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Contributions are always welcome. Before contributing please read the code of conduct and search the issue tracker; your issue may have already been discussed or fixed in main. To contribute, fork this repository, commit your changes, and send a Pull Request.

Note that our code of conduct applies to all platforms and venues related to this project; please follow it in all your interactions with the project and its participants.

At its core, this project is a Terraform provider, and so an understanding of what Terraform is and how it works would help anyone looking to contribute to this provider.

For those new to Terraform, the following might be good starting places.

For those who are already familiar with Terraform, there are still plenty of good resources on the Extending Terraform page that are worth looking at, but those might be a topic by topic basis, depending on the need. Also worth reading are the Best Practices.

Future facing APIs

New Relic has several APIs, and it's worth understanding at a high level what this means for the provider. Also note, that each of the APIs for a given product are the results of many teams, each owning their implementation, documentation, and feature set, etc.

However, at a high level there is a concerted effort within New Relic to try and move away from the REST APIs, and towards a newer GraphQL based API that we call NerdGraph. This migration is likely to take years.

What is mostly clear at this point, is that each team will continue to own their migration, implementation, and feature set in terms of what they choose to put into the GraphQL API.


Most of the documentation for the REST APIs are available at the API Explorer. There you can see the call structures and responses, and what methods are available.


To play and experiment with GraphQL, you can use the graphiql interface to perform queries and mutations. Note that these are using the API, so it's possible to make changes on your account. Caution is advised when performing mutations.

New fields, and new endpoints are added regularly in GraphQL, and so the API surface area continues grow and scale.

API Clients

There are a couple of different API clients that are used in this project, but the bulk of the work is being done in the New Relic Go Client.

There is also a Go Agent that is in use for testing, so that we have a mock application to use during integration tests, and there is also an Insights client that is likely on its way out of this project, so we won't go into detail here.

Development Process


Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/;
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone

Enter the provider directory and build the provider. To compile the provider, run make build. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make build


When working to implement a feature or test a change, it's helpful to have an HCL file that is isolated from any real production/staging environment. When using environment variables to configure the provider, the following is all that is needed to get a working provider for most situations.

First export the necessary environment variables.

# Add this to your .bash_profile or .bashrc
export NEW_RELIC_API_KEY="<your New Relic User API key>"
export NEW_RELIC_ADMIN_API_KEY="<your New Relic Admin API key>"

Then configure the provider.

provider "newrelic" {}

Then you can begin to include a resource or data source that you want to test, and experiment with changing attributes while running plan/apply to see the results of how Terraform will behave.


In order to test the provider, run make test. This will run the full test suite.

$ make test

In order to run the unit test suite only, run make test-unit.

$ make test-unit

In order to run the acceptance test suite only, run make test-integration.

$ make test-integration

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources. The following environment variables must bet set for acceptance tests to run:


In order to run a single test, run the following command and replace {testName} with function name of your test.

TF_ACC=1 NR_ACC_TESTING=1 gotestsum -f testname -- -v --tags=integration -timeout 10m ./newrelic --run {testName}

Changes to the provider

The simplest case is when the API calls you want to make are already in the Go Client and the only changes you need to make are in the provider code. In that case, simply building the provider binary with the correct name and running the plan will get you there. The following assumes working on MacOS.

To compile a new version of the provider, run the following command in the root directory of the repository. You will need to run this command every time you make a code change.

make compile

To test your locally compiled plugin you can add your hcl files in the testing directory. The testing/dev.tfrc file contains the local development configuration. Before running any Terraform commands don't forget to change the authentication credentials in testing/ or use environment variables as mentioned above. Additionally run the following command, or add it to your shell profile: export TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE=dev.tfrc

You can now run terraform plan and terraform apply in the testing directory to test your local version of the provider.

Developing with our Go Client

When changes are required to the Go Client project, it might be useful to test those changes in the client while developing the provider. In this case, you can tell Go to use your local copy of the Go Client when building.

go mod edit -replace$HOME/go/src/

This modifies the go.mod file to reference a local path on disk rather than fetching the code from the remote With this in place, you can then see how the two projects will behave when there are changes in each that are needed for a particular feature.

Once complete, you can PR the change in the client repository, and then git checkout go.mod in the provider to go back to a released version of client. You'll want to make sure the version number in the provider lines up with the client version you want to be using as well.

Commit messages

To keep a style and allow us to automate the generating of a change log, we require that that commit messages adhere to a standard.

TL;DR The commit message must match this regular expression.

(chore|docs|feat|fix|refactor|tests?)(([^\)]+))?: .*

For more information on commit messages, we mostly follow this standard.

Feature Requests

Feature requests should be submitted in the Issue tracker, with a description of the expected behavior & use case, where they’ll remain closed until sufficient interest, e.g. 👍 reactions, has been shown by the community. Before submitting an Issue, please search for similar ones in the closed issues.

Contributor License Agreement

Keep in mind that when you submit your Pull Request, you'll need to sign the CLA via the click-through using CLA-Assistant. If you'd like to execute our corporate CLA, or if you have any questions, please drop us an email at

For more information about CLAs, please check out Alex Russell’s excellent post, “Why Do I Need to Sign This?”.


For contributors and maintainers of open source projects hosted by New Relic, we host a public Slack with a channel dedicated to this project. If you are contributing to this project, you're welcome to request access to that community space.