diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml index 1fb3b31e60136..ac25d7f6611cc 100644 --- a/.drone.yml +++ b/.drone.yml @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ steps: path: /drone/build commands: - cd /drone/build - - cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-11 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-11 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQUICK_COMPILER=ON -DBUILD_UPDATER=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=1 -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/lib64 ../src + - cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-11 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-11 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQUICK_COMPILER=ON -DBUILD_UPDATER=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=1 -DADD_E2E_TESTS=ON -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/lib64 ../src + - name: compile image: ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-client:client-5.15-11 volumes: @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ steps: commands: - cd /drone/build - ninja + - name: test image: ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-client:client-5.15-11 volumes: @@ -29,6 +31,30 @@ steps: - chown -R test:test . - su -c 'ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 xvfb-run ctest --output-on-failure' test +services: + - name: server + image: ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-server:latest # also change in updateScreenshots.sh + environment: + EVAL: true + SERVER_VERSION: 'stable24' + commands: + - BRANCH="$SERVER_VERSION" /usr/local/bin/initnc.sh + - echo server >> /etc/hosts + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user1 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User One' user1" + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user2 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Two' user2" + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user3 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Three' user3" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ user:setting user2 files quota 1G" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:add users" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user1" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user2" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/activity.git /var/www/html/apps/activity/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable activity" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/text.git /var/www/html/apps/text/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable text" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption.git /var/www/html/apps/end_to_end_encryption/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable end_to_end_encryption" + - /usr/local/bin/run.sh + volumes: - name: build temp: {} @@ -53,7 +79,7 @@ steps: path: /drone/build commands: - cd /drone/build - - cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-14 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-14 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQUICK_COMPILER=ON -DBUILD_UPDATER=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=1 -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/lib64 ../src + - cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-14 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-14 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQUICK_COMPILER=ON -DBUILD_UPDATER=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=1 -DADD_E2E_TESTS=ON -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Werror -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/lib64 ../src - name: compile image: ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-client:client-5.15-11 volumes: @@ -73,6 +99,30 @@ steps: - chown -R test:test . - su -c 'ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 xvfb-run ctest --output-on-failure' test +services: + - name: server + image: ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-server:latest # also change in updateScreenshots.sh + environment: + EVAL: true + SERVER_VERSION: 'stable24' + commands: + - BRANCH="$SERVER_VERSION" /usr/local/bin/initnc.sh + - echo server >> /etc/hosts + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user1 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User One' user1" + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user2 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Two' user2" + - su www-data -c "OC_PASS=user3 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Three' user3" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ user:setting user2 files quota 1G" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:add users" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user1" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user2" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/activity.git /var/www/html/apps/activity/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable activity" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/text.git /var/www/html/apps/text/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable text" + - su www-data -c "git clone --depth=1 -b $SERVER_VERSION https://github.com/nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption.git /var/www/html/apps/end_to_end_encryption/" + - su www-data -c "php /var/www/html/occ app:enable end_to_end_encryption" + - /usr/local/bin/run.sh + volumes: - name: build temp: {} diff --git a/nextcloud.client-desktop/he_translation b/nextcloud.client-desktop/he_translation index 316e7460c55be..e41b4e1965ece 100644 --- a/nextcloud.client-desktop/he_translation +++ b/nextcloud.client-desktop/he_translation @@ -22,5 +22,6 @@ Icon=@APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE@ # Translations Icon[he]=@APPLICATION_ICON_NAME@ +Name[he]=@APPLICATION_NAME@ לשולחן העבודה Comment[he]=@APPLICATION_NAME@ לקוח סנכרון לשולחן העבודה GenericName[he]=סנכרון תיקיות diff --git a/shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinderSync/OwnCloudFinderSync.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinderSync/OwnCloudFinderSync.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index c055182bbd15a..f8dbfad53dc80 100644 --- a/shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinderSync/OwnCloudFinderSync.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinderSync/OwnCloudFinderSync.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; INFOPLIST_FILE = desktopclient/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks"; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.10; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; INFOPLIST_FILE = desktopclient/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks"; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.10; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; PROVISIONING_PROFILE = ""; @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; INFOPLIST_FILE = FinderSyncExt/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks @executable_path/../../../../Frameworks"; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.10; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; OC_APPLICATION_NAME = ownCloud; OC_APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN = com.owncloud.desktopclient; @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; INFOPLIST_FILE = FinderSyncExt/Info.plist; LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks @executable_path/../../../../Frameworks"; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.10; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; OC_APPLICATION_NAME = ownCloud; OC_APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN = com.owncloud.desktopclient; diff --git a/shell_integration/dolphin/CMakeLists.txt b/shell_integration/dolphin/CMakeLists.txt index 1642c80d7c788..07e609661de6d 100644 --- a/shell_integration/dolphin/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/shell_integration/dolphin/CMakeLists.txt @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINOVERLAYPLUGIN} KF5::CoreAddons KF5::KIOCo #---ACTION PLUGIN--- set(OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}dolphinactionplugin) -add_library(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} MODULE ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp) -target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} KF5::CoreAddons KF5::KIOCore KF5::KIOWidgets ${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINHELPER}) configure_file(ownclouddolphinactionplugin.desktop.in ${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN}.desktop ESCAPE_QUOTES @ONLY) -install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN}.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR}) -install(TARGETS ${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}) +kcoreaddons_add_plugin(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} INSTALL_NAMESPACE "kf5/kfileitemaction" + SOURCES ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp) +target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} KF5::CoreAddons KF5::KIOCore KF5::KIOWidgets ${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINHELPER}) +kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OWNCLOUDDOLPHINACTIONPLUGIN}.desktop) diff --git a/shell_integration/dolphin/ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp b/shell_integration/dolphin/ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp index 5403a0b5d998f..1f1d4f30c3172 100644 --- a/shell_integration/dolphin/ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp +++ b/shell_integration/dolphin/ownclouddolphinactionplugin.cpp @@ -133,6 +133,6 @@ class OwncloudDolphinPluginAction : public KAbstractFileItemActionPlugin }; -K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(OwncloudDolphinPluginActionFactory, registerPlugin();) +K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON(OwncloudDolphinPluginAction, APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE "dolphinactionplugin.json") #include "ownclouddolphinactionplugin.moc" diff --git a/shell_integration/libcloudproviders/CMakeLists.txt b/shell_integration/libcloudproviders/CMakeLists.txt index d5391a7a401d2..2e7349ef7834f 100644 --- a/shell_integration/libcloudproviders/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/shell_integration/libcloudproviders/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,25 +1,5 @@ -include(UsePkgConfig) - -MACRO(PKGCONFIG_GETVAR _package _var _output_variable) - SET(${_output_variable}) - - # if pkg-config has been found - IF (PKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) - - EXEC_PROGRAM(${PKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${_package} --exists RETURN_VALUE _return_VALUE OUTPUT_VARIABLE _pkgconfigDevNull) - - # and if the package of interest also exists for pkg-config, then get the information - IF (NOT _return_VALUE) - - EXEC_PROGRAM(${PKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${_package} --variable ${_var} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${_output_variable}) - - ENDIF (NOT _return_VALUE) - - ENDIF (PKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -ENDMACRO(PKGCONFIG_GETVAR _package _var _output_variable) - macro(dbus_add_activation_service _sources) - PKGCONFIG_GETVAR(dbus-1 session_bus_services_dir _install_dir) + pkg_get_variable(_install_dir dbus-1 session_bus_services_dir) foreach (_i ${_sources}) get_filename_component(_service_file ${_i} ABSOLUTE) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.service.*$" ".service" _output_file ${_i}) diff --git a/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp b/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp index b229c5ef8d918..8b53d785fde31 100644 --- a/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp +++ b/src/gui/accountsettings.cpp @@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ void showEnableE2eeWithVirtualFilesWarningDialog(std::function onAcc { const auto messageBox = new QMessageBox; messageBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); - messageBox->setText(AccountSettings::tr("End-to-End Encryption with Virtual Files")); + messageBox->setText(AccountSettings::tr("End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files")); messageBox->setInformativeText(AccountSettings::tr("You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. " "At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are " - "End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and " - "End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with " + "end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and " + "end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with " "\"Make always available locally\".")); messageBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); const auto dontEncryptButton = messageBox->addButton(QMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel); @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ AccountSettings::AccountSettings(AccountState *accountState, QWidget *parent) // Connect E2E stuff initializeE2eEncryption(); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); _ui->connectLabel->setText(tr("No account configured.")); @@ -246,9 +247,11 @@ void AccountSettings::slotE2eEncryptionMnemonicReady() connect(actionDisplayMnemonic, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { displayMnemonic(_accountState->account()->e2e()->_mnemonic); }); - _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("This account supports End-to-End encryption")); + + _ui->encryptionMessage->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Positive); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account")); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/lock.svg"))); _ui->encryptionMessage->show(); - } void AccountSettings::slotE2eEncryptionGenerateKeys() @@ -319,7 +322,7 @@ void AccountSettings::doExpand() } } -bool AccountSettings::canEncryptOrDecrypt (const FolderStatusModel::SubFolderInfo* info) { +bool AccountSettings::canEncryptOrDecrypt(const FolderStatusModel::SubFolderInfo* info) { if (info->_folder->syncResult().status() != SyncResult::Status::Success) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Please wait for the folder to sync before trying to encrypt it."); @@ -327,6 +330,27 @@ bool AccountSettings::canEncryptOrDecrypt (const FolderStatusModel::SubFolderInf return false; } + if (!_accountState->account()->e2e() || _accountState->account()->e2e()->_mnemonic.isEmpty()) { + QMessageBox msgBox; + msgBox.setText(tr("End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. " + "Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder.\n" + "Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption?")); + msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); + msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); + const auto ret = msgBox.exec(); + + switch (ret) { + case QMessageBox::Ok: + slotE2eEncryptionGenerateKeys(); + break; + case QMessageBox::Cancel: + default: + break; + } + + return false; + } + // for some reason the actual folder in disk is info->_folder->path + info->_path. QDir folderPath(info->_folder->path() + info->_path); folderPath.setFilter( QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ); @@ -974,7 +998,7 @@ void AccountSettings::displayMnemonic(const QString &mnemonic) QDialog widget; Ui_Dialog ui; ui.setupUi(&widget); - widget.setWindowTitle(tr("End-to-End encryption mnemonic")); + widget.setWindowTitle(tr("End-to-end encryption mnemonic")); ui.label->setText( tr("To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. " "Please note these down and keep them safe. " @@ -1455,11 +1479,23 @@ void AccountSettings::initializeE2eEncryption() if (!_accountState->account()->e2e()->_mnemonic.isEmpty()) { slotE2eEncryptionMnemonicReady(); } else { - _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("This account supports End-to-End encryption")); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Information); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("This account supports end-to-end encryption")); + _ui->encryptionMessage->setIcon(Theme::createColorAwareIcon(QStringLiteral(":/client/theme/black/state-info.svg"))); _ui->encryptionMessage->hide(); - auto *const actionEnableE2e = addActionToEncryptionMessage(tr("Enable encryption"), e2EeUiActionEnableEncryptionId); + auto *const actionEnableE2e = addActionToEncryptionMessage(tr("Set up encryption"), e2EeUiActionEnableEncryptionId); connect(actionEnableE2e, &QAction::triggered, this, &AccountSettings::slotE2eEncryptionGenerateKeys); + + connect(_accountState->account()->e2e(), &ClientSideEncryption::initializationFinished, this, [this] { + if (!_accountState->account()->e2e()->_publicKey.isNull()) { + _ui->encryptionMessage->setText(tr("End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device." + "
" + "It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic.")); + } + }); + _accountState->account()->setE2eEncryptionKeysGenerationAllowed(false); + _accountState->account()->e2e()->initialize(_accountState->account()); } } diff --git a/src/gui/folderman.h b/src/gui/folderman.h index 5d85b18d15558..ee39c259fac13 100644 --- a/src/gui/folderman.h +++ b/src/gui/folderman.h @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class TestFolderMan; class TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC; class TestShareModel; class ShareTestHelper; +class EndToEndTestHelper; namespace OCC { @@ -385,6 +386,7 @@ private slots: friend class ::TestFolderMan; friend class ::TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC; friend class ::ShareTestHelper; + friend class ::EndToEndTestHelper; }; } // namespace OCC diff --git a/src/gui/tray/ActivityActionButton.qml b/src/gui/tray/ActivityActionButton.qml index d13cb08362b56..6693153b77deb 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/ActivityActionButton.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/ActivityActionButton.qml @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ AbstractButton { property string verb: "" property bool isTalkReplyButton: false + leftPadding: root.text === "" ? Style.smallSpacing : Style.standardSpacing + rightPadding: root.text === "" ? Style.smallSpacing : Style.standardSpacing background: NCButtonBackground { color: Style.currentUserHeaderColor diff --git a/src/gui/tray/ActivityItem.qml b/src/gui/tray/ActivityItem.qml index eb06c7213c39e..09e847a78a198 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/ActivityItem.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/ActivityItem.qml @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ItemDelegate { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: Style.trayListItemIconSize + activityContent.spacing - Layout.minimumHeight: Style.minActivityHeight + Layout.preferredHeight: Style.standardPrimaryButtonHeight displayActions: model.displayActions objectType: model.objectType diff --git a/src/gui/tray/CustomButton.qml b/src/gui/tray/CustomButton.qml index 3cdfd1491432e..dfd3a6554f41e 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/CustomButton.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/CustomButton.qml @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Button { hovered: root.hovered } - leftPadding: root.text === "" ? 5 : 10 - rightPadding: root.text === "" ? 5 : 10 + leftPadding: root.text === "" ? Style.smallSpacing : Style.standardSpacing + rightPadding: root.text === "" ? Style.smallSpacing : Style.standardSpacing implicitWidth: contentItem.implicitWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding NCToolTip { diff --git a/src/gui/tray/NCButtonContents.qml b/src/gui/tray/NCButtonContents.qml index 42fbd52ffdddc..2ca45fd191c0a 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/NCButtonContents.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/NCButtonContents.qml @@ -33,17 +33,19 @@ RowLayout { Image { id: icon - Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter + Layout.fillWidth: !buttonLabel.visible source: root.hovered ? root.imageSourceHover : root.imageSource fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit + horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter + verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter + visible: root.hovered ? root.imageSourceHover !== "" : root.imageSource !== "" } Label { id: buttonLabel - Layout.maximumWidth: icon.width > 0 ? parent.width - icon.width - parent.spacing : parent.width - Layout.fillWidth: icon.status !== Image.Ready + Layout.fillWidth: true text: root.text textFormat: Text.PlainText @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ RowLayout { color: root.hovered ? root.textColorHovered : root.textColor - horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter + horizontalAlignment: icon.visible ? Text.AlignLeft : Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter elide: Text.ElideRight diff --git a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultItem.qml b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultItem.qml index 1cf843137678c..87cd4eace3039 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultItem.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultItem.qml @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ RowLayout { id: unifiedSearchResultTitleText Layout.fillWidth: true text: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.title.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, " ") + textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight font.pixelSize: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.titleFontSize color: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.titleColor @@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ RowLayout { id: unifiedSearchResultTextSubline Layout.fillWidth: true text: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.subline.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, " ") + textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight font.pixelSize: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.sublineFontSize color: unifiedSearchResultItemDetails.sublineColor diff --git a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultNothingFound.qml b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultNothingFound.qml index cee73c3363d03..35166e81eafa0 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultNothingFound.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultNothingFound.qml @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ ColumnLayout { Label { id: unifiedSearchResultsNoResultsLabelDetails text: unifiedSearchResultNothingFoundContainer.text + textFormat: Text.PlainText color: Style.ncTextColor font.pixelSize: Style.topLinePixelSize * 1.25 wrapMode: Text.Wrap diff --git a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultSectionItem.qml b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultSectionItem.qml index ebc691a9c5722..e310effa1f3d6 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultSectionItem.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/UnifiedSearchResultSectionItem.qml @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Label { leftPadding: Style.unifiedSearchResultSectionItemLeftPadding text: section + textFormat: Text.PlainText font.pixelSize: Style.unifiedSearchResultTitleFontSize color: UserModel.currentUser.accentColor diff --git a/src/gui/tray/UserLine.qml b/src/gui/tray/UserLine.qml index 204a7c86e615b..4127faf840968 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/UserLine.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/UserLine.qml @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ AbstractButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom verticalAlignment: Text.AlignBottom text: name + textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight color: Style.ncTextColor font.pixelSize: Style.topLinePixelSize @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ AbstractButton { id: emoji visible: model.statusEmoji !== "" text: statusEmoji + textFormat: Text.PlainText topPadding: -Style.accountLabelsSpacing } @@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ AbstractButton { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: model.statusMessage !== "" text: statusMessage + textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight color: Style.ncTextColor font.pixelSize: Style.subLinePixelSize @@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ AbstractButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop text: server + textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight color: Style.ncTextColor font.pixelSize: Style.subLinePixelSize diff --git a/src/gui/tray/Window.qml b/src/gui/tray/Window.qml index 75e67f643b523..16d4fe0127eb4 100644 --- a/src/gui/tray/Window.qml +++ b/src/gui/tray/Window.qml @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ ApplicationWindow { OpacityMask { anchors.fill: parent + anchors.margins: Style.trayWindowBorderWidth source: ShaderEffectSource { sourceItem: trayWindowMainItem hideSource: true @@ -147,7 +148,8 @@ ApplicationWindow { || unifiedSearchResultsErrorLabel.visible || unifiedSearchResultsListView.visible - anchors.fill: parent + anchors.fill: parent + anchors.margins: Style.trayWindowBorderWidth clip: true Accessible.role: Accessible.Grouping @@ -736,7 +738,6 @@ ApplicationWindow { ScrollView { id: controlRoot - padding: 1 contentWidth: availableWidth ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff diff --git a/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp b/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp index 51ca66a7fbfe1..401f00f9f63d2 100644 --- a/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/clientsideencryption.cpp @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ void ClientSideEncryption::encryptPrivateKey(const AccountPtr &account) } void ClientSideEncryption::decryptPrivateKey(const AccountPtr &account, const QByteArray &key) { - QString msg = tr("Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:
" + QString msg = tr("Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:
" "
" "Username: %2
" "Account: %3
") diff --git a/src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp b/src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp index cb3734e17a130..e221ac3275ded 100644 --- a/src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp @@ -1333,6 +1333,7 @@ void PropagateRootDirectory::slotSubJobsFinished(SyncFileItem::Status status) if (status != SyncFileItem::Success && status != SyncFileItem::Restoration && status != SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError + && status != SyncFileItem::FileNameClash && status != SyncFileItem::Conflict) { if (_state != Finished) { // Synchronously abort @@ -1355,12 +1356,12 @@ void PropagateRootDirectory::slotSubJobsFinished(SyncFileItem::Status status) case SyncFileItem::FileLocked: case SyncFileItem::Restoration: case SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid: - case SyncFileItem::FileNameClash: case SyncFileItem::DetailError: case SyncFileItem::Success: break; + case SyncFileItem::FileNameClash: case SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError: - _errorStatus = SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError; + _errorStatus = status; break; } } diff --git a/src/libsync/propagateremotemove.cpp b/src/libsync/propagateremotemove.cpp index d42ba326943e2..882d7e077bd8b 100644 --- a/src/libsync/propagateremotemove.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/propagateremotemove.cpp @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void PropagateRemoteMove::finalize() return; } auto &vfs = propagator()->syncOptions()._vfs; - auto pinState = vfs->pinState(_item->_renameTarget); + auto pinState = vfs->pinState(_item->_originalFile); const auto targetFile = propagator()->fullLocalPath(_item->_renameTarget); diff --git a/src/libsync/propagatorjobs.cpp b/src/libsync/propagatorjobs.cpp index ce507b7900509..531bdd7fe8ead 100644 --- a/src/libsync/propagatorjobs.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/propagatorjobs.cpp @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void PropagateLocalRemove::start() qCInfo(lcPropagateLocalRemove) << "Going to delete:" << filename; if (propagator()->localFileNameClash(_item->_file)) { - done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename))); + done(SyncFileItem::FileNameClash, tr("Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename))); return; } @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void PropagateLocalMkdir::startLocalMkdir() if (Utility::fsCasePreserving() && propagator()->localFileNameClash(_item->_file)) { qCWarning(lcPropagateLocalMkdir) << "New folder to create locally already exists with different case:" << _item->_file; - done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1").arg(newDirStr)); + done(SyncFileItem::FileNameClash, tr("Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1").arg(newDirStr)); return; } emit propagator()->touchedFile(newDirStr); @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void PropagateLocalRename::start() // Fixme: the file that is the reason for the clash could be named here, // it would have to come out the localFileNameClash function - done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, + done(SyncFileItem::FileNameClash, tr("File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(_item->_file), QDir::toNativeSeparators(_item->_renameTarget))); return; @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ void PropagateLocalRename::start() return; } - if (pinState != OCC::PinState::Unspecified && !vfs->setPinState(_item->_renameTarget, pinState)) { + if (!vfs->setPinState(_item->_renameTarget, pinState)) { qCWarning(lcPropagateLocalRename) << "Could not set pin state of" << _item->_renameTarget << "to old value" << pinState; done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Error setting pin state")); return; diff --git a/src/libsync/theme.h b/src/libsync/theme.h index 7261a9d7a504e..3162df4c93ec3 100644 --- a/src/libsync/theme.h +++ b/src/libsync/theme.h @@ -567,7 +567,6 @@ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT Theme : public QObject */ static QPixmap createColorAwarePixmap(const QString &name); - /** * @brief Whether to show the option to create folders using "virtual files". * diff --git a/src/libsync/vfs/cfapi/vfs_cfapi.cpp b/src/libsync/vfs/cfapi/vfs_cfapi.cpp index 3ac65422ad89c..af5347ff61866 100644 --- a/src/libsync/vfs/cfapi/vfs_cfapi.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/vfs/cfapi/vfs_cfapi.cpp @@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ bool VfsCfApi::statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *stat, void *statData) bool VfsCfApi::setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) { + qCDebug(lcCfApi) << "setPinState" << folderPath << state; + const auto localPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(params().filesystemPath + folderPath); if (cfapi::setPinState(localPath, state, cfapi::Recurse)) { diff --git a/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.cpp b/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.cpp index 21a7fd9505ec0..6fcb1d2f51da2 100644 --- a/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.cpp @@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ #include "vfs_suffix.h" -#include - #include "syncfileitem.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "common/syncjournaldb.h" +#include +#include + +Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcVfsSuffix, "nextcloud.sync.vfs.suffix", QtInfoMsg) + namespace OCC { VfsSuffix::VfsSuffix(QObject *parent) @@ -158,6 +161,12 @@ bool VfsSuffix::statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *stat, void *) return false; } +bool VfsSuffix::setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) +{ + qCDebug(lcVfsSuffix) << "setPinState" << folderPath << state; + return setPinStateInDb(folderPath, state); +} + Vfs::AvailabilityResult VfsSuffix::availability(const QString &folderPath) { return availabilityInDb(folderPath); diff --git a/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.h b/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.h index 66b8f74cb27a8..6169290ba3224 100644 --- a/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.h +++ b/src/libsync/vfs/suffix/vfs_suffix.h @@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ class VfsSuffix : public Vfs bool isDehydratedPlaceholder(const QString &filePath) override; bool statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *stat, void *stat_data) override; - bool setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) override - { return setPinStateInDb(folderPath, state); } + bool setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) override; Optional pinState(const QString &folderPath) override { return pinStateInDb(folderPath); } AvailabilityResult availability(const QString &folderPath) override; diff --git a/src/libsync/vfs/xattr/vfs_xattr.cpp b/src/libsync/vfs/xattr/vfs_xattr.cpp index 6a15067ac930e..4300f6d30ad24 100644 --- a/src/libsync/vfs/xattr/vfs_xattr.cpp +++ b/src/libsync/vfs/xattr/vfs_xattr.cpp @@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ #include "vfs_xattr.h" -#include - #include "syncfileitem.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "common/syncjournaldb.h" - #include "xattrwrapper.h" +#include +#include + +Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcVfsXAttr, "nextcloud.sync.vfs.xattr", QtInfoMsg) + namespace xattr { using namespace OCC::XAttrWrapper; } @@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ bool VfsXAttr::statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *stat, void *statData) bool VfsXAttr::setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) { + qCDebug(lcVfsXAttr) << "setPinState" << folderPath << state; return setPinStateInDb(folderPath, state); } diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt index a6613390563a7..972f40d6da314 100644 --- a/test/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ add_library(testutils themeutils.cpp testhelper.cpp sharetestutils.cpp + endtoendtestutils.cpp ) target_link_libraries(testutils PUBLIC Nextcloud::sync Qt5::Test) @@ -69,6 +70,14 @@ nextcloud_add_test(ShareModel) nextcloud_add_test(ShareeModel) nextcloud_add_test(SortedShareModel) +if(ADD_E2E_TESTS) + nextcloud_add_test(E2eServerSetup) + nextcloud_add_test(E2eFileTransfer) +else() + nextcloud_build_test(E2eServerSetup) + nextcloud_build_test(E2eFileTransfer) +endif() + if( UNIX AND NOT APPLE ) nextcloud_add_test(InotifyWatcher) endif(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) diff --git a/test/endtoendtestutils.cpp b/test/endtoendtestutils.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a25a7e145b9b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/endtoendtestutils.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) by Claudio Cambra + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for more details. + */ + +#include "endtoendtestutils.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "cmd/simplesslerrorhandler.h" +#include "creds/httpcredentials.h" +#include "gui/accountmanager.h" +#include "libsync/theme.h" +#include "accessmanager.h" +#include "httplogger.h" +#include "syncenginetestutils.h" +#include "testhelper.h" + +constexpr auto serverUrl = "https://server"; + +Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcEndToEndTestUtils, "nextcloud.gui.endtoendtestutils", QtInfoMsg) + +/** End to end test credentials access manager class **/ + +class EndToEndTestCredentialsAccessManager : public OCC::AccessManager +{ +public: + EndToEndTestCredentialsAccessManager(const EndToEndTestCredentials *cred, QObject *parent = nullptr) + : OCC::AccessManager(parent) + , _cred(cred) + { + } + +protected: + QNetworkReply *createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *outgoingData) override + { + if(!_cred) { + qCWarning(lcEndToEndTestUtils) << "Could not create request -- null creds!"; + return {}; + } + + QNetworkRequest req(request); + QByteArray credHash = QByteArray(_cred->user().toUtf8() + ":" + _cred->password().toUtf8()).toBase64(); + req.setRawHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + credHash); + + return OCC::AccessManager::createRequest(op, req, outgoingData); + } + +private: + // The credentials object dies along with the account, while the QNAM might + // outlive both. + QPointer _cred; +}; + +/** End to end test credentials class **/ + +QNetworkAccessManager *EndToEndTestCredentials::createQNAM() const +{ + return new EndToEndTestCredentialsAccessManager(this); +} + +/** End to end test helper class **/ + +EndToEndTestHelper::~EndToEndTestHelper() +{ + removeConfiguredSyncFolder(); + removeConfiguredAccount(); + + OCC::AccountManager::instance()->shutdown(); +} + +void EndToEndTestHelper::startAccountConfig() +{ + const auto accountManager = OCC::AccountManager::instance(); + _account = accountManager->createAccount(); + + _account->setCredentials(new EndToEndTestCredentials); + _account->setUrl(OCC::Theme::instance()->overrideServerUrl()); + + const auto serverUrlString = QString(serverUrl); + _account->setUrl(serverUrlString); + + _account->networkAccessManager()->setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)); + _account->setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration()); + _account->setSslErrorHandler(new OCC::SimpleSslErrorHandler); + _account->setTrustCertificates(true); + + slotConnectToNCUrl(serverUrlString); +} + +void EndToEndTestHelper::slotConnectToNCUrl(const QString &url) +{ + qCDebug(lcEndToEndTestUtils) << "Connect to url: " << url; + + const auto fetchUserNameJob = new OCC::JsonApiJob(_account->sharedFromThis(), QStringLiteral("/ocs/v1.php/cloud/user")); + connect(fetchUserNameJob, &OCC::JsonApiJob::jsonReceived, this, [this, url](const QJsonDocument &json, const int statusCode) { + if (statusCode != 100) { + qCDebug(lcEndToEndTestUtils) << "Could not fetch username."; + } + + const auto objData = json.object().value("ocs").toObject().value("data").toObject(); + const auto userId = objData.value("id").toString(""); + const auto displayName = objData.value("display-name").toString(""); + _account->setDavUser(userId); + _account->setDavDisplayName(displayName); + + _accountState = new OCC::AccountState(_account); + + emit accountReady(_account); + }); + fetchUserNameJob->start(); +} + +void EndToEndTestHelper::removeConfiguredAccount() +{ + OCC::AccountManager::instance()->deleteAccount(_accountState.data()); +} + +OCC::Folder *EndToEndTestHelper::configureSyncFolder(const QString &targetPath) +{ + if(_syncFolder) { + removeConfiguredSyncFolder(); + } + + qCDebug(lcEndToEndTestUtils) << "Creating temp end-to-end test folder."; + Q_ASSERT(_tempDir.isValid()); + OCC::FileSystem::setFolderMinimumPermissions(_tempDir.path()); + qCDebug(lcEndToEndTestUtils) << "Created temp end-to-end test folder at:" << _tempDir.path(); + + setupFolderMan(); + + OCC::FolderDefinition definition; + definition.localPath = _tempDir.path(); + definition.targetPath = targetPath; + _syncFolder = _folderMan->addFolder(_accountState.data(), definition); + + return _syncFolder; +} + +void EndToEndTestHelper::removeConfiguredSyncFolder() +{ + if(!_syncFolder || !_folderMan) { + return; + } + + QSignalSpy folderSyncFinished(_syncFolder, &OCC::Folder::syncFinished); + _folderMan->forceSyncForFolder(_syncFolder); + Q_ASSERT(folderSyncFinished.wait(3000)); + _folderMan->unloadAndDeleteAllFolders(); + _syncFolder = nullptr; +} + +void EndToEndTestHelper::setupFolderMan() +{ + if(_folderMan) { + return; + } + + auto folderMan = new OCC::FolderMan; + Q_ASSERT(folderMan); + folderMan->setSyncEnabled(true); + _folderMan.reset(folderMan); +} diff --git a/test/endtoendtestutils.h b/test/endtoendtestutils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c1a48329a4be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/endtoendtestutils.h @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) by Claudio Cambra + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for more details. + */ + +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#include "gui/accountstate.h" +#include "gui/folderman.h" +#include "libsync/account.h" + +constexpr auto testUsername = "test"; +constexpr auto testPassword = "test"; + +class QNetworkReply; + +namespace OCC +{ +class Folder; +class FolderMan; +} + +class EndToEndTestCredentials : public OCC::AbstractCredentials +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + explicit EndToEndTestCredentials() + : OCC::AbstractCredentials() + , _user(testUsername) + , _password(testPassword) + { + _wasFetched = true; + }; + + [[nodiscard]] QString authType() const override { return QStringLiteral("http"); } + [[nodiscard]] QString user() const override { return _user; } + [[nodiscard]] QString password() const override { return _password; } + [[nodiscard]] bool ready() const override { return true; } + bool stillValid(QNetworkReply *) override { return true; } + void askFromUser() override {}; + void fetchFromKeychain() override { _wasFetched = true; Q_EMIT fetched(); }; + void persist() override {}; + void invalidateToken() override {}; + void forgetSensitiveData() override {}; + + [[nodiscard]] QNetworkAccessManager *createQNAM() const override; + +private: + QString _user; + QString _password; +}; + +class EndToEndTestHelper : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + EndToEndTestHelper() = default; + ~EndToEndTestHelper() override; + + [[nodiscard]] OCC::AccountPtr account() const { return _account; } + [[nodiscard]] OCC::AccountStatePtr accountState() const { return _accountState; } + + OCC::Folder *configureSyncFolder(const QString &targetPath = QStringLiteral("")); + +signals: + void accountReady(const OCC::AccountPtr &account); + +public slots: + void startAccountConfig(); + void removeConfiguredAccount(); + void removeConfiguredSyncFolder(); + +private slots: + void slotConnectToNCUrl(const QString &url); + void setupFolderMan(); + +private: + OCC::AccountPtr _account; + OCC::AccountStatePtr _accountState; + QScopedPointer _folderMan; + QTemporaryDir _tempDir; + + OCC::Folder* _syncFolder = nullptr; +}; diff --git a/test/nextcloud_add_test.cmake b/test/nextcloud_add_test.cmake index 98f3ef7673cdd..6bbcdf30f6059 100644 --- a/test/nextcloud_add_test.cmake +++ b/test/nextcloud_add_test.cmake @@ -1,5 +1,42 @@ find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Test Xml Network Qml Quick REQUIRED) +macro(nextcloud_build_test test_class) + set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC TRUE) + set(OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS ${test_class}) + string(TOLOWER "${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}" OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS_LOWERCASE) + + add_executable(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test test${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS_LOWERCASE}.cpp) + set_target_properties(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${BIN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}) + + target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PRIVATE + Nextcloud::sync + testutils + nextcloudCore + cmdCore + Qt5::Test + Qt5::Quick + ) + + if (WIN32) + target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PRIVATE nextcloudsync_vfs_cfapi) + elseif (LINUX) + target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PRIVATE nextcloudsync_vfs_xattr) + endif() + + IF(BUILD_UPDATER) + target_link_libraries(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PRIVATE updater) + endif() + + add_definitions(-DOWNCLOUD_TEST) + add_definitions(-DOWNCLOUD_BIN_PATH="${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") + + target_include_directories(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PRIVATE + "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/" + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/3rdparty/qtokenizer + ) + set_target_properties(${OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS}Test PROPERTIES FOLDER Tests) +endmacro() + macro(nextcloud_add_test test_class) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC TRUE) set(OWNCLOUD_TEST_CLASS ${test_class}) diff --git a/test/testcfapishellextensionsipc.cpp b/test/testcfapishellextensionsipc.cpp index 4aec97b579eb0..f33a41327c1b4 100644 --- a/test/testcfapishellextensionsipc.cpp +++ b/test/testcfapishellextensionsipc.cpp @@ -5,21 +5,24 @@ * */ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include "configfile.h" +#include "account.h" +#include "accountstate.h" +#include "accountmanager.h" +#include "common/vfs.h" +#include "common/shellextensionutils.h" #include "config.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include "folderman.h" +#include "libsync/vfs/cfapi/shellext/configvfscfapishellext.h" +#include "ocssharejob.h" +#include "shellextensionsserver.h" +#include "syncengine.h" #include "syncenginetestutils.h" #include "testhelper.h" -#include -#include +#include "vfs/cfapi/shellext/customstateprovideripc.h" +#include "vfs/cfapi/shellext/thumbnailprovideripc.h" + +#include #include #include #include @@ -28,96 +31,6 @@ namespace { static constexpr auto roootFolderName = "A"; static constexpr auto imagesFolderName = "photos"; static constexpr auto filesFolderName = "files"; - -static const QByteArray fakeNoSharesResponse = R"({"ocs":{"data":[],"meta":{"message":"OK","status":"ok","statuscode":200}}})"; - -static const QByteArray fakeSharedFilesResponse = R"({"ocs":{"data":[{ - "attributes": null, - "can_delete": true, - "can_edit": true, - "displayname_file_owner": "admin", - "displayname_owner": "admin", - "expiration": null, - "file_parent": 2981, - "file_source": 3538, - "file_target": "/test_shared_file.txt", - "has_preview": true, - "hide_download": 0, - "id": "36", - "item_source": 3538, - "item_type": "file", - "label": null, - "mail_send": 0, - "mimetype": "text/plain", - "note": "", - "parent": null, - "path": "A/files/test_shared_file.txt", - "permissions": 19, - "share_type": 0, - "share_with": "newstandard", - "share_with_displayname": "newstandard", - "share_with_displayname_unique": "newstandard", - "status": { - "clearAt": null, - "icon": null, - "message": null, - "status": "offline" - }, - "stime": 1662995777, - "storage": 2, - "storage_id": "home::admin", - "token": null, - "uid_file_owner": "admin", - "uid_owner": "admin" - }, - { - "attributes": null, - "can_delete": true, - "can_edit": true, - "displayname_file_owner": "admin", - "displayname_owner": "admin", - "expiration": null, - "file_parent": 2981, - "file_source": 3538, - "file_target": "/test_shared_and_locked_file.txt", - "has_preview": true, - "hide_download": 0, - "id": "36", - "item_source": 3538, - "item_type": "file", - "label": null, - "mail_send": 0, - "mimetype": "text/plain", - "note": "", - "parent": null, - "path": "A/files/test_shared_and_locked_file.txt", - "permissions": 19, - "share_type": 0, - "share_with": "newstandard", - "share_with_displayname": "newstandard", - "share_with_displayname_unique": "newstandard", - "status": { - "clearAt": null, - "icon": null, - "message": null, - "status": "offline" - }, - "stime": 1662995777, - "storage": 2, - "storage_id": "home::admin", - "token": null, - "uid_file_owner": "admin", - "uid_owner": "admin" - } - ], - "meta": { - "message": "OK", - "status": "ok", - "statuscode": 200 - } - } -})"; - static constexpr auto shellExtensionServerOverrideIntervalMs = 1000LL * 2LL; } @@ -162,9 +75,15 @@ class TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC : public QObject public: static bool replyWithNoShares; +signals: + void propfindRequested(); + private slots: void initTestCase() { + QTemporaryDir dir; + ConfigFile::setConfDir(dir.path()); + VfsShellExtensions::ThumbnailProviderIpc::overrideServerName = VfsShellExtensions::serverNameForApplicationNameDefault(); VfsShellExtensions::CustomStateProviderIpc::overrideServerName = VfsShellExtensions::serverNameForApplicationNameDefault(); @@ -215,14 +134,11 @@ private slots: const auto path = req.url().path(); - if (path.endsWith(OCC::OcsShareJob::_pathForSharesRequest)) { - const auto jsonReply = TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC::replyWithNoShares ? fakeNoSharesResponse : fakeSharedFilesResponse; - TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC::replyWithNoShares = false; - auto fakePayloadReply = new FakePayloadReply(op, req, jsonReply, nullptr); - QMap additionalHeaders = { - {QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"}}; - fakePayloadReply->_additionalHeaders = additionalHeaders; - reply = fakePayloadReply; + const auto customOperation = req.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute); + + if (customOperation == QStringLiteral("PROPFIND")) { + emit propfindRequested(); + reply = new FakePayloadReply(op, req, {}, nullptr); } else if (path.endsWith(ShellExtensionsServer::getFetchThumbnailPath())) { const auto urlQuery = QUrlQuery(req.url()); const auto fileId = urlQuery.queryItemValue(QStringLiteral("fileId")); @@ -258,6 +174,9 @@ private slots: void testRequestThumbnails() { + QTemporaryDir dir; + ConfigFile::setConfDir(dir.path()); + FolderMan *folderman = FolderMan::instance(); QVERIFY(folderman); auto folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(fakeFolder.localPath()); @@ -338,6 +257,9 @@ private slots: void testRequestCustomStates() { + QTemporaryDir dir; + ConfigFile::setConfDir(dir.path()); + FolderMan *folderman = FolderMan::instance(); QVERIFY(folderman); auto folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(fakeFolder.localPath()); @@ -371,6 +293,8 @@ private slots: } } + QSignalSpy propfindRequestedSpy(this, &TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC::propfindRequested); + // #1 Test every file's states fetching. Everything must succeed. for (auto it = std::cbegin(dummyFileStates); it != std::cend(dummyFileStates); ++it) { QEventLoop loop; @@ -382,8 +306,25 @@ private slots: }); loop.exec(); t.detach(); + + if (!customStates.isEmpty()) { + const auto lockedIndex = QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_LOCKED_INDEX).toInt() - QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_INDEX_OFFSET).toInt(); + const auto sharedIndex = QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_SHARED_INDEX).toInt() - QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_INDEX_OFFSET).toInt(); + + if (customStates.contains(lockedIndex) && customStates.contains(sharedIndex)) { + QVERIFY(it.value()._isLocked && it.value()._isShared); + } + if (customStates.contains(lockedIndex)) { + QVERIFY(it.value()._isLocked); + } + if (customStates.contains(sharedIndex)) { + QVERIFY(it.value()._isShared); + } + } + QVERIFY(!customStates.isEmpty() || (!it.value()._isLocked && !it.value()._isShared)); } + QVERIFY(propfindRequestedSpy.isEmpty()); // #2 Test wrong file's states fetching. It must fail. QEventLoop loop; @@ -396,6 +337,7 @@ private slots: loop.exec(); t1.detach(); QVERIFY(customStates.isEmpty()); + QVERIFY(propfindRequestedSpy.isEmpty()); // #3 Test wrong file states fetching. It must fail. customStates.clear(); @@ -407,6 +349,7 @@ private slots: loop.exec(); t2.detach(); QVERIFY(customStates.isEmpty()); + QVERIFY(propfindRequestedSpy.isEmpty()); // reset all share states to make sure we'll get new states when fetching for (auto it = std::begin(dummyFileStates); it != std::end(dummyFileStates); ++it) { @@ -435,40 +378,15 @@ private slots: }); loop.exec(); t.detach(); - QVERIFY(!customStates.isEmpty() || (!it.value()._isLocked && !it.value()._isShared)); - - if (!customStates.isEmpty()) { - const auto lockedIndex = QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_LOCKED_INDEX).toInt() - QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_INDEX_OFFSET).toInt(); - const auto sharedIndex = QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_SHARED_INDEX).toInt() - QString(CUSTOM_STATE_ICON_INDEX_OFFSET).toInt(); - - if (customStates.contains(lockedIndex) && customStates.contains(sharedIndex)) { - QVERIFY(it.value()._isLocked && it.value()._isShared); - } - if (customStates.contains(lockedIndex)) { - QVERIFY(it.value()._isLocked); - } - if (customStates.contains(sharedIndex)) { - QVERIFY(it.value()._isShared); - } - } } - - // #5 Test no shares response for a file - QTest::qWait(shellExtensionServerOverrideIntervalMs + 1000); - TestCfApiShellExtensionsIPC::replyWithNoShares = true; - customStates.clear(); - std::thread t3([&] { - VfsShellExtensions::CustomStateProviderIpc customStateProviderIpc; - customStates = customStateProviderIpc.fetchCustomStatesForFile(fakeFolder.localPath() + QStringLiteral("A/files/test_non_shared_and_non_locked_file.txt")); - QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&loop, &QEventLoop::quit, Qt::QueuedConnection); - }); - loop.exec(); - t3.detach(); - QVERIFY(customStates.isEmpty()); + QVERIFY(propfindRequestedSpy.count() == dummyFileStates.size()); } void cleanupTestCase() { + QTemporaryDir dir; + ConfigFile::setConfDir(dir.path()); + VfsShellExtensions::ThumbnailProviderIpc::overrideServerName.clear(); if (auto folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(fakeFolder.localPath())) { diff --git a/test/teste2efiletransfer.cpp b/test/teste2efiletransfer.