect on a software system’s architecture and quality. An Architectural Decision Record (ADR) captures a single AD and its rationale; the collection of ADRs created and maintained in a project constitute its decision log. All these are within the topic of Architectural Knowledge Management (AKM), but ADR usage can be extended to design and other decisions (“any decision record”). –
- ADR-001a: Verteilter Systemaufbau
- ADR-001b: Mixed-Synchrone-Asynchrone Kommunikation
- ADR-002: Deno.js als Backend-Technologie
- ADR-003: NativeScript als Grundlagen-Technologie frontend-seitig
- ADR-004: Svelte als Framework für NativeScript
- ADR-005: MongoDB als Datenbank
- ADR-006: Mosquitto als Broker
- ADR-007: Here Maps als Routen/Maps-API
- ADR-007a: Schema der Here Transit-API als Response Scheme
- ADR-008: DB Timetables und Open Data ÖPNV als Disturbance APIs
- ADR-009: Perspective Based Inspection als Evaluationsmethode