- 💟 Muse scheme: LEAFERx | Alex LEE | OAwan
- 🔯 Mist scheme: Jeff
- ♓ Pisces scheme: Vi
- ♊ Gemini scheme: Dandy | Mimi | pinlyu
More «NexT» examples here.
- 🔎 hexo-generator-searchdb: Seach data generator plugin for Hexo.
- ⏱️ hexo-word-counter: Word count and time to read for articles in Hexo blog.
- 🚩 hexo-optimize: A Hexo plugin that optimize the pages loading speed.
- 🀄 hexo-pangu: Server side pangu.js filter for Hexo. Add spaces between CJK characters and western characters.
- 💯 hexo-filter-mathjax: Server side MathJax renderer plugin for Hexo.
See inject docs for how to using
- 📆 theme-next-calendar: 一个简洁的日历云插件。
- 🍰 hexo-cake-moon-menu: A new style for back2top button and scrollpercent.
- 🎉 hexo-next-three: JavaScript 3D library for NexT.
- 💥 hexo-next-fireworks: Fireworks animation for NexT.
- 🔖 hexo-next-title: Change to a different title when window is no longer in focus.
- 📷 hexo-next-exif: Exif.js for NexT.
- 👫 hexo-next-coauthor: Add coauthor post meta.
- 🎁 hexo-next-share: Content sharing services for NexT.
- 💬 hexo-disqus-php-api: Yet another great Disqus proxy.
- 🔮 hexo-next-valine: Valine comment system for NexT.
- ✏️ hexo-next-discussbot: DiscussBot comment system for NexT.
- 💎 @waline/hexo-next: Waline comment system for NexT.
- 📘 hexo-next-twikoo: Twikoo comment system for NexT.
- 👻 hexo-next-giscus: Giscus comment system for NexT.
- 🌌 hexo-next-artalk: Artalk comment system for NexT.