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..256a21a2d7c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/teste2efiletransfer.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) by Claudio Cambra + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for more details. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "gui/accountstate.h" +#include "gui/folderman.h" +#include "common/utility.h" + +#include "endtoendtestutils.h" + +class E2eFileTransferTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + E2eFileTransferTest() = default; + +private: + EndToEndTestHelper _helper; + OCC::Folder *_testFolder; + +private slots: + void initTestCase() + { + QSignalSpy accountReady(&_helper, &EndToEndTestHelper::accountReady); + _helper.startAccountConfig(); + QVERIFY(accountReady.wait(3000)); + + const auto accountState = _helper.accountState(); + QSignalSpy accountConnected(accountState.data(), &OCC::AccountState::isConnectedChanged); + QVERIFY(accountConnected.wait(30000)); + + _testFolder = _helper.configureSyncFolder(); + QVERIFY(_testFolder); + } + + void testSyncFolder() + { + // Try the down-sync first + QSignalSpy folderSyncFinished(_testFolder, &OCC::Folder::syncFinished); + OCC::FolderMan::instance()->forceSyncForFolder(_testFolder); + QVERIFY(folderSyncFinished.wait(3000)); + + const auto testFolderPath = _testFolder->path(); + const QString expectedFilePath(testFolderPath + QStringLiteral("welcome.txt")); + const QFile expectedFile(expectedFilePath); + qDebug() << "Checking if expected file exists at:" << expectedFilePath; + QVERIFY(expectedFile.exists()); + + // Now write a file to test the upload + const auto fileName = QStringLiteral("test_file.txt"); + const QString localFilePath(_testFolder->path() + fileName); + QVERIFY(OCC::Utility::writeRandomFile(localFilePath)); + + OCC::FolderMan::instance()->forceSyncForFolder(_testFolder); + QVERIFY(folderSyncFinished.wait(3000)); + qDebug() << "First folder sync complete"; + + const auto waitForServerToProcessTime = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(3); + while (QTime::currentTime() < waitForServerToProcessTime) { + QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); + } + + // Do a propfind to check for this file + const QString remoteFilePath(_testFolder->remotePathTrailingSlash() + fileName); + auto checkFileExistsJob = new OCC::PropfindJob(_helper.account(), remoteFilePath, this); + QSignalSpy result(checkFileExistsJob, &OCC::PropfindJob::result); + + checkFileExistsJob->setProperties(QList() << "getlastmodified"); + checkFileExistsJob->start(); + QVERIFY(result.wait(10000)); + + // Now try to delete the file and check change is reflected + QFile createdFile(localFilePath); + QVERIFY(createdFile.exists()); + createdFile.remove(); + + OCC::FolderMan::instance()->forceSyncForFolder(_testFolder); + QVERIFY(folderSyncFinished.wait(3000)); + + while (QTime::currentTime() < waitForServerToProcessTime) { + QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); + } + + auto checkFileDeletedJob = new OCC::PropfindJob(_helper.account(), remoteFilePath, this); + QSignalSpy error(checkFileDeletedJob, &OCC::PropfindJob::finishedWithError); + + checkFileDeletedJob->setProperties(QList() << "getlastmodified"); + checkFileDeletedJob->start(); + + QVERIFY(error.wait(10000)); + } +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(E2eFileTransferTest) +#include "teste2efiletransfer.moc" diff --git a/test/teste2eserversetup.cpp b/test/teste2eserversetup.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..64ad6da34eeb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/teste2eserversetup.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) by Claudio Cambra + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for more details. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "gui/accountstate.h" + +#include "endtoendtestutils.h" + +class E2eServerSetupTest : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + E2eServerSetupTest() = default; + +private: + EndToEndTestHelper _helper; + +private slots: + void initTestCase() + { + QSignalSpy accountReady(&_helper, &EndToEndTestHelper::accountReady); + _helper.startAccountConfig(); + QVERIFY(accountReady.wait(3000)); + + const auto accountState = _helper.accountState(); + QSignalSpy accountConnected(accountState.data(), &OCC::AccountState::isConnectedChanged); + QVERIFY(accountConnected.wait(30000)); + } + + void testBasicPropfind() + { + const auto account = _helper.account(); + auto job = new OCC::PropfindJob(account, "/", this); + QSignalSpy result(job, &OCC::PropfindJob::result); + + job->setProperties(QList() << "getlastmodified"); + job->start(); + + QVERIFY(result.wait(10000)); + } +}; + +QTEST_MAIN(E2eServerSetupTest) +#include "teste2eserversetup.moc" diff --git a/test/testfolderman.cpp b/test/testfolderman.cpp index 9689a8592d7ec..8c348945e9c3a 100644 --- a/test/testfolderman.cpp +++ b/test/testfolderman.cpp @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ class TestFolderMan: public QObject private slots: void testLeaveShare() { + QTemporaryDir dir; + ConfigFile::setConfDir(dir.path()); // we don't want to pollute the user's config file + constexpr auto firstSharePath = "A/sharedwithme_A.txt"; constexpr auto secondSharePath = "A/B/sharedwithme_B.data"; @@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ private slots: reply = new FakePayloadReply(op, req, {}, nullptr); emit incomingShareDeleted(); - + return reply; }); diff --git a/test/testsyncengine.cpp b/test/testsyncengine.cpp index 8a9100a09ba8c..f3fdd704ea1ce 100644 --- a/test/testsyncengine.cpp +++ b/test/testsyncengine.cpp @@ -1282,6 +1282,27 @@ private slots: QVERIFY(fileThirdSync); QCOMPARE(fileThirdSync->lastModified.toSecsSinceEpoch(), CURRENT_MTIME); } + + void testFolderRemovalWithCaseClash() + { + FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo{} }; + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().mkdir("A"); + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().mkdir("toDelete"); + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/file"); + + QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); + QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); + + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/FILE"); + QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); + + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().mkdir("a"); + fakeFolder.remoteModifier().remove("toDelete"); + + QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); + auto folderA = fakeFolder.currentLocalState().find("toDelete"); + QCOMPARE(folderA, nullptr); + } }; QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestSyncEngine) diff --git a/theme.qrc.in b/theme.qrc.in index c341ac5a0aee3..cdc669023517f 100644 --- a/theme.qrc.in +++ b/theme.qrc.in @@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ theme/more.svg theme/change.svg theme/colored/change-bordered.svg + theme/lock.svg theme/lock-http.svg theme/lock-https.svg theme/lock-broken.svg diff --git a/theme/Style/Style.qml b/theme/Style/Style.qml index 06008acb3679d..5c0453fe6f3c9 100644 --- a/theme/Style/Style.qml +++ b/theme/Style/Style.qml @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ QtObject { property int smallSpacing: 5 property int iconButtonWidth: 36 + property int standardPrimaryButtonHeight: 40 property int minActivityHeight: variableSize(40) diff --git a/theme/black/state-info.svg b/theme/black/state-info.svg index 762de0370ff50..fb9f815050146 100644 --- a/theme/black/state-info.svg +++ b/theme/black/state-info.svg @@ -1 +1 @@ - \ No newline at end of file + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme/lock-broken.svg b/theme/lock-broken.svg index c6cfce60601b9..48d070f5cd4ef 100644 --- a/theme/lock-broken.svg +++ b/theme/lock-broken.svg @@ -1 +1,51 @@ - + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/theme/lock-http.svg b/theme/lock-http.svg index a77e45536d3e9..3dbf27870032b 100644 --- a/theme/lock-http.svg +++ b/theme/lock-http.svg @@ -1 +1,61 @@ - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/theme/lock-https.svg b/theme/lock-https.svg index cf013708d63e7..3d493c9252ec4 100644 --- a/theme/lock-https.svg +++ b/theme/lock-https.svg @@ -1 +1,43 @@ - + + + + + + + diff --git a/theme/lock.svg b/theme/lock.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..88c2274f5ef31 --- /dev/null +++ b/theme/lock.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theme/white/state-info.svg b/theme/white/state-info.svg index d644e9bada1e6..715fe8bb152aa 100644 --- a/theme/white/state-info.svg +++ b/theme/white/state-info.svg @@ -1 +1 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/client_bg.ts b/translations/client_bg.ts index d8611b601fe09..e1bbfdfabe823 100644 --- a/translations/client_bg.ts +++ b/translations/client_bg.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Отказ @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Изглежда, че функцията за виртуални файлове е активирана в тази папка. В момента не е възможно имплицитно изтегляне на виртуални файлове, които са криптирани цялостно. За да получите най-доброто изживяване с виртуални файлове и цялостно криптиране, уверете се, че криптираната папка е маркирана с „Нека винаги е достъпна локално“. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Цялостно Криптиране с виртуални файлове + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Няма настроен профил. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Този профил поддържа цялостно криптиране - Display mnemonic Показване на мнемоника - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Този профил поддържа цялостно криптиране + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Цялостното криптиране беше активирано за този профил + + + + Enable encryption + Активиране на криптирането @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Внимание - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Не можете да криптирате папка със съдържание, моля премахнете файловете. Изчакайте новата синхронизация и след това я криптирайте. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Този профил поддържа цялостно криптиране + + + Encryption failed Криптирането е неуспешно - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Не можа да се криптира папка, защото папката вече не съществува - - + + Open folder Отвори папката - + Encrypt Криптиране - - + + Edit Ignored Files Редактиране на игнорирани файлове - - + + Create new folder Създаване на нова папка - - + + Availability Наличност - + Choose what to sync Избор на елементи за синхронизиране - + Force sync now Синхронизирай сега - + Restart sync Рестартирай синхронизирането - + Resume sync Продължи синхронизирането - + Pause sync Пауза - + Remove folder sync connection Премахни синхронизирането - + Disable virtual file support … Деактивиране на поддръжката на виртуални файлове ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Активиране на поддръжката на виртуални файлове %1 ... - + (experimental) (експериментално) - + Folder creation failed Създаването на папката се провали - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Провалено е създаването на локална папка<i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Потвърждаване за премахване на синхронизация - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Наистина ли желаете да премахнете синхронизирането на папката<i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Бележка:</b> Действието <b>няма</b> да предизвика изтриване на файлове.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Премахни - + Disable virtual file support? Да се деактивира ли поддръжката на виртуални файлове? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Това действие ще прекрати всяка текуща синхронизация. - + Disable support Деактивирне на поддръжката - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Цялостно мнемонично криптиране - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Мнемонично криптиране от край до край + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). За да защитим вашата Криптографска идентичност, ние я криптираме мнемонично с 12 думи от речника. Моля, запишете ги и ги пазете на сигурно място. Те ще са необходими, за да добавите други устройства към вашия профил (като вашия мобилен телефон или лаптоп). - + Sync Running Синхронизират се файлове - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? В момента се извършва синхронизиране.<br/>Да бъде ли прекратено? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. Ползвате %1 (%3%) от %2. Някои папки, включително монтирани по мрежата или споделени може да имат различни лимити. - + %1 of %2 in use Ползвате %1 от %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. В момента няма достъпна информация за използването на хранилището. - + %1 in use Ползвате %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 като %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Версия % 1 на съсрвъра не се поддържа! Продължете на свой риск. - + Connected to %1. Осъществена връзка с %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Сървърът %1 е временно недостъпен. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Сървърът %1 е в режим на поддръжка. - + Signed out from %1. Отписан от %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Извършва се оторизация от браузъра. <a href='%1'>Кликнете тук</a> за да отворите отново браузъра. - + Connecting to %1 … Свързване на %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Не може да се осъществи връзка като %1 с %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Грешка в конфигурацията на сървъра:% 1 при% 2. - + No %1 connection configured. Няма %1 конфигурирана връзка. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Някои папки не са синхронизирани защото са твърде големи: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Има папки, които не са синхронизирани защото са външни хранилища: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Има папки, които не са синхронизирани защото са твърде големи или са външни хранилища: - + Confirm Account Removal Потвърждение за премахване на профил - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Наистина ли желаете да премахнете връзката към профила <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Бележка:</b> Дейтствието <b>няма</b> да предизвика изтриване на файлове.</p> - + Remove connection Премахни връзката - - Enable encryption - Активиране на криптирането + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Този профил поддържа цялостно криптиране + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Моля, въведете паролата си за цялостно шифроване:<br><br> Потребител:% 2<br>Профил:% 3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Моля, въведете паролата си за цялостно шифроване:<br><br> Потребител:% 2Профил:% 3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Моля, въведете паролата си за цялостно шифроване:<br><br> Потребител:% 2<br>Профил:% 3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Моля, въведете паролата си за шифроване от край до край:<br><br> Потребител:% 2<br>Профил:% 3<br> @@ -1350,7 +1391,7 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Starting authorization - Стартиране на упълномощяване + Стартиране на упълномощаване @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Не се поддържат символни връзки при синхронизиране. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Файлът е посочен в списъка за игнориране. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Имена на файлове, завършващи с точка, не се поддържат от тази файлова система. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Имената на файлове, съдържащи символа „%1“, не се поддържат в тази файлова система. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Името на файла съдържа поне един невалиден знак - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Името на файла е запазено име на тази файлова система. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Името на файла съдържа крайни интервали. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Името на файла съдържа начални интервали. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Името на файла съдържа начални и крайни интервали. - + Filename is too long. Името на файла е твърде дълго. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Файл / папка се игнорира, защото е скрит. - + Stat failed. Неуспешен Отчет - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Конфликт: Изтеглена е версия на сървъра, а локалното копие е преименувано и не е качено. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Името на файла не може да бъде кодирано във вашата система от файлове. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Името на файла е в черния списък на сървъра. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Файлът има разширение, запазено за виртуални файлове. - + size размер - + permission право - + file id идентификатор на файла - + Server reported no %1 Сървърът е отчел не % 1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Не може да се синхронизира поради невалиден час на модификация @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Грешка при изтриване на запис на файл %1 от базата данни - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Конфликт при качване на папка. Ще бъде изчистен! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Конфликт при качване на файл. Ще бъде премахнат! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Игнориран заради черния списък 'изберете какво да синхронизирате' - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Не е разрешено, защото нямате право да добавяте подпапки към тази папка - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Не е разрешено, защото нямате право да добавяте файлове в тази папка - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Не е позволено да качвате този файл, тъй като той е само за четене на сървъра, възстановява се - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Преместено в невалидна цел, възстановява се - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Не е позволено да се премахва, възстановява се - + Error while reading the database Грешка при четене на базата данни - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Сървърът отговори с грешка при четене на директория „%1“: %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Файл % 1 не може да бъде преименуван на %2 поради сблъсък с името на локален файл! - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB не можа да се получи файл %1 от локалната БД - + Error setting pin state Грешка при настройване на състоянието на закачване - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Грешка при актуализиране на метаданни: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Файлът %1 в момента се използва - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Не можа да се изтрие запис на файл %1 от локалната БД - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy Неуспешно разпространение на преименуването на директория в йерархията - + Failed to rename file Неуспешно преименуване на файл @@ -3994,7 +4036,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Leave this share - + Напускане на споделянето @@ -4315,7 +4357,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Невъзможност да се актуализират метаданните на файла: % 1 @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Не може да се прочете черният списък от локалната база данни - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Не може да се чете от дневника за синхронизиране. - + Cannot open the sync journal Не може да се отвори дневника за синхронизиране. @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Синхронизацията ще се възобнови скоро. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Дисковото пространство е малко: Пропуснати са изтегляния, които биха намалили свободното място под% 1. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. На сървъра няма достатъчно място за някои качвания. diff --git a/translations/client_br.ts b/translations/client_br.ts index 5d234626a1d53..d727555c74a8c 100644 --- a/translations/client_br.ts +++ b/translations/client_br.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Arrest @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Kont arventet ebet. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Douget e vez gant ar c'hont ar sifrañ penn-kil-ha-troad - Display mnemonic Diskouez an niver-memor - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Aotre + Warning Kemenadenn - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Ne c'hellit ket sifrañ ur restr gant danvez e barzh, lamit ar restroù. Gortozit ar gemprenn nevez, ha sifrit anezhañ. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Digor an teuliad - + Encrypt Sifrañ - - + + Edit Ignored Files Embann ar Restroù Disoursiet - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Choazit petra kemprennañ - + Force sync now Rediañ ar gemprenn bremañ - + Restart sync Adloc'hañ ar gemprenn - + Resume sync Kendec'hel ar gemprenn - + Pause sync Ehaniñ ar gemprenn - + Remove folder sync connection Lemel an teuliad eus ar genstagadenn kemprenn - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed C'hwitat krouadenn an teuliad - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>N'eo ke posupl krouiñ an teuliad diabarzh <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Gwiriañ Lamadenn ar Genstagadenn Kemprenn Teuliad - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Sur oc'h lemel kemprenn an teuliad <i>%1</i> ?</p> <p><b>Notenn :</b> Ne lamo<b>ket</b> restr ebet.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Lemel ar Genstagadenn Kemprenn Teuliad - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Kemprenn ho treiñ - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Ar gemprenn a zo o treiñ. <br/> C'hoant ho peus arest anezhi ? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) eus %2 implijet. Teuliadoù-so, an teuliadoù rannet hag ar rouedad staliat eus oute, e c'hell kaout bevennoù diheñvel. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 eus %2 implijet - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Titour implij al lec'h renkañ ebet evit ar poent. - + %1 in use %1 implijet - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Kenstaget da %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. N'eo ket implijapl ar servijour %1 evit ar poent. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Adnevesaet e vez ar servijour %1. - + Signed out from %1. Aet maez eus %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Kaout an aotre gant ar Furcher. <a href='%1'>Klikit amañ</a> evit adloc'hañ ar Furcher. - + Connecting to %1 … O kenstagañ da %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Kestagadenn ebet da %1 da %2 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Kesntagadenn %1 ebet lakaet. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Teuliadoù so n'int ket bet kempredet peogwir e oant re vras : - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Teuliadoù so n'int ket bet kempredet peogwir in lec'hioù klenkañ diavaez : - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Teuliadoù so n'int ke bet kemredet peogwir e oant pe re vra pe lec'hioù klenkañ diavaez : - + Confirm Account Removal Gwiriañ Lamaden ar C'hont - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Sur oc'h o peus c'hoant lemel ar genstagadenn d'ar c'hont %1<i> ?</p><p><b>Notenn :</b> Ne lamo <b>ket</b> restr ebet. - + Remove connection Lemel kenstagdenn - - Enable encryption - Aotre + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Douget e vez gant ar c'hont ar sifrañ penn-kil-ha-troad + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Ebarzhit ho frazenn-tremen klok: <br><br>Implijader: %2<br>Kont: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3163,107 +3204,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3273,52 +3314,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3485,45 +3526,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4326,12 +4368,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Dibosupl lenn ar roll-du eus ar roadenn-diaz diabarzh - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Dibosupl eo lenn ar gazetenn kemprenn. - + Cannot open the sync journal Dibosupl eo digeriñ ar gazetenn kemprenn @@ -4341,12 +4383,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Plas el lenner re vihan : ar bellgargadennoù a lako ar plas dieub da mont dindan %1 a vo ankouaet. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. N'ez eus ket trawalc'h a blas war ar servijour evit pelgasadennoù zo. diff --git a/translations/client_ca.ts b/translations/client_ca.ts index 0c10eb30cd786..59f9c965f75ad 100644 --- a/translations/client_ca.ts +++ b/translations/client_ca.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancel·la @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Sembla que tens la funció de fitxers virtuals habilitada en aquesta carpeta. De moment, no és possible descarregar implícitament fitxers virtuals xifrats d'extrem a extrem. Per obtenir la millor experiència amb els fitxers virtuals i el xifratge d'extrem a extrem, assegureu-vos que la carpeta xifrada estigui marcada amb "Fes sempre disponible localment". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. No s'ha configurat cap compte. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Aquest compte admet el xifratge d'extrem a extrem - Display mnemonic Mostra la clau mnemotècnica - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Habilita el xifratge + Warning Avís - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. No podeu xifrar una carpeta amb contingut. Suprimiu-ne els fitxers, espereu que se sincronitzi novament i xifreu-la. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Ha fallat el xifratge - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore No s'ha pogut encriptar la carpeta perquè ja no existeix - - + + Open folder Obre la carpeta - + Encrypt Xifra - - + + Edit Ignored Files Edita els fitxers ignorats - - + + Create new folder Crea una carpeta nova - - + + Availability Disponibilitat - + Choose what to sync Trieu què voleu sincronitzar - + Force sync now Força la sincronització ara - + Restart sync Reinicia la sincronització - + Resume sync Reprèn la sincronització - + Pause sync Atura la sincronització - + Remove folder sync connection Suprimeix la connexió de la carpeta sincronitzada - + Disable virtual file support … Inhabilita la compatibilitat amb els fitxers virtuals... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Habilitar el suport de fitxer virtual % 1... - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed S'ha produït un error en crear la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>No s'ha pogut crear la carpeta local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmeu la supressió de la connexió de la carpeta sincronitzada - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Segur que voleu deixar de sincronitzar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> això <b>no</b> suprimirà cap fitxer.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Suprimeix la connexió de la carpeta sincronitzada - + Disable virtual file support? Voleu inhabilitar la compatibilitat amb els fitxers virtuals? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support Inhabilita la compatibilitat - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running S'està executant una sincronització - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? S'està executant una operació de sincronització.<br/>Voleu aturar-la? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en ús. Algunes carpetes, incloent-hi les carpetes muntades a través de la xarxa o les carpetes compartides, poden tenir límits diferents. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en ús - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualment no hi ha informació disponible sobre l'ús de l'emmagatzematge. - + %1 in use %1 en ús - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. La versió del servidor (%1) ha quedat obsoleta. Continueu sota la vostra responsabilitat. - + Connected to %1. Connectat a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 no està disponible temporalment. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. El servidor %1 es troba en mode de manteniment. - + Signed out from %1. S'ha sortit de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. S'està obtenint l'autorització del navegador. <a href='%1'>Feu clic aquí</a> per a tornar a obrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … S'està connectant a %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hi ha connexió a %1 a %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Error de configuració del servidor: %1 a %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No s'ha configurat cap connexió a %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hi ha carpetes que no s'han sincronitzat perquè són massa grans: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hi ha carpetes que no s'han sincronitzat perquè són fonts d'emmagatzematge extern: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hi ha carpetes que no s'han sincronitzat perquè són massa grans o són fonts d'emmagatzematge extern: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmeu la supressió del compte - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Segur que voleu suprimir la connexió al compte <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> això <b>no</b> suprimirà cap fitxer.</p> - + Remove connection Suprimeix la connexió - - Enable encryption - Habilita el xifratge + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Aquest compte admet el xifratge d'extrem a extrem + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Introduïu la contrasenya de xifratge d'extrem a extrem: <br><br>Usuari: %2<br>Compte: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3158,107 +3199,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. No s'admet la sincronització d'enllaços simbòlics. - + File is listed on the ignore list. El fitxer és a la llista de fitxers ignorats. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. No s'admeten els noms de fitxer que finalitzen amb un punt en aquest sistema de fitxers. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character El nom del fitxer conté com a mínim un caràcter no vàlid - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Aquest nom de fitxer és un nom reservat en aquest sistema de fitxers. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. El nom del fitxer conté espais finals. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. El nom del fitxer és massa llarg. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. S'ignora el fitxer o la carpeta perquè està ocult. - + Stat failed. S'ha produït un error en comprovar l'estat. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflicte: s'ha baixat la versió del servidor, s'ha canviat el nom de la còpia local i no s'ha pujat. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. El nom del fitxer no es pot codificar en el vostre sistema de fitxers. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. El nom del fitxer es troba en la llista de prohibicions del servidor. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. El fitxer té una extensió reservada per als fitxers virtuals. - + size mida - + permission - + file id id de fitxer - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3268,52 +3309,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist S'ha ignorat perquè es troba a la llista de prohibicions «Trieu què voleu sincronitzar» - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder No es permet perquè no teniu permís per a afegir subcarpetes en aquesta carpeta - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder No es permet perquè no teniu permís per a afegir fitxers en aquesta carpeta - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring No es permet carregar aquest fitxer perquè és de només lectura en el servidor; s'està restaurant - + Moved to invalid target, restoring S'ha mogut a una destinació no vàlida; s'està restaurant - + Not allowed to remove, restoring No es permet suprimir; s'està restaurant - + Error while reading the database Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3480,45 +3521,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Error en establir l'estat d'ancoratge - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4321,12 +4363,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No s'ha pogut llegir la llista negra de la base de dades local. - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No s'ha pogut llegir el diari de sincronització. - + Cannot open the sync journal No es pot obrir el diari de sincronització @@ -4336,12 +4378,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Queda poc espai en el disc: s'han omès les baixades que reduirien l'espai lliure per sota de %1. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hi ha prou espai en el servidor per a pujar-hi alguns fitxers. diff --git a/translations/client_cs.ts b/translations/client_cs.ts index 5a9be83eb28ad..043a3b7604880 100644 --- a/translations/client_cs.ts +++ b/translations/client_cs.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Storno @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Zdá se, že pro tuto složku máte zapnutou funkci Virtuální soubory. V tuto chvíli není možné výslovně stahovat virtuální soubory, které jsou šifrovány mezi koncovými body. Pokud chcete, aby vám virtuální soubory a šifrování mezi koncovými body fungovalo co nejlépe, ověřte, že šifrovaná složka je označena jako „Vždy zpřístupnit lokálně“. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Šifrování mezi koncovými body u virtuálních souborů + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Zdá se, že pro tuto složku máte zapnutou funkci Virtuální soubory. V tuto chvíli není možné výslovně stahovat virtuální soubory, které jsou šifrovány mezi koncovými body. Pokud chcete, aby vám virtuální soubory a šifrování mezi koncovými body fungovalo co nejlépe, ověřte, že šifrovaná složka je označena jako „Vždy zpřístupnit lokálně“. + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nenastaven žádný účet. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Tento účet podporuje šifrování mezi koncovými body - Display mnemonic Zobrazit mnemotechnickou frázi - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Tento účet podporuje šifrování mezi koncovými body + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Šifrování mezi koncovými body bylo pro tento účet zapnuto + + + + Enable encryption + Zapnout šifrování @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Varování - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Šifrování mezi koncovými body není na tomto zařízení nastaveno. Jakmile bude nastaveno, bude možné tuto složku šifrovat. +Chcete nastavit šifrování mezi koncovými body? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Není možné zašifrovat složku, která něco obsahuje – přesuňte soubory pryč. Počkejte na příští synchronizaci a pak složku zašifrujte. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Tento účet podporuje šifrování mezi koncovými body + + + Encryption failed Šifrování se nezdařilo - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Složku není možné zašifrovat, protože už neexistuje - - + + Open folder Otevřít složku - + Encrypt Šífrovat - - + + Edit Ignored Files Upravit ignorované soubory - - + + Create new folder Vytvořit novou složku - - + + Availability Dostupnost - + Choose what to sync Vyberte co synchronizovat - + Force sync now Vynutit synchronizaci nyní - + Restart sync Restartovat synchronizaci - + Resume sync Pokračovat v synchronizaci - + Pause sync Pozastavit synchronizaci - + Remove folder sync connection Odstranit připojení synchronizace složky - + Disable virtual file support … Vypnout podporu pro virtuální soubory… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Zapnout podporu pro virtuální soubory %1… - + (experimental) (experimentální) - + Folder creation failed Vytvoření složky se nezdařilo - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nedaří se vytvořit místní složku <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Potvrdit odstranění připojení synchronizace složky - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Opravdu chcete zastavit synchronizaci složky <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Poznámka:</b> Toto <b>neodstraní</b> žádné soubory.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Odstranit připojení synchronizace složky - + Disable virtual file support? Vypnout podporu pro virtuální soubory? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ Jediná výhoda vypnutí podpory virtuálních souborů je v tom, že bude opět Současně tato akce zruší jakoukoli právě probíhající synchronizaci. - + Disable support Vypnout podporu - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Mnemotechnická fráze pro šifrování mezi koncovými body - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Mnemotechnická fráze pro šifrování mezi koncovými body + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Pro ochranu vaší kryptografické identity ji šifrujeme pomocí mnemotechnické fráze, tvořené 12 slovy ze slovníku. Poznamenejte si ji někam bezpečně. Bude potřebná pro přidání dalších zařízení k vašemu účtu (jako je mobilní telefon či notebook). - + Sync Running Probíhá synchronizace - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Právě probíhá operace synchronizace.<br/>Přejete si ji ukončit? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. Využito %1 (%3%) z %2. Některé složky, včetně těch připojených ze sítě nebo sdílených, mohou mít odlišné limity. - + %1 of %2 in use Využito %1 z %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. V tuto chvíli nejsou k dispozici žádné informace o využití úložiště. - + %1 in use %1 využito - + %1 as %2 %1 jako %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Verze serveru %1 není podporována! Pokračujte jen na vlastní nebezpečí. - + Connected to %1. Připojeno k %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 je dočasně nedostupný. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Na serveru %1 v tuto chvíli probíhá údržba. - + Signed out from %1. Odhlášeno z %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Získávání pověření z prohlížeče. <a href='%1'>Klikněte sem</a> a bude opětovně otevřen. - + Connecting to %1 … Připojování k %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Bez připojení k %1 na %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Chyba nastavení serveru: %1 na %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nenastaveno žádné připojení k %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Tyto složky nebyly synchronizovány, protože jsou příliš velké: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Tyto složky nebyly synchronizovány, protože se nacházejí na externích úložištích: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Tyto složky nebyly synchronizovány, protože jsou příliš velké, nebo se nacházejí na externích úložištích: - + Confirm Account Removal Potvrdit odstranění účtu - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Opravdu chcete odstranit připojení k účtu <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Poznámka:</b> Toto <b>neodstraní</b> žádné soubory.</p> - + Remove connection Odstranit připojení - - Enable encryption - Zapnout šifrování + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Tento účet podporuje šifrování mezi koncovými body + + + + Set up encryption + Nastavit šifrování + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + Šifrování mezi koncovými body pro tento účet bylo zapnuté z jiného zařízení.<br>Na stávajícím zařízení je možné ho zapnout zadáním vaší mnemotechnické. @@ -970,14 +1007,19 @@ Současně tato akce zruší jakoukoli právě probíhající synchronizaci. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Zadejte heslovou frázi pro šifrování mezi koncovými body: <br><br>Uživatelské jméno: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Zadejte heslovou frázi pro šifrování mezi koncovými body: <br><br>Uživatel: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Zadejte heslovou frázi pro šifrování mezi koncovými body: <br><br>Uživatelské jméno: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> @@ -3185,107 +3227,107 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Synchronizace nepodporuje symbolické odkazy. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Soubor je uveden na seznamu k ignorování. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Na tomto souborovém systému nejsou podporovány názvy souborů končící na tečku. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Názvy souborů obsahující znak „%1“ nejsou na tomto souborovém systému podporovány. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Název souboru obsahuje přinejmenším jeden neplatný znak - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Název souboru je na tomto souborovém systému rezervovaným názvem (nelze ho použít). - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Název souboru končí na mezery. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Název souboru začíná na mezery. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Název souboru začíná a končí mezerami. - + Filename is too long. Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Soubor/složka je ignorovaná, protože je skrytá. - + Stat failed. Zjištění existence (stat) se nezdařilo. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Konflikt: Stažena verze ze serveru, místní kopie přejmenována a nenahrána. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Enkódování tohoto názvu souboru je mimo technické možnosti daného souborového systému. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Takový název souboru je na serveru zařazen na seznam nepřípustných. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Soubor má příponu vyhrazenou pro virtuální soubory. - + size velikost - + permission oprávnění - + file id identif. souboru - + Server reported no %1 Server nahlášen číslo %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Není možné provést synchronizaci z důvodu neplatného času změny @@ -3295,52 +3337,52 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros Chyba při mazání záznamu o souboru %1 z databáze - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Konflikt při nahrávání složky. Bude vymazána! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Konflikt při nahrávání souboru. Bude odebrán! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorováno podle nastavení „vybrat co synchronizovat“ - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Neumožněno, protože nemáte oprávnění přidávat podsložky do této složky - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Neumožněno, protože nemáte oprávnění přidávat soubory do této složky - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Není možné tento soubor nahrát, protože je na serveru povoleno pouze čtení – obnovuje se - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Přesunuto do neplatného cíle – obnovuje se - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Odstranění není umožněno – obnovuje se - + Error while reading the database Chyba při čtení databáze - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Server vrátil chybu při čtení adresáře „%1“: %2 @@ -3507,45 +3549,46 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Soubor %1 nemohl být přejmenován na %2 z důvodu kolize názvu s místním souborem - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB nepodařilo se získat soubor %1 z lokální databáze - + Error setting pin state Chyba při nastavování stavu pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Chyba při aktualizování metadat: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Soubor %1 je v tuto chvíli používán jinou aplikací - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Nepodařilo se smazat záznam ohledně souboru %1 z lokální databáze - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy Nepodařilo se zpropagovat přejmenování složky v hierarchii - + Failed to rename file Nepodařilo se přejmenovat soubor @@ -3993,7 +4036,7 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros Leave this share - + Opustit toto sdílení @@ -4314,7 +4357,7 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Nedaří se aktualizovat metadata souboru: %1 @@ -4348,12 +4391,12 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros Nedaří se z místní databáze načíst seznam vyloučených - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nedaří se číst ze žurnálu synchronizace. - + Cannot open the sync journal Nedaří se otevřít synchronizační žurnál @@ -4363,12 +4406,12 @@ Toto je nový, experimentální režim. Pokud se jej rozhodnete používat, pros V synchronizaci bude zakrátko navázáno. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Na disku dochází místo: Stahování které by zmenšilo volné místo pod %1 bude přeskočeno. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Na serveru není pro některé z nahrávaných souborů dostatek místa. diff --git a/translations/client_da.ts b/translations/client_da.ts index 3191714c86e91..1c81804ee4fc7 100644 --- a/translations/client_da.ts +++ b/translations/client_da.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Annuller @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Du ser ud til at have funktionen Virtual Files aktiveret i denne mappe. I øjeblikket er det ikke muligt implicit at downloade virtuelle filer, der er End-to-End-krypteret. For at få den bedste oplevelse med virtuelle filer og ende-til-ende-kryptering skal du sørge for, at den krypterede mappe er markeret med "Gør altid tilgængelig lokalt". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Ingen konto konfigureret. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Denne konto understøtter end-to-end kryptering - Display mnemonic Vis huskeregel - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Slå kryptering til + Warning Advarsel - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Du kan ikke kryptere en mappe med indhold, venligst fjern filerne. Vent på en ny synkronisering, og krypter herefter mappen. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Kryptering fejlede - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Kunne ikke kryptere mappen da den ikke længere eksisterer - - + + Open folder Åbn mappe - + Encrypt Krypter - - + + Edit Ignored Files Rediger ignorerede filer - - + + Create new folder Opret ny mappe - - + + Availability Tilgængelighed - + Choose what to sync Vælg hvad der skal synkroniseres - + Force sync now Gennemtving synkronisering nu - + Restart sync Genstart synkronisering - + Resume sync Genoptag synkronisering - + Pause sync Sæt synk. på pause - + Remove folder sync connection Fjern mappesynkroniseringsforbindelse - + Disable virtual file support … Deaktiver virtuel fil-support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Aktiver virtuel fil-support %1 … - + (experimental) (eksperimentel) - + Folder creation failed Fejl ved oprettelse af mappe - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Kunne ikke oprette lokal mappe <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Bekræft Fjern mappesynkroniseringsforbindelse - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ønsker du virkelig at stoppe synkronisering af mappen <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b>Dette sletter <b>ikke</b>nogen filer.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Fjern mappesynkroniseringsforbindelse - + Disable virtual file support? Deaktiver virtuel fil-support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Den eneste fordel ved at deaktivere understøttelse af virtuelle filer er, at fu Denne handling vil annullere alle i øjeblikket kørende synkroniseringer. - + Disable support Deaktiver understøttelse - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Synkronisering i gang - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Synkroniseringen er i gang.<br/>Ønsker du at afslutte den? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) af %2 i brug. Nogle mapper, inklusiv netværksdiske eller delte mapper, har muligvis andre begrænsninger. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 af %2 er i brug - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Der er i øjeblikket ingen informationer om brug af lager tilgængelig. - + %1 in use %1 i brug - + %1 as %2 %1 som %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Serverversion %1 er ikke supporteret! Fortsæt på egen risiko. - + Connected to %1. Forbundet til %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Serveren %1 er midlertidig utilgængelig. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Serveren %1 er i vedligeholdelsestilstand. - + Signed out from %1. Logget ud fra %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Indhenter bemyndigelse fra browseren. <a href='%1'>Klik her</a> for at genåbne browseren. - + Connecting to %1 … Forbinder til %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Ingen forbindelse til %1 hos %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Serverkonfigurationsfejl: %1 på %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Ingen %1 forbindelse konfigureret. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Der er mapper som ikke blev synkroniseret fordi de er for store: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Der er mapper som ikke blev synkroniseret fordi de er eksterne lagre: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Der er mapper som ikke blev synkroniseret fordi de er for store eller eksterne lagre: - + Confirm Account Removal Bekræft sletning af konto - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ønsker du virkelig at fjerne forbindelse til kontoen <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b>Dette sletter <b>ikke</b>nogen filer.</p> - + Remove connection Fjern forbindelse - - Enable encryption - Slå kryptering til + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Denne konto understøtter end-to-end kryptering + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Denne handling vil annullere alle i øjeblikket kørende synkroniseringer. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Venligst indtast din end-to-end krypterings kode:<br><br>Bruger: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3168,107 +3209,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3278,52 +3319,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3490,45 +3531,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4331,12 +4373,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Kunne ikke læse blacklist fra den lokale database - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Kunne ikke læse fra synkroniserings loggen. - + Cannot open the sync journal Kunne ikke åbne synkroniserings loggen @@ -4346,12 +4388,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Diskplads begrænset: Downloads der bringer ledig plads under %1 ignoreres. