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Scan the vulnerabilitis with owasp-zap tool

export PLUGIN_VERSION=2.2.0
export APP_URL_UNDER_TEST='your-url-under-test'
make run


docker-compose up -d sonarqube
sleep 120
# wait 2 minute for sonarqbue to start

export PLUGIN_VERSION=2.2.0
wget${PLUGIN_VERSION}/sonar-zap-plugin-${PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar -O ./plugin/sonar-zap-plugin-${PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar

export APP_URL_UNDER_TEST='your-url-under-test'
docker-compose up owasp-zap
docker-compose up sonar-scanner

Then go to sonarqube

Please have a look on .gitlab-ci.yml if you wish to run the scan wihtin the Gitlab CI pipeline.

Vulnerabilities Scan

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) team recommends many tools to address security matters, allowing to scan the vulnerabilities of Web Applications.One of the most popular is OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP).

OWASP Zap Tool

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides a security tool, called Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) to scan the vulnerabilities.

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You may download the standalone application here or use it with CLI.Using the CLI is interesting as in the software industry, we may want to automate to this inside the Continuous Integration (CI) toolchain.

OWASP ZAP is one of the most popular security tools and is actively maintained. It comes with a UI and it allows to launch an automated scan against a URL of a web application. It then generate a report.

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The generated report is then published to Sonarqube by this hereby plugin. As a result, all metrics related to a software are gathered at one place.

Quality Metrics

Once this is done, we can see the vulnerabilities metrics on SonarQube.

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