This is a solution to the Equalizer landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
This is my solution to the Equalizer Landing Page challenge. This is a landing page for a mobile app called equalizer that uses Svelte, Vite, TypeScript and custom SCSS. The user can get information about the product and links to download the app either from the iOS App Store or the Android Play Store. The user can also get in contact with the company using the social sites or through email.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- SCSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Svelte + Vite + TypeScript
I have learned on this project that we need to practice everyday and work hard to really understand how everything works, specially with the images background. I will have to review this topic better.
&::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: -25rem;
left: 0rem;
background-image: url("./assets/images/bg-main-mobile.png");
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 58.2rem;
height: 78rem;
z-index: -10;
@media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
background-image: url("./assets/images/bg-main-tablet.png");
width: 128.3rem;
height: 110.8rem;
left: -30rem;
@media screen and (min-width: 68.75em) {
background-image: url("./assets/images/bg-main-desktop.png");
width: 191.3rem;
height: 205.8rem;
left: -35rem;
@media screen and (min-width: 89em) {
left: -27rem;
For future development, I will continue to use background-image for divs so I could practice more the placement of the image in the element.
- CSS-TRICKS - Using SVG - SVG is an image format for vector graphics. It literally means Scalable Vector Graphics. Basically, what you work with in Adobe Illustrator. You can use SVG on the web pretty easily, but there is plenty you should know.
- Website - Juan Gomez
- Frontend Mentor - @newbpydev
- Twitter - @Newb_PyDev
The code may not be perfect compared to my sensei @jonasschmedtman but I need to thank him because he has shown me the ropes and now I am a confident web designer.