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Der er utilstrækkelig plads på serveren til visse uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_de.ts b/translations/client_de.ts index 9b505b9deb9c1..33770f5dcb1ce 100644 --- a/translations/client_de.ts +++ b/translations/client_de.ts @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ - + ActivityItem Open %1 locally - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 lokal öffnen In %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + In %1 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Show more actions - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weitere Aktionen anzeigen @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Dismiss - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ablehnen Open share dialog - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Teilen-Dialog öffnen @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ Activity list - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktivitätenliste No activities yet - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Noch keine Aktivitäten vorhanden @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Clear status message menu - + Statusmeldungs-Menü löschen @@ -60,22 +60,22 @@ Talk notification caller avatar - + Avatar zu Benachrichtigung über Talk-Anrufer Answer Talk call notification - + Benachrichtigung zu Talk-Anruf beantworten Decline - + Ablehnen Decline Talk call notification - + Benachrichtigung zu Talk-Anruf ablehnen @@ -83,83 +83,83 @@ %1 (%2, %3) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (%2, %3) Checking for changes in "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Änderungen suchen in "%1" Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 von %2 (%3 übrig) Syncing %1 of %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 von %2 Syncing %1 (%2 left) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 (%2 übrig) Syncing %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 No recently changed files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine kürzlich geänderte Dateien Sync paused - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung pausiert Syncing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere Open website - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Webseite öffnen Recently changed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zuletzt geändert Pause synchronization - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung pausieren Help - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hilfe Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einstellungen Log out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abmelden Quit sync client - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sync-Client beenden @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Opening file for local editing - + Datei wird für die lokale Bearbeitung geöffnet @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ No recent emojis - + Keine aktuellen Emojis @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Error - + Fehler @@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ Activity - + Aktivität Sharing - + Teilen @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ File details of %1 · %2 - + Dateidetails von %1 · %2 @@ -212,28 +212,28 @@ Could not make directories in trash - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verzeichnisse konnten im Papierkorb nicht erstellt werden Could not move "%1" to "%2" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte "%1" nicht nach "%2" verschieben Moving to the trash is not implemented on this platform - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschieben in den Papierkorb ist auf dieser Plattform nicht möglich Error removing "%1": %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Entfernen "%1": %2 Could not remove folder "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Ordner "%1" konnte nicht gelöscht werden @@ -241,22 +241,22 @@ Browser Authentication - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Browser-Authentifizierung Logo - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Logo Switch to your browser to connect your account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wechseln Sie zu Ihrem Browser um Ihr Konto zu verbinden An error occurred while connecting. Please try again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es ist ein Fehler beim Herstellen der Verbindung aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen. @@ -264,12 +264,12 @@ Pick a local folder on your computer to sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wählen Sie einen lokalen Ordner zum Synchronisieren aus &Choose … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Wählen … @@ -277,22 +277,22 @@ Select a remote destination folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einen entfernten Zielordner auswählen Create folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner erstellen Refresh - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisieren Folders - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner @@ -300,17 +300,17 @@ Connection timed out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zeitüberschreitung bei der Verbindung Unknown error: network reply was deleted - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unbekannter Fehler: Netzwerk-Antwort wurde gelöscht Server replied "%1 %2" to "%3 %4" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server hat "%1 %2" auf "%3 %4" geantwortet @@ -318,12 +318,12 @@ Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Falscher HTTP-Code vom Server zurückgegeben. 204 erwartet, aber "%1 %2" erhalten. "%1 Failed to unlock encrypted folder %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + "%1 Der verschlüsselte Ordner %2 konnte nicht entsperrt werden". @@ -331,17 +331,17 @@ File %1 is already locked by %2. - + Datei %1 ist bereits von %2 gesperrt. Lock operation on %1 failed with error %2 - + Das Sperren von %1 ist mit Fehler %2 fehlgeschlagen Unlock operation on %1 failed with error %2 - + Das Entsperren von %1 ist mit Fehler %2 fehlgeschlagen @@ -349,361 +349,402 @@ Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht markierte Ordner werden von Ihrem lokalen Dateisystem <b>entfernt</b> und werden auch nicht mehr auf diesem Rechner synchronisiert - - - + + + Cancel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abbrechen Apply - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Anwenden Connected with <server> as <user> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbunden mit <server> als <user> Storage space: … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Speicherplatz: … Synchronize all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alles synchronisieren Synchronize none - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nichts synchronisieren Apply manual changes - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Manuelle Änderungen anwenden End-to-End Encryption with Virtual Files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung mit virtuellen Dateien You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie scheinen die Funktion "Virtuelle Dateien" für diesen Ordner aktiviert zu haben. Im Moment ist es nicht möglich, virtuelle Dateien, die Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt sind, implizit herunterzuladen. Um die beste Erfahrung mit virtuellen Dateien und Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung zu machen, stellen Sie sicher, dass der verschlüsselte Ordner mit "Immer lokal verfügbar machen" markiert ist. + + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung mit virtuellen Dateien + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Sie scheinen die Funktion "Virtuelle Dateien" für diesen Ordner aktiviert zu haben. Im Moment ist es nicht möglich, virtuelle Dateien, die Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt sind, implizit herunterzuladen. Um die beste Erfahrung mit virtuellen Dateien und Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung zu machen, stellen Sie sicher, dass der verschlüsselte Ordner mit "Immer lokal verfügbar machen" markiert ist. Don't encrypt folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner nicht verschlüsseln Do not encrypt folder - + Ordner nicht verschlüsseln Encrypt folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner verschlüsseln No account configured. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). - - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein Konto konfiguriert. Display mnemonic - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Gedächtnisstütze anzeigen - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Für dieses Konto wurde die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung aktiviert + + + + Enable encryption + Verschlüsselung aktivieren Warning - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warnung - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Auf diesem Gerät ist keine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung konfiguriert. Sobald sie konfiguriert ist, können Sie diesen Ordner verschlüsseln. Möchten Sie die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung einrichten? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie können einen Ordner nicht mit Inhalten verschlüsseln, bitte Dateien entfernen. +Warten Sie auf die neue Synchronisierung und verschlüsseln Sie sie dann. + + + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Dieses Konto unterstützt Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung - + Encryption failed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Ordner konnte nicht verschlüsselt werden, da er nicht mehr existiert - - + + Open folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner öffnen - + Encrypt - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschlüsseln - - + + Edit Ignored Files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ignorierte Dateien bearbeiten - - + + Create new folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neuen Ordner erstellen - - + + Availability - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verfügbarkeit - + Choose what to sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zu synchronisierende Elemente auswählen - + Force sync now - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung jetzt erzwingen - + Restart sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung neustarten - + Resume sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung fortsetzen - + Pause sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung pausieren - + Remove folder sync connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner-Synchronisierung entfernen - + Disable virtual file support … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien deaktivieren - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien aktivieren %1 … - + (experimental) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (experimentell) - + Folder creation failed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Anlegen des Ordners fehlgeschlagen - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Konnte lokalen Ordner <i>%1</i> nicht anle‏gen.‎</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bestätigen Sie die Löschung der Ordner-Synchronisierung - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Möchten Sie den Ordner <i>%1</i> nicht mehr synchronisieren?</p><p><b>Anmerkung:</b> Dies wird <b>keine</b> Dateien löschen.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner-Synchronisierung entfernen - + Disable virtual file support? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien deaktivieren? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Durch diese Aktion wird die Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien deaktiviert. Infolgedessen werden Inhalte von Ordnern, die derzeit als "nur online verfügbar" markiert sind, heruntergeladen. + +Der einzige Vorteil der Deaktivierung der Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien besteht darin, dass die ausgewählte Synchronisierungsfunktion wieder verfügbar wird. + +Diese Aktion bricht jede derzeit laufende Synchronisierung ab. - + Disable support - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unterstützung deaktivieren - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + Gedächtnisstütze für Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung + + + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Gedächtnisstütze für Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung - + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Um Ihre kryptografische Identität zu schützen, verschlüsseln wir sie mit einer Gedächtnisstütze von 12 Wörterbuchwörtern. Bitte notieren Sie sich diese und bewahren Sie sie auf. Sie werden benötigt, um Ihrem Konto weitere Geräte hinzuzufügen (z. B. Ihr Mobiltelefon oder Laptop). - + Sync Running - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung läuft - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Synchronisierung läuft gerade.<br/>Wollen Sie diese beenden? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (%3%) von %2 Serverkapazität verwendet. Einige Ordner, einschließlich über das Netzwerk verbundene oder geteilte Ordner, können unterschiedliche Beschränkungen aufweisen. - + %1 of %2 in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 von %2 Serverkapazität verwendet - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Derzeit sind keine Speichernutzungsinformationen verfügbar. - + %1 in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wird verwendet - + %1 as %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 als %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Serverversion %1 wird nicht unterstützt! Fortfahren auf eigenes Risiko. - + Connected to %1. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbunden mit %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server %1 ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server %1 befindet sich im Wartungsmodus. - + Signed out from %1. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abgemeldet von %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Berechtigung vom Browser einholen. <a href='%1'> Klicken Sie hier </a>, um den Browser erneut zu öffnen. - + Connecting to %1 … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbinde zu %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Verbindung zu %1 auf %2 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konfigurationsfehler des Servers: %1 auf %2. - + No %1 connection configured. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine %1-Verbindung konfiguriert. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einige Ordner konnten nicht synchronisiert werden, da sie zu groß sind: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es gibt Ordner, die nicht synchronisiert werden konnten, da sie externe Speicher sind: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es gibt Ordner, die nicht synchronisiert werden konnten, da sie zu groß oder externe Speicher sind: - + Confirm Account Removal - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kontenentfernung bestätigen - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Möchten Sie wirklich die Verbindung zum Konto <i>%1</i> lösen?</p><p><b>Anmerkung:</b> Dieser Vorgang wird <b>keine</b> Dateien löschen.</p> - + Remove connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindung entfernen - - Enable encryption - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Dieses Konto unterstützt Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung + + + + Set up encryption + Verschlüsselung einrichten + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + Die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung wurde für dieses Konto mit einem anderen Gerät aktiviert. <br>Sie kann auf diesem Gerät durch Eingabe Ihrer Mnemonik aktiviert werden. @@ -711,47 +752,47 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Signed out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abgemeldet Disconnected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Getrennt Connected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbunden Service unavailable - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dienst nicht verfügbar Maintenance mode - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wartungsmodus Network error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Netzwerkfehler Configuration error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konfigurationsfehler Asking Credentials - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zugangsdaten werden abgefragt Unknown account state - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unbekannter Konto-Zustand @@ -759,22 +800,22 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. For more activities please open the Activity app. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Um weitere Aktivitäten anzusehen bitte die Activity-App öffnen. Fetching activities… - + Aktivitäten abrufen… Fetching activities … - + Aktivitäten abrufen… Files from the ignore list as well as symbolic links are not synced. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateien aus der Ignorierliste sowie symbolische Links werden nicht synchronisiert. @@ -782,42 +823,42 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. SSL client certificate authentication - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + SSL-Client-Zertifikat-Authentifizierung This server probably requires a SSL client certificate. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Server benötigt vermutlich ein SSL-Client-Zertifikat Certificate & Key (pkcs12): - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zertifikat & Schlüssel (pkcs12): Browse … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Durchsuchen … Certificate password: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zertifikatspasswort: An encrypted pkcs12 bundle is strongly recommended as a copy will be stored in the configuration file. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ein verschlüsseltes pkcs12-Bundle wird dringend empfohlen, da eine Kopie in der Konfigurationsdatei gespeichert wird. Select a certificate - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zertifikat auswählen Certificate files (*.p12 *.pfx) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zertifikatsdateien (*.p12 *.pfx) @@ -825,47 +866,47 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Continuing will mean <b>deleting these settings</b>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wenn Sie fortfahren, werden <b>diese Einstellungen gelöscht</b>. Continuing will mean <b>ignoring these settings</b>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wenn Sie fortfahren, werden <b>diese Einstellungen ignoriert</b>. Some settings were configured in newer versions of this client and use features that are not available in this version.<br><br>%1<br><br>The current configuration file was already backed up to <i>%2</i>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einige Einstellungen wurden in neueren Versionen dieses Clients konfiguriert und verwenden Funktionen, die in dieser Version nicht verfügbar sind.<br><br>%1<br><br>Die aktuelle Konfigurationsdatei wurde bereits auf <i>%2</i> gesichert. Quit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beenden Continue - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fortsetzen Error accessing the configuration file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Zugriff auf die Konfigurationsdatei There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. Please make sure the file can be accessed by your user. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beim Zugriff auf die Konfigurationsdatei bei %1 ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Benutzer auf die Datei zugreifen kann. There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. Please make sure the file can be accessed by your system account. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beim Zugriff auf die Konfigurationsdatei unter %1 ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Systemkonto auf die Datei zugreifen kann. Quit %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beende %1 @@ -873,27 +914,27 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Authentication Required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Authentifizierung erforderlich Enter username and password for "%1" at %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername und Passwort für "%1" auf %2 eingeben. &Username: - + &Benutzername: &User: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Benutzer: &Password: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Passwort: @@ -901,58 +942,58 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da eine andere Datei mit dem selben Namen, nur unterschiedlicher Groß-/Kleinschreibung, existiert File %1 has invalid modified time. Do not upload to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 hat eine ungültige Änderungszeit. Nicht auf den Server hochladen. File Removed (start upload) %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei entfernt (starte das Hochladen) %1 File %1 has invalid modification time. Do not upload to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 hat eine ungültige Änderungszeit. Nicht auf den Server hochladen. Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Datei hat sich während der Synchronisierung geändert. Die Synchronisierung wird wieder aufgenommen. Local file changed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung geändert. Network error: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Netzwerkfehler: %1 Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 wird aktuell verwendet The local file was removed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung gelöscht. Restoration failed: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen: %1 @@ -960,25 +1001,30 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error writing metadata to the database - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Schreiben der Metadaten in die Datenbank OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Geben Sie Ihre Passphrase für die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ein:<br><br>Benutzername: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Geben Sie Ihre Passphrase für Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ein:<br><br>Benutzer: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Geben Sie Ihre Passphrase für Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ein:<br><br>Benutzername: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> Enter E2E passphrase - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + E2E-Passphrase eingeben @@ -986,87 +1032,87 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Sync Conflict - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisations-Konflikt Conflicting versions of %1. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konflikt-Versionen von %1. Which version of the file do you want to keep?<br/>If you select both versions, the local file will have a number added to its name. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Welche Version der Datei soll behalten werden?<br/>Wenn Sie beide Versionen wählen, wird der lokalen Datei eine Zahl am Ende des Dateinamens angefügt. Local version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Version Click to open the file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Klicken um die Datei zu öffnen today - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Heute 0 byte - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 0 Byte <a href="%1">Open local version</a> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <a href="%1">Lokale Version öffnen</a> Server version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverversion <a href="%1">Open server version</a> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <a href="%1">Serverversion öffnen</a> Keep selected version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ausgewählte Version behalten Open local version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Version öffnen Open server version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverversion öffnen Keep both versions - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beide Versionen behalten Keep local version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Version behalten Keep server version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverversion behalten @@ -1074,23 +1120,23 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Do you want to delete the directory <i>%1</i> and all its contents permanently? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Möchten Sie den Ordner <i>%1</i> und dessen Inhalte dauerhaft löschen? Do you want to delete the file <i>%1</i> permanently? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Möchten Sie die Datei <i>%1</i> dauerhaft löschen? Confirm deletion - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Löschen bestätigen Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler @@ -1098,7 +1144,9 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Moving file failed: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschieben der Datei fehlgeschlagen: + +%1 @@ -1106,32 +1154,32 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. No Nextcloud account configured - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein Nextcloud-Konto konfiguriert Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Authentifizierungsfehler: Benutzername oder Passwort ist falsch. Timeout - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zeitüberschreitung The provided credentials are not correct - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die zur Verfügung gestellten Anmeldeinformationen sind nicht korrekt The configured server for this client is too old - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der konfigurierte Server ist für diesen Client zu alt Please update to the latest server and restart the client. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisieren Sie auf die neueste Server-Version und starten Sie den Client neu. @@ -1139,12 +1187,12 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error while canceling deletion of a file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Abbrechen des Löschens einer Datei Error while canceling deletion of %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Abbrechen des Löschens von %1 @@ -1153,7 +1201,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverantwort: PROPFIND-Antwort ist nicht im XML-Format! @@ -1161,27 +1209,27 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Error while opening directory %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Öffnen des Ordners %1 Directory not accessible on client, permission denied - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verzeichnis auf dem Client nicht zugreifbar, Berechtigung verweigert Directory not found: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner nicht gefunden: %1 Filename encoding is not valid - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateinamenkodierung ist ungültig Error while reading directory %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Lesen des Ordners %1 @@ -1189,7 +1237,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Invalid token received. - + Ungültiges Token empfangen. @@ -1197,38 +1245,38 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Please try again. - + Bitte erneut versuchen. Invalid file path was provided. - + Ungültiger Dateipfad wurde angegeben. Could not find an account for local editing. - + Es konnte kein Konto für die lokale Bearbeitung gefunden werden. Could not validate the request to open a file from server. - + Die Anforderung zum Öffnen einer Datei vom Server konnte nicht validiert werden. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure it is not excluded via selective sync. - + Datei zur lokalen Bearbeitung konnte nicht gefunden werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie nicht durch die selektive Synchronisierung ausgeschlossen wird. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure its path is valid and it is synced locally. - + Datei zur lokalen Bearbeitung konnte nicht gefunden werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad gültig ist und lokal synchronisiert wird. Could not find a folder to sync. - + Es konnte kein zu synchronisierender Ordner gefunden werden. @@ -1237,7 +1285,8 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Could not generate the metadata for encryption, Unlocking the folder. This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Metadaten für die Verschlüsselung konnten nicht generiert werden. Entsperren des Ordners. +Dies kann ein Problem mit Ihren OpenSSL-Bibliotheken sein. @@ -1246,43 +1295,43 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. %1 second(s) ago seconds elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 SekundeVor %1 Sekunden %1 minute(s) ago minutes elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 MinuteVor %1 Minuten %1 hour(s) ago hours elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 StundeVor %1 Stunden %1 day(s) ago days elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 TagVor %1 Tagen %1 month(s) ago months elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 MonatVor %1 Monaten %1 year(s) ago years elapsed since file last modified - + Vor %1 JahrVor %1 Jahren Locked by %1 - Expires in %2 minute(s) remaining time before lock expires - + Gesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minute abGesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minuten ab @@ -1290,36 +1339,36 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. The polling URL does not start with HTTPS despite the login URL started with HTTPS. Login will not be possible because this might be a security issue. Please contact your administrator. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Polling-URL beginnt nicht mit HTTPS, obwohl die Anmelde-URL mit HTTPS beginnt. Die Anmeldung ist nicht möglich, da dies ein Sicherheitsproblem darstellen könnte. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator. Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).<em></em> + Vom Server zurückgegebener Fehler: <em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the "token" endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Zugriff auf den "Token"-Endpunkt: <br><em>%1</em> Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der vom Server zurückgegebene JSON-Code konnte nicht verarbeitet werden: <br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Antwort des Servers enthielt nicht alle erwarteten Felder The returned server URL does not start with HTTPS despite the login URL started with HTTPS. Login will not be possible because this might be a security issue. Please contact your administrator. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die zurückgegebene Server-URL beginnt nicht mit HTTPS, obwohl die Anmelde-URL mit HTTPS beginnt. Die Anmeldung ist nicht möglich, da dies ein Sicherheitsproblem darstellen könnte. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator. @@ -1327,37 +1376,37 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Unable to open the Browser, please copy the link to your Browser. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Browser kann nicht geöffnet werden. Bitte kopieren Sie den Link in Ihren Browser. Waiting for authorization - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warte auf Autorisierung Polling for authorization - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abruf der Autorisierung Starting authorization - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Starte Autorisierung Link copied to clipboard. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert. Reopen Browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Browser erneut öffnen Copy Link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link kopieren @@ -1365,138 +1414,140 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. Local folder %1 does not exist. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokaler Ordner %1 existiert nicht. %1 should be a folder but is not. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 sollte ein Ordner sein, ist es aber nicht. %1 is not readable. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 ist nicht lesbar. %1 and %n other file(s) have been removed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n andere Datei wurde gelöscht.%1 und %n andere Dateien wurden gelöscht. %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde gelöscht. %1 and %n other file(s) have been added. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n andere Datei wurden hinzugefügt.%1 und %n andere Dateien wurden hinzugefügt. %1 has been added. %1 names a file. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde hinzugefügt. %1 and %n other file(s) have been updated. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n andere Datei wurde aktualisiert.%1 und %n andere Dateien wurden aktualisiert. %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde aktualisiert. %1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde in %2 umbenannt und %n andere Datei wurde umbenannt.%1 wurde in %2 umbenannt und %n andere Dateien wurden umbenannt. %1 has been renamed to %2. %1 and %2 name files. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde in %2 umbenannt. %1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde in %2 verschoben und %n andere Datei wurde verschoben.%1 wurde in %2 verschoben und %n andere Dateien wurden verschoben. %1 has been moved to %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 wurde in %2 verschoben. %1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n andere Datei haben Konflikte beim Abgleichen.%1 und %n andere Dateien haben Konflikte beim Abgleichen. %1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es gab einen Konflikt bei der Synchronisierung von %1. Bitte prüfen Sie die Konfliktdatei! %1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n weitere Datei konnten aufgrund von Fehlern nicht synchronisiert werden. Schauen Sie in das Protokoll für Details.%1 und %n weitere Dateien konnten aufgrund von Fehlern nicht synchronisiert werden. Details finden Sie im Protokoll. %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht synchronisiert werden. Details finden Sie im Protokoll. %1 and %n other file(s) are currently locked. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 und %n andere Datei sind aktuell gesperrt.%1 und %n andere Dateien sind aktuell gesperrt. %1 is currently locked. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 ist aktuell gesperrt. Sync Activity - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierungsaktivität Could not read system exclude file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Systemeigene Ausschlussdatei kann nicht gelesen werden A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ein neuer Ordner größer als %1 MB wurde hinzugefügt: %2. + A folder from an external storage has been added. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ein Ordner von einem externen Speicher wurde hinzugefügt. + Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte wechseln Sie zu den Einstellungen, falls Sie den Ordner herunterladen möchten. The folder %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. Data inside it will not be synchronized. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Ordner %1 wurde erstellt, wurde jedoch zuvor von der Synchronisierung ausgeschlossen. Die darin enthaltenen Daten werden nicht synchronisiert. The file %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. It will not be synchronized. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei % 1 wurde erstellt, jedoch bereits zuvor von der Synchronisierung ausgeschlossen. Sie wird nicht synchronisiert werden. @@ -1505,7 +1556,11 @@ This can be an issue with your OpenSSL libraries. This means that the synchronization client might not upload local changes immediately and will instead only scan for local changes and upload them occasionally (every two hours by default). %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Änderungen in synchronisierten Ordnern konnten nicht zuverlässig nachverfolgt werden. + +Dies bedeutet, dass der Synchronisierungs-Client lokale Änderungen möglicherweise nicht sofort hochlädt, sondern nur nach lokalen Änderungen sucht und diese gelegentlich hochlädt (standardmäßig alle zwei Stunden). + +%1 @@ -1513,29 +1568,34 @@ This means that the synchronization client might not upload local changes immedi These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Dateien im Sync-Ordner "%1" wurden auf dem Server gelöscht. +Diese Löschungen werden mit Ihrem lokalen Sync-Ordner synchronisiert, wodurch diese Dateien nicht verfügbar sind, es sei denn, Sie haben das Recht, sie wiederherzustellen. +Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, die Dateien wiederherzustellen, werden sie erneut mit dem Server synchronisiert, wenn Sie das Recht dazu haben. +Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, die Dateien zu löschen, sind sie für Sie nicht mehr verfügbar, es sei denn, Sie sind der Eigentümer. All the files in your local sync folder "%1" were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Dateien im lokalen Synchronisierungs-Ordner "%1" wurden gelöscht. Diese Löschung wird mit Ihrem Server synchronisiert, wodurch die Dateien nicht mehr verfügbar sind, es sei denn, diese werden wiederhergestellt. +Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie diese Aktion mit Ihrem Server synchronisieren möchten? +Falls dies ein Missgeschick war und Sie sich zum Behalten der Dateien entscheiden, werden diese wieder vom Server synchronisiert. Remove All Files? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Dateien löschen? Remove all files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Dateien entfernen Keep files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateien behalten @@ -1543,27 +1603,27 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Create new folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neuen Ordner erstellen Enter folder name - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordnernamen eingeben Folder already exists - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner existiert bereits Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler Could not create a folder! Check your write permissions. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner konnte nicht erstellt werden! Prüfen Sie die Schreibberechtigungen. @@ -1571,127 +1631,127 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Could not reset folder state - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Ordner-Zustand nicht zurücksetzen An old sync journal "%1" was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ein altes Synchronisierungsprotokoll "%1" wurde gefunden, konnte jedoch nicht entfernt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass keine Anwendung es verwendet. (backup) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (Sicherung) (backup %1) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (Sicherung %1) Undefined State. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Undefinierter Zustand. Undefined state. - + Undefinierter Zustand. Waiting to start syncing. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wartet auf Beginn der Synchronisierung. Preparing for sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung wird vorbereitet. Sync is running. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung läuft. Sync finished with unresolved conflicts. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung mit ungelösten Konflikten beendet. Last Sync was successful. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die letzte Synchronisierung war erfolgreich. Setup Error. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einrichtungsfehler. User Abort. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerabbruch. Last sync was successful. - + Die letzte Synchronisierung war erfolgreich. Setup error. - + Einrichtungsfehler. Sync request was cancelled. - + Synchronisierungsanfrage wurde abgebrochen. Sync is paused. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung ist pausiert. %1 (Sync is paused) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (Synchronisierung ist pausiert) No valid folder selected! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein gültiger Ordner gewählt! The selected path does not exist! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der gewählte Pfad existiert nicht! The selected path is not a folder! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der gewählte Pfad ist kein Ordner! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben keine Schreibberechtigung für den ausgewählten Ordner! The local folder %1 already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der lokale Ordner %1 liegt innerhalb eines synchronisierten Ordners. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen aus! The local folder %1 is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der lokale Ordner %1 liegt in einem Ordner, der bereits synchronisiert wird. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen aus! There is already a sync from the server to this local folder. Please pick another local folder! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es existiert bereits eine Synchronisierung vom Server zu diesem lokalen Ordner. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen lokalen Ordner! @@ -1699,12 +1759,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Add Folder Sync Connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner-Synchronisierung hinzufügen File - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei @@ -1712,152 +1772,152 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce You need to be connected to add a folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie müssen verbunden sein, um einen Ordner hinzuzufügen Click this button to add a folder to synchronize. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche, um einen zu synchronisierenden Ordner hinzuzufügen. %1 (%2) Example text: "File.txt (23KB)" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (%2) Error while loading the list of folders from the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Empfang der Ordnerliste vom Server. Fetching folder list from server … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Rufe Ordnerliste vom Server ab … There are unresolved conflicts. Click for details. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es existieren ungelöste Konflikte. Für Details klicken. Virtual file support is enabled. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unterstützung für virtuelle Dateien ist aktiviert. Signed out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abgemeldet Synchronizing VirtualFiles with local folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere VirtualFiles mit lokalem Ordner Synchronizing with local folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere mit lokalem Ordner Checking for changes in remote "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Änderungen in entfernten "%1" suchen Checking for changes in local "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Änderungen in lokalem "%1" suchen Reconciling changes - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Änderungen zusammenführen Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 , - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + , download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Download %1/s ↓ %1/s - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + ↓ %1/s upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Upload %1/s ↑ %1/s - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + ↑ %1/s %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 %2 (%3 von %4) %1 %2 Example text: "uploading foobar.png" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 %2 A few seconds left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" - + Noch ein paar Sekunden, %1 von %2, Datei %3 von %4 %5 left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %5 übrig, %1 von %2, Datei %3 von %4 %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 of %2, Datei %3 von %4 file %1 of %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei %1 von %2 Waiting … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warte … Waiting for %n other folder(s) … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warte auf %n anderen Ordner …Warte auf %n andere Ordner … Preparing to sync … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung wird vorbereitet … @@ -1865,7 +1925,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce The watcher did not receive a test notification. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Beobachter hat keine Testbenachrichtigung erhalten. @@ -1873,7 +1933,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce This problem usually happens when the inotify watches are exhausted. Check the FAQ for details. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dieses Problem tritt zumeist auf, wenn die Inotify-Zähler voll sind. Details finden Sie im FAQ. @@ -1881,12 +1941,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Add Folder Sync Connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner-Synchronisierung hinzufügen Add Sync Connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung hinzufügen @@ -1894,17 +1954,17 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Click to select a local folder to sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hier klicken um einen lokalen Ordner zum Synchronisieren auszuwählen. Enter the path to the local folder. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Pfad zum lokalen Ordner eingeben Select the source folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Quellordner auswählen @@ -1912,52 +1972,52 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Create Remote Folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernten Ordner erstellen Enter the name of the new folder to be created below "%1": - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Geben Sie den Namen des neuen, unter "%1" zu erstellenden Ordners ein: Folder was successfully created on %1. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner auf %1 erstellt. Authentication failed accessing %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beim Zugriff auf %1 ist die Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Erstellung des Ordners auf %1 ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte prüfen Sie dies manuell. Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Ordner nicht listen. Fehler: %1 Choose this to sync the entire account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wählen Sie dies, um das gesamte Konto zu synchronisieren This folder is already being synced. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dieser Ordner wird bereits synchronisiert. You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a parent folder of <i>%2</i>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie synchronisieren bereits <i>%1</i>, der ein übergeordneter Ordner von <i>%2</i> ist. You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a subfolder of <i>%2</i>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie synchronisieren bereits <i>%1</i>, der ein Unterordner von <i>%2</i> ist. @@ -1966,23 +2026,23 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Use virtual files instead of downloading content immediately %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien verwenden, anstatt den Inhalt sofort herunterzuladen %1 (experimental) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (experimentell) Virtual files are not supported for Windows partition roots as local folder. Please choose a valid subfolder under drive letter. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien werden für die Wurzel von Windows-Partitionen als lokaler Ordner nicht unterstützt. Bitte wählen Sie einen gültigen Unterordner unter dem Laufwerksbuchstaben. Virtual files are not available for the selected folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien sind für den ausgewählten Ordner nicht verfügbar @@ -1990,12 +2050,12 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce <b>Warning:</b> %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <b>Warnung:</b> %1 <b>Warning:</b> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <b>Warnung:</b> @@ -2003,27 +2063,27 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce No E-Tag received from server, check Proxy/Gateway - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein E-Tag vom Server empfangen, bitte Proxy/Gateway überprüfen We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es wurde ein unterschiedliches E-Tag zum Fortfahren empfangen. Bitte beim nächsten mal nochmal versuchen. We received an unexpected download Content-Length. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wir haben eine unerwartete Download-Content-Länge erhalten. Server returned wrong content-range - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server hat falschen Bereich für den Inhalt zurückgegeben Connection Timeout - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung @@ -2032,173 +2092,175 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce About - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Über Legal notice - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Impressum General Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Allgemeine Einstellungen For System Tray - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Für das Systembenachrichtungsfeld Use &Monochrome Icons - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Monochrome Symbole verwenden &Launch on System Startup - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beim &Systemstart starten Show Server &Notifications - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server-&Benachrichtigungen anzeigen Show Call Notifications - + Anrufbenachrichtigungen anzeigen Updates - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierungen &Automatically check for Updates - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Automatisch auf Aktualisierungen prüfen &Channel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Kanal stable - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Stabil beta - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beta &Restart && Update - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Neustarten && aktualisieren &Check for Update now - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Jetzt auf Aktualisierungen prüfen Advanced - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Erweitert Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bestätigung erfragen, bevor Ordner synchronisiert werden. Grenze: MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bestätigung erfragen, bevor externe Speicher synchronisiert werden Show sync folders in &Explorer's Navigation Pane - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierungsordner im Navigationsbereich des &Explorers anzeigen S&how crash reporter - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Crash-Reporter anzeigen Edit &Ignored Files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + I&gnorierte Dateien bearbeiten Create Debug Archive - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Debug-Archiv erstellen Server notifications that require attention. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server-Benachrichtigungen, die Aufmerksamkeit erfordern. Show call notification dialogs. - + Dialog zu Anrufbenachrichtigungen anzeigen You cannot disable autostart because system-wide autostart is enabled. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie können den Autostart nicht deaktivieren, da der systemweite Autostart aktiviert ist. Change update channel? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Update-Kanal ändern? The update channel determines which client updates will be offered for installation. The "stable" channel contains only upgrades that are considered reliable, while the versions in the "beta" channel may contain newer features and bugfixes, but have not yet been tested thoroughly. Note that this selects only what pool upgrades are taken from, and that there are no downgrades: So going back from the beta channel to the stable channel usually cannot be done immediately and means waiting for a stable version that is newer than the currently installed beta version. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Update-Kanal bestimmt, welche Client-Updates zur Installation angeboten werden. Der "stabile" Kanal enthält nur Upgrades, die als zuverlässig gelten, während die Versionen im "Beta" -Kanal unter Umständen neuere Funktionen und Bugfixes enthalten, die jedoch noch nicht gründlich getestet wurden. + +Beachten Sie bitte, dass hierdurch nur ausgewählt wird, aus welchem Pool Upgrades heruntergeladen werden und dass Downgrades nicht möglich sind. Die Rückkehr vom Beta- zum stabilen Kanal kann daher zumeist nicht sofort erfolgen, sondern es muss auf eine neue stabile Version gewartet werden, die neuer als die aktuell installierte Beta ist. Change update channel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Update-Kanal ändern Cancel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abbrechen Zip Archives - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zip-Archive Debug Archive Created - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Debug-Archiv erstellt Debug archive is created at %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Debug-Archiv erstellt in %1 @@ -2206,24 +2268,26 @@ Note that this selects only what pool upgrades are taken from, and that there ar Password for share required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort für die Freigabe erforderlich Please enter a password for your link share: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte Passwort für die Link-Freigabe eingeben: Sharing error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Teilen Could not retrieve or create the public link share. Error: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Link für das öffentliche Teilen konnte nicht erstellt oder empfangen werden. Fehler: + +%1 @@ -2231,27 +2295,27 @@ Note that this selects only what pool upgrades are taken from, and that there ar Please enter %1 password:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - + Bitte %1 Passwort:<br><br>Benutzername: %2<br>Konto: %3<br>eingeben Please enter %1 password:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte Passwort für %1 eingeben:<br><br>Benutzer: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> Reading from keychain failed with error: "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lesen vom Schlüsselbund fehlgeschlagen mit Fehler: "%1" Enter Password - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort eingeben <a href="%1">Click here</a> to request an app password from the web interface. