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A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Prometheus OpenMetrics integration


Helm installation

You can install this chart using nri-bundle located in the helm-charts repository or directly from this repository by adding this Helm repository:

helm repo add nri-prometheus
helm upgrade --install newrelic-prometheus nri-prometheus/nri-prometheus -f your-custom-values.yaml

Source Code

Scraping services and endpoints

When a service is labeled or annotated with scrape_enabled_label (defaults to, nri-prometheus will attempt to hit the service directly, rather than the endpoints behind it.

This is the default behavior for compatibility reasons, but is known to cause issues if more than one endpoint is behind the service, as metric queries will be load-balanced as well leading to inaccurate histograms.

In order to change this behaviour set scrape_endpoints to true and scrape_services to false. This will instruct nri-prometheus to scrape the underlying endpoints, as Prometheus server does.

Existing users that are switching to this behavior should note that, depending on the number of endpoints behind the services in the cluster the load and the metrics reported by those, data ingestion might see an increase when flipping this option. Resource requirements might also be impacted, again depending on the number of new targets.

While it is technically possible to set both scrape_services and scrape_endpoints to true, we do no recommend doing so as it will lead to redundant metrics being processed,

Values managed globally

This chart implements the New Relic's common Helm library which means that it honors a wide range of defaults and globals common to most New Relic Helm charts.

Options that can be defined globally include affinity, nodeSelector, tolerations, proxy and others. The full list can be found at user's guide of the common library.

Chart particularities

Low data mode

See this snippet from the values.yaml file:

  lowDataMode: false
lowDataMode: false

To reduce the amount ot metrics we send to New Relic, enabling the lowDataMode will add these transformations:

  - description: "Low data mode defaults"
      # Ignore the following metrics.
      # These metrics are already collected by the New Relic Kubernetes Integration.
      - prefixes:
        - kube_
        - container_
        - machine_
        - cadvisor_


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Sets pod/node affinities. Can be configured also with global.affinity
cluster string "" Name of the Kubernetes cluster monitored. Can be configured also with global.cluster
config object See values.yaml Provides your own config.yaml for this integration. Ref:
containerSecurityContext object {} Sets security context (at container level). Can be configured also with global.containerSecurityContext
customSecretLicenseKey string "" In case you don't want to have the license key in you values, this allows you to point to which secret key is the license key located. Can be configured also with global.customSecretLicenseKey
customSecretName string "" In case you don't want to have the license key in you values, this allows you to point to a user created secret to get the key from there. Can be configured also with global.customSecretName
dnsConfig object {} Sets pod's dnsConfig. Can be configured also with global.dnsConfig
fedramp.enabled bool false Enables FedRAMP. Can be configured also with global.fedramp.enabled
fullnameOverride string "" Override the full name of the release
hostNetwork bool false Sets pod's hostNetwork. Can be configured also with global.hostNetwork
image object See values.yaml Image for the New Relic Kubernetes integration
image.pullSecrets list [] The secrets that are needed to pull images from a custom registry.
labels object {} Additional labels for chart objects. Can be configured also with global.labels
licenseKey string "" This set this license key to use. Can be configured also with global.licenseKey
lowDataMode bool false Reduces number of metrics sent in order to reduce costs. Can be configured also with global.lowDataMode
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the chart
nodeSelector object {} Sets pod's node selector. Can be configured also with global.nodeSelector
nrStaging bool false Send the metrics to the staging backend. Requires a valid staging license key. Can be configured also with global.nrStaging
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to all pods created by the integration.
podLabels object {} Additional labels for chart pods. Can be configured also with global.podLabels
podSecurityContext object {} Sets security context (at pod level). Can be configured also with global.podSecurityContext
priorityClassName string "" Sets pod's priorityClassName. Can be configured also with global.priorityClassName
proxy string "" Configures the integration to send all HTTP/HTTPS request through the proxy in that URL. The URL should have a standard format like https://user:password@hostname:port. Can be configured also with global.proxy
rbac.create bool true Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created
resources object {}
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Add these annotations to the service account we create. Can be configured also with global.serviceAccount.annotations
serviceAccount.create bool true Configures if the service account should be created or not. Can be configured also with global.serviceAccount.create string nil Change the name of the service account. This is honored if you disable on this cahrt the creation of the service account so you can use your own. Can be configured also with
tolerations list [] Sets pod's tolerations to node taints. Can be configured also with global.tolerations
verboseLog bool false Sets the debug logs to this integration or all integrations if it is set globally. Can be configured also with global.verboseLog