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <a href="%1">Hier klicken</a>, um von der Web-Oberfläche ein App-Passwort zu erhalten. @@ -2259,27 +2323,27 @@ Note that this selects only what pool upgrades are taken from, and that there ar Ignored Files Editor - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Editor für ignorierte Dateien Global Ignore Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Globale Ignorier-Einstellungen Sync hidden files - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere versteckte Dateien Files Ignored by Patterns - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Muster ignorierte Dateien This entry is provided by the system at "%1" and cannot be modified in this view. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dieser Eintrag wird vom System auf "%1" bereitgestellt und kann in dieser Ansicht nicht geändert werden. @@ -2287,54 +2351,56 @@ Note that this selects only what pool upgrades are taken from, and that there ar Pattern - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Muster Allow Deletion - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Löschen erlauben Add - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hinzufügen Remove - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernen Remove all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle entfernen Files or folders matching a pattern will not be synchronized. Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from being removed. This is useful for meta data. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateien oder Ordner, die diesem Muster entsprechen, werden nicht synchronisiert. + +Objekte, bei denen Löschen erlaubt ist, werden gelöscht, wenn diese das Löschen eines Ordners verhindern würden. Dies ist für Metadaten nützlich. Could not open file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden Cannot write changes to "%1". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Änderungen nicht in "%1" schreiben. Add Ignore Pattern - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ignoriermuster hinzufügen Add a new ignore pattern: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neues Ignoriermuster hinzufügen @@ -2342,102 +2408,102 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Invalid filename - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungültiger Dateiname The file could not be synced because it contains characters which are not allowed on this system. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei konnte nicht synchronisiert werden, da der Name Zeichen enthält, die auf diesem System nicht zulässig sind. Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler Please enter a new name for the file: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Namen für die Datei ein: New filename - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neuer Dateiname Rename file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei umbenennen The file "%1" could not be synced because the name contains characters which are not allowed on this system. - + Die Datei "%1" konnte nicht synchronisiert werden, da der Name Zeichen enthält, die auf diesem System nicht zulässig sind. The following characters are not allowed on the system: * " | & ? , ; : \ / ~ < > leading/trailing spaces - + Die folgenden Zeichen sind auf dem System nicht erlaubt: * " | & ? , ; : \ / ~ < > Leerzeichen am Anfang/Ende Checking rename permissions … - + Prüfe Umbenennungs-Rechte … Checking rename permissions... - + Prüfe Umbenennungs-Rechte You don't have the permission to rename this file. Please ask the author of the file to rename it. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, diese Datei umzubenennen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Autor der Datei, um sie umzubenennen. Failed to fetch permissions with error %1 - + Konnte Rechte nicht abrufen. Fehler %1 Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Anfang und am Ende. Filename contains leading spaces. - + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Anfang. Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Ende. Use invalid name - + Ungültigen Namen verwenden Filename contains illegal characters: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateiname enthält unzulässige Zeichen: %1 Could not rename file. Please make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei konnte nicht umbenannt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. Cannot rename file because a file with the same name does already exist on the server. Please pick another name. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei kann nicht umbenannt werden, da eine Datei mit demselben Namen bereits auf dem Server existiert. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen. Could not rename local file. %1 - + Lokale Datei konnte nicht umbenannt werden. %1 @@ -2446,22 +2512,22 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Legal notice - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Impressum Close - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Schliessen <p>Copyright 2017-2021 Nextcloud GmbH<br />Copyright 2012-2021 ownCloud GmbH</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). <p><br /></p> + <p>Copyright 2017-2021 Nextcloud GmbH<br />Copyright 2012-2021 ownCloud GmbH</p> <p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0 or any later version.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Lizensiert unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0 oder jeder neueren Version.</p> @@ -2469,30 +2535,33 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Log Output - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Protokoll-Ausgabe The client can write debug logs to a temporary folder. These logs are very helpful for diagnosing problems. Since log files can get large, the client will start a new one for each sync run and compress older ones. It will also delete log files after a couple of hours to avoid consuming too much disk space. If enabled, logs will be written to %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Client kann Debug-Protokolle in einen temporären Ordner schreiben. Diese Protokolle sind sehr hilfreich bei der Diagnose von Problemen. +Da die Protokolldateien sehr groß werden können, erstellt der Client für jeden Synchronisierungslauf eine neue Datei und komprimiert ältere. Außerdem werden die Protokolldateien nach ein paar Stunden gelöscht, um nicht zu viel Speicherplatz zu verbrauchen. +Wenn aktiviert, werden die Protokolle nach %1 geschrieben. Enable logging to temporary folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Protokollierung in temporären Ordner aktivieren This setting persists across client restarts. Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diese Einstellung bleibt über Client-Neustarts hinweg bestehen. +Beachten Sie, dass die Verwendung von Befehlszeilenoptionen für die Protokollierung diese Einstellung außer Kraft setzt. Open folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner öffnen @@ -2500,12 +2569,12 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler <nobr>File "%1"<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>The log output <b>cannot</b> be saved!</nobr> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <nobr>Datei "%1"<br/>kann nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden.<br/><br/>Die Protokolldatei kann <b>nicht</b> gespeichert werden!</nobr> @@ -2513,53 +2582,53 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. New Version Available - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine neue Version ist verfügbar <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available.</p><p><b>%2</b> is available for download. The installed version is %3.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Eine neue Version des %1 - Clients ist verfügbar.</p><p><b>%2</b> steht zum Herunterladen bereit. Die installierte Version ist %3.</p> Skip this version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diese Version überspringen Skip this time - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dieses Mal überspringen Get update - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierung durchführen Update Failed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available but the updating process failed.</p><p><b>%2</b> has been downloaded. The installed version is %3. If you confirm restart and update, your computer may reboot to complete the installation.</p> - <p></p><p><b></b> </p>Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Eine neue Version des %1 - Clients ist verfügbar, aber die Aktualisierung ist fehlgeschlagen.</p><p><b>%2</b> wurde heruntergeladen. Die installierte Version ist %3. Wenn Sie Neustart und Aktualisieren bestätigen, wird Ihr Computer möglicherweise neu gestartet, um die Installation abzuschließen.</p> Ask again later - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Versuchen Sie es später erneut Restart and update - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neustarten und aktualisieren Update manually - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Manuell aktualisieren @@ -2567,102 +2636,102 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Proxy Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Proxy-Einstellungen No Proxy - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein Proxy Use system proxy - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + System-Proxy verwenden Specify proxy manually as - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Proxy manuell definieren als Host - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Host Proxy server requires authentication - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Proxy-Server erfordert eine Authentifizierung Note: proxy settings have no effects for accounts on localhost - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hinweis: Proxy-Einstellungen haben keine Auswirkungen für Konten auf localhost Download Bandwidth - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Download-Bandbreite Limit to - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Begrenzen auf No limit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Begrenzung KBytes/s - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + KBytes/s Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Auf 3/4 der geschätzten Bandbreite begrenzen Limit automatically - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Automatisch begrenzen Upload Bandwidth - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Upload-Bandbreite Hostname of proxy server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hostname des Proxy-Servers Username for proxy server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername für den Proxy-Server Password for proxy server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort für den Proxy-Server HTTP(S) proxy - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + HTTP(S)-Proxy SOCKS5 proxy - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + SOCKS5-Proxy @@ -2670,42 +2739,42 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler vom Server zurückgegeben: <em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the "token" endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). <br><em></em> + Fehler beim Zugriff auf den "Token"-Endpunkt: <br><em>%1</em> Empty JSON from OAuth2 redirect - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Leeres JSON aus OAuth2-Redirect Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die JSON-Antwort des Servers konnte nicht geparst werden: <br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Antwort des Servers hat nicht alle erwarteten Felder beinhaltet <h1>Login Error</h1><p>%1</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h1>Anmeldefehler </h1><p>%1</p> <h1>Wrong account</h1><p>You logged in with the account <em>%1</em>, but must log in with the account <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in with %2.</p> - <h1></h1><p><em></em><em></em><br><a href='%4'></a> </p>Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h1>Falsches Konto</h1><p>Sie haben sich mit dem Konto <em>%1</em> angemeldet, müssen aber das Konto <em>%2</em> verwenden.<br>Bitte melden von %3 in einem anderen Tab abmelden und <a href='%4'>klicken Sie hier</a> um sich mit %2 anzumelden</p> <h1>Wrong user</h1><p>You logged-in with user <em>%1</em>, but must login with user <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in as user %2</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h1>Falscher Benutzer</h1><p>Sie haben sich mit dem Benutzer <em>%1</em> angemeldet, sollten sich jedoch mit dem Benutzer <em>%2</em> anmelden. <br>Bitte melden Sie sich in einem anderen Tab von %3 ab und <a href='%4'>klicken hier</a>, um sich als %2</p> anzumelden @@ -2713,67 +2782,67 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. New %1 update ready - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neue %1 Aktualisierung verfügbar A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. Your computer may reboot to complete the installation. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine neue Aktualisierung für %1 wird installiert. Während des Aktualisierungsvorgangs werden Sie eventuell aufgefordert, zusätzliche Berechtigungen zu gewähren. Ihr Computer wird möglicherweise neu gestartet, um die Installation abzuschließen. Downloading %1. Please wait … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lade %1 herunter. Bitte warten … %1 available. Restart application to start the update. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1-Version verfügbar. Anwendung zum Start der Aktualisierung neustarten. Could not download update. Please open <a href='%1'>%1</a> to download the update manually. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierung kann nicht herunter geladen werden. Bitte öffnen Sie <a href='%1'>%1</a>, um die Aktualisierung manuell herunterzuladen. Could not download update. Please open %1 to download the update manually. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierung kann nicht herunter geladen werden. Bitte öffnen Sie %1 um die Aktualisierung manuell herunterzuladen. Could not check for new updates. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Auf neue Aktualisierungen kann nicht geprüft werden. New %1 is available. Please open <a href='%2'>%2</a> to download the update. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neue Version von %1 vorhanden. Bitte öffnen Sie <a href='%2'>%2</a> um die Aktualisierung herunterzuladen. New %1 is available. Please open %2 to download the update. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neue Version von %1 vorhanden. Bitte öffnen Sie %2 um die Aktualisierung herunterzuladen. Checking update server … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierungsserver wird überprüft … Update status is unknown: Did not check for new updates. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisierungsstatus unbekannt: Auf neue Aktualisierungen wurde nicht geprüft. No updates available. Your installation is at the latest version. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Aktualisierungen verfügbar. Ihre Installation ist die aktuelle Version. Update Check - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualitätsprüfung @@ -2781,66 +2850,66 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Connect - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbinden Use &virtual files instead of downloading content immediately %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Virtuelle Dateien verwenden, anstatt den Inhalt sofort herunterzuladen %1 (experimental) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (experimentell) Virtual files are not supported for Windows partition roots as local folder. Please choose a valid subfolder under drive letter. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien werden für die Wurzel von Windows-Partitionen als lokaler Ordner nicht unterstützt. Bitte wählen Sie einen gültigen Unterordner unter dem Laufwerksbuchstaben. %1 folder "%2" is synced to local folder "%3" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Ordner "%2" wird mit dem lokalen Ordner "%3" synchronisiert Sync the folder "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner "%1" synchronisieren Warning: The local folder is not empty. Pick a resolution! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Achtung: Der lokale Ordner ist nicht leer. Bitte wählen Sie eine entsprechende Lösung! %1 free space %1 gets replaced with the size and a matching unit. Example: 3 MB or 5 GB - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 freier Platz Virtual files are not available for the selected folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien sind für den ausgewählten Ordner nicht verfügbar Local Sync Folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokaler Ordner für die Synchronisierung (%1) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + (%1) There isn't enough free space in the local folder! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht genug freier Platz im lokalen Ordner vorhanden! @@ -2848,32 +2917,32 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Connection failed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindung fehlgeschlagen <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address specified. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <html><head/><body><p>Verbindung mit der angegebenen sicheren Serveradresse fehlgeschlagen. Wie möchten Sie fortfahren?</p></body></html> Select a different URL - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Andere URL wählen Retry unencrypted over HTTP (insecure) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unverschlüsselt über HTTP versuchen (unsicher) Configure client-side TLS certificate - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Clientseitiges TLS-Zertifikat konfigurieren. <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address <em>%1</em>. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <html><head/><body><p>Sichere Verbindung zur Serveradresse <em>%1</em> fehlgeschlagen. Wie wollen Sie fortfahren?</p></body></html> @@ -2881,17 +2950,17 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. &Email - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &E-Mail Connect to %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbinden mit %1 Enter user credentials - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Geben Sie Ihre Benutzer-Anmeldeinformationen ein @@ -2899,12 +2968,12 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Connect to %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbinden mit %1 Login in your browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Melden Sie sich in Ihrem Browser an @@ -2912,7 +2981,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Impossible to get modification time for file in conflict %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es ist nicht möglich, die Änderungszeit für die in Konflikt stehende Datei abzurufen %1 @@ -2921,22 +2990,22 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. The link to your %1 web interface when you open it in the browser. %1 will be replaced with the application name - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Link zu Ihrer %1 Webseite, wenn Sie diese im Browser öffnen. &Next > - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Weiter > Server address does not seem to be valid - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serveradresse scheint nicht gültig zu sein Could not load certificate. Maybe wrong password? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Zertifikat konnte nicht geladen werden. Vielleicht ein falsches Passwort? @@ -2944,144 +3013,144 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. <font color="green">Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <font color="green">Erfolgreich mit %1 verbunden: %2 Version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> Invalid URL - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungültige URL Failed to connect to %1 at %2:<br/>%3 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Verbindung zu %1 auf %2 konnte nicht hergestellt werden: <br/>%3 Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zeitüberschreitung beim Verbindungsversuch mit %1 unter %2. Trying to connect to %1 at %2 … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindungsversuch mit %1 unter %2 … The authenticated request to the server was redirected to "%1". The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Authentifizierungs-Anfrage an den Server wurde weitergeleitet an "%1". Diese Adresse ist ungültig, der Server ist falsch konfiguriert. Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, <a href="%1">click here</a> to access the service with your browser. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zugang vom Server nicht erlaubt. <a href="%1">Klicken Sie hier</a> zum Zugriff auf den Dienst mithilfe Ihres Browsers, so dass Sie sicherstellen können, dass Ihr Zugang ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. There was an invalid response to an authenticated WebDAV request - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungültige Antwort auf eine WebDAV-Authentifizeriungs-Anfrage Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.<br/><br/> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokaler Sync-Ordner %1 existiert bereits, aktiviere Synchronistation.<br/><br/> Creating local sync folder %1 … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokaler Ordner %1 für die Synchronisierung wird erstellt … OK - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + OK failed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + fehlgeschlagen. Could not create local folder %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der lokale Ordner %1 konnte nicht erstellt werden No remote folder specified! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kein entfernter Ordner angegeben! Error: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler: %1 creating folder on Nextcloud: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Erstelle Ordner auf Nextcloud: %1 Remote folder %1 created successfully. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernter Ordner %1 erfolgreich erstellt. The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Ordner %1 ist auf dem Server bereits vorhanden. Verbinde zur Synchronisierung. The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Erstellen des Ordners erzeugte den HTTP-Fehler-Code %1 The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials are wrong!<br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Erstellung des entfernten Ordners ist fehlgeschlagen, weil die angegebenen Zugangsdaten falsch sind. <br/>Bitte gehen Sie zurück und überprüfen Sie die Zugangsdaten.</p> <p><font color="red">Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong.</font><br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p><font color="red">Die Erstellung des entfernten Ordners ist fehlgeschlagen, vermutlich sind die angegebenen Zugangsdaten falsch.</font><br/>Bitte gehen Sie zurück und überprüfen Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten.</p> Remote folder %1 creation failed with error <tt>%2</tt>. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernter Ordner %1 konnte mit folgendem Fehler nicht erstellt werden: <tt>%2</tt>. A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine Synchronisierungsverbindung für Ordner %1 zum entfernten Ordner %2 wurde eingerichtet. Successfully connected to %1! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Erfolgreich verbunden mit %1! Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Verbindung zu %1 konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte prüfen Sie die Einstellungen erneut. Folder rename failed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner umbenennen fehlgeschlagen. Cannot remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Ordner kann nicht entfernt und gesichert werden, da der Ordner oder einer seiner Dateien in einem anderen Programm geöffnet ist. Bitte schließen Sie den Ordner oder die Datei und versuchen Sie es erneut oder beenden Sie die Installation. <font color="green"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <font color="green"><b>Lokaler Sync-Ordner %1 erfolgreich erstellt!</b></font> @@ -3089,22 +3158,22 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Add %1 account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Konto hinzufügen Skip folders configuration - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner-Konfiguration überspringen Cancel - + Abbrechen Enable experimental feature? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Experimentelle Funktion aktivieren? @@ -3115,17 +3184,23 @@ The virtual files mode is mutually exclusive with selective sync. Currently unse Switching to this mode will abort any currently running synchronization. This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any issues that come up. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wenn der Modus "virtuelle Dateien" aktiviert ist, werden zunächst keine Dateien heruntergeladen. Stattdessen wird für jede Datei, die auf dem Server existiert, eine winzige "%1"-Datei erstellt. Der Inhalt kann heruntergeladen werden, indem diese Dateien ausgeführt werden oder indem deren Kontextmenü verwendet wird. + +Der Modus "Virtuelle Dateien" schließt sich mit der ausgewählten Synchronisierung gegenseitig aus. Derzeit nicht ausgewählte Ordner werden in reine Online-Ordner umgewandelt und Ihre Einstellungen für die selektive Synchronisierung werden zurückgesetzt. + +Wenn Sie in diesen Modus wechseln, wird eine aktuell laufende Synchronisierung abgebrochen. + +Dies ist ein neuer, experimenteller Modus. Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, ihn zu verwenden, melden Sie bitte alle auftretenden Probleme. Enable experimental placeholder mode - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Experimentellen Platzhaltermodus aktivieren Stay safe - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bleiben Sie sicher @@ -3133,12 +3208,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Password for share required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort für die Freigabe erforderlich Please enter a password for your share: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte vergeben sie für die Freigabe ein Passwort: @@ -3146,170 +3221,170 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Invalid JSON reply from the poll URL - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungültige JSON-Antwort von der Poll-URL OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Symbolische Verknüpfungen werden bei der Synchronisierung nicht unterstützt. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei ist in der Ignorierliste aufgeführt. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateinamen, die mit einem Punkt enden, werden von diesem Dateisystem nicht unterstützt. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateinamen, welche das Zeichen "%1" enthalten, werden von diesem Dateisystem nicht unterstützt. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Dateiname enthält mindestens ein ungültiges Zeichen - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Dateiname ist ein reservierter Name in diesem Dateisystem. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Ende. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Anfang. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Dateiname enthält Leerzeichen am Anfang und am Ende. - + Filename is too long. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Dateiname ist zu lang. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei/Ordner wird ignoriert, weil sie unsichtbar ist. - + Stat failed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Stat fehlgeschlagen. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konflikt: Serverversion heruntergeladen, lokale Kopie umbenannt und nicht hochgeladen. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Dateiname kann auf Ihrem Dateisystem nicht entschlüsselt werden. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Dateiname steht auf dem Server auf einer schwarzen Liste. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Endung der Datei ist für virtuelle Dateien reserviert. - + size - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Größe - + permission - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Berechtigung - + file id - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei-ID - + Server reported no %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Server meldet keine %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung wegen ungültiger Änderungszeit nicht möglich Error while deleting file record %1 from the database - + Fehler beim Löschen des Dateisatzes %1 aus der Datenbank - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konflikt beim Hochladen eines Ordners. Er wird gelöscht! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konflikt beim Hochladen einer Datei. Sie wird entfernt! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ignoriert wegen der "Choose what to sync"-Blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht erlaubt, da Sie nicht die Berechtigung haben, Unterordner zu diesem Ordner hinzuzufügen. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht erlaubt, da Sie keine Berechtigung zum Hinzufügen von Dateien in diesen Ordner haben. - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Hochladen dieser Datei ist nicht erlaubt, da die Datei auf dem Server schreibgeschützt ist. Wiederherstellen. - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Auf ungültiges Ziel verschoben, wiederherstellen. - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernen nicht erlaubt, wiederherstellen. - + Error while reading the database - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Lesen der Datenbank - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Server hat während des Lesens des Verzeichnisses "%1" mit einem Fehler geantwortet: %2 @@ -3317,22 +3392,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not delete file %1 from local DB - + Datei %1 konnte nicht aus lokaler Datenbank gelöscht werden Error updating metadata due to invalid modification time - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten aufgrund einer ungültigen Änderungszeit Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 File is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei ist aktuell in Benutzung @@ -3340,81 +3415,81 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not get file %1 from local DB - + Datei %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank abgerufen werden File %1 cannot be downloaded because encryption information is missing. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann nicht heruntergeladen werden, da die Verschlüsselungsinformationen fehlen. File has changed since discovery - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei ist seit der Entdeckung geändert worden Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Der Dateidatensatz %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank gelöscht werden File %1 cannot be downloaded because of a local file name clash! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann aufgrund eines Konfliktes mit dem lokalen Dateinamen nicht heruntergeladen werden! File %1 can not be downloaded because of a local file name clash! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann aufgrund eines Konfliktes mit dem lokalen Dateinamen nicht herunter geladen werden! The download would reduce free local disk space below the limit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Herunterladen würde den lokalen freien Speicherplatz unter die Grenze reduzieren Free space on disk is less than %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der freie Speicher auf der Festplatte ist weniger als %1 File was deleted from server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei wurde vom Server gelöscht The file could not be downloaded completely. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei konnte nicht vollständig heruntergeladen werden. The downloaded file is empty, but the server said it should have been %1. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die heruntergeladene Datei ist leer, obwohl der Server %1 als Größe übermittelt hat. File %1 cannot be saved because of a local file name clash! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann aufgrund eines Konflikts mit dem lokalen Dateinamen nicht gespeichert geladen werden! File %1 has invalid modified time reported by server. Do not save it. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei %1 hat eine ungültige Änderungszeit, die vom Server gemeldet wurde. Speichern Sie sie nicht. Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung @@ -3422,12 +3497,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss ; Restoration Failed: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + ; Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen: %1 A file or folder was removed from a read only share, but restoring failed: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine Datei oder ein Ordner wurde von einer Nur-Lese-Freigabe wiederhergestellt, aber die Wiederherstellung ist mit folgendem Fehler fehlgeschlagen: %1 @@ -3435,27 +3510,27 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not delete file %1, error: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Datei %1 nicht löschen. Fehler: %2 Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Achtung, es könnte ein Problem mit der Groß-/Kleinschreibung für %1 auftreten Could not create folder %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner %1 konnte nicht erstellt werden Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung @@ -3463,58 +3538,59 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 kann aufgrund eines Konfliktes mit dem lokalen Dateinamen nicht gelöscht werden Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Der Dateidatensatz %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank gelöscht werden OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann aufgrund eines Konfliktes mit einem lokalen Dateinamen nicht in %2 umbenannt werden - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Datei %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank abgerufen werden - + Error setting pin state - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Setzen des PIN-Status - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Der Dateidatensatz %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank gelöscht werden - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Die Umbenennung des Verzeichnisses in der Hierarchie konnte nicht weitergegeben werden - + Failed to rename file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Datei nicht umbenennen @@ -3522,12 +3598,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es wurde ein falscher HTTP-Status-Code vom Server gesendet. Erwartet wurde 204, aber gesendet wurde "%1 %2". Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Der Dateidatensatz %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank gelöscht werden @@ -3535,7 +3611,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Falscher HTTP-Code vom Server zurückgegeben. 204 erwartet, aber "%1 %2" erhalten. @@ -3543,17 +3619,17 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es wurde ein falscher HTTP-Status-Code vom Server gesendet. Erwartet wurde 201, aber gesendet wurde "%1 %2". Error writing metadata to the database: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Schreiben der Metadaten in die Datenbank: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung @@ -3561,42 +3637,42 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not rename %1 to %2, error: %3 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte %1 nicht nach %2 umbenennen. Fehler: %3 Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es wurde ein falscher HTTP-Status-Code vom Server gesendet. Erwartet wurde 201, aber gesendet wurde "%1 %2". could not get file %1 from local DB - + Datei %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank abgerufen werden Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Der Dateidatensatz %1 konnte nicht aus der lokalen Datenbank gelöscht werden Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung Error setting pin state - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Setzen des PIN-Status Error writing metadata to the database - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Schreiben der Metadaten in die Datenbank @@ -3604,55 +3680,55 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to upload encrypted file. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Hochladen der verschlüsselten Datei ist fehlgeschlagen. File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da eine andere Datei mit dem selben Namen, nur unterschiedlicher Groß-/Kleinschreibung, existiert Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Das Hochladen von %1 überschreitet das Speicherkontingent des Ordners File %1 has invalid modification time. Do not upload to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 hat eine ungültige Änderungszeit. Nicht auf den Server hochladen. File Removed (start upload) %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei entfernt (starte Hochladen) %1 Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Datei hat sich während der Synchronisierung geändert. Die Synchronisierung wird wiederaufgenommen. Local file changed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung geändert. Failed to unlock encrypted folder. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der verschlüsselte Ordner konnte nicht entsperrt werden. Error updating metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei %1 ist aktuell in Benutzung @@ -3660,32 +3736,32 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The local file was removed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung gelöscht. Local file changed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung geändert. Poll URL missing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Poll-URL fehlt Unexpected return code from server (%1) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unerwarteter Rückgabe-Code Antwort vom Server (%1) Missing File ID from server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehlende Datei-ID vom Server Missing ETag from server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehlender ETag vom Server @@ -3693,22 +3769,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Poll URL missing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Poll-URL fehlt The local file was removed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung gelöscht. Local file changed during sync. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eine lokale Datei wurde während der Synchronisierung geändert. The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Server hat den letzten Block nicht bestätigt. (Kein E-Tag vorhanden) @@ -3716,27 +3792,27 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Proxy authentication required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Proxy-Authentifzierung erforderlich Username: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername: Proxy: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Proxy: The proxy server needs a username and password. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Proxy-Server benötigt Benutzername und Passwort Password: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort: @@ -3744,7 +3820,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Choose What to Sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zu synchronisierende Elemente auswählen @@ -3752,33 +3828,33 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Loading … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lade … Deselect remote folders you do not wish to synchronize. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Entfernte Ordner abwählen, die nicht synchronisiert werden sollen. Name - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Name Size - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Größe No subfolders currently on the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktuell befinden sich keine Unterordner auf dem Server. An error occurred while loading the list of sub folders. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es ist ein Fehler während des Ladens der Liste der Unterordner aufgetreten. @@ -3786,12 +3862,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Reply - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Antworten Dismiss - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ausblenden @@ -3799,28 +3875,28 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einstellungen %1 Settings This name refers to the application name e.g Nextcloud - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1-Einstellungen General - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Allgemein Network - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Netzwerk Account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerkonto @@ -3828,17 +3904,17 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Share link - + Freigabe-Link Link share - + Link teilen Enter a note for the recipient - + Geben Sie eine Notiz für den Empfänger ein @@ -3846,67 +3922,67 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Username - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername Can edit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kann bearbeiten Note: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Notiz: Password: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort: Expires: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Läuft ab: Can reshare - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + kann weiterteilen Note to recipient - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Notiz an Empfänger Set expiration date - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ablaufdatum setzen Unshare - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Freigabe aufheben Can create - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + kann erstellen Can change - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + kann ändern Can delete - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + kann löschen Password protect - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwortschutz @@ -3915,7 +3991,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %1 (%2) sharee (shareWithAdditionalInfo) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (%2) @@ -3923,132 +3999,132 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Context menu share - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kontextmenü Freigabe Select new location … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neuen Ort auswählen … I shared something with you - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ich habe etwas mit Ihnen geteilt Share options - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Freigabeoptionen Activity - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktivität Copy private link to clipboard - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Privater Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert Send private link by email … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Privaten Link als E-Mail verschicken … Leave this share - + Freigabe verlassen Resharing this file is not allowed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weiterteilen dieser Datei ist nicht erlaubt Resharing this folder is not allowed - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weiterteilen dieses Ordners ist nicht erlaubt Copy public link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Öffentlichen Link kopieren Copy internal link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Internen Link kopieren Lock file - + Datei sperren Unlock file - + Datei entsperren Locked by %1 - + Gesperrt von %1 Expire in %1 minutes remaining time before lock expire - + Läuft ab in %1 MinuteLäuft ab in %1 Minuten Expires in %1 minutes remaining time before lock expires - + Läuft ab in %1 MinuteLäuft ab in %1 Minuten Edit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bearbeiten Open in browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Im Browser öffnen Resolve conflict … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konflikt lösen… Move and rename … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschieben und umbenennen … Move, rename and upload … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschieben, umbenennen und hochladen … Delete local changes - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Änderungen löschen Move and upload … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschieben und hochladen … Delete - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Löschen @@ -4056,125 +4132,126 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss <h3>Certificate Details</h3> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h3>Zertifikatdetails</h3> Common Name (CN): - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Gemeinsamer Name (CN): Subject Alternative Names: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Subject Alternative Names: Organization (O): - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Organisation (O): Organizational Unit (OU): - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Organisationseinheit (OU): State/Province: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Staat/Provinz: Country: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Land: Serial: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Seriennummer: <h3>Issuer</h3> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h3>Aussteller</h3> Issuer: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aussteller: Issued on: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ausgestellt am: Expires on: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ablaufdatum: <h3>Fingerprints</h3> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <h3>Fingerabdrücke</h3> SHA-256: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + SHA-256: SHA-1: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + SHA-1: <p><b>Note:</b> This certificate was manually approved</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p><b>Hinweis:</b> Dieses Zertifikat wurde manuell bestätigt</p> %1 (self-signed) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (selbst signiert) %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 This connection is encrypted using %1 bit %2. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diese Verbindung ist verschlüsselt mit %1 Bit %2. This connection is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diese Verbindung ist NICHT sicher, da diese nicht verschlüsselt ist. + Server version: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverversion: %1 No support for SSL session tickets/identifiers - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Unterstützung für SSL session tickets Certificate information: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zertifikatsinformation: The connection is not secure - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Verbindung ist nicht sicher @@ -4182,82 +4259,82 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Trust this certificate anyway - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diesem Zertifikat trotzdem vertrauen Untrusted Certificate - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht vertrauenswürdiges Zertifikat Cannot connect securely to <i>%1</i>: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kann keine sichere Verbindung zu <i>%1</i> herstellen: Additional errors: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zusätzliche Fehler: with Certificate %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + mit Zertifikat %1 &lt;not specified&gt; - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &lt;nicht angegeben&gt; Organization: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Organisation: %1 Unit: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einheit: %1 Country: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Land: %1 Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fingerabdruck (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA-256): <tt>%1</tt> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).: <tt>%1</tt> + Fingerabdruck (SHA-256): <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA-512): <tt>%1</tt> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). <tt>%1</tt> + Fingerabdruck (SHA-512): <tt>%1</tt> Effective Date: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datum des Inkrafttretens: %1 Expiration Date: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ablaufdatum: %1 Issuer: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aussteller: %1 @@ -4265,78 +4342,78 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (übersprungen aufgrund des früheren Fehlers, erneuter Versuch in %2) Could not update file: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Datei konnte nicht aktualisiert werden: %1 Could not update virtual file metadata: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Metadaten der virtuellen Datei konnten nicht aktualisiert werden: %1 Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Die Metadaten der Datei konnten nicht aktualisiert werden: %1 Could not set file record to local DB: %1 - + Dateidatensatz konnte nicht auf lokale DB gesetzt werden: %1 Unresolved conflict. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungelöster Konflikt. Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString() - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nur %1 sind verfügbar. Zum Beginnen werden mindestens %2 benötigt. Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Öffnen oder erstellen der Sync-Datenbank nicht möglich. Bitte sicherstellen, dass Schreibrechte für den zu synchronisierenden Ordner existieren. Using virtual files with suffix, but suffix is not set - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Dateien mit Endung verwenden, aber Endung ist nicht gesetzt. Unable to read the blacklist from the local database - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Einlesen der Blacklist aus der lokalen Datenbank - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Einlesen des Synchronisierungsprotokolls. - + Cannot open the sync journal - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierungsprotokoll kann nicht geöffnet werden Synchronization will resume shortly. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Synchronisierung wird in Kürze fortgesetzt. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der freie Speicherplatz wird knapp: Downloads, die den freien Speicher unter %1 reduzieren, wurden ausgelassen. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Auf dem Server ist für einige Dateien zum Hochladen nicht genug Platz. @@ -4345,59 +4422,59 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Offline - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Offline All synced! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alles synchronisiert! Some files couldn't be synced! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einige Dateien konnten nicht synchronisiert werden! See below for errors - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warnungen siehe unten Syncing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere Sync paused - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung pausiert Some files could not be synced! - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einige Dateien konnten nicht synchronisiert werden! See below for warnings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warnungen siehe unten %1 of %2 · %3 left - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 von %2 · %3 verbleiben %1 of %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 von %2 Syncing file %1 of %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere Datei %1 von %2 @@ -4405,59 +4482,59 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Download - + Herunterladen Add account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto hinzufügen Open main dialog - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hauptfenster öffnen Pause sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung pausieren Resume sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung fortsetzen Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einstellungen Help - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hilfe Exit %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 beenden Pause sync for all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung für alle pausieren Resume sync for all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung für alle fortsetzen %1: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1: %2 @@ -4466,23 +4543,23 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss <p>%1 Desktop Client</p> Example text: "<p>Nextcloud Desktop Client</p>" (%1 is the application name) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).<p></p> + <p>%1 Desktop-Client</p> <p>Version %1. For more information please click <a href='%2'>here</a>.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Version %1. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte <a href='%2'>hier</a>.</p> <p><small>Using virtual files plugin: %1</small></p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p><small>Plugin für virtuelle Dateien: %1</small></p> <p>This release was supplied by %1</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Diese Version wird von %1 bereitgestellt</p> @@ -4490,22 +4567,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to fetch providers. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Anbieter konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Failed to fetch search providers for '%1'. Error: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Suchanbieter für '%1' nicht abrufen. Fehler: %2 Search has failed for '%2'. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Suche nach '%2' fehlgeschlagen. Search has failed for '%1'. Error: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Suche nach '%1' fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: %2 @@ -4513,7 +4590,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Retry all uploads - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Uploads neu starten @@ -4521,22 +4598,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Confirm Account Removal - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kontenentfernung bestätigen <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).<p> <i></i> </p><p><b></b> <b></b> </p> + <p>Möchten Sie wirklich die Verbindung zum Konto <i>%1</i> entfernen?</p><p><b>Hinweis:</b> Es werden <b>keine</b> Dateien gelöscht.</p> Remove connection - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindung entfernen Cancel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abbrechen @@ -4544,121 +4621,121 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not fetch predefined statuses. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vordefinierte Status konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. Could not fetch user status. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. User status feature is not supported. You will not be able to set your user status. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus-Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Sie können Ihren Benutzerstatus nicht setzen, Emojis feature is not supported. Some user status functionality may not work. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Emoji-Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Einige Benutzerstatus-Funktionen funktionieren unter Umständen nicht. Could not set user status. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus konnte nicht gesetzt werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. Could not fetch status. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Bitte sicherstellen, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. Could not clear user status message. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht des Benutzers konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie mit dem Server verbunden sind. Status feature is not supported. You will not be able to set your status. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus-Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Benutzerstatus kann nicht gesetzt werden. Emojis are not supported. Some status functionality may not work. - + Emoji-Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Einige Benutzerstatus-Funktionen funktionieren unter Umständen nicht. Could not set status. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus konnte nicht gesetzt werden. Bitte sicherstellen, dass eine Verbindung mit dem Server besteht. Could not clear status message. Make sure you are connected to the server. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Bitte sicherstellen, dass eine Verbindung mit dem Server besteht. Don't clear - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht löschen 30 minutes - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 30 Minuten 1 hour - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 1 Stunde 4 hours - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 4 Stunden Today - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Heute This week - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Diese Woche Less than a minute - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weniger als eine Minute 1 minute - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 1 Minute %1 minutes - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Minuten %1 hours - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Stunden 1 day - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + 1 Tag %1 days - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Tage @@ -4666,7 +4743,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The Virtual filesystem feature requires a NTFS file system, %1 is using %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Funktion "Virtuelles Dateisystem" erfordert ein NTFS-Dateisystem, %1 verwendet %2 @@ -4675,7 +4752,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata due to invalid modification time - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten aufgrund einer ungültigen Änderungszeit @@ -4684,7 +4761,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata due to invalid modification time - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten aufgrund einer ungültigen Änderungszeit @@ -4692,12 +4769,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Invalid certificate detected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungültiges Zertifikat gefunden The host "%1" provided an invalid certificate. Continue? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Server "%1" hat ein ungültiges Zertifikat. Fortsetzen? @@ -4705,22 +4782,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss You have been logged out of your account %1 at %2. Please login again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie wurden von Ihrem Konto %1 als %2 abgemeldet. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an. You have been logged out of %1 as user %2. Please login again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie wurden von %1 als Benutzer %2 abgemeldet. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an. Please login with the account: %1 - + Bitte mit folgendem Konto anmelden: %1 Please login with the user: %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Mit folgendem Benutzer anmelden: %1 @@ -4728,53 +4805,53 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Form - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Formular Log in - + Anmelden Log in to your %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bei %1 anmelden Sign up with provider - + Mit Provider anmelden Create account with Provider - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerkonto bei einem Provider erstellen Keep your data secure and under your control - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Halten Sie Ihre Daten sicher und unter Ihrer Kontrolle Secure collaboration & file exchange - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sichere Zusammenarbeit & Dateiaustausch Easy-to-use web mail, calendaring & contacts - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einfach zu bedienende Webmail, Kalender & Kontakte Screensharing, online meetings & web conferences - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bildschirmfreigabe, Online-Meetings & Webkonferenzen Host your own server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Eigenen Server betreiben @@ -4782,123 +4859,123 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Unsupported Server Version - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht unterstütze Server-Version The server on account %1 runs an unsupported version %2. Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Server auf Konto %1 verwendet die nicht unterstützte Version %2. Die Verwendung dieses Clients mit nicht unterstützten Serverversionen ist ungetestet und potenziell gefährlich. Die Verwendung erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Disconnected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Getrennt Disconnected from some accounts - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindungen zu einigen Konten getrennt Disconnected from %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Von %1 getrennt Disconnected from accounts: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbindungen zu Konten getrennt: Account %1: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto %1: %2 Please sign in - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte melden Sie sich an Signed out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abgemeldet Account synchronization is disabled - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto-Synchronisierung ist deaktiviert Synchronization is paused - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung ist pausiert Folder %1: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner %1: %2 Unresolved conflicts - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ungelöste Konflikte Up to date - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktuell Error during synchronization - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler bei der Synchronisierung There are no sync folders configured. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es wurden keine Synchronisierungsordner konfiguriert. No sync folders configured - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Ordner zur Synchronisierung konfiguriert Checking for changes in remote "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Änderungen in entfernten "%1" suchen Checking for changes in local "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nach Änderungen in lokalem "%1" suchen Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 von %2 (%3 übrig) Syncing %1 of %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 von %2 Syncing %1 (%2 left) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 (%2 übrig) Syncing %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisiere %1 %1 (%2, %3) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 (%2, %3) @@ -4906,78 +4983,78 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss &Local Folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Lokaler Ordner Username - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername Local Folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokaler Ordner User name - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzername Choose different folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Anderen Ordner wählen Server address - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serveradresse Sync Logo - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sync-Logo Synchronize everything from server - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Daten vom Server synchronisieren Ask before syncing folders larger than - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fragen bevor Ordner synchronisiert werden. Grenze: MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + MB Ask before syncing external storages - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fragen bevor externe Speicher synchronisiert werden Choose what to sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zu synchronisierende Elemente auswählen Keep local data - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Daten behalten <html><head/><body><p>If this box is checked, existing content in the local folder will be erased to start a clean sync from the server.</p><p>Do not check this if the local content should be uploaded to the servers folder.</p></body></html> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <html><head/><body><p>Wenn diese Option gesetzt ist, werden bestehende Inhalte im lokalen Ordner gelöscht, um eine saubere Synchronisierung nur der Serverdaten zu ermöglichen.</p><p>Wählen Sie diese Option nicht, wenn die lokalen Inhalte auf den Server übertragen werden sollen.</p></body></html> Erase local folder and start a clean sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokalen Ordner löschen und eine saubere Synchronisierung starten @@ -4985,12 +5062,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss &Username - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Benutzername &Password - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + &Passwort @@ -4998,22 +5075,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Please switch to your browser to proceed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte wechseln Sie zum Fortfahren in Ihren Browser. An error occurred while connecting. Please try again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Es ist ein Fehler während des Verbindungsaufbau aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen. Re-open Browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Browser erneut öffnen Copy link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link kopieren @@ -5022,22 +5099,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss TextLabel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + TextLabel Logo - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Logo Server address - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serveradresse This is the link to your %1 web interface when you open it in the browser. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dies ist der Link zu Ihrer %1 Webseite, wenn Sie diese im Browser öffnen. @@ -5045,93 +5122,93 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss New folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neuer Ordner You renamed %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben %1 umbenannt You deleted %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben %1 gelöscht You created %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben %1 erstellt You changed %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Sie haben %1 geändert Synced %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 synchronisiert %n day ago - Vor %n TagBenötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n TagVor %n Tagen %n days ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n TagVor %n Tagen in the future - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + in der Zukunft %n hour ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n StundeVor %n Stunden %n hours ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n StundeVor %n Stunden now - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + jetzt Less than a minute ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor weniger als einer Minute %n minute ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n MinuteVor %n Minuten %n minutes ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor %n MinuteVor %n Minuten Some time ago - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Vor einiger Zeit %1: %2 this displays an error string (%2) for a file %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1: %2 Mark as read - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Als gelesen markieren @@ -5139,27 +5216,27 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Password required for new share - + Passwort für neue Freigabe erforderlich Share password - + Freigabe-Passwort Sharing is disabled - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Teilen ist deaktiviert This item cannot be shared. - + Dieses Element kann nicht geteilt werden Sharing is disabled. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Teilen ist deaktiviert. @@ -5167,7 +5244,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Search for users or groups… - + Suche nach Benutzern oder Gruppen… @@ -5175,7 +5252,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to connect database. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Verbinden mit der Datenbank. @@ -5183,7 +5260,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Sync now - + Jetzt synchronisieren @@ -5191,12 +5268,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Reply to … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Antworten an … Send reply to chat message - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Antwort auf Chat-Nachricht senden @@ -5204,7 +5281,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Search files, messages, events … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Suche Dateien, Nachrichten und Termine … @@ -5212,7 +5289,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Load more results - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weitere Ergebnisse laden @@ -5220,7 +5297,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Search result skeleton. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Suchergebnis-Skelett. @@ -5228,7 +5305,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Load more results - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weitere Ergebnisse laden @@ -5236,59 +5313,59 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Account entry - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Kontoeintrag Switch to account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zu Konto wechseln Current account status is online - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktueller Kontostatus ist online Current account status is do not disturb - + Aktueller Kontostatus ist "Nicht stören" Current user status is online - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktueller Benutzerstatus ist Online Current user status is do not disturb - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktueller Benutzerstatus ist Nicht stören Account actions - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto-Aktionen Set status - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Status setzen Log out - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abmelden Log in - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Anmelden Remove account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto löschen @@ -5296,67 +5373,67 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Online status - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Online-Status Online - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Online Away - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abwesend Do not disturb - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nicht stören Mute all notifications - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Alle Benachrichtigungen stummschalten Invisible - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unsichtbar Appear offline - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Offline erscheinen Status message - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht What is your status? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Wie ist Ihr Status? Clear status message after - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht löschen nach Cancel - + Abbrechen Clear status message - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht löschen Set status message - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Statusnachricht setzen @@ -5364,57 +5441,57 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %L1 GB - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %L1 GB %L1 MB - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %L1 MB %L1 KB - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %L1 KB %L1 B - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %L1 B %n year(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Jahr%n Jahre %n month(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Monat%n Monate %n day(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Tag%n Tage %n hour(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Stunde%n Stunden %n minute(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Minute%n Minuten %n second(s) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %n Sekunde%n Sekunden %1 %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 %2 @@ -5422,17 +5499,17 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The checksum header is malformed. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Prüfsummen-Header hat ein fehlerhaftes Format. The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Der Prüfsummen-Header enthielt einen unbekannten Prüfsummentyp "%1" The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. "%1" != "%2" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die heruntergeladene Datei stimmt nicht mit der Prüfsumme überein, sie wird fortgesetzt. "%1" != "%2" @@ -5440,124 +5517,124 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Nextcloud desktop main dialog - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nextcloud Desktop-Hauptdialog Current account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktuelles Konto Resume sync for all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung für alle fortsetzen Pause sync for all - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung für alle pausieren Set user status - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benutzerstatus setzen Add account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto hinzufügen Add new account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Neues Konto hinzufügen Settings - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einstellungen Exit - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Beenden Current user avatar - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Avatar des aktuellen Benutzers Current account avatar - + Avatar des aktuellen Kontos Current user status is online - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktueller Benutzerstatus ist Online Current user status is do not disturb - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktueller Benutzerstatus ist Nicht stören Current account status is online - + Aktueller Kontostatus ist online Current account status is do not disturb - + Aktueller Kontostatus ist "Nicht stören" Account switcher and settings menu - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konto-Umschalter und Einstellungsmenü Open local folder of current account - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokalen Ordner des aktuellen Kontos öffnen Connected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verbunden Disconnected - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Getrennt Open Nextcloud Talk in browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nextcloud Talk im Browser öffnen More apps - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weitere Apps Open %1 in browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 im Browser öffnen Unified search results list - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einheitliche Suchergebnisliste %1 - File activity - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 - Dateiaktivitäten @@ -5565,12 +5642,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss System Tray not available - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Benachrichtigungsfeld (Taskleiste) ist nicht verfügbar. %1 requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow <a href="http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/systray">these instructions</a>. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as "trayer" and try again. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). <a href="http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/systray"></a> + %1 benötigt ein funktionierendes Benachrichtigungsfeld. Falls Sie XFCE einsetzen, dann folgen Sie bitte <a href="http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/systray">diesen Anweisungen</a>. Andernfalls installieren Sie bitte ein Benachrichtigungsfeld wie zum Beispiel "Trayer“ und versuchen es nochmal. @@ -5578,7 +5655,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss <p><small>Built from Git revision <a href="%1">%2</a> on %3, %4 using Qt %5, %6</small></p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p><small>Gebaut von der git-Revision <a href="%1">%2</a> auf %3, %4 verwendet Qt %5, %6</small></p> @@ -5586,98 +5663,98 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Virtual file created - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Virtuelle Datei erstellt Replaced by virtual file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ersetzt durch virtuelle Datei Downloaded - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Heruntergeladen Uploaded - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hochgeladen Server version downloaded, copied changed local file into conflict file - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Serverversion heruntergeladen. Die bearbeitete lokale Datei wurde in eine Konfliktdatei kopiert. Deleted - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Gelöscht Moved to %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschoben nach %1 Ignored - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ignoriert Filesystem access error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Zugriffsfehler im Dateisystem Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler Updated local metadata - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokale Metadaten aktualisiert Unknown - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Unbekannt downloading - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Herunterladen uploading - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lade hoch deleting - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lösche moving - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Verschiebe ignoring - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + ignoriere error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler updating local metadata - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Aktualisiere lokale Metadaten @@ -5685,52 +5762,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Status undefined - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Status undefiniert Waiting to start sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Warte, um mit der Synchronisierung zu beginnen Sync is running - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung läuft Sync Success - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung erfolgreich Sync Success, some files were ignored. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung abgeschlossen, einige Dateien wurden ignoriert. Sync Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierungsfehler Setup Error - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Installationsfehler Preparing to sync - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung wird vorbereitet Aborting … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Breche ab … Sync is paused - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Synchronisierung ist angehalten. @@ -5738,52 +5815,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not open browser - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Konnte Browser nicht öffnen There was an error when launching the browser to go to URL %1. Maybe no default browser is configured? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die URL %1 konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers beim Start des Browsers nicht aufgerufen werden. Ist vielleicht kein Standardbrowser konfiguriert? Could not open email client - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die E-Mail-Anwendung konnte nicht geöffnet werden There was an error when launching the email client to create a new message. Maybe no default email client is configured? - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Fehler beim Öffnen der E-Mail-Anwendung zum Erstellen einer neuen Nachricht. Vielleicht ist keine Standard-E-Mail Anwendung eingerichtet? Always available locally - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Immer lokal verfügbar Currently available locally - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Derzeit lokal verfügbar Some available online only - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Einige sind nur online abrufbar Available online only - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nur online verfügbar Make always available locally - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Immer lokal verfügbar machen Free up local space - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Lokalen Speicherplatz freigeben @@ -5791,12 +5868,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss End to end encryption mnemonic - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Gedächtnisstütze für Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Um Ihre kryptografische Identität zu schützen, verschlüsseln wir sie mit einer Gedächtnisstütze von 12 Wörterbuchwörtern. Bitte notieren Sie sich diese und bewahren Sie sie auf. Sie werden benötigt, um Ihrem Konto weitere Geräte hinzuzufügen (z. B. Ihr Mobiltelefon oder Laptop). @@ -5804,12 +5881,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Internal link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Interner Link Only works for users with access to this folder - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Funktioniert nur für Benutzer, die Zugriff auf diesen Ordner haben. @@ -5817,59 +5894,59 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss share label - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Freigabe-Label Nextcloud Path: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nextcloud-Pfad: Icon - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Symbol %1 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1 Locked by %1 - Expire in %2 minutes remaining time before lock expire - + Gesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minute abGesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minuten ab Locked by %1 - Expires in %2 minutes remaining time before lock expires - + Gesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minute abGesperrt von %1 - Läuft in %2 Minuten ab Folder: %2 - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ordner: %2 %1 Sharing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + %1-Freigabe The file cannot be shared because it does not have sharing permission. - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Die Datei kann nicht geteilt werden, weil sie keine Berechtigung zum Teilen hat. Please enter a password for your link share: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte Passwort für die Link-Freigabe eingeben: Password for share required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort für die Freigabe erforderlich @@ -5877,97 +5954,97 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Share link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link teilen Note - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Notiz Set password - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort setzen Expires - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Läuft ab Allow editing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bearbeitung erlauben View only - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Nur anzeigen Allow upload and editing - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Hochladen und Bearbeiten erlauben File drop (upload only) - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Dateien ablegen (nur Hochladen) Link name - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link-Name Note to recipient - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Notiz an Empfänger Password protect - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwortschutz Set expiration date - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ablaufdatum setzen Delete link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link löschen Add another link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Weiteren Link hinzufügen Confirm Link Share Deletion - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Löschen des öffentlichen Links bestätigen <p>Do you really want to delete the public link share <i>%1</i>?</p><p>Note: This action cannot be undone.</p> - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + <p>Möchten Sie wirklich den öffentlichen Link <i>%1 </i>löschen?<p>Hinweis: Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.</p> Delete - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Löschen Cancel - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Abbrechen Public link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Öffentlicher Link @@ -5975,37 +6052,37 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Share with users or groups … - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen … Search globally - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Global suchen Copy link - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Link kopieren No results for "%1" - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Keine Ergebnisse für "%1" Password for share required - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Passwort für die Freigabe erforderlich Please enter a password for your email share: - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort für die E-Mail-Freigabe ein: I shared something with you - Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE). + Ich habe etwas mit Ihnen geteilt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/client_el.ts b/translations/client_el.ts index bd68236ffb599..ced6c852470d2 100644 --- a/translations/client_el.ts +++ b/translations/client_el.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Άκυρο @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Δεν ρυθμίστηκε λογαριασμός. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Ο λογαριασμός υποστηρίζει κρυπτογράφηση από άκρη σε άκρη - Display mnemonic Εμφάνιση μνήμης - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης + Warning Προειδοποίηση - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Δεν μπορείτε να κρυπτογραφήσετε ένα φάκελο με περιεχόμενο, παρακαλούμε καταργήστε τα αρχεία. Περιμένετε για το νέο συγχρονισμό και στη συνέχεια κρυπτογραφήστε τον. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Αποτυχία κρυπτογράφησης - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Άνοιγμα φακέλου - + Encrypt Κρυπτογράφηση - - + + Edit Ignored Files Έλεγχος εξαιρούμενων - - + + Create new folder Δημιουργία νέου φακέλου - - + + Availability Διαθεσιμότητα - + Choose what to sync Επιλέξτε τι θα συγχρονιστεί - + Force sync now Συγχρονισμός τώρα - + Restart sync Επανεκκίνηση συγχρονισμού - + Resume sync Συνέχιση συγχρονισμού - + Pause sync Παύση συγχρονισμού - + Remove folder sync connection Αφαίρεση συγχρονισμού φακέλου - + Disable virtual file support … Απενεργοποίηση εικονικής υποστήριξης αρχείων… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) (πειραματικό) - + Folder creation failed Αποτυχία δημιουργίας φακέλου - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Αδυναμία δημιουργίας τοπικού φακέλου <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Επιβεβαίωση αφαίρεσης συγχρονισμού - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Θέλετε πραγματικά να σταματήσετε το συγχρονισμό του φακέλου <i>%1</i>;</p><p><b>Σημείωση:</b> Αυτό <b>δεν</b> θα διαγράψει κανένα αρχείο.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Αφαίρεση συγχρονισμού - + Disable virtual file support? Απενεργοποίηση εικονικής υποστήριξης αρχείων; - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support Απενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Εκτελείται Συγχρονισμός - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Η λειτουργία συγχρονισμού εκτελείται.<br/> Θέλετε να την τερματίσετε; - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) από %2 σε χρήση. Μερικοί φάκελοι, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των δικτυακών ή των κοινόχρηστων μπορεί να έχουν διαφορετικά όρια. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 από %2 σε χρήση - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχουν πληροφορίες χρήσης χώρου αποθήκευσης διαθέσιμες. - + %1 in use %1 σε χρήση - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Η έκδοση %1 του διακομιστή δεν υποστηρίζεται! Συνεχίστε με δική σας ευθύνη. - + Connected to %1. Συνδεδεμένο με %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Ο διακομιστής %1 δεν είναι διαθέσιμος προσωρινά. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Ο διακομιστής %1 βρίσκεται τώρα σε κατάσταση συντήρησης. - + Signed out from %1. Αποσυνδέθηκε από %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Γίνεται λήψη της εξουσιοδότησης από το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης. Κάντε κλικ <a href='%1'>εδώ</a> για να ανοίξετε πάλι το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης. - + Connecting to %1 … Σύνδεση σε %1 '...' - + No connection to %1 at %2. Δεν υπάρχει σύνδεση με το %1 στο %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Σφάλμα ρυθμίσεων διακομιστή: %1 σε %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σύνδεση με το %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Υπάρχουν φάκελοι που δεν συγχρονίστηκαν επειδή είναι πολύ μεγάλοι: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Υπάρχουν φάκελοι που δεν συγχρονίστηκαν επειδή είναι εξωτερικοί αποθηκευτικοί χώροι: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Υπάρχουν φάκελοι που δεν συγχρονίστηκαν επειδή είναι πολύ μεγάλοι ή αποθηκευτικοί χώροι: - + Confirm Account Removal Επιβεβαίωση Αφαίρεσης Λογαριασμού - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Θέλετε πραγματικά να αφαιρέσετε τη σύνδεση με το λογαριασμό <i>%1</i>;</p><p><b>Σημείωση:</b> Αυτό <b>δεν</b> θα διαγράψει κανένα αρχείο.</p> - + Remove connection Αφαίρεση σύνδεσης - - Enable encryption - Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Ο λογαριασμός υποστηρίζει κρυπτογράφηση από άκρη σε άκρη + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον απο άκρη σε άκρη κρυπτογραφημένο κωδικό σας: <br><br> Χρήστης:%2<br>Λογαριασμός: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3171,107 +3212,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Οι συμβολικοί σύνδεσμοι δεν υποστηρίζονται κατά το συγχρονισμό. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Το αρχείο παρατίθεται στη λίστα προς αγνόηση. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Τα ονόματα αρχείων που τελειώνουν με τελεία δεν υποστηρίζονται σε αυτό το σύστημα αρχείων. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Το όνομα αρχείου περιέχει τουλάχιστον έναν μη έγκυρο χαρακτήρα. - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Το όνομα αρχείου είναι ένα δεσμευμένο όνομα σε αυτό το σύστημα αρχείων. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Το όνομα αρχείου περιέχει κενά διαστήματα. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Το όνομα αρχείου είναι πολύ μακρύ. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Το αρχείο / φάκελος αγνοείται επειδή είναι κρυμμένο. - + Stat failed. Το Stat απέτυχε. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Διένεξη: Λήψη έκδοσης διακομιστή, μετονομασία τοπικού αντιγράφου και μη μεταφόρτωση. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να κωδικοποιηθεί στο σύστημα αρχείων σας. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Το όνομα αρχείου είναι στη μαύρη λίστα στον διακομιστή. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Το αρχείο έχει επέκταση που προορίζεται για εικονικά αρχεία. - + size μέγεθος - + permission - + file id αναγνωριστκό αρχείου (id) - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3281,52 +3322,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Αγνοήθηκε λόγω της μαύρης λίστας "επιλέξτε τι να συγχρονίσετε". - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Δεν επιτρέπεται επειδή δεν έχετε άδεια να προσθέσετε υποφακέλους σε αυτόν το φάκελο. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Δεν επιτρέπεται επειδή δεν έχετε άδεια να προσθέσετε φακέλους σε αυτόν το φάκελο. - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Δεν επιτρέπεται η μεταφόρτωση αυτού του αρχείου επειδή είναι μόνο για ανάγνωση στον διακομιστή, γίνεται επαναφορά. - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Μετακινήθηκε σε μη έγκυρο στόχο, επαναφορά. - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Δεν επιτρέπεται η κατάργηση, επαναφορά. - + Error while reading the database Σφάλμα κατά την ανάγνωση της βάσης δεδομένων. - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3493,45 +3534,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Σφάλμα ρύθμισης της κατάστασης pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Σφάλμα ενημέρωσης μεταδεδομένων: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Το αρχείο %1 χρησιμοποιείται αυτήν τη στιγμή - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Αποτυχία μετονομασίας αρχείου @@ -4334,12 +4376,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης της μαύρης λίστας από την τοπική βάση δεδομένων - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης από το ημερολόγιο συγχρονισμού. - + Cannot open the sync journal Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του αρχείου συγχρονισμού @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Ο χώρος δίσκου είναι χαμηλός: Οι λήψεις που θα μειώσουν τον ελέυθερο χώρο κάτω από %1 θα αγνοηθούν. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Μη αρκετός διαθέσιμος χώρος στον διακομιστή για μερικές μεταφορτώσεις. diff --git a/translations/client_en_GB.ts b/translations/client_en_GB.ts index ba7f8fed15912..2ce8bb58f6af9 100644 --- a/translations/client_en_GB.ts +++ b/translations/client_en_GB.ts @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Open share dialog - Open share dialog + Open share dialogue @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancel @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. No account configured. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Display mnemonic Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + Enable encryption + Enable encryption @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Warning - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + Encryption failed Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Open folder - + Encrypt Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder Create new folder - - + + Availability Availability - + Choose what to sync Choose what to sync - + Force sync now Force sync now - + Restart sync Restart sync - + Resume sync Resume sync - + Pause sync Pause sync - + Remove folder sync connection Remove folder sync connection - + Disable virtual file support … Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Folder creation failed - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Remove Folder Sync Connection - + Disable virtual file support? Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sync Running - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 of %2 in use - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Currently there is no storage usage information available. - + %1 in use %1 in use - + %1 as %2 %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Connected to %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. - + Signed out from %1. Signed out from %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obtaining authorisation from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. - + Connecting to %1 … Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No connection to %1 at %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No %1 connection configured. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: There are folders that were not synchronised because they are too big: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: There are folders that were not synchronised because they are external storages: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: There are folders that were not synchronised because they are too big or external storages: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirm Account Removal - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove connection Remove connection - - Enable encryption - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + Set up encryption + Set up encryption + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account on another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -2175,7 +2217,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Show call notification dialogs. - Show call notification dialogs. + Show call notification dialogues. @@ -3186,107 +3228,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size size - + permission permission - + file id file id - + Server reported no %1 Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3296,52 +3338,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error while deleting file record %1 from the database - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3508,45 +3550,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Failed to rename file @@ -3994,7 +4037,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Leave this share - + Leave this share @@ -4315,7 +4358,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Could not update file metadata: %1 @@ -4349,12 +4392,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Unable to read the blacklist from the local database - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4364,12 +4407,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Synchronization will resume shortly. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. @@ -4450,7 +4493,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Open main dialog - Open main dialog + Open main dialogue @@ -5475,7 +5518,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Nextcloud desktop main dialog - Nextcloud desktop main dialog + Nextcloud desktop main dialogue diff --git a/translations/client_eo.ts b/translations/client_eo.ts index 7c4076483f89e..f9e202d8e525e 100644 --- a/translations/client_eo.ts +++ b/translations/client_eo.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Nuligi @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Neniu konto agordita. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Tiu konto subtenas tutvojan ĉifradon - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Ebligi ĉifradon + Warning Averto - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Ĉifrado malsukcesis - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Malfermi dosierujon - + Encrypt Ĉifri - - + + Edit Ignored Files Redakti ignoritajn dosierojn - - + + Create new folder Krei novan dosierujon - - + + Availability Havebleco - + Choose what to sync Elekti tion, kion sinkronigi - + Force sync now Sinkronigi nun - + Restart sync Rekomenci sinkronigon - + Resume sync Daŭrigi sinkronigon - + Pause sync Paŭzigi sinkronigon - + Remove folder sync connection Ne plu sinkronigi tiun dosierujon - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) (eksperimenta) - + Folder creation failed Kreo de dosierujo malsukcesis - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Konfirmu la forigadon de la sinkronigo de tiu dosierujo - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ĉu vi vere volas ĉesi sinkronigi la dosierujon <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Notu:</b> Tio <b>ne</b> forigos la dosierojn.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Ne plu sinkronigi tiun dosierujon - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sinkronigo ruliĝanta - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sinkronigo estas ruliĝanta.<br/>Ĉu vi volas fini ĝin? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) el %2 uzataj. Certaj dosierujoj, inkluzive de rete muntitaj aŭ kunhavigitaj dosierujoj, eble havas aliajn limigojn. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 el %2 uzitaj - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Ĉi-momente estas neniu informo pri konservejospaco. - + %1 in use %1 uzata(j) - + %1 as %2 %1 kiel %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Konektita al %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Servilo %1 dumtempe ne disponeblas - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. La servilo %1 estas en reĝimo de prizorgado - + Signed out from %1. Elsalutita de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Atendante rajtigon el la retumilo. <a href='%1'>Alklaku ĉi tie</a> por remalfermi la retumilon. - + Connecting to %1 … Konektante al %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Neniu konekto al servilo %1 je la adreso %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Neniu konekto al %1 agordita. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Kelkaj dosierujoj ne sinkroniĝis, ĉar ili estas tro grandaj: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Kelkaj dosierujoj ne sinkroniĝis, ĉar ili estas konservataj en ekstera konservejo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Kelkaj dosierujoj ne sinkroniĝis, ĉar ili estas tro grandaj âù konservataj en ekstera konservejo: - + Confirm Account Removal Konfirmi forigadon de la konto - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ĉu vi vere volas forigi konekton al la konto <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Notu:</b> Tio <b>ne</b> forigos la dosierojn.</p> - + Remove connection Forigi konekton - - Enable encryption - Ebligi ĉifradon + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Tiu konto subtenas tutvojan ĉifradon + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Bv. entajpi vian pasfrazon de tutvoja ĉifrado:<br><br>Uzanto: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3162,107 +3203,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Dosiernomo tro longas. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size grando - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3272,52 +3313,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3484,45 +3525,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Ne eblis ŝanĝi nomon de dosiero @@ -4324,12 +4366,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Ne eblas legi la nigran liston el la loka datumbazo - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Ne eblas legi el la sinkroniga protokolo. - + Cannot open the sync journal Ne eblas malfermi la sinkronigan protokolon @@ -4339,12 +4381,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Diskospaco ne sufiĉas: elŝutoj, kiuj reduktos liberan spacon sub %1, ne okazis. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. La servilo ne plu havas sufiĉan spacon por iuj alŝutoj. diff --git a/translations/client_es.ts b/translations/client_es.ts index 12a27216a7589..ab3522421cf30 100644 --- a/translations/client_es.ts +++ b/translations/client_es.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Parece que tienes la función de Archivos Virtuales activada en esta carpeta. Por el momento, no es posible descargar automáticamente los archivos virtuales que están cifrados de extremo a extremo. Para obtener la mejor experiencia con los archivos virtuales y el cifrado de extremo a extremo, asegúrate de que la carpeta cifrada está marcada con "Hacer que esté siempre disponible localmente". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Cifrado de extremo a extremo con Archivos virtuales + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. No se ha configurado ninguna cuenta. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Esta cuenta soporta cifrado punto a punto - Display mnemonic Mostrar regla mnemotécnica - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Esta cuenta soporta cifrado de extremo a extremo + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + El cifrado de extremo a extremo a sido habilitado para esta cuenta + + + + Enable encryption + Habilitar cifrado @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Aviso - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. No puede cifrar una carpeta con contenidos, por favor, elimine los archivos. Espere a una nueva sincronización, luego cifrala. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Esta cuenta soporta cifrado de extremo a extremo + + + Encryption failed Ha fallado el cifrado - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore No es posible cifrar la carpeta porque ya no existe - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt Cifrar - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editar archivos ignorados - - + + Create new folder Crear nueva carpeta - - + + Availability Disponibilidad - + Choose what to sync Elija qué sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sync - + Resume sync Continuar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la sincronización de carpetas conectadas - + Disable virtual file support … Desactivar soporte para archivos virtuales … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Activar soporte para archivos virtuales %1 ... - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Ha fallado la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>No pudo crear la carpeta local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirme la sincronización para la eliminación de la carpeta conectada - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿De verdad quiere dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> elminará los archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar carpeta de sincronización conectada - + Disable virtual file support? ¿Desactivar soporte para archivos virtuales? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ La única ventaja de deshabilitar el soporte de archivos virtuales es para la ca Además, esta acción interrumpirá cualquier sincronización en curso. - + Disable support Desactivar soporte - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Mnemónico para cifrado de extremo a extremo - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Mnemónico para cifrado de extremo a extremo + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Para proteger tu identidad criptográfica, la ciframos con una regla mnemotécnica de 12 palabras del diccionario. Por favor, anótalas y mantenlas a salvo. Estas palabras serán necesarias para añadir otros dispositivos a su cuenta (como un teléfono móvil o un portátil). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La sincronización está en curso.<br/>¿Desea interrumpirla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, como carpetas de red o compartidas, podrían tener límites diferentes. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible sobre el uso de almacenamiento. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 %1 como %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. ¡La versión %1 del servidor no está soportada! Si continúas, lo haces bajo tu propio riesgo. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Servidor %1 no está disponible temporalmente. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. El servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerró sesión desde %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización desde el navegador. <a href='%1'>Haga clic aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … Conectando a %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Sin conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Error de configuración del servidor: %1 en %2, - + No %1 connection configured. No hay ninguna conexión de %1 configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no se han sincronizado porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no se han sincronizado porque están en el almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no se han sincronizado porque son demasiado grandes o están en el almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmar eliminación de cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿De verdad quiere eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> eliminará los archivos.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption - Habilitar cifrado + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Esta cuenta soporta cifrado punto a punto + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Además, esta acción interrumpirá cualquier sincronización en curso. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Por favor, introduzca su frase de cifrado de extremo a extremo:<br><br>Nombre de usuario: %2<br> Cuenta: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Por favor, introduce la frase de seguridad del cifrado extremo a extremo: <br><br>Usuario: %2<br>Cuenta: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Por favor, introduzca su frase de cifrado de extremo a extremo:<br><br>Nombre de usuario: %2<br> Cuenta: %3<br> @@ -3187,107 +3228,107 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Los enlaces simbólicos no están soportados en la sincronización. - + File is listed on the ignore list. El archivo está en la lista de ignorados. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Los nombres de archivo que terminan con un punto no son compatibles con este sistema de archivos. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Los nombres de archivo que contienen el carácter "%1" no son compatibles con este sistema de archivos. - + File name contains at least one invalid character El nombre del archivo contiene al menos un carácter no válido - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. El nombre del archivo es una palabra reservada del sistema de archivos. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. El nombre del archivo contiene espacios finales. - + Filename contains leading spaces. El nombre del archivo contiene espacios iniciales. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. El nombre del archivo contiene espacios iniciales y finales. - + Filename is too long. El nombre del archivo es demasiado largo. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. El archivo o carpeta es ignorado porque está oculto. - + Stat failed. Stat ha fallado. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflicto: Versión del servidor descargada, la copia local ha sido renombrada pero no se ha podido subir. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. El nombre de archivo no se puede codificar en tu sistema de archivos. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. El nombre del archivo está prohibido en el servidor. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. El archivo tiene una extensión reservada para archivos virtuales. - + size tamaño - + permission permisos - + file id identificador de archivo - + Server reported no %1 El servidor informó de no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time No se puede sincronizar debido a una hora de modificación no válida @@ -3297,52 +3338,52 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c Error mientras se borraba el registro de archivo %1 de la base de datos - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Se ha producido un conflicto al subir una carpeta. ¡Se eliminará! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Se ha producido un conflicto al subir un archivo. ¡Se eliminará! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorado porque se encuentra en la lista negra de «elija qué va a sincronizar» - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder No permitido porque no tienes permiso para añadir subcarpetas a esa carpeta. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder No permitido porque no tienes permiso para añadir archivos a esa carpeta. - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring No está permitido subir este archivo porque es de solo lectura en el servidor, restaurando. - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Movido a un lugar no válido, restaurando - + Not allowed to remove, restoring No está permitido borrar, restaurando - + Error while reading the database Error mientras se leía la base de datos - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 El servidor contestó con un error al leer el directorio "%1" : %2 @@ -3509,45 +3550,46 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash El archivo %1 no se pudo renombrar a %2 a causa de un conflicto con el nombre de un archivo local - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB no fue posible obtener el archivo %1 de la base de datos local - + Error setting pin state Error al configurar el estado fijado - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Error al actualizar los metadatos: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use El archivo %1 se encuentra en uso - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB No fue posible borrar el registro del archivo %1 de la base de datos local - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Fallo al propagar el renombrado de carpeta en la jerarquía - + Failed to rename file Fallo al renombrar el archivo @@ -3995,7 +4037,7 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c Leave this share - + Salir de este compartido @@ -4316,7 +4358,7 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c Could not update file metadata: %1 - + No se pudo actualizar los metadatos del archivo: %1 @@ -4350,12 +4392,12 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c No se pudo leer la lista de bloqueo de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No se ha podido leer desde el registro de sincronización - + Cannot open the sync journal No es posible abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4365,12 +4407,12 @@ Esta es un modo nuevo y experimental. Si decides usarlo, por favor, informa de c La sincronización continuará en breves. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Poco espacio libre en disco: La descarga lo reducirá por debajo del %1, deberia abortar. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay suficiente espacio libre en el servidor para algunas subidas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_CL.ts b/translations/client_es_CL.ts index 8ed93104c97c3..98fe1dfc70703 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_CL.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_CL.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_CO.ts b/translations/client_es_CO.ts index b568332b533b6..08e2fdc81a6d6 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_CO.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_CO.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_CR.ts b/translations/client_es_CR.ts index a4c24c58fa4d4..30871bfcdd45c 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_CR.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_CR.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_DO.ts b/translations/client_es_DO.ts index ad14f81e7d899..22c29cb08ed58 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_DO.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_DO.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_EC.ts b/translations/client_es_EC.ts index af5257ebe0f87..8181b469cc183 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_EC.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_EC.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_GT.ts b/translations/client_es_GT.ts index 964ca25632406..8dabe9ed3d101 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_GT.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_GT.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_HN.ts b/translations/client_es_HN.ts index f36c43de3a57d..fc5b2ec6aa8ce 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_HN.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_HN.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_MX.ts b/translations/client_es_MX.ts index a600150a82210..1b9dffc1dd1fe 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_MX.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_MX.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_es_SV.ts b/translations/client_es_SV.ts index 4075b1f19e9f8..80cb4d8583f1e 100644 --- a/translations/client_es_SV.ts +++ b/translations/client_es_SV.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ No hay cuentas configuradas. - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir carpeta - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Elige que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar la sincronización ahora - + Restart sync Reiniciar sincronización - + Resume sync Reanudar sincronización - + Pause sync Pausar sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Eliminar la conexión de sincronización de carpetas - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falló la creación de la carpeta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar la Eliminación de la Conexión de Sincronización de Carpeta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres dejar de sincronizar la carpeta <i>%1</i>?<p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Eliminar la Conexión de Sincronización de la Carpeta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en curso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La operación de sincronización está en curso. <br/>¿Deseas terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algunas carpetas, incluidas carpetas montadas en red o carpetas compartidas, pueden tener diferentes límites - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente no hay información disponible del espacio usado. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. El servidor %1 se encuntra temporalmente no disponible - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Actualmente el servidor %1 se encuentra en modo mantenimiento. - + Signed out from %1. Cerraste sesión en %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obteniendo autorización del navegador. <a href='%1'>Haz click aquí</a> para re-abrir el navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. No hay conexión a %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. No hay %1 conexión configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son de almacenamiento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hay carpetas que no fueron sincronizadas porque son demasiado grandes o son de almacenamiento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirma la Remosion de la Cuenta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>¿Realmente quieres eliminar la conexión a la cuenta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Esto <b>no</b> borrará ningún archivo.</p> - + Remove connection Eliminar conexión - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4317,12 +4359,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss No fue posible leer la lista negra de la base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No es posible leer desde el diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal No se puede abrir el diario de sincronización @@ -4332,12 +4374,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Espacio en disco bajo: Las descargas que podrían reducir el espacio por debajo de %1 se omitieron. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. No hay espacio disponible en el servidor para algunas cargas. diff --git a/translations/client_et.ts b/translations/client_et.ts index 7509a19dad9d5..97d48a45e7157 100644 --- a/translations/client_et.ts +++ b/translations/client_et.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Loobu @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,20 +430,18 @@ Ühtegi kontot pole seadistatud - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption + + Display mnemonic - - Display mnemonic + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + Enable encryption @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Hoiatus - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Ava kaust - + Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Vali, mida sünkroniseerida - + Force sync now - + Restart sync - + Resume sync Taasta sünroonimist - + Pause sync Peata sünkroonimine - + Remove folder sync connection - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Kausta loomine ebaõnnestus - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,138 +591,154 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sünkroniseerimine on käimas - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sünkroniseerimine on käimas.<br/>Kas sa soovid seda lõpetada? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. - + %1 of %2 in use - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Hetkel pole mahu kasutuse info saadaval. - + %1 in use %1 kasutusel - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Ühendatud %1 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 pole ajutiselt saadaval. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. - + Signed out from %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Ühtegi %1 ühendust pole seadistatud. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: - + Confirm Account Removal Kinnita konto eemaldamine - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove connection Eemalda ühendus - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3152,107 +3193,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3262,52 +3303,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3474,45 +3515,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4315,12 +4357,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal Ei suuda avada sünkroniseeringu zurnaali @@ -4330,12 +4372,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_eu.ts b/translations/client_eu.ts index a2dca118766c6..7b4a957d6b51c 100644 --- a/translations/client_eu.ts +++ b/translations/client_eu.ts @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Opening file for local editing - + Fitxategia lokalean editatzeko irekitzen @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ File details of %1 · %2 - + %1-(r)en fitxategi xehetasunak · %2 @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Ezeztatu @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Badirudi fitxategi birtualak ezaugarria gaituta duzula karpeta honetan. Momentu honetan, ez da posible muturretik muturrera enkriptatuta dauden fitxategi birtualak inplizituki deskargatzea. Fitxategi birtualekin eta muturretik muturrerako enkriptatzearekin esperientzia onena lortzeko, ziurtatu enkriptatutako karpeta "Beti lokalki eskuragarri" aukera markatuta duela. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Muturretik muturrerako zifratzea fitxategi birtualekin + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Ez da konturik konfiguratu. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Kontu honek onartzen du muturretik muturrerako zifratzea - Display mnemonic Erakutsi mnemoteknika - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Kontu honek muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen du + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Gaitu zifratzea @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Abisua - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Ezin da edukidun karpeta enkriptatu, kendu fitxategiak. Itxaron berriro sinkronizatu arte, ondoren enkriptatu. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Kontu honek muturretik muturrerako zifratzea onartzen du + + + Encryption failed Zifratzeak huts egin du - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Ezin izan da karpeta enkriptatu, karpeta existitzen ez delako - - + + Open folder Ireki karpeta - + Encrypt Zifratu - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editatu baztertutako fitxategiak - - + + Create new folder Sortu karpeta berria - - + + Availability Eskuragarritasuna - + Choose what to sync Hautatu zer sinkronizatu - + Force sync now Behartu orain sinkronizatzen - + Restart sync Berrabiarazi sinkronizazioa - + Resume sync Berrekin sinkronizazioa - + Pause sync Gelditu sinkronizazioa - + Remove folder sync connection Ezabatu karpeta honen konexioa - + Disable virtual file support … Desgaitu fitxategi birtualaren laguntza ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Gaitu fitxategi birtualaren laguntza %1 ... - + (experimental) (esperimentala) - + Folder creation failed Karpeta sortzeak huts egin du - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Ezin izan da <i>%1</i> bertako karpeta sortu.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Baieztatu Karpetaren Konexioaren Ezabatzea - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ziur zaude <i>%1</i>karpetaren sinkronizazioa gelditu nahi duzula?</p><p><b>Oharra:</b> Honek <b>ez</b> du fitxategirik ezabatuko.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Ezabatu Karpeta Honen Konexioa - + Disable virtual file support? Desgaitu fitxategi birtualen laguntza? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Fitxategi birtualen laguntza desgaitzearen abantaila bakarra da sinkronizazio se Ekintza honek unean uneko sinkronizazioa bertan behera utziko du. - + Disable support Desgaitu laguntza - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Muturretik muturrerako enkriptatzearen gako mnemoteknikoa - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Muturretik muturrerako enkriptatzearen gako mnemoteknikoa + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Zure nortasun kriptografikoa babesteko, hiztegietako 12 hitzen mnemoniko batekin zifratzen dugu. Mesedez, kontuan hartu horiek eta gorde itzazu. Beharrezkoak izango dira zure kontuan beste gailu batzuk gehitzeko (telefono mugikorra edo ordenagailu eramangarria adibidez). - + Sync Running Sinkronizazioa martxan da - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sinkronizazio martxan da.<br/>Bukatu nahi al duzu? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %2-tik %1 (%3%) erabiltzen ari da. Zenbait karpetek, sarean muntatutako edo partekatutako karpetak barne, muga desberdinak izan ditzakete. - + %1 of %2 in use %2tik %1 erabilita - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Orain ez dago eskuragarri biltegiratze erabileraren informazioa. - + %1 in use %1 erabiltzen - + %1 as %2 %1 %2 gisa - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Zerbitzariko %1 bertsioa ez da onartzen! Zure ardurapean jarraitu. - + Connected to %1. %1 konektatuta. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. %1 zerbitzaria ez dago orain eskuragarri - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. %1 zerbitzaria une honetan mantenu lanetan dago. - + Signed out from %1. %1etik saioa itxita. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Nabigatzailearen baimena eskuratzen. Egin <a href= '%1'>klik hemen</a> nabigatzailea berrabiarazteko. - + Connecting to %1 … %1(e)ra konektatzen … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Konexiorik ez %1-ekin %2-en - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Zerbitzariaren konfigurazio errorea: %1 %2-n. - + No %1 connection configured. Ez dago %1 konexiorik konfiguratuta. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hainbat karpeta ez dira sinkronizatu handiegiak direlako: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hainbat karpeta ez dira sinkronizatu kanpoko biltegietan daudelako: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hainbat karpeta ez dira sinkronizatu handiegiak direlako edo kanpoko biltegietan daudelako: - + Confirm Account Removal Baieztatu Kontuaren Ezabatzea - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ziur zaude <i>%1</i>kontuaren konexioa kendu nahi duzula?</p><p><b>Oharra:</b> Honek<b>ez</b> du fitxategirik ezabatuko.</p> - + Remove connection Ezabatu konexioa - - Enable encryption - Gaitu zifratzea + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Kontu honek onartzen du muturretik muturrerako zifratzea + + + + Set up encryption + Konfiguratu zifratzea + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ Ekintza honek unean uneko sinkronizazioa bertan behera utziko du. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Mesedez, idatzi zure muturretik muturrerako zifratze pasahitza: <br><br>Erabiltzaile-izena: %2<br>Kontua: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Sartu zure muturretik muturrerako zifratzeko pasahitza:<br><br>Erabiltzailea: %2<br>Kontua: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Mesedez, idatzi zure muturretik muturrerako zifratze pasahitza: <br><br>Erabiltzaile-izena: %2<br>Kontua: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Mesedez, idatzi zure muturreko enkriptatze pasaesaldia: <br><br>Erabiltzaile-izena: <br> %2Kontua:<br> @@ -1196,7 +1237,7 @@ Ekintza honek unean uneko sinkronizazioa bertan behera utziko du. Invalid token received. - + Token baliogabea lortu da. @@ -1204,17 +1245,17 @@ Ekintza honek unean uneko sinkronizazioa bertan behera utziko du. Please try again. - + Mesedez saiatu berriro. Invalid file path was provided. - + Fitxategiaren bide-izen baliogabea eman da. Could not find an account for local editing. - + Ezin izan da kontu bat aurkitu editatze lokalerako. @@ -1224,18 +1265,18 @@ Ekintza honek unean uneko sinkronizazioa bertan behera utziko du. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure it is not excluded via selective sync. - + Ezin izan da fitxategi bat aurkitu editatze lokalerako. Ziurtatu ez dagoela ezikusia sinkronizazio hautakorraren bidez. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure its path is valid and it is synced locally. - + Ezin izan da fitxategi bat aurkitu editatze lokalerako. Ziurtatu bide-izena baliozkoa dela eta lokalean sinkronizatuta dagoela. Could not find a folder to sync. - + Ezin izan da sinkronizatzeko karpeta aurkitu. @@ -1254,43 +1295,43 @@ Baliteke OpenSSL liburutegiekin arazoa egotea. %1 second(s) ago seconds elapsed since file last modified - + duela segundu %1duela %1 segundu %1 minute(s) ago minutes elapsed since file last modified - + duela minutu %1duela %1 minutu %1 hour(s) ago hours elapsed since file last modified - + duela ordu %1duela %1 ordu %1 day(s) ago days elapsed since file last modified - + duela egun %1duela %1 egun %1 month(s) ago months elapsed since file last modified - + duela hilabete %1duela %1 hilabete %1 year(s) ago years elapsed since file last modified - + duela urte %1duela %1 urte Locked by %1 - Expires in %2 minute(s) remaining time before lock expires - + %1-(e)k blokeatuta - minutu %2ean iraungiko da%1-(e)k blokeatuta - %2 minututan iraungiko da @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Esteka sinbolikoak ezin dira sinkronizatu. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Fitxategia baztertutakoen zerrendan dago. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Puntu batekin amaitzen diren fitxategi-izenak ez dira onartzen fitxategi-sistema honetan. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. "%1" karakterea daukaten fitxategi-izenak ez dira onartzen fitxategi-sistema honetan. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Fitxategi izenak behintzat baliogabeko karaktere bat du - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Fitxategi-izena izen erreserbatua da fitxategi-sistema honetan. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Fitxategi-izenak amaierako zuriunea dauka. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Fitxategi-izenak hasierako zuriunea dauka. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Fitxategi-izenak hasierako eta amaierako zuriuneak dauzka. - + Filename is too long. Fitxategiaren izena luzeegia da. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Fitxategia/Karpeta ez da ikusi ezkutuan dagoelako. - + Stat failed. Hasierak huts egin du. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Gatazka: zerbitzari bertsioa deskargatu da, kopia lokala berrizendatua eta ez kargatuta. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Fitxategi-izen hori ezin da kodetu fitxategi-sistema honetan. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Fitxategiaren izena zerrenda beltzean dago zerbitzarian. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Fitxategiak fitxategi birtualentzako gordetako luzapena du. - + size tamaina - + permission baimena - + file id fitxategiaren id-a - + Server reported no %1 Zerbitzariak ez du %1-rik jakinarazi - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Ezin da sinkronizatu aldaketa-ordu baliogabea delako @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Errorea %1 fitxategi erregistroa datu-basetik ezabatzean - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Gatazka gertatu da karpeta kargatzean. Garbituko da! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Gatazka gertatu da fitxategia kargatzean. Garbituko da! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ez ikusi egin zaio, "aukeratu zer sinkronizatu" zerrenda beltzagatik. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Ez da onartu, ez daukazulako baimenik karpeta horretan azpikarpetak gehitzeko - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Ez da onartu, ez daukazulako baimenik karpeta horretan fitxategiak gehitzeko - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Ez dago baimenik fitxategi hau kargatzek zerbitzarian irakurtzeko soilik delako, leheneratzen. - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Baliogabeko helburura mugitu da, berrezartzen - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Ezabatzeko baimenik gabe, berrezartzen - + Error while reading the database Errorea datu-basea irakurtzean - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Zerbitzariak errore batekin erantzun du "%1" direktorioa irakurtzean: % 2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash %1 fitxategiari ezin zaio %2 izena eman fitxategi lokal baten izenarekin talkagatik. - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB Ezin izan da %1 fitxategia datu-base lokaletik lortu - + Error setting pin state Errorea pin egoera ezartzean - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Erorrea metadatuak eguneratzen: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use %1 fitxategia erabiltzen ari da - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Ezin izan da %1 fitxategiaren erregistroa datu-base lokaletik ezabatu - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Ezin izan da direktorioen berrizendatzea hedatu hierarkiatik - + Failed to rename file Fitxategia berrizendatzeak huts egin du @@ -3867,12 +3909,12 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Link share - + Lotu partekatzea Enter a note for the recipient - + Sartu ohar bat hartzailearentzat @@ -3994,7 +4036,7 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Leave this share - + Utzi partekatze hau @@ -4315,7 +4357,7 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Ezin izan dira fitxategiaren metadatuak eguneratu: %1 @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Ezin izan da zerrenda beltza irakurri datu-base lokaletik - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Ezin izan da sinkronizazio-egunkaria irakurri. - + Cannot open the sync journal Ezin da sinkronizazio egunerokoa ireki @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Sinkronizazioak laster jarraituko du. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Toki gutxi dago diskoan: toki librea %1 azpitik gutxituko zuten deskargak saltatu egin dira. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Ez dago nahiko toki erabilgarririk zerbitzarian hainbat kargatarako. @@ -5174,27 +5216,27 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Password required for new share - + Pasahitza beharrezkoa da partekatze berri batentzat Share password - + Partekatu pasahitza Sharing is disabled - + Partekatzea desgaituta dago This item cannot be shared. - + Elementu hau ezin da partekatu. Sharing is disabled. - + Partekatzea desgaituta dago. @@ -5202,7 +5244,7 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Search for users or groups… - + Bilatu erabiltzaile edo taldeak... @@ -5218,7 +5260,7 @@ Modu hau berria eta experimentala da. Erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu, agertzen di Sync now - + Sinkronizatu orain diff --git a/translations/client_fa.ts b/translations/client_fa.ts index 5ea22311861bb..166c3ac98dbc0 100644 --- a/translations/client_fa.ts +++ b/translations/client_fa.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel منصرف شدن @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. هیچ حساب‌کاربری‌ای تنظیم نشده‌ است. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - این حساب کاربری امکان رمزنگاری انتها-به-انتها را دارد - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + فعال سازی رمزنگاری + Warning هشدار - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder بازکردن پوشه - + Encrypt رمزنگاری - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync انتخاب موارد همگام‌سازی - + Force sync now - + Restart sync راه اندازی مجدد همگام سازی - + Resume sync از سر‎گیری همگام‌سازی - + Pause sync توقف به‌هنگام‌سازی - + Remove folder sync connection حذف اتصال همگام سازی پوشه - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed ساخت پوشه ناموفق - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal تأیید حذف اتصال همگام سازی پوشه - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>آیا شما واقعا می خواهید همگام سازی پوشه <i>1%</i> را متوقف نمایید؟</p><p><b>توجه:</b>این هیچ فایلی را حذف <b>نخواهد</b> کرد. </p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection حذف اتصال همگام سازی پوشه - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running همگام سازی در حال اجراست - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? عملیات همگام سازی در حال اجراست.<br/>آیا دوست دارید آن را متوقف کنید؟ - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. 1% (%3%) از 2% در استفاده. برخی پوشه‌ها، شامل شبکه نصب شده یا پوشه های مشترک، ممکن است محدودیت های متفاوت داشته باشند. - + %1 of %2 in use 1% از 2% در استفاده - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. در حال حاضر هیچ اطلاعات کاربرد ذخیره سازی در دسترس نیست. - + %1 in use 1% در استفاده - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. متصل به %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. سرور %1 بصورت موقت خارج از دسترس است. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. سرور 1% اکنون در حالت تعمیر است. - + Signed out from %1. از 1% خارج شد. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. دریافت مجوز از مرورگر. <a href='%1'>اینجا کلیک کنید</a> تا مرورگر دوباره باز شود. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. اتصال به 1% در 2% وجود ندارد. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. بدون %1 اتصال پیکربندی شده. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: پوشه‌هایی وجود دارند که همگام سازی نشده اند زیرا آن ها بسیار بزرگ هستند: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: پوشه‌هایی وجود دارند که همگام سازی نشده اند زیرا آن ها مخازن خارجی هستند: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: پوشه‌هایی وجود دارند که همگام سازی نشده اند زیرا آن ها بسیار بزرگ یا مخازن خارجی هستند: - + Confirm Account Removal تائید حذف حساب‌کاربری - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>آیا شما واقعا می خواهید اتصال به حساب <i>1%</i>را حذف کنید؟</p> <p><b>توجه:</b> این هیچ فایلی را حذف نخواهد کرد.</p> - + Remove connection حذف ارتباط - - Enable encryption - فعال سازی رمزنگاری + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + این حساب کاربری امکان رمزنگاری انتها-به-انتها را دارد + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4316,12 +4358,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss نمی توان لیست سیاه را از پایگاه داده محلی خواند - + Unable to read from the sync journal. نمی توان از مجله همگام ساز خواند. - + Cannot open the sync journal نمی توان مجله همگام ساز را باز کرد @@ -4331,12 +4373,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. فضای دیسک کم است: دانلودهایی که فضای آزاد را به کمتر از 1% کاهش می دهند رد می شوند. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. برای بعضی از بارگذاری ها در سرور فضای کافی موجود نیست. diff --git a/translations/client_fi.ts b/translations/client_fi.ts index 3d03a33430711..08d4be2870839 100644 --- a/translations/client_fi.ts +++ b/translations/client_fi.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Peruuta @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Tiliä ei ole määritelty. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Tämä tili tukee päästä päähän -salausta - Display mnemonic Näytä avainkoodi - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Tämä tili tukee päästä päähän -salausta + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Ota salaus käyttöön @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Varoitus - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Tämä tili tukee päästä päähän -salausta + + + Encryption failed Salaus epäonnistui - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Kansiota ei voida salata, koska sitä ei ole enää olemassa - - + + Open folder Avaa kansio - + Encrypt Salaus - - + + Edit Ignored Files Muokkaa ohitettavia tiedostoja - - + + Create new folder Luo uusi kansio - - + + Availability Saatavuus - + Choose what to sync Valitse synkronoitavat tiedot - + Force sync now Pakota synkronointi nyt - + Restart sync Käynnistä synkronointi uudelleen - + Resume sync Palauta synkronointi - + Pause sync Keskeytä synkronointi - + Remove folder sync connection Poista kansion synkronointiyhteys - + Disable virtual file support … Poista virtuaalitiedostojen tuki käytöstä … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Ota käyttöön virtuaalitiedostojen tuki %1 … - + (experimental) (kokeellinen) - + Folder creation failed Kansion luominen epäonnistui - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Ei voitu luoda paikallista kansiota <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Vahvista kansion synkronointiyhteyden poisto - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Haluatko varmasti lopettaa kansion <i>%1</i> synkronoinnin?</p><p><b>Huomio:</b> Tämä toimenpide <b>ei</b> poista mitään tiedostoja.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Poista kansion synkronointiyhteys - + Disable virtual file support? Poistetaanko virtuaalitiedostojen tuki käytöstä? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -575,139 +595,155 @@ Ainoa etu virtuaalitiedostojen tuen poistamisesta käytöstä on se, että valik Tämä toiminto peruu kaikki tämänhetkiset synkronoinnit. - + Disable support Poista tuki - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Synkronointi meneillään - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Synkronointioperaatio on meneillään.<br/>Haluatko keskeyttää sen? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1/%2 (%3 %) käytössä. Jotkin kansiot, mukaan lukien verkkojaot ja jaetut kansiot, voivat sisältää eri rajoitukset. - + %1 of %2 in use %1/%2 käytössä - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Tallennustilan käyttötietoja ei ole juuri nyt saatavilla. - + %1 in use %1 käytössä - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Palvelimen versiota %1 ei tueta! Jatka omalla vastuulla. - + Connected to %1. Yhteys muodostettu kohteeseen %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Palvelin %1 ei ole juuri nyt saatavilla. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Palvelin %1 on parhaillaan huoltotilassa. - + Signed out from %1. Kirjauduttu ulos kohteesta %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Hankitaan valtuutus selaimelta. <a href='%1'>Napsauta tästä</a> avataksesi selaimen uudelleen. - + Connecting to %1 … Yhdistetään kohteeseen %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Ei yhteyttä kohteeseen %1 osoitteessa %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Palvelimen kokoonpanovirhe: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. %1-yhteyttä ei ole määritelty. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Havaittiin kansioita, joita ei synkronoitu, koska ne ovat kooltaan liian suuria: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Seuraavia kansioita ei synkronoitu, koska ne sijaitsevat ulkoisella tallennustilalla: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Seuraavia kansioita ei synkronoitu, koska ne ovat liian suuria tai ulkoisia tallennustiloja: - + Confirm Account Removal Vahvista tilin poistaminen - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Haluatko varmasti poistaa tilin <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Huomio:</b> Tämä toimenpide <b>ei</b> poista mitään tiedostoja.</p> - + Remove connection Poista yhteys - - Enable encryption - Ota salaus käyttöön + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Tämä tili tukee päästä päähän -salausta + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -969,14 +1005,19 @@ Tämä toiminto peruu kaikki tämänhetkiset synkronoinnit. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3165,107 +3206,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Symboliset linkit eivät ole tuettuja synkronoinnissa. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Tiedosto on ohitettavien tiedostojen listalla. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Tiedoston nimi sisältää ainakin yhden virheellisen merkin - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Tiedostonimi on varattu tämän tiedostojärjestelmän käyttöön. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Tiedostonimi sisältää välilyöntejä lopussa. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Tiedostonimi sisältää välilyöntejä alussa. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Tiedostonimi sisältää välilyöntejä alussa ja lopussa. - + Filename is too long. Tiedoston nimi on liian pitkä. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Tiedosto/kansio ohitetaan, koska se on piilotettu. - + Stat failed. Stat epäonnistui. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Konflikti: Palvelimen versio ladattu, paikallinen kopio on nimetty uudelleen mutta ei ladattu palvelimelle. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Tiedostonimeä ei voida enkoodata tiedostojärjestelmälläsi. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Tiedostonimi on palvelimella mustalla listalla. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Tiedoston pääte on varattu virtuaalitiedostoille. - + size koko - + permission käyttöoikeus - + file id tiedoston id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Ei voida synkronoida virheellisen muokkausajan vuoksi @@ -3275,52 +3316,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Ei sallittu, koska oikeutesi eivät riitä alikansioiden lisäämiseen kyseiseen kansioon - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Ei sallittu, koska käyttöoikeutesi eivät riitä tiedostojen lisäämiseen kyseiseen kansioon - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database Virhe tietokantaa luettaessa - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3487,45 +3528,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Virhe metatietoja päivittäessä: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Tiedosto %1 on tällä hetkellä käytössä - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Tiedoston uudelleennimeäminen epäonnistui @@ -4328,12 +4370,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4343,12 +4385,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Levytila on vähissä. Lataukset, jotka pienentäisivät tilaa alle %1 ohitettiin. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Palvelimella on liian vähän tilaa joillekin latauksille. diff --git a/translations/client_fr.ts b/translations/client_fr.ts index 7901d311e639e..5a16a667878d1 100644 --- a/translations/client_fr.ts +++ b/translations/client_fr.ts @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ File details of %1 · %2 - + Détails du fichier de %1 · %2 @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Annuler @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Il semble que la fonctionnalité de fichiers virtuels soit activée sur ce dossier. Pour le moment, il n'est pas possible de télécharger implicitement des fichiers virtuels qui sont chiffrés de bout en bout. Pour bénéficier d'une expérience optimale avec les fichiers virtuels et le chiffrement de bout en bout, assurez-vous que le dossier chiffré soit paramétré avec l'option "Rendre toujours disponible localement". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Chiffrement de bout en bout avec fichiers virtuels + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Il semble que la fonctionnalité des Fichiers Virtuels soit activée sur ce dossier. Pour l'instant, il n'est pas possible de télécharger implicitement des fichiers virtuels qui sont chiffrés de bout en bout. Pour bénéficier d'une expérience optimale avec les fichiers virtuels et le chiffrement de bout en bout, assurez-vous que le dossier chiffré soit marqué par l'option "Toujours rendre disponible localement". + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Aucun compte configuré. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Ce compte prend en charge le chiffrement de bout en bout. - Display mnemonic - Afficher le mnémonique + Afficher la phrase secrète - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Ce compte supporte l'encryption de bout en bout + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Le chiffrement de bout en bout a été activé sur ce compte + + + + Enable encryption + Activer le chiffrement @@ -442,127 +450,140 @@ Attention - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Le chiffrement de bout en bout n'est pas configuré sur cet appareil. Une fois qu'il sera configuré, vous serez en mesure de chiffrer ce dossier. +Souhaitez-vous configurer le chiffrement de bout en bout ? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Vous ne pouvez pas chiffrer un dossier avec son contenu, veuillez enlever les fichiers. Attendez une nouvelle synchronisation puis chiffrez le dossier. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Ce compte supporte l'encryption de bout en bout + + + Encryption failed Le chiffrement a échoué - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Impossible de chiffrer le dossier car il n'existe plus - - + + Open folder Ouvrir le dossier local - + Encrypt Chiffrer - - + + Edit Ignored Files Modifier les fichiers ignorés - - + + Create new folder Créer un nouveau dossier - - + + Availability Disponibilité - + Choose what to sync Sélectionner le contenu à synchroniser - + Force sync now Forcer la synchronisation maintenant - + Restart sync Redémarrer la synchronisation - + Resume sync Reprendre la synchronisation - + Pause sync Mettre en pause - + Remove folder sync connection Supprimer la synchronisation du dossier - + Disable virtual file support … Désactiver la prise en charge du fichier virtuel ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Activer la prise en charge du fichier virtuel %1 … - + (experimental) (expérimental) - + Folder creation failed Échec de création du dossier - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Impossible de créer le dossier local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmer la suppression de synchronisation de dossier - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Voulez-vous vraiment arrêter de synchroniser le dossier <i>%1</i> ?</p><p><b>Note :</b> Aucun fichier ne sera supprimé.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Supprimer la synchronisation de ce dossier - + Disable virtual file support? Désactiver le support des fichiers virtuels ? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -573,140 +594,156 @@ Le seul avantage de désactiver la prise en charge du fichier virtuel est que le Cette action entraînera l'interruption de toute synchronisation en cours. - + Disable support Désactiver le support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + Phrase secrète du chiffrement de bout en bout - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Phrase secrète du chiffrement de bout en bout + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Pour protéger votre identité cryptographique, nous la chiffrons avec une phrase secrète de 12 mots du dictionnaire. Veuillez la noter et la garder en sécurité. Elle sera nécessaire pour ajouter d’autres appareils à votre compte (comme votre smartphone ou votre ordinateur portable). - + Sync Running Synchronisation en cours - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? La synchronisation est en cours.<br/>Voulez-vous l'arrêter ? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) utilisés sur %2. Certains dossiers, montés depuis le réseau ou partagés, peuvent avoir des limites différentes. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 utilisés sur %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actuellement aucune information d'utilisation de stockage n'est disponible. - + %1 in use %1 utilisé(s) - + %1 as %2 %1 avec le compte %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. La version %1 du serveur n'est pas maintenue ! Vous prenez vos propres risques. - + Connected to %1. Connecté au serveur %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Le serveur %1 est temporairement indisponible. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Le serveur %1 est en cours de maintenance. - + Signed out from %1. Session sur %1 fermée. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. En attente d'autorisation du navigateur. <a href='%1'>Cliquer ici</a> pour recharger le navigateur. - + Connecting to %1 … Connexion à %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Aucune connexion au serveur %1 à l'adresse %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Erreur de configuration serveur : %1 à %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Aucune connexion à %1 configurée - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Certains dossiers n'ont pas été synchronisés parce qu'ils sont de taille trop importante : - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Certains dossiers n'ont pas été synchronisés parce qu'ils sont localisés sur un stockage externe : - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Certains dossiers n'ont pas été synchronisés parce qu'ils sont localisés sur un stockage externe ou qu'ils sont de taille trop importante : - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmation de retrait du compte - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Êtes-vous certain de vouloir retirer <i>%1</i> des comptes synchronisés avec le serveur ?</p><p><b>Remarque :</b> cela ne supprimera pas votre compte sur le serveur et aucun fichier ne sera supprimé ni localement ni en ligne.</p> - + Remove connection Retirer le compte - - Enable encryption - Activer le chiffrement + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Ce compte prend en charge le chiffrement de bout en bout. + + + + Set up encryption + Configurer le chiffrement + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + Le chiffrement de bout en bout a été activé sur ce compte avec un autre appareil.<br>Il peut être activé sur cet appareil en entrant votre phrase secrète. @@ -968,15 +1005,20 @@ Vous prenez vos propres risques. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Merci de saisir votre phrase d'encryption de bout en bout<br><br>Nom d'utilisateur : %2<br>Compte : %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Merci de saisir votre phrase secrète E2E : <br><br>Utilisateur : %2<br>Compte : %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Merci de saisir votre phrase d'encryption de bout en bout<br><br>Nom d'utilisateur : %2<br>Compte : %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Veuillez entrer votre phrase de passe de chiffrement de bout en bout :<br><br>Nom d'utilisateur : %2<br>Compte : %3<br> @@ -3185,107 +3227,107 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Les liens symboliques ne sont pas pris en charge par la synchronisation. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Le fichier est présent dans la liste des fichiers ignorés. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Les noms de fichier se terminant par un point ne sont pas pris en charge sur votre système. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Les noms de fichiers contenant le caractère "%1" ne sont pas pris en charge par ce système de fichiers. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Le nom du fichier contient au moins un caractère interdit - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Le nom du fichier est un nom réservé dans le système de fichier - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Le nom du fichier finit par des espaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Nom de fichier contenant des espaces au début. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Nom de fichier contenant des espaces au début et à la fin. - + Filename is too long. Le nom du fichier est trop long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Le fichier ou dossier a été ignoré car il est masqué. - + Stat failed. Stat échoué. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflit : La version du serveur a été téléchargée, la version locale renommée et non téléversée. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Le nom de fichier ne peut pas être encodé sur votre système de fichiers. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Le nom du fichier est sur la liste noire du serveur. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Le fichier a une extension réservée pour les fichiers virtuels. - + size taille - + permission permission - + file id ID du fichier - + Server reported no %1 Le serveur n'a signalé aucun %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Impossible de synchroniser à cause d'une date de modification invalide @@ -3295,52 +3337,52 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' Erreur à la suppression de l'enregistrement du fichier %1 de la base de données - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Conflit lors de l'envoi d'un dossier. Il va être supprimé ! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Conflit lors de l'envoi d'un fichier. Il va être supprimé ! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignoré en raison de la liste noire "Sélectionner le contenu à synchroniser". - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Non autorisé car vous n'avez pas la permission d'ajouter des sous-dossiers dans ce dossier - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Non autorisé car vous n'avez pas la permission d'ajouter des fichiers dans ce dossier - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Non autorisé à envoyer ce fichier car il est en lecture seule sur le serveur. Restauration - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Déplacé vers une cible invalide, restauration - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Non autorisé à supprimer. Restauration - + Error while reading the database Erreur de lecture de la base de données - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Le serveur a répondu avec une erreur lors de la lecture du dossier "%1" : %2 @@ -3507,45 +3549,46 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Le fichier %1 ne peut pas être renommé en %2 à cause d'un conflit local de nom de fichier - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB Impossible de récupérer le fichier %1 depuis la base de données locale - + Error setting pin state Erreur lors de la modification de l'état du fichier - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Erreur lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées : %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Le fichier %1 est en cours d'utilisation - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Impossible de récupérer le fichier %1 depuis la base de données locale - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Impossible de propager le renommage du dossier dans la hiérarchie - + Failed to rename file Échec lors du changement de nom du fichier @@ -3993,7 +4036,7 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' Leave this share - + Quitter ce partage @@ -4314,7 +4357,7 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées du fichier : %1 @@ -4348,12 +4391,12 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' Impossible de lire la liste noire de la base de données locale - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Impossible de lire le journal de synchronisation. - + Cannot open the sync journal Impossible d'ouvrir le journal de synchronisation @@ -4363,12 +4406,12 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' La synchronisation reprendra sous peu. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. L'espace disque est faible : les téléchargements qui amèneraient à réduire l'espace libre en dessous de %1 ont été ignorés. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Il n'y a pas suffisamment d’espace disponible sur le serveur pour certains envois. @@ -5825,12 +5868,12 @@ Il s'agit d'un nouveau mode expérimental. Si vous décidez de l' End to end encryption mnemonic - Chiffrement de bout en bout mnémotechnique + Chiffrement de bout en bout par phrase secrète To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - Pour protéger votre identité cryptographique, nous la chiffrons avec une mnémonique de 12 mots du dictionnaire. Veuillez les noter et les garder en sécurité. Ils seront nécessaires pour ajouter d’autres appareils à votre compte (comme votre téléphone portable ou votre ordinateur portable). + Pour protéger votre identité cryptographique, nous la chiffrons avec une phrase secrète de 12 mots du dictionnaire. Veuillez la noter et la garder en sécurité. Elle sera nécessaire pour ajouter d’autres appareils à votre compte (comme votre smartphone ou votre ordinateur portable). diff --git a/translations/client_gl.ts b/translations/client_gl.ts index 406aba340b21b..0ff5c787100d1 100644 --- a/translations/client_gl.ts +++ b/translations/client_gl.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Non hai contas configuradas. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Esta conta admite o cifrado de extremo a extremo - Display mnemonic Amosar o mnemónico - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Activar o cifrado + Warning Advertencia - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Non pode cifrar un cartafol con contido, retire os ficheiros. Agarde a nova sincronización e logo cífreo. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Fallou o cifrado - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Non foi posíbel cifrar o cartafol porque o cartafol xa non existe - - + + Open folder Abrir o cartafol - + Encrypt Cifrar - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editar ficheiros ignorados - - + + Create new folder Crear un cartafol novo - - + + Availability Dispoñíbilidade - + Choose what to sync Escolla que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forzar a sincronización - + Restart sync Reiniciar a sincronización - + Resume sync Continuar coa sincronización - + Pause sync Por en pausa a sincronización - + Remove folder sync connection Retirar a conexión da sincronización do cartafol - + Disable virtual file support … Desactivar a compatibilidade con ficheiros virtuais… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Activar a compatibilidade con ficheiros virtuais %1… - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Non foi posíbel crear o cartafol - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Non foi posíbel crear o cartafol local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar a retirada da conexión da sincronización do cartafol - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Confirma que quere deixar de sincronizar o cartafol <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Aviso:</b> Isto <b>non</b> eliminará ningún ficheiro.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Retirar a conexión da sincronización do cartafol - + Disable virtual file support? Quere desactivar a compatibilidade con ficheiros virtuais? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ A única vantaxe de desactivar a compatibilidade con ficheiros virtuais é que v Esta acción interromperá calquera sincronización que estea a executarse actualmente. - + Disable support Desactivar a compatibilidade - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronización en proceso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Estase a realizar a sincronización.<br/>Quere interrompela e rematala? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 en uso. Algúns cartafoles, incluíndo os compartidos e os montados en rede, poderían ter diferentes límites. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 en uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Actualmente non hai dispoñíbel ningunha información sobre o uso do almacenamento. - + %1 in use %1 en uso - + %1 as %2 %1 como %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Este servidor da versión %1 non ten asistencia técnica! Proceda baixo a súa propia responsabilidade. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. O servidor %1 non está dispoñíbel temporalmente. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. O servidor %1 neste momento está en modo de mantemento. - + Signed out from %1. Desconectado de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obtendo autorización dende o navegador. <a href='%1'>Prema aquí</a> para volver abrir o navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … Conectando con %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Non hai conexión con %1 en %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Produciuse un erro de configuración do servidor: %1 en %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Non se configurou a conexión %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Hai cartafoles que non se sincronizaron por ser demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Hai cartafoles que non se sincronizaron porque son almacenamentos externos: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Hai cartafoles que non se sincronizaron porque son demasiado grandes ou almacenamentos externos: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirme a retirada da conta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Confirma que quere retirar a conexión a conta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Aviso:</b> Isto <b>non</b> eliminará ningún ficheiro.</p> - + Remove connection Retirar conexión - - Enable encryption - Activar o cifrado + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Esta conta admite o cifrado de extremo a extremo + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ Esta acción interromperá calquera sincronización que estea a executarse actua OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Introduza a súa frase de paso de cifrado de extremo a extremo: <br><br>Usuario: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Introduza a súa frase de paso de cifrado de extremo a extremo: <br><br>Usuario: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> @@ -3181,107 +3222,107 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. As ligazóns simbolicas non son admitidas nas sincronizacións. - + File is listed on the ignore list. O ficheiro está na lista de ignorados. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Os nomes de ficheiros que rematan cun punto non son compatíbeis con este sistema de ficheiros. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character O nome de ficheiro contén algún carácter incorrecto - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. O nome do ficheiro é un nome reservado neste sistema de ficheiros. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. O nome do ficheiro contén espazos finais. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. O nome de ficheiro é longo de máis. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. O ficheiro/cartafol ignórase por estar agochado. - + Stat failed. Produciuse un fallo na obtención de estatísticas. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflito: Versión do servidor descargada, a copia local cambiou o nome e non se cargou. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. O nome do ficheiro non pode ser codificado no seu sistema de ficheiros. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. O nome do ficheiro está na lista de bloqueo no servidor. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. O ficheiro ten a extensión reservada para ficheiros virtuais. - + size tamaño - + permission permiso - + file id ID do ficheiro - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3291,52 +3332,52 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorado por mor da lista de bloqueo de «escolla que sincronizar» - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Non se lle permite porque vostede non ten permiso para engadir subcartafoles neste cartafol - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Non se lle permite porque vostede non ten permiso para engadir ficheiros neste cartafol - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Non está permitido o envío xa que o ficheiro é só de lectura no servidor, restaurando - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Moveuse a un destino non válido, restaurándo - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Non está permitido retiralo, restaurando - + Error while reading the database Produciuse un erro ao ler a base de datos - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3503,45 +3544,46 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Produciuse un erro ao definir o estado do pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4344,12 +4386,12 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe Non foi posíbel ler a lista de bloqueo da base de datos local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Non foi posíbel ler dende o diario de sincronización. - + Cannot open the sync journal Non foi posíbel abrir o diario de sincronización @@ -4359,12 +4401,12 @@ Este é un novo modo experimental. Se decide usalo, agradecémoslle que informe - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Pouco espazo dispoñíbel no disco: As descargas que reduzan o tamaño por baixo de %1 van ser omitidas. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Non hai espazo libre abondo no servisor para algúns envíos. diff --git a/translations/client_he.ts b/translations/client_he.ts index 5432e2dde159e..d9beed87caebd 100644 --- a/translations/client_he.ts +++ b/translations/client_he.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel ביטול @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. לא הוגדר חשבון. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - חשבון זה תומך בהצפנה מקצה לקצה - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + הפעלת הצפנה + Warning אזהרה - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. אין אפשרות להצפין תיקייה עם תכנים, נא להסיר את הקבצים. לאחר מכן להמתין לסנכרון החדש ואז להצפין אותה. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed ההצפנה נכשלה - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore לא ניתן להצפין את התיקייה כיוון שהתיקייה לא קיימת עוד - - + + Open folder פתיחת תיקייה - + Encrypt הצפן - - + + Edit Ignored Files עריכת קבצים בהתעלמות - - + + Create new folder יצירת תיקייה חדשה - - + + Availability זמינות - + Choose what to sync לבחור מה לסנכרן - + Force sync now לאלץ סנכרון כעת - + Restart sync להפעיל את הסנכרון מחדש - + Resume sync להמשיך בסנכרון - + Pause sync השהיית סנכרון - + Remove folder sync connection הסרת חיבור סנכרון לתיקייה - + Disable virtual file support … השבתת תמיכה בקובץ וירטואלי… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … הפעלת תמיכה וירטואלית בקבצים %1… - + (experimental) (ניסיוני) - + Folder creation failed יצירת התיקייה נכשלה - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>לא ניתן ליצור תיקייה מקומית <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal אשר הסרת חיבור ל סנכרון תיקיות - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>האם ברצונך להפסיק את סנכרון התיקיה <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>שים לב:</b> פעולה זו <b>לא </b> תמחק את הקבצים.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection הסר חיבור ל סנכרון תיקיות - + Disable virtual file support? להשבית תמיכה בקובץ וירטואלי? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support השבתת התמיכה - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running סנכרון מופעל - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? הסנכרון מופעל.<br/>האם להפסיק את פעולתו ? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) מתוך %2 בשימוש. חלק מהתיקיות, ובכללן תיקיות רשת או משותפות, עלולות להיות בעלות מכסות שונות. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 מתוך %2 בשימוש - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. ברגע זה אין כל מידע זמין על השימוש באחסון. - + %1 in use %1 בשימוש - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. בוצע חיבור אל %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. השרת %1 אינו זמין כרגע. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. השרת %1 כרגע במצב תחזוקה. - + Signed out from %1. יצאת מהשירות %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. מתבצעת בקשת אימות מהדפדפן. נא <a href='%1'>ללחוץ כאן</a> לפתיחה מחדש של הדפדפן. - + Connecting to %1 … מתבצעת התחברות אל %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. אין חיבור אל %1 ב־%2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. שגיאה בתצורת השרת: %1 ב־%2. - + No %1 connection configured. אין הגדרה לחיבור %1 - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: ישנן תיקיות שלא סונכרנו מפאת גודלן הרב: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: ישנן תיקיות שלא סונכרנו כיוון שהן נמצאות על אמצעי אחסון חיצוניים: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: ישנן תיקיות שלא סונכרנו כיוון שהן גדולות מדי או באחסון חיצוני: - + Confirm Account Removal אישור הסרת חשבון - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>האם ברצונך להסיר את החיבור לחשבון <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>שים לב:</b>פעולה זו <b>לא</b> תסיר את הקבצים.</p> - + Remove connection הסרת חיבור - - Enable encryption - הפעלת הצפנה + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + חשבון זה תומך בהצפנה מקצה לקצה + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> נא להקליד את הססמא להצפנה מקצה לקצה:<br><br>משתמש: %2<br>חשבון: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3159,107 +3200,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. שם הקובץ מכיל רווחים עוקבים. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. שם הקובץ ארוך מדי. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3269,52 +3310,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3481,45 +3522,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4322,12 +4364,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss לא ניתן לקרוא את רשימת החסימה ממסד הנתונים המקומי - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4337,12 +4379,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. אין די מקום פנוי בכונן: הורדות שעלולות להוריד את הנפח הפנוי מתחת לסף של %1 ידולגו. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. אין מספיק מקום זה בשרת לחלק מההורדות. diff --git a/translations/client_hr.ts b/translations/client_hr.ts index 4a82cdbe0ef86..e6df426712bff 100644 --- a/translations/client_hr.ts +++ b/translations/client_hr.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Odustani @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Čini se da ste omogućili značajku virtualnih datoteka za ovu mapu. U ovom trenutku nije moguće implicitno preuzeti virtualne datoteke koje su cjelovito šifrirane. Za najbolje iskustvo korištenja virtualnih datoteka i cjelovitog šifriranja provjerite je li šifrirana mapa označena s „Učini uvijek dostupnim lokalno”. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Račun nije konfiguriran. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Ovaj račun podržava cjelovito šifriranje - Display mnemonic Prikaži mnemoničku oznaku - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Omogući šifriranje + Warning Upozorenje - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Ne možete šifrirati mapu sa sadržajem, prvo uklonite datoteke. Pričekajte novu sinkronizaciju, a zatim je šifrirajte. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Šifriranje nije uspjelo - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nije moguće šifrirati mapu jer mapa više ne postoji - - + + Open folder Otvori mapu - + Encrypt Šifriraj - - + + Edit Ignored Files Uredi zanemarene datoteke - - + + Create new folder Stvori novu mapu - - + + Availability Raspoloživost - + Choose what to sync Odaberite što sinkronizirati - + Force sync now Sinkroniziraj sada - + Restart sync Ponovno pokreni sinkronizaciju - + Resume sync Nastavi sinkronizaciju - + Pause sync Pauziraj sinkronizaciju - + Remove folder sync connection Uklonite poveznicu za sinkronizaciju mape - + Disable virtual file support … Onemogućite podršku za virtualne datoteke... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Omogućite podršku za virtualne datoteke %1… - + (experimental) (eksperimentalan) - + Folder creation failed Neuspješna izrada mape - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nije moguće stvoriti lokalnu mapu <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Potvrdi uklanjanje poveznice za sinkronizaciju mape - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Želite li zaista prekinuti sinkronizaciju mape <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Napomena:</b> time <b>nećete</b> izbrisati datoteke.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Uklonite poveznicu za sinkronizaciju mape - + Disable virtual file support? Onemogućiti podršku za virtualne datoteke? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Jedina prednost onemogućavanja podrške za virtualne datoteke je ta što će po Ova će radnja prekinuti bilo koju trenutačnu sinkronizaciju. - + Disable support Onemogući podršku - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sinkronizacija u tijeku - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sinkronizacija je pokrenuta.<br/>Želite li je prekinuti? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) od %2 u upotrebi. Neke mape, uključujući mrežne ili dijeljene mape, mogu imati različita ograničenja. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 od %2 u upotrebi - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Trenutno nema dostupnih podataka o uporabi pohrane. - + %1 in use %1 u upotrebi - + %1 as %2 %1 kao %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Inačica poslužitelja %1 nije podržana! Nastavite na vlastitu odgovornost. - + Connected to %1. Povezano s %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Poslužitelj %1 privremeno nije dostupan. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Poslužitelj %1 trenutno je u načinu održavanja. - + Signed out from %1. Odjavili ste se iz %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Dobivanje autorizacije od preglednika. <a href='%1'>Kliknite ovdje</a> za ponovno otvaranje preglednika. - + Connecting to %1 … Povezivanje s %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Ne postoji veza s %1 na %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Pogreška konfiguracije poslužitelja: %1 na %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nije konfigurirana veza %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Ove mape nisu sinkronizirane jer su prevelike: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Ove mape nisu sinkronizirane jer su vanjski prostori za pohranu: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Ove mape nisu sinkronizirane jer su prevelike ili su vanjski prostori za pohranu: - + Confirm Account Removal Potvrdi brisanje računa - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Želite li zaista ukloniti vezu s računom <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Napomena:</b> time <b>nećete</b> izbrisati datoteke.</p> - + Remove connection Ukloni vezu - - Enable encryption - Omogući šifriranje + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Ovaj račun podržava cjelovito šifriranje + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Ova će radnja prekinuti bilo koju trenutačnu sinkronizaciju. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Unesite zaporku za cjelovito šifriranje: <br><br>Korisnik: %2<br>Račun: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ Ovo je novi, eksperimentalni način rada. Ako se odlučite aktivirati ga, prijav OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Simboličke poveznice nisu podržane u sinkronizaciji. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Datoteka je navedena na popisu za zanemarivanje. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Nazivi datoteka koji završavaju točkom nisu podržani u ovom datotečnom sustavu. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Nazivi datoteka koji sadrže znak „%1” nisu podržani u ovom datotečnom sustavu. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Naziv datoteke sadrži barem jedan nevažeći znak - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Naziv datoteke je rezervirani naziv u ovom datotečnom sustavu. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Naziv datoteke sadrži završne praznine. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Naziv datoteke je predugačak. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Datoteka/mapa se zanemaruje jer je skrivena. - + Stat failed. Stat nije uspio. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Nepodudaranje: preuzeta inačica poslužitelja, lokalna kopija preimenovana i nije otpremljena. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Naziv datoteke ne može se kodirati u vašem datotečnom sustavu. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Ovaj naziv datoteke je blokiran na poslužitelju. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Datoteka ima nastavak koji je rezerviran za virtualne datoteke. - + size veličina - + permission dopuštenje - + file id id datoteke - + Server reported no %1 Poslužitelj javlja da nema %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ Ovo je novi, eksperimentalni način rada. Ako se odlučite aktivirati ga, prijav - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Došlo je do nepodudaranja pri otpremanju mape. Nepodudarne mape će biti izbrisane! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Došlo je do nepodudaranja pri otpremanju datoteke. Nepodudarna datoteka će biti uklonjena! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Zanemareno zbog crne liste „odaberi što će se sinkronizirati” - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Nije dopušteno jer nemate dopuštenje za dodavanje podmapa u tu mapu - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Nije dopušteno jer nemate dopuštenje za dodavanje datoteka u tu mapu - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Nije dopušteno otpremiti ovu datoteku jer je dostupna samo za čitanje na poslužitelju, vraćanje - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Premješteno na nevažeće odredište, vraćanje - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Nije dopušteno uklanjanje, vraćanje - + Error while reading the database Pogreška pri čitanju baze podataka - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Poslužitelj je javio pogrešku pri čitanju direktorija „%1” : %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ Ovo je novi, eksperimentalni način rada. Ako se odlučite aktivirati ga, prijav OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Datoteka %1 ne može se preimenovati u %2 zbog nepodudaranja naziva lokalne datoteke - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Pogreška pri postavljanju stanja šifre - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Pogreška pri ažuriranju metapodataka: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Datoteka %1 je trenutno u upotrebi - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Preimenovanje datoteke nije uspjelo @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ Ovo je novi, eksperimentalni način rada. Ako se odlučite aktivirati ga, prijav Nije moguće pročitati crnu listu iz lokalne baze podataka - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nije moguće čitati iz sinkronizacijskog dnevnika. - + Cannot open the sync journal Nije moguće otvoriti sinkronizacijski dnevnik @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ Ovo je novi, eksperimentalni način rada. Ako se odlučite aktivirati ga, prijav Sinkronizacija će se uskoro nastaviti. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Premalo prostora na disku: preskočena su preuzimanja koja bi smanjila slobodni prostor ispod %1. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Na nekim poslužiteljima nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora za određene otpreme. diff --git a/translations/client_hu.ts b/translations/client_hu.ts index a178ae985d823..33b1ebcb80246 100644 --- a/translations/client_hu.ts +++ b/translations/client_hu.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Mégse @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Úgy néz ki, hogy engedélyezte a Virtuális fájlok funkciót ezen a mappán. Pillanatnyilag nem lehet implicit módon olyan virtuális fájlokat letölteni, melyek végpontok közti titkosítással vannak ellátva. A legjobb élmény érdekében győződjön meg róla, hogy a titkosított mappa meg legyen jelölve, hogy mindig elérhető legyen helyben is. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Végpontok közti titkosítás virtuális fájlokkal + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Úgy néz ki, hogy engedélyezte a Virtuális fájlok funkciót ezen a mappán. Pillanatnyilag nem lehet implicit módon olyan virtuális fájlokat letölteni, melyek végpontok közti titkosítással vannak ellátva. A legjobb élmény érdekében győződjön meg róla, hogy a titkosított mappa meg legyen jelölve, hogy mindig elérhető legyen helyben is. + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nincs fiók beállítva. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Ez a fiók támogatja a végpontok közötti titkosítást - Display mnemonic Mnemonikus kód megjelenítése - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Ez a fiók támogatja a végpontok közti titkosítást + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + A végpontok közötti titkosítás engedélyezett ennél a fióknál + + + + Enable encryption + Titkosítás engedélyezése @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Figyelmeztetés - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + A végpontok közti titkosítás nincs beállítva ezen az eszközön. Ha beállította, akkor titkosíthatja ezt a mappát. +Szeretné beállítani a végpontok közti titkosítást? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Nem titkosíthat egy fájlokat tartalmazó mappát. Távolítsa el a fájlokat. Várja meg az új szinkronizálást, majd titkosítsa. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Ez a fiók támogatja a végpontok közti titkosítást + + + Encryption failed Titkosítás sikertelen - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nem lehetett titkosítani a mappát, mert már nem létezik - - + + Open folder Mappa megnyitása - + Encrypt Titkosítás - - + + Edit Ignored Files Kihagyott fájlok szerkesztése - - + + Create new folder Új mappa létrehozása - - + + Availability Elérhetőség - + Choose what to sync Szinkronizálandó elemek kiválasztása - + Force sync now Szinkronizálás azonnal - + Restart sync Szinkronizálás újraindítása - + Resume sync Szinkronizálás folytatása - + Pause sync Szinkronizálás szüneteltetése - + Remove folder sync connection Mappa szinkronizálási kapcsolatának eltávolítása - + Disable virtual file support … A virtuális fájl támogatásának letiltása… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … A(z) %1 virtuális fájl támogatás engedélyezése… - + (experimental) (kísérleti) - + Folder creation failed Mappa létrehozása sikertelen - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>A helyi mappa nem hozható létre: <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Mappa szinkronizációs kapcsolatának eltávolításának megerősítése - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Tényleg leállítja a(z) <i>%1</i> mappa szinkronizálását?</p><p><b>Megjegyzés:</b> Ez <b>nem</b> töröl fájlokat.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Mappa szinkronizálási kapcsolatának eltávolítása - + Disable virtual file support? Letiltja a virtuális fájlok támogatását? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ A virtuális fájltámogatás letiltásának egyetlen előnye, hogy a szelektív Ez a művelet megszakítja a jelenleg futó szinkronizálást. - + Disable support Támogatás letiltása - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Végpontok közti titkosítás mnemonikus kódja - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Végpontok közötti titkosítás mnemonikus kódja + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). A kriptográfiai személyazonossága megvédéséhez, egy 12 szótári szóból álló mnemonikus kóddal titkosítjuk. Jegyezze meg ezeket, és tartsa azokat biztonságban. Szüksége lesz rájuk, ha egy új eszközt akar hozzáadni a fiókjához (például a mobiltelefonját vagy a laptopját). - + Sync Running A szinkronizálás fut - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? A szinkronizálás folyamatban van. <br/>Megszakítja? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) / %2 használatban. Néhány mappa – beleértve a hálózati megosztásokat és a megosztott könyvtárakat – eltérő korlátozással rendelkezhet. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 / %2 használatban - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Jelenleg nem érhetőek el a tárhelyhasználati információk. - + %1 in use %1 használatban - + %1 as %2 %1 mint %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. A(z) %1 kiszolgálóverzió nem támogatott. Folyatás csak saját felelősségre. - + Connected to %1. Kapcsolódva ehhez: %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. A(z) %1 kiszolgáló jelenleg nem érhető el. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. A(z) %1 kiszolgáló jelenleg karbantartási módban van. - + Signed out from %1. Kijelentkezve innen: %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Engedély kérése a böngészőtől. <a href='%1'>Kattintson ide</a> a böngésző újranyitásához. - + Connecting to %1 … Kapcsolódás ehhez: %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Nincs kapcsolat ehhez: %1, itt: %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Kiszolgáló konfigurációs hiba: %1, itt: %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nincs %1 kapcsolat beállítva. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Az alábbi mappák nem lettek szinkronizálva, mert túl nagyok: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Az alábbi mappák nem lettek szinkronizálva, mert külső tárolók: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Az alábbi mappák nem lettek szinkronizálva, mert túl nagyok, vagy külső tárolók: - + Confirm Account Removal Fiók törlésének megerősítése - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Tényleg törölni szeretné a kapcsolatot a(z) <i>%1</i> fiókkal?</p><p><b>Megjegyzés:</b> Ez <b>nem</b> töröl fájlokat.</p> - + Remove connection Kapcsolat eltávolítása - - Enable encryption - Titkosítás engedélyezése + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Ez a fiók támogatja a végpontok közötti titkosítást + + + + Set up encryption + Titkosítás beállítása + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + A végpontok közti titkosítás egy másik eszközről engedélyezve lett ezen a fiókon.<br>A mnemonikus kód megadásával ezen az eszközön is engedélyezheti. @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ Ez a művelet megszakítja a jelenleg futó szinkronizálást. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Adja meg a végpontok közti titkosítási jelmondatát:<br><br>Felhasználónév: %2<br>Fiók: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Adja meg a végpontok közötti titkosítási jelmondatát:<br><br>Felhasználó: %2<br>Fiók: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Adja meg a végpontok közti titkosítási jelmondatát:<br><br>Felhasználónév: %2<br>Fiók: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Adja meg a végpontok közötti titkosítási jelmondatát:<br><br>Felhasználónév: %2<br>Fiók: %3<br> @@ -3187,107 +3229,107 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. A szimbolikus linkek nem támogatottak a szinkronizálás során. - + File is listed on the ignore list. A fájl a mellőzési listán szerepel. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. A pontokkal végződő fájlneveket ez a fájlrendszer nem támogatja. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. A(z) „%1” karaktert tartalmazó fájlnevek nem támogatottak ezen a fájlrendszeren. - + File name contains at least one invalid character A fájlnév legalább egy érvénytelen karaktert tartalmaz - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. A fájlnév egy fenntartott név ezen a fájlrendszeren. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. A fájlnév záró szóközt tartalmaz. - + Filename contains leading spaces. A fájlnév kezdő szóközt tartalmaz. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. A fájlnév kezdő és záró szóközt tartalmaz. - + Filename is too long. A fájlnév túl hosszú. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. A fájl/mappa figyelmen kívül hagyva, mert rejtett. - + Stat failed. Az elem kizárás vagy hiba miatt kihagyva. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Ütközés: A kiszolgáló verziója letöltve, a helyi példány átnevezve és nem lett feltöltve. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. A fájlnév nem kódolható a fájlrendszeren. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. A fájlnév feketelistára került a kiszolgálón. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. A fájlnak virtuális fájlok számára fenntartott kiterjesztése van. - + size méret - + permission jogosultság - + file id fájlazonosító - + Server reported no %1 Kiszolgáló jelentése: hiányzó %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Az érvénytelen módosítási idő miatt nem lehet szinkronizálni @@ -3297,52 +3339,52 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek Hiba történt a(z) %1 fájlrekord adatbázisból törlése során - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Ütközés a mappa feltöltésekor. Törölve lesz! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Ütközés a fájl feltöltésekor. Törölve lesz! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist A „válassza ki a szinkronizálni kívánt elemeket” feketelista miatt figyelmen kívül hagyva - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Nem engedélyezett, mert nincs engedélye almappák hozzáadásához az adott a mappához - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Nem engedélyezett, mert nincs engedélye fájlok hozzáadására az adott mappában - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Ezt a fájlt nem lehet feltölteni, mert csak olvasható a kiszolgálón, helyreállítás - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Érvénytelen célba mozgatás, helyreállítás - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Az eltávolítás nem engedélyezett, helyreállítás - + Error while reading the database Hiba történt az adatbázis olvasása során - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 A kiszolgáló a következő hibával válaszolt a(z) „%1” könyvtár olvasása során: %2 @@ -3509,45 +3551,46 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash A(z) %1 fájl egy helyi fájl névütközése miatt nem nevezhető ár erre: %2, - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB a(z) %1 fájl lekérése a helyi adatbázisból nem sikerült - + Error setting pin state Hiba a tű állapotának beállításakor - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Hiba a metaadatok frissítésekor: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use A(z) %1 fájl épp használatban van - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB A(z) %1 fájlrekord törlése a helyi adatbázisból nem sikerült - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy A könyvtár átnevezésének átvezetése a hierarchiában sikertelen - + Failed to rename file A fájl átnevezése sikertelen @@ -3995,7 +4038,7 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek Leave this share - + Megosztás elhagyása @@ -4316,7 +4359,7 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Nem sikerült frissíteni a fájl metaadatait: %1 @@ -4350,12 +4393,12 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek Nem lehet kiolvasni a tiltólistát a helyi adatbázisból - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nem lehet olvasni a szinkronizálási naplóból. - + Cannot open the sync journal A szinkronizálási napló nem nyitható meg @@ -4365,12 +4408,12 @@ Ez egy új, kísérleti mód. Ha úgy dönt, hogy használja, akkor jelezze nek A szinkronizálás rövidesen folytatódik. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Túl kevés a tárterület: A letöltések, melyek %1 alá csökkentették volna a szabad tárhelyet, kihagyásra kerültek. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Egyes feltöltésekhez nincs elég hely a kiszolgálón. diff --git a/translations/client_id.ts b/translations/client_id.ts index d4cb0478bb770..f00df32270f5b 100644 --- a/translations/client_id.ts +++ b/translations/client_id.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Batal @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Belum ada akun terkonfigurasi - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Akun ini mendukung enkripsi end-to-end - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Hidupkan enkripsi + Warning Peringatan - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Buka folder - + Encrypt Enkrip - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Pilih apa yang akan disinkron - + Force sync now Paksa sinkronisasi sekarang - + Restart sync Ulang sinkronisasi - + Resume sync Lanjutkan sinkron - + Pause sync Jeda sinkron - + Remove folder sync connection Hapus koneksi sinkronisasi folder - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Pembuatan Folder gagal - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Konfirmasi Penghapusan Koneksi Sinkronisasi Folder - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p> Apakah Anda ingin menghentikan sinkronisasi folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b> Catatan:</b> Aksi ini tidak akan menghapus berkas apapun.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Hapus Koneksi Sinkronisasi Folder - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sinkronisasi berlangsung - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Operasi sinkronisasi sedang berjalan. <br/>Apakah Anda ingin membatalkannya? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) dari %2 sedang digunakan. Beberapa folder, termasuk jaringan yang terpasang atau folder yang telah dibagikan, kemungkinan mempunyai beberapa keterbatasan. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 dari %2 sedang digunakan - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Saat ini tidak ada informasi penggunaan ruang yang tersedia. - + %1 in use %1 digunakan - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Tersambung ke %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Peladen %1 sementara tidak tersedia. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Peladen %1 sementara dalam moda pemeliharaan. - + Signed out from %1. Log keluar dari %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Mendapatkan autorisasi dari browser. <a href='%1'>Klik disini</a> untuk membuka ulang browser. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Tidak ada koneksi ke %1 di %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Tidak ada koneksi %1 yang dikonfigurasi. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Terdapat folder tidak tersinkronisasi karena terlalu besar: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Terdapat folder tidak tersinkronisasi karena penyimpanan eksternal: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Terdapat folder tidak tersinkronisasi karena terlalu besar atau penyimpanan ekternal: - + Confirm Account Removal Konfirmasi pemutusan akun - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p> Apakah Anda ingin menghapus koneksi untuk akun <i> %1</i>?</p> <p><b> Catatan: </b> Aksi ini tidak akan menghapus berkas apapun.</p> - + Remove connection Hapus koneksi - - Enable encryption - Hidupkan enkripsi + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Akun ini mendukung enkripsi end-to-end + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Mohon untuk memasukkan kata sandi (passphrase) enkripsi end to end Anda: <br><br>Pengguna: %2<br>Akun: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3160,107 +3201,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3270,52 +3311,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3482,45 +3523,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4321,12 +4363,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4336,12 +4378,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_is.ts b/translations/client_is.ts index 9a1346c68ddd3..5aac244acec17 100644 --- a/translations/client_is.ts +++ b/translations/client_is.ts @@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Hætta við @@ -400,6 +400,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,151 +430,161 @@ No account configured. Enginn aðgangur stilltur. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Þessi aðgangur styður enda-í-enda dulritun - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Virkja dulritun + Warning Aðvörun - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Opna möppu - + Encrypt Dulrita - - + + Edit Ignored Files Breyta hunsuðum skrám - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Veldu það sem á að samstilla - + Force sync now Þvinga samstillingu núna - + Restart sync Endurræsa samstillingu - + Resume sync Halda samstillingu áfram - + Pause sync Gera hlé á samstillingu - + Remove folder sync connection Fjarlægja samstillingartengingu möppu - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Gerð möppu mistókst - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Gat ekki búið til staðværa möppu <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Staðfesta fjarlægingu á samstillingartengingu möppu - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Viltu í alvörunni hætta að samstilla möppuna <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Athugið:</b> Þetta mun <b>ekki</b> eyða neinum skrám.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Fjarlægja samstillingartengingu möppu - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -573,142 +593,158 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Samstilling er keyrandi - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Aðgerðin sem samstillir er í gangi.<br/>Viltu stöðva hana? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) af %2 í notkun. Sumar möppur, þar með taldar netmöppur tengdar í skráakerfið eða sameignarmöppur, gætu verið með önnur takmörk. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 af %2 í notkun - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Það eru engar upplýsingar um gagnamagn fáanlegar í augnablikinu. - + %1 in use %1 í notkun - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Tengdur við %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Þjónninn %1 er ekki tiltækur í augnablikinu. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Þjónninn %1 er í viðhaldsham. - + Signed out from %1. Skráður út af %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. - + Connecting to %1 … Tengist við %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Engin tenging við %1 á %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Engin %1 tenging skilgreind. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Það eru möppur sem ekki eru samstilltar því þær eru of stórar: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Það eru möppur sem ekki eru samstilltar því þær ytri eru gagnageymslur: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Það eru möppur sem ekki eru samstilltar því þær eru of stórar eða eru ytri gagnageymslur: - + Confirm Account Removal Staðfesta fjarlægingu aðgangs - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Viltu í alvörunni fjarlægja tenginguna við aðganginn <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Athugið:</b> Þetta mun <b>ekki</b> eyða neinum skrám.</p> - + Remove connection Fjarlægja tengingu - - Enable encryption - Virkja dulritun + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Þessi aðgangur styður enda-í-enda dulritun + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ gagnageymslur: OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Settu inn lykilorð fyrir enda-í-enda dulritun:<br><br>Notandi: %2<br>Aðgangur: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3163,107 +3204,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3273,52 +3314,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3485,45 +3526,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4326,12 +4368,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Tekst ekki að lesa úr atvikaskrá samstillingar. - + Cannot open the sync journal Tekst ekki að opna atvikaskrá samstillingar @@ -4341,12 +4383,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_it.ts b/translations/client_it.ts index b098818ee7a24..548af277d4273 100644 --- a/translations/client_it.ts +++ b/translations/client_it.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Annulla @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Sembra che tu abbia la funzione File Virtuali attiva in questa cartella. Al momento, non è possibile scaricare implicitamente file virtuali che sono cifrati end-to-end. Per avere la migliore esperienza con i file virtuali e la crittografia end-to-end, assicurati che la cartella cifrata sia contrassegnata con "Rendi sempre disponibile in locale". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nessun account configurato. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Questo account supporta la cifratura End-To-End - Display mnemonic Visualizza mnemonico - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Questo account supporta la crittografia End-to-End + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Abilita cifratura @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Avviso - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Non puoi cifrare una cartella con contenuti, rimuovi i file. Attendi la nuova sincronizzazione, quindi cifrala. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Questo account supporta la crittografia End-to-End + + + Encryption failed Cifratura fallita - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Impossibile crittografare la cartella perchè non esiste più - - + + Open folder Apri cartella - + Encrypt Cifra - - + + Edit Ignored Files Modifica file ignorati - - + + Create new folder Crea una nuova cartella - - + + Availability Disponibilità - + Choose what to sync Scegli cosa sincronizzare - + Force sync now Forza ora la sincronizzazione - + Restart sync Riavvia sincronizzazione - + Resume sync Riprendi la sincronizzazione - + Pause sync Sospendi la sincronizzazione - + Remove folder sync connection Rimuovi connessione di sincronizzazione cartelle - + Disable virtual file support … Disabilita il supporto dei file virtuali… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Abilita supporto dei file virtuali %1… - + (experimental) (sperimentale) - + Folder creation failed Creazione della cartella non riuscita - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Impossibile creare la cartella locale <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Conferma rimozione connessione di sincronizzazione cartelle - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vuoi davvero fermare la sincronizzazione della cartella <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> ciò <b>non</b> eliminerà alcun file.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Rimuovi connessione di sincronizzazione cartelle - + Disable virtual file support? Vuoi disabilitare il supporto dei file virtuali? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ L'unico vantaggio di disabilitare il supporto dei file virtuali è che la f Questa azione interromperà qualsiasi sincronizzazione attualmente in esecuzione. - + Disable support Disabilita supporto - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running La sincronizzazione è in corso - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? L'operazione di sincronizzazione è in corso.<br/>Vuoi terminarla? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) di %2 in uso. Alcune cartelle, incluse quelle montate in rete o le cartelle condivise, potrebbero avere limiti diversi. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 di %2 in uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Non ci sono informazioni disponibili sull'utilizzo dello spazio di archiviazione. - + %1 in use %1 in uso - + %1 as %2 %1 come %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. La versione %1 del server non è supportata! Continua a tuo rischio. - + Connected to %1. Connesso a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Il server %1 è temporaneamente non disponibile. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Il Server %1 è attualmente in manutenzione - + Signed out from %1. Disconnesso da %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Ottenimento dell'autorizzazione dal browser. <a href='%1'>Fai clic qui</a> per aprire nuovamente il browser. - + Connecting to %1 … Connessione a %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Nessuna connessione a %1 su %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Errore di configurazione del server: %1 in %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nessuna connessione di %1 configurata. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Ci sono nuove cartelle che non sono state sincronizzate poiché sono troppo grandi: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Ci sono nuove cartelle che non sono state sincronizzate poiché sono archiviazioni esterne: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Ci sono nuove cartelle che non sono state sincronizzate poiché sono troppo grandi o archiviazioni esterne: - + Confirm Account Removal Conferma rimozione account - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vuoi davvero eliminare la connessione all'account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> ciò <b>non</b> eliminerà alcun file.</p> - + Remove connection Rimuovi connessione - - Enable encryption - Abilita cifratura + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Questo account supporta la cifratura End-To-End + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ Questa azione interromperà qualsiasi sincronizzazione attualmente in esecuzione OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Digita la tua frase segreta di crittografia End-to-End: <br><br>Utente: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Digita la tua frase segreta di cifratura end-to-end: <br><br>Utente: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Digita la tua frase segreta di crittografia End-to-End: <br><br>Utente: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + @@ -3177,107 +3218,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. I collegamenti simbolici non sono supportati dalla sincronizzazione. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Il file è presente nell'elenco degli ignorati. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. I nomi del file che terminano con un punto non sono supportati su questo file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. I nomi del file che contengono il carattere "%1" non sono supportati su questo file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Il nome del file contiene almeno un carattere non valido - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Il nome del file è un nome riservato su questo file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Il nome del file contiene spazi alla fine. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Il nome del file contiene spazi all'inizio. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Il nome del file contiene spazi all'inizio e alla fine. - + Filename is too long. Il nome del file è troppo lungo. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Il file/cartella è ignorato poiché è nascosto. - + Stat failed. Stat non riuscita. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflitto: versione del server scaricata, copia locale rinominata e non caricata. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Il nome del file non può essere codificato sul tuo file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Il nome del file è nella lista nera sul server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Il file ha l'estensione riservata ai file virtuali. - + size dimensione - + permission permesso - + file id ID del file - + Server reported no %1 Il server non ha restituito alcun %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Impossibile sincronizzare a causa di un orario di modifica non valido @@ -3287,52 +3328,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Errore nella rilevazione del record del file %1 dal database - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Conflitto durante l'invio di una cartella. Verrà svuotata! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Conflitto durante l'invio di un file. Verrà rimosso! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorato in base alla lista nera per la scelta di cosa sincronizzare - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Non consentito perché non sei autorizzato ad aggiungere sottocartelle a quella cartella - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Non ti è consentito perché non hai i permessi per aggiungere file in quella cartella - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Non ti è permesso caricare questo file perché hai l'accesso in sola lettura sul server, ripristino - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Spostato su una destinazione non valida, ripristino - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Rimozione non consentita, ripristino - + Error while reading the database Errore durante la lettura del database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Il server ha risposto con un errore durante la lettura della cartella "%1" : %2 @@ -3499,45 +3540,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Il file %1 non può essere rinominato in %2 per un conflitto con il nome di un file locale - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB impossibile ottenere il file %1 dal DB locale - + Error setting pin state Errore durante l'impostazione dello stato del PIN - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Errore di invio dei metadati: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Il file %1 è attualmente in uso - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Impossibile eliminare il record del file %1 dal DB locale - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Rinominazione file non riuscita @@ -4340,12 +4382,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Impossibile leggere la lista nera dal database locale - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Impossibile leggere dal registro di sincronizzazione. - + Cannot open the sync journal Impossibile aprire il registro di sincronizzazione @@ -4355,12 +4397,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss La sincronizzazione riprenderà a breve. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Lo spazio su disco è basso: gli scaricamenti che potrebbero ridurre lo spazio libero sotto %1 saranno saltati. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Spazio disponibile insufficiente sul server per alcuni caricamenti. diff --git a/translations/client_ja.ts b/translations/client_ja.ts index 98742bed1a2f1..6af33c99cd786 100644 --- a/translations/client_ja.ts +++ b/translations/client_ja.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel キャンセル @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". このフォルダでは仮想ファイル機能が有効になっているようです。現時点では、エンドツーエンドで暗号化された仮想ファイルをバックグラウンドで暗黙的にダウンロードすることはできません。仮想ファイルとエンドツーエンド暗号化を最大限に活用するには、暗号化されたフォルダーに「ローカルで常に利用可能にする」というマークが付いていることを確認してください。 + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. アカウントが未設定です。 - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - このアカウントはE2E暗号化に対応しています - Display mnemonic ニーモニックを表示 - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - このアカウントはエンドツーエンドの暗号化をサポートしています + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + 暗号化を有効にする @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ 警告 - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. フォルダーが空でないと暗号化できません。ファイルを削除してください。 新しい同期を待ってから、暗号化します。 - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + このアカウントはエンドツーエンドの暗号化をサポートしています + + + Encryption failed 暗号化できませんでした - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore フォルダーが既に存在しないため暗号化できませんでした - - + + Open folder フォルダーを開く - + Encrypt 暗号化 - - + + Edit Ignored Files 除外ファイルリストを編集 - - + + Create new folder 新しいフォルダーを作成 - - + + Availability ローカルファイルの保持 - + Choose what to sync 同期フォルダーを選択 - + Force sync now 今すぐ強制的に同期 - + Restart sync 同期を再実行 - + Resume sync 再開 - + Pause sync 一時停止 - + Remove folder sync connection 同期フォルダー接続を削除 - + Disable virtual file support … 仮想ファイルを無効にする… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … 仮想ファイルを有効にする %1… - + (experimental) (試験的) - + Folder creation failed フォルダーの作成に失敗しました - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>ローカルフォルダー <i>%1</i> を作成できません。</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 同期フォルダー接続の削除を確認 - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>フォルダー<i>%1</i>の同期を本当に止めますか?</p><p><b>注:</b> これによりファイルが一切削除されることはありません。</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection 同期フォルダー接続を削除 - + Disable virtual file support? 仮想ファイルを無効にしますか? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. この操作を行うと、現在実行中の同期が中止されます。 - + Disable support サポートを無効化 - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic エンドツーエンドの暗号化ニーモニック - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running 同期を実行中 - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 同期作業を実行中です。<br/>終了しますか? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %2 の %1(%3%) 利用中。外部ネットワークストレージや共有フォルダーを含むフォルダーがある場合は、容量の上限値が異なる可能性があります。 - + %1 of %2 in use %2 のうち %1 を使用中 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. 現在、利用できるストレージ利用状況はありません。 - + %1 in use %1 を使用中 - + %1 as %2 %1 に %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. サーバーバージョン %1 はサポートされていません! 自己責任で進めてください。 - + Connected to %1. %1 で接続しています。 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. サーバー %1 は一時的に利用できません - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. サーバー %1 は現在メンテナンスモードです。 - + Signed out from %1. %1 からサインアウトしました。 - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. ブラウザーから許可を取得。<a href='%1'>ここをクリック</a> してブラウザーを再度開きます。 - + Connecting to %1 … %1 に接続中… - + No connection to %1 at %2. %2 の %1 への接続がありません。 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. サーバー設定エラー: %2 の %1 - + No %1 connection configured. %1 の接続は設定されていません。 - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 大きすぎるため同期されなかったフォルダーがあります: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 外部ストレージにあるため同期されなかったフォルダーがあります: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 大きすぎたか、外部ストレージにあるため同期されなかったフォルダーがあります: - + Confirm Account Removal アカウント削除確認 - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p> アカウント <i>%1</i> を本当に削除しますか?</p><p><b>注意:</b> これによりファイルが一切削除されることはありません。</p> - + Remove connection 接続削除 - - Enable encryption - 暗号化を有効にする + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + このアカウントはE2E暗号化に対応しています + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> エンドツーエンドの暗号化パスフレーズを入力してください:<br> <br>ユーザー:%2<br>アカウント:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3185,107 +3226,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. シンボリックリンクは同期ではサポートされていません。 - + File is listed on the ignore list. ファイルは除外リストに登録されています。 - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. ピリオドで終わるファイル名はこのファイルシステムでサポートされていません。 - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. ファイル名に含まれる文字 "%1" はこのファイルシステムでサポートされていません。 - + File name contains at least one invalid character ファイル名は少なくとも1つ以上の無効な文字を含んでいます - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. ファイル名はファイルシステムに予約されています。 - + Filename contains trailing spaces. ファイル名末尾にスペースが含まれます。 - + Filename contains leading spaces. ファイル名先頭にスペースが含まれています。 - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. ファイル名の先頭と末尾にスペースが含まれています。 - + Filename is too long. ファイル名は長すぎます。 - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 隠しファイル/フォルダーのため無視されました - + Stat failed. 情報取得エラー - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. コンフリクト: サーバーのバージョンがダウンロードされて、ローカルのコピーはファイル名を変更しアップロードしません。 - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. あなたのファイルシステムでファイル名をエンコードできません。 - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. このファイル名はサーバーにブロックされました。 - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. ファイルの拡張子は仮想ファイル用に予約されています。 - + size サイズ - + permission 権限 - + file id ファイルID - + Server reported no %1 サーバーから no %1 と通知がありました - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time 修正日時が無効なため同期できません @@ -3295,52 +3336,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! フォルダをアップロードするときに競合したので、クリアされます! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! フォルダをアップロードするときに競合したので、削除されます! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist "選択されたものを同期する" のブラックリストにあるために無視されました - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder そのフォルダーにサブフォルダーを追加する権限がありません - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder そのフォルダーにファイルを追加する権限がありません - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring サーバー上で読み取り専用のため、ファイルをアップロードできません。 - + Moved to invalid target, restoring 無効なターゲットに移動し、復元しました - + Not allowed to remove, restoring 削除、復元は許可されていません - + Error while reading the database データベースを読み込み中にエラーが発生しました - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 サーバーでディレクトリ "%1" を読み取り中にエラーになりました: %2 @@ -3507,45 +3548,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash ローカルファイル名が衝突しているため、ファイル %1 の名前を %2 に変更できません - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state お気に入りに設定エラー - + + Error updating metadata: %1 メタデータの更新中にエラーが発生しました:%1 - + The file %1 is currently in use ファイル %1 は現在使用中です - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file ファイル名を変更できませんでした @@ -4348,12 +4390,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss ローカルデータベースからブラックリストを読み込みできません - + Unable to read from the sync journal. 同期ジャーナルから読み込みできません - + Cannot open the sync journal 同期ジャーナルを開くことができません @@ -4363,12 +4405,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss まもなく同期が再開されます。 - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. ディスク容量が少ない:%1以下の空き容量を減らすダウンロードはスキップされました。 - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. いくつかのアップロードのために、サーバーに十分なスペースがありません。 diff --git a/translations/client_ko.ts b/translations/client_ko.ts index f321c3f1ee6b4..53a299aea89a1 100644 --- a/translations/client_ko.ts +++ b/translations/client_ko.ts @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ In %1 - + %1 안에 @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Dismiss - + 무시 Open share dialog - + 공유 대화 상자 열기 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ No activities yet - + 활동 없음 @@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ Talk notification caller avatar - + Talk 알림 호출 아바타 Answer Talk call notification - + Talk 통화 알림에 응답하기 @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Decline Talk call notification - + Talk 통화 알림을 거절하기 @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Opening file for local editing - + 파일을 로컬 편집으로 열기 @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ No recent emojis - + 최근 이모지 없음 @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Error - + 오류 @@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ Activity - + 활동 Sharing - + 공유 @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ File details of %1 · %2 - + 파일 %1 · %2에 대한 세부정보 @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel 취소 @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". 이 폴더에 가상 파일 기능이 활성화된 것 같습니다. 종단간 암호화 된 가상 파일은 다운로드 할 수 없습니다. 종단간 암호화와 가상 파일 기능의 원활한 동작을 위해 암호화된 폴더가 "로컬에서 항상 사용 가능"한지 확인하십시오. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + 가상 파일과 종단간 암호화 + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -407,7 +417,7 @@ Do not encrypt folder - + 폴더를 암호화하지 마십시오 @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. 설정한 계정이 없습니다. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - 이 계정은 종단간 암호화를 지원합니다. - Display mnemonic 니모닉 표시 - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + 이 계정에 종단간 암호화가 활성화됨 + + + + Enable encryption + 암호화 사용 @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ 경고 - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. 내용물이 있는 폴더는 암호화할 수 없습니다. 파일을 삭제하십시오. 새로운 동기화를 기다린 후 암호화하십시오. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + 이 계정은 종단간 암호화를 지원합니다 + + + Encryption failed 암호화 실패 - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore 폴더가 더 이상 존재하지 않아 해당 폴더를 암호화 할 수 없음 - - + + Open folder 폴더 열기 - + Encrypt 암호화 - - + + Edit Ignored Files 무시된 파일 수정 - - + + Create new folder 새 폴더 생성 - - + + Availability 사용 가능 여부 - + Choose what to sync 동기화 대상 선택 - + Force sync now 강제 동기화 - + Restart sync 동기화 다시 시작 - + Resume sync 동기화 재개 - + Pause sync 동기화 일시 정지 - + Remove folder sync connection 동기화 폴더 연결 삭제 - + Disable virtual file support … 가상 파일 지원 비활성화 - + Enable virtual file support %1 … 가상 파일 지원 %1 활성화 - + (experimental) (실험적) - + Folder creation failed 폴더 생성 실패 - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>로컬 폴더를 만들 수 없음 <i>%1</i>. - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 동기화 폴더 연결 삭제 확인 - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>폴더 <i>%1</i>과 동기화를 중지합니까?</p><p><b>참고:</b> 어떤 파일도 <b>삭제하지 않습니다.</b></p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection 동기화 폴더 연결 삭제 - + Disable virtual file support? 가상 파일 지원을 비활성화합니까? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. 이 동작은 진행중인 동기화를 모두 취소합니다. - + Disable support 지원 비활성화 - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + 종단간 암호화 연상 기호 + + + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + 종단간 암호화 연상 기호 - + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + 암호화 신원을 보호하기 위해 12개의 사전 단어를 연상 기호로 사용하여 암호화합니다. 이 내용을 기록하고 안전하게 보관하십시오. 휴대전화나 노트북과 같은 다른 기기를 계정에 추가해야합니다. - + Sync Running 동기화 - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 동기화가 진행중입니다.<br/>종료하시겠습니까? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %2의 %1 (%3%) 사용 중. 네트워크 탑재 또는 공유 폴더를 포함한 일부 폴더에는 다른 제한이 있을 수 있습니다. - + %1 of %2 in use %2의 %1 사용중 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. 현재 사용 가능한 저장소 사용량 정보가 없습니다. - + %1 in use %1 사용중 - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 서버 버전 %1은 오래되어 지원되지 않습니다. 책임 하에 진행하십시오. - + Connected to %1. %1에 연결되었습니다. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 서버 %1을 일시적으로 사용할 수 없습니다. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. 서버 %1이 현재 유지 보수 모드입니다. - + Signed out from %1. %1에서 로그아웃했습니다. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. 브라우저에서 권한을 얻습니다. 브라우저를 다시 열려면 <a href='%1'>여기</a>를 클릭하십시오. - + Connecting to %1 … %1에 연결 중... - + No connection to %1 at %2. %1와 %2에 연결이 없습니다. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. 서버 설정 오류: %2에 있는 %1 - + No %1 connection configured. %1 연결이 설정되지 않았습니다. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 사이즈가 너무 커서 동기화 되지 않은 폴더가 있습니다: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 외부 저장소이므로 동기화되지 않은 폴더가 있습니다: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 사이즈가 너무 크거나 외부 저장소이므로 동기화되지 않은 폴더가 있습니다: - + Confirm Account Removal 계정 삭제 확인 - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>계정 <i>%1</i>과 연결을 삭제합니까?</p><p><b>참고:</b> 어떤 파일도 </b>삭제하지 않습니다.</b></p> - + Remove connection 연결 삭제 - - Enable encryption - 암호화 사용 + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + 이 계정은 종단간 암호화를 지원합니다. + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -769,7 +805,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Fetching activities… - + 활동 불러오는 중... @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + 종단간의 암호화 암구호를 입력하십시오: <br><br>사용자: %2<br>계정: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 종단간의 암호화 암구호를 입력하십시오: <br><br>사용자: %2<br>계정: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -1196,7 +1237,7 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Invalid token received. - + 잘못된 토큰을 수신했습니다. @@ -1204,17 +1245,17 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Please try again. - + 다시 시도하십시오. Invalid file path was provided. - + 잘못된 파일 경로를 지정했습니다. Could not find an account for local editing. - + 로컬 편집을 위한 계정을 찾지 못했습니다. @@ -1224,18 +1265,18 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure it is not excluded via selective sync. - + 로컬에서 편집하려는 파일을 찾지 못했습니다. 해당 파일이 선택적 동기화에 의해 제외되지 않았는지 확인하십시오. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure its path is valid and it is synced locally. - + 로컬에서 편집하려는 파일을 찾지 못했습니다. 해당 파일의 경로가 유효한지, 로컬에서 동기화되었는지 확인하십시오. Could not find a folder to sync. - + 동기화할 폴더를 찾을 수 없습니다. @@ -1254,43 +1295,43 @@ OpenSSL 라이브러리 이슈일 수 있습니다. %1 second(s) ago seconds elapsed since file last modified - + %1초 전 %1 minute(s) ago minutes elapsed since file last modified - + %1분 전 %1 hour(s) ago hours elapsed since file last modified - + %1시간 전 %1 day(s) ago days elapsed since file last modified - + %1일 전 %1 month(s) ago months elapsed since file last modified - + %1개월 전 %1 year(s) ago years elapsed since file last modified - + %1년 전 Locked by %1 - Expires in %2 minute(s) remaining time before lock expires - + %1에 의해 잠김 - %2분 후에 만료됨 @@ -1845,7 +1886,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce A few seconds left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" - + 수 초 남음, %2의 %1, %4의 파일 %3 @@ -2176,7 +2217,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Show call notification dialogs. - + 통화 알림을 대화 상자에 표시하기. @@ -2413,7 +2454,7 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Checking rename permissions... - + 이름 변경 권한 확인 중... @@ -2423,7 +2464,7 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Failed to fetch permissions with error %1 - + 오류 %1(으)로 인해 권한을 불러올 수 없음 @@ -2463,7 +2504,7 @@ Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from Could not rename local file. %1 - + 로컬 파일의 이름을 변경할 수 없음. %1 @@ -2710,7 +2751,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Empty JSON from OAuth2 redirect - + OAuth2 리디렉션에서 보낸 빈 JSON @@ -2730,7 +2771,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. <h1>Wrong account</h1><p>You logged in with the account <em>%1</em>, but must log in with the account <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in with %2.</p> - + <h1>잘못된 계정</h1><p>귀하는 계정 <em>%1</em>(으)로 로그인을 시도하였으나, 계정 <em>%2</em>(으)로 로그인 해야합니다. <br>다른 탭에서 %3을(를) 로그아웃 한 후, <a href='%4'>여기</a>를 클릭하여 %2(으)로 로그인 하십시오.</p> @@ -2943,7 +2984,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Impossible to get modification time for file in conflict %1 - + %1(으)로 인해 파일의 수정 시각을 불러올 수 없음 @@ -3000,7 +3041,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. The authenticated request to the server was redirected to "%1". The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. - + 서버에 대한 인증 된 요청이 '%1'로 리디렉션되었습니다. URL이 잘못되어 서버가 잘못 구성되었습니다. @@ -3130,7 +3171,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Cancel - + 취소 @@ -3189,164 +3230,164 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 심볼릭 링크는 동기화에서 지원되지 않습니다. - + File is listed on the ignore list. 파일이 무시 목록에 추가되었습니다. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 마침표로 끝나는 파일 이름은 이 파일 시스템에서 지원되지 않습니다. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. "%1" 문자가 포함된 파일 이름은 이 파일 시스템에서 지원되지 않습니다. - + File name contains at least one invalid character 파일 이름에 잘못된 글자가 한 자 이상 있음 - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 해당 파일 이름은 이 파일 시스템에서 예약된 이름입니다. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. 파일 이름 뒤에 공백이 있습니다. - + Filename contains leading spaces. 파일 이름에 선행 공백이 있습니다. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. 파일 이름에 선행 공백과 후행 공백이 있습니다. - + Filename is too long. 파일 이름이 너무 깁니다. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 파일/폴더가 숨겨져 있으므로 무시됩니다. - + Stat failed. 스탯 실패 - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. 충돌: 서버 버전이 다운로드되었으며 로컬 사본의 이름이 바뀌었고 업로드되지 않았습니다. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. 내 파일 시스템에서 파일 이름을 인코딩 할 수 없습니다. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. 파일 이름이 서버 블랙리스트에 있습니다. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. 파일이 가상 파일에 예약된 확장자를 가짐 - + size 크기 - + permission 권한 - + file id 파일 id - + Server reported no %1 - + 서버가 %1이(가) 없다고(아니라고) 보고함 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time 유효하지 않은 수정 시간으로 인해 동기화할 수 없습니다. Error while deleting file record %1 from the database - + 파일 레코드 %1(을)를 데이터베이스에서 제거하는 중 오류 발생 - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + 폴더를 업로드 하던 중 충돌이 발생했습니다. 해당 폴더는 비워질 것입니다. - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + 파일을 업로드 하던 중 충돌이 발생했습니다. 해당 파일은 제거될 것입니다. - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist "동기화 할 대상 선택" 블랙리스트로 인해 무시되었습니다. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 해당 폴더에 하위 폴더를 추가 할 수 있는 권한이 없기 때문에 허용되지 않습니다. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 해당 폴더에 파일을 추가 할 권한이 없으므로 허용되지 않습니다. - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 이 파일은 서버에서 읽기 전용이므로 업로드 할 수 없습니다. 복구 - + Moved to invalid target, restoring 유효하지 않은 목적지로 옮겨짐, 복구 - + Not allowed to remove, restoring 삭제가 허용되지 않음, 복구 - + Error while reading the database 데이터베이스를 읽는 중 오류 발생 - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 - + 서버가 디렉토리 '%1'을(를) 읽는 중 오류로 응답함: %2 @@ -3354,7 +3395,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not delete file %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 %1을(를) 삭제할 수 없음 @@ -3377,7 +3418,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not get file %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 %1을(를) 불러올 수 없음 @@ -3394,7 +3435,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 제거할 수 없음 @@ -3446,7 +3487,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata: %1 - + 메타데이터 갱신 오류: %1 @@ -3487,12 +3528,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata: %1 - + 메타데이터 갱신 오류: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - + 파일 %1(이)가 현재 사용 중입니다. @@ -3505,51 +3546,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 제거할 수 없음 OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 로컬 파일 이름 충돌로 인해 파일 %1의 이름을 %2로 바꿀 수 없습니다. - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 %1을(를) 불러올 수 없음 - + Error setting pin state 핀 상태 설정 오류 - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + 메타데이터 갱신 오류: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - + 파일 %1(이)가 현재 사용 중입니다. - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 제거할 수 없음 - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file 파일 이름을 바꾸지 못했습니다. @@ -3564,7 +3606,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 제거할 수 없음 @@ -3590,7 +3632,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The file %1 is currently in use - + 파일 %1(이)가 현재 사용 중입니다. @@ -3608,27 +3650,27 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss could not get file %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 %1을(를) 불러올 수 없음 Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 제거할 수 없음 Error updating metadata: %1 - + 메타데이터 갱신 오류: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - + 파일 %1(이)가 현재 사용 중입니다. Error setting pin state - + 핀 상태 설정 오류 @@ -3659,7 +3701,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss File %1 has invalid modification time. Do not upload to the server. - + 파일 %1의 '수정 시간'값이 올바르지 않습니다. 이 파일을 서버에 업로드하지 마십시오. @@ -3684,12 +3726,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata: %1 - + 메타데이터 갱신 오류: %1 The file %1 is currently in use - + 파일 %1(이)가 현재 사용 중입니다. @@ -3707,7 +3749,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Poll URL missing - + 설문조사 URL 누락 @@ -3823,7 +3865,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Reply - + 답장 @@ -3865,17 +3907,17 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Share link - + 링크 공유 Link share - + 링크 공유 Enter a note for the recipient - + 메모 입력 @@ -3893,7 +3935,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Note: - + 메모: @@ -3997,7 +4039,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Leave this share - + 이 공유에서 떠나기 @@ -4039,7 +4081,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Expire in %1 minutes remaining time before lock expire - + %1분 내에 만료됨 @@ -4318,12 +4360,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file metadata: %1 - + 파일 메타데이터를 업로드할 수 없음: %1 Could not set file record to local DB: %1 - + 로컬 데이터베이스에서 파일 레코드 %1을(를) 설정할 수 없음 @@ -4352,12 +4394,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 로컬 데이터베이스에서 블랙리스트를 읽을 수 없습니다. - + Unable to read from the sync journal. 동기화 저널에서 읽을 수 없습니다. - + Cannot open the sync journal 동기화 저널을 열 수 없습니다. @@ -4367,12 +4409,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 동기화가 곧 재개됩니다. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. 디스크 공간이 부족합니다. 여유 공간이 %1 미만으로 남으면 다운로드를 건너 뜁니다. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. 일부 업로드를 위해 서버에 사용 가능한 공간이 부족합니다. @@ -4415,7 +4457,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Some files could not be synced! - + 일부 파일을 동기화할 수 없습니다! @@ -4425,17 +4467,17 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %1 of %2 · %3 left - + %2 중 %1 · %3 남음 %1 of %2 - + %2 중 %1 Syncing file %1 of %2 - + %2 중 %1 동기화 중 @@ -4528,22 +4570,22 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Failed to fetch providers. - + 공급자를 불러오지 못했습니다. Failed to fetch search providers for '%1'. Error: %2 - + '%1'에 대한 검색 공급자를 불러오지 못했습니다. 오류: %2 Search has failed for '%2'. - + '%2'을(를) 검색하지 못했습니다. Search has failed for '%1'. Error: %2 - + '%1'을(를) 검색하지 못했습니다. 오류: %2 @@ -4722,7 +4764,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Error updating metadata due to invalid modification time - + 유효하지 않은 수정 시간으로 인한 메타데이터 업데이트 오류 @@ -4743,7 +4785,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss You have been logged out of your account %1 at %2. Please login again. - + 귀하의 계정 %1이(가) %2에서 로그아웃 했습니다. 다시 로그인하십시오. @@ -4782,12 +4824,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Sign up with provider - + 공급자로 가입 Create account with Provider - + 공급자로 계정 생성 @@ -5177,27 +5219,27 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Password required for new share - + 새 공유를 위한 암호가 필요합니다 Share password - + 공유에 대한 암호 Sharing is disabled - + 공유가 비활성화됨 This item cannot be shared. - + 이 항목은 공유할 수 없습니다. Sharing is disabled. - + 공유가 비활성화 되었습니다. @@ -5205,7 +5247,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Search for users or groups… - + 사용자나 그룹 검색... @@ -5221,7 +5263,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Sync now - + 지금 동기화 @@ -5229,7 +5271,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Reply to … - + ...에 답장 @@ -5266,7 +5308,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Load more results - + 더 많은 결과 불러오기 @@ -5359,7 +5401,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Invisible - + 숨겨짐 @@ -5384,7 +5426,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Cancel - + 취소 @@ -5465,12 +5507,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type "%1" - + 체크섬 헤더에 알 수 없는 체크섬 유형 "%1"이 있습니다. The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. "%1" != "%2" - + 다운로드한 파일이 체크섬과 일치하지 않아 다시 시작됩니다. "%1" != "%2" @@ -5478,7 +5520,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Nextcloud desktop main dialog - + Nextcloud 데스크톱 주 대화상자 @@ -5595,7 +5637,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss %1 - File activity - + %1 - 파일 활동 @@ -5882,7 +5924,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Locked by %1 - Expires in %2 minutes remaining time before lock expires - + %1에 의해 잠김 - %2분 후에 만료됨 @@ -5920,7 +5962,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Note - + 메모 @@ -5955,7 +5997,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Link name - + 링크 이름 diff --git a/translations/client_lt_LT.ts b/translations/client_lt_LT.ts index a5543930ef26c..48dc020aceab3 100644 --- a/translations/client_lt_LT.ts +++ b/translations/client_lt_LT.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ No activities yet - + Kol kas nėra veiklų @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Switch to your browser to connect your account - + Perjunkite į naršyklė, kad prisijungtumėte prie savo paskyros @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Atsisakyti @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nėra sukonfiguruotų paskyrų. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Ši paskyra palaiko ištisinį šifravimą - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Ši paskyra palaiko ištisinį šifravimą + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Įjungti šifravimą @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Įspėjimas - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Jūs negalite šifruoti aplanko su turiniu. Pašalinkite failus. Palaukite naujo sinchronizavimo, o tuomet jį šifruokite. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Ši paskyra palaiko ištisinį šifravimą + + + Encryption failed Šifravimas patyrė nesėkmę - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nepavyko šifruoti aplanko, nes aplanko daugiau nebėra - - + + Open folder Atverti aplanką - + Encrypt Šifruoti - - + + Edit Ignored Files Taisyti nepaisomus failus - - + + Create new folder Sukurti naują aplanką - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Pasirinkti ką sinchronizuoti - + Force sync now Priverstinai sinchronizuoti dabar - + Restart sync Paleisti sinchronizavimą iš naujo - + Resume sync Pratęsti sinchronizavimą - + Pause sync Pristabdyti sinchronizavimą - + Remove folder sync connection Pašalinti aplankų sinchronizavimo ryšį - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Aplanko sukūrimas nepavyko - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nepavyko sukurti vietinio aplanko <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Patvirtinti aplankų sinchronizavimo ryšio pašalinimą - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ar tikrai norite sustabdyti failų sinchronizavimą <i>%1</i>? </p><p><b>Pastaba:</b> Failai <b>nebus</b> ištrinti.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Pašalinti aplankų sinchronizavimo ryšį - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Vyksta sinchronizavimas - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Vyksta sinchronizavimo operacija.<br/>Ar norite ją nutraukti? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) iš %2 yra naudojami. Kai kuriuose aplankuose gali būti naudojami skirtingi apribojimai. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 iš %2 yra naudojami - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Šiuo metu nėra informacijos apie saugyklos panaudojimą. - + %1 in use %1 naudojama - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Prisijungta prie %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Serveris %1 yra laikinai neprieinamas. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Šiuo metu serveris %1 yra techninės priežiūros veiksenoje. - + Signed out from %1. Atsijungta iš %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Autorizuojama vykdoma per naršyklę.<a href='%1'>Paspauskite čia</a>, jei norite iš naujo atidaryti naršyklę. - + Connecting to %1 … Jungiamasi prie %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. %2 neturi ryšio su %1. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Serverio konfigūracijos klaida: %1 ties %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nesukonfigūruota %1 sujungimų. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Yra aplankų, kurie nebuvo sinchronizuoti dėl to, kad buvo per dideli: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Aplankai, kurie nebuvo sinchronizuoti, kadangi jie yra išorinės saugyklos: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Yra aplankų, kurie nebuvo sinchronizuoti dėl to, kad buvo per dideli arba yra išorinės saugyklos: - + Confirm Account Removal Patvirtinti paskyros pašalinimą - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ar tikrai norite pašalinti ryšį su paskyra <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b> Pastaba:</b> Failai <b>nebus</b> ištrinti.</p> - + Remove connection Šalinti ryšį - - Enable encryption - Įjungti šifravimą + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Ši paskyra palaiko ištisinį šifravimą + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Įveskite savo ištisinio šifravimo slaptafrazę:<br><br>Naudotojas: %2<br>Paskyra: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3164,107 +3205,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Failo pavadinime yra galinių tarpų. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Failo pavadinimas yra per ilgas. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Failo/Aplanko nepaisoma, nes jis yra paslėptas. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size dydis - + permission - + file id failo id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3274,52 +3315,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database Klaida skaitant duomenų bazę - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3486,45 +3527,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB nepavyko iš vietinės duomenų bazės gauti failo %1 - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Klaida atnaujinant metaduomenis: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Šiuo metu failas %1 yra naudojamas - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Nepavyko pervadinti failo @@ -4327,12 +4369,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Nepavyko perskaityti juodojo sąrašo iš duomenų bazės kompiuteryje - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nepavyko perskaityti sinchronizavimo žurnalo. - + Cannot open the sync journal Nepavyksta atverti sinchronizavimo žurnalo @@ -4342,12 +4384,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Mažai vietos diske: atsisiuntimai, kurie sumažintų vietą iki %1 buvo praleisti. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Kai kuriems įkėlimams serveryje neužteks vietos. diff --git a/translations/client_lv.ts b/translations/client_lv.ts index d29c191445fe2..5ea7c61fc38dc 100644 --- a/translations/client_lv.ts +++ b/translations/client_lv.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Atcelt @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Nav konfigurēts konts. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Ieslēgt šifrēšanu + Warning Brīdinājums - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Atvērt mapi - + Encrypt Šifrēt - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Izvēlies ko sinhronizēt - + Force sync now Piespeist tūlītēju sinhronizēšanu - + Restart sync Restartēt sinronizāciju - + Resume sync Turpināt sinhronizāciju - + Pause sync Apturēt sinhronizāciju - + Remove folder sync connection Noņemt mapes sinhronizācijas savienojumu - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Mapes izveide neizdevās - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Noņemt mapes sinhronizācijas savienojuma noņemšanai - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vai tiešām vēlaties apturēt mapes <i>%1</i> sinhronizēšanu?</p><p><b>Piezīme:</b> Tas <b>neveiks</b> nekādu datņu dzēšanu.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Noņemt mapes sinhronizācijas savienojumu - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Notiek Sinhronizācija - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Pašlaik notiek sinhronizācijas operācija.<br/>Vai to izbeigt? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) no %2 izmantots. Dažas mapes, tajā skaitā montētas no tīkla vai koplietotas, var saturēt dažādus ierobežojumus. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 no %2 izmantots - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Pašlaik nav pieejama diska vietas informācija. - + %1 in use %1 tiek lietots - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Savienots ar %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Serveris %1 ir īslaicīgi nepiejams. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Serveris %1 pašlaik ir uzturēšanas režīmā - + Signed out from %1. Izrakstījies no %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Saņemam pilnvaru no pārlūka. <a href='%1'>Noklikšķini šeit</a>lai atkārtoti atvērtu pārlūku. - + Connecting to %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Nav savienojuma ar %1 pie %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nav %1 savienojums konfigurēts. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Šīs mapes netika sinhronizētas, jo tās ir pārāk lielas: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Šīs mapes netika sinhronizētas, jo tās atrodas ārējās krātuvēs: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Šīs mapes netika sinhronizētas, jo tās ir pārāk lielas, vai atrodas ārējās krātuvēs: - + Confirm Account Removal Apstiprini Konta noņemšanai - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vai tiešām vēlaties noņemt savienojumu kontam <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Piezīme:</b> Tas <b>neveiks</b> nekādu datņu dzēšanu.</p> - + Remove connection Noņemt savienojumu - - Enable encryption - Ieslēgt šifrēšanu + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Lūdzu ievadiet jūsu end to end šifrēšanas paroli:<br><br>Lietotājs: %2<br>Konts: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3154,107 +3195,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3264,52 +3305,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3476,45 +3517,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4315,12 +4357,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal Nevar atvērt sinhronizācijas žurnālu @@ -4330,12 +4372,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_mk.ts b/translations/client_mk.ts index 0cdaa737e4628..932ab6a044cd8 100644 --- a/translations/client_mk.ts +++ b/translations/client_mk.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Откажи @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Нема конфигурирано сметка. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - На оваа сметка е овозможена крај-до-крај енкрипција - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Овозможи енкрипција + Warning Предупредување - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Отвори папка - + Encrypt Енкриптирај - - + + Edit Ignored Files Измени ги датотеките што се игнорирани - - + + Create new folder Креирај нова папка - - + + Availability Достапност - + Choose what to sync Изберете што да се синхронизира - + Force sync now Прислино синхронизирај сега - + Restart sync Рестартирај синхронизација - + Resume sync Продолжи синхронизација - + Pause sync Паузирај синхронизација - + Remove folder sync connection Отстрани папка од синхронизација - + Disable virtual file support … Оневозможи поддршка за виртуални датотеки ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Овозможи поддршка за виртуални датотеки ... - + (experimental) (експериментално) - + Folder creation failed Неуспешно креирање на папка - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Неможе да се креира локална папка <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Потврди отстранување на папка за синхронизација - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја стопирате синхронизацијата на папката <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Забелешка:</b> Ова <b>нема</b> да избрише ниту една датотека.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Отстрани папка од синхронизација - + Disable virtual file support? Дали сакате да ја оневозможите поддршката за виртуални датотеки? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support Оневозможи поддршка - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Синхронизацијата е стартувана - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Синхронизацијата е стартувана.<br/>Дали сакате да ја прекинете? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. Искористено %1 (%3%) од %2. Некој папки, вклучувајќи ги и мрежно монтираните или споделените папки, може да имаат различен лимит. - + %1 of %2 in use Искористено %1 од %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Моментално нема информации за искористениот простор. - + %1 in use Искористено %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 како %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Верзијата на серверот %1 е застарена и не е поддржана! Продолжете на сопствен ризик. - + Connected to %1. Поврзан со %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Серверот %1 е моментално недостапен. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Серверот %1 е моментално во мод за одржување. - + Signed out from %1. Одјавен од %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Добивање на авторизација од прелистувач. <a href='%1'>Кликни тука</a> за да го отворите повторно прелистувачот. - + Connecting to %1 … Поврзување со %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Нема врска со %1 на %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Грешка во конфигурацијата на серверот: %1 во %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Нема конфигурирано %1 врска. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Има папки кој не се синхронизирани бидејќи се премногу големи: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Има папки кој не се синхронизирани бидејќи тие се надворешни складишта: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Има папки кој не се синхронизирани бидејќи се премногу големи или се надворешни складишта: - + Confirm Account Removal Потврди отстранување на сметка - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја отстраните врската со сметката <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Забелешка:</b> Ова <b>нема</b> да избрише ниту една датотека.</p> - + Remove connection Отстрани врска - - Enable encryption - Овозможи енкрипција + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + На оваа сметка е овозможена крај-до-крај енкрипција + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3161,107 +3202,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Датотека е на листата за игнорирани датотеки. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Името на датотеката соджи невалиден карактер - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Ова име на датотека е резервирано име на системот. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Името на датотеката е премногу долго. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Датотека/Папка е игнорирана бидејќи е сокриена. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Конфликт: Верзијата од серверот е преземена, локалната верзија е преименувана и не е прикачена на серверот. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Името на датотеката е на црна листа на серверот. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size големина - + permission дозвола - + file id id на датотека - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3271,52 +3312,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Не е дозволено бидејќи немате дозвола да додавате потпапки во оваа папка - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Не е дозволено бидејќи немате дозвола да додавате датотеки во оваа папка - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Не е дозволено да ја прикачите оваа датотека бидејќи е само за читање на серверот, враќање - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Не е дозволено бришење, враќање - + Error while reading the database Грешка при вчитување на податоци од датабазата - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3483,45 +3524,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Датотеката %1, моментално се користи - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Неуспешно преименување на датотека @@ -4324,12 +4366,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4339,12 +4381,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Има малку простор на дискот: Преземањата ќе доведат да просторот на дискот се намали под %1 поради тоа се прескокнува. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_nb_NO.ts b/translations/client_nb_NO.ts index 9cab921277b8d..3dee1435b8924 100644 --- a/translations/client_nb_NO.ts +++ b/translations/client_nb_NO.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Avbryt @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Du ser ut til å ha funksjonen virtuelle filer aktivert på denne mappen. For øyeblikket er det ikke mulig å implisitt laste ned virtuelle filer som er ende-til-ende-kryptert. For å få den beste opplevelsen med virtuelle filer og ende-til-ende-kryptering, sørg for at den krypterte mappen er merket med "Gjør alltid tilgjengelig lokalt". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Ingen konto konfigurert. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Denne kontoen støtter ende-til-ende kryptering - Display mnemonic Vis mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Aktiver kryptering + Warning Advarsel - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Du kan ikke kryptere en mappe med innhold, vennligst fjern filene. Vent på den nye synkroniseringen, og krypter den deretter. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Kryptering feilet. - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Kunne ikke kryptere mappen fordi mappen ikke eksisterer lengre - - + + Open folder Åpne mappe - + Encrypt Krypter - - + + Edit Ignored Files Rediger ignorerte filer - - + + Create new folder Ny mappe - - + + Availability Tilgjengelighet - + Choose what to sync Velg hva som synkroniseres - + Force sync now Tving synkronisering nå - + Restart sync Synkroniser på ny - + Resume sync Fortsett synkronisering - + Pause sync Sett synkronisering på pause - + Remove folder sync connection Fjern tilkobling for synkronisering av mappe - + Disable virtual file support … Deaktiver støtte for virtuelle filer - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Aktiver støtte for virtuelle filer %1 … - + (experimental) (eksperimentell) - + Folder creation failed Oppretting av mappe feilet - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Kunne ikke opprette lokal mappe <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Bekreft fjerning av tilkobling for synkronisering av mappe - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vil du virkelig stoppe synkronisering av mappen <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Merk:</b> Dette vil <b>ikke</b> slette noen filer.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Fjern tilkobling for mappe-synkronisering - + Disable virtual file support? Deaktiver støtte for virtuelle filer? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Den eneste fordelen med å deaktivere støtte for virtuelle filer er at den sele Denne handlingen vil avbryte enhver synkronisering som kjører. - + Disable support Deaktiver support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Synkroniserer... - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Synkronisering kjører.<br/>Vil du avbryte den? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) av %2 i bruk. Noen mapper, inkludert nettverkstilkoblede eller delte mapper, kan ha andre begrensninger. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 av %2 i bruk - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Ingen informasjon om bruk av lagringsplass tilgjengelig for øyeblikket. - + %1 in use %1 i bruk - + %1 as %2 %1 som %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Tjenerversjon %1 er utdatert og ikke støttet! Fortsett på egen risiko! - + Connected to %1. Tilkoblet %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 er midlertidig utilgjengelig. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Server %1 er for øyeblikket i vedlikeholdsmodus. - + Signed out from %1. Logget ut fra %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Innhenting av autorisasjon fra nettleseren. <a href='%1'>Klikk her</a> for å åpne nettleseren på nytt.  - + Connecting to %1 … Kobler til %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Ingen tilkobling til %1 på %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Server konfigurasjons-feil: %1 ved %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Ingen %1-forbindelse konfigurert. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Noen mapper ble ikke synkronisert fordi de er for store - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Noen mapper ble ikke synkronisert fordi de er eksterne lagringsplasser: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Noen mapper ble ikke synkronisert fordi de er for store eller de er eksterne lagringsplasser: - + Confirm Account Removal Bekreft fjerning av konto - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vil du virkelig fjerne tilkoblingen til kontoen <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Merk:</b> Dette vil <b>ikke</b> slette noen filer.</p> - + Remove connection Fjern tilkobling - - Enable encryption - Aktiver kryptering + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Denne kontoen støtter ende-til-ende kryptering + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Denne handlingen vil avbryte enhver synkronisering som kjører. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3162,107 +3203,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3272,52 +3313,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3484,45 +3525,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4325,12 +4367,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Kan ikke lese svartelisten fra den lokale databasen - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Kan ikke lese fra synkroniseringsjournalen - + Cannot open the sync journal Kan ikke åpne synkroniseringsjournalen @@ -4340,12 +4382,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_nl.ts b/translations/client_nl.ts index 2b77e92026cd1..e7549221a74c0 100644 --- a/translations/client_nl.ts +++ b/translations/client_nl.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Annuleren @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Het lijkt erop dat de functie Virtuele bestanden voor deze map is ingeschakeld. Momenteel is het niet mogelijk om impliciet virtuele bestanden te downloaden die end-to-end versleuteld zijn. Om de beste ervaring met virtuele bestanden en end-to-end-versleuteling te krijgen, raden we aan om ervoor te zorgen dat de versleutelde map is gemarkeerd met "Altijd lokaal beschikbaar maken". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Geen account ingesteld. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Dit account ondersteunt end-to-end-versleuteling - Display mnemonic Geheugensteun weergeven - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Encryptie activeren + Warning Waarschuwing - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Je kunt een map met inhoud niet versleutelen, verwijder de bestanden. Wacht op de nieuwe synchronisatie en versleutel ze vervolgens. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Versleuteling mislukt - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Kon map niet versleutelen omdat de map niet meer bestaat - - + + Open folder Map openen - + Encrypt Versleutelen - - + + Edit Ignored Files Genegeerde bestanden bewerken - - + + Create new folder Maak nieuwe map aan - - + + Availability Beschikbaarheid - + Choose what to sync Kies wat je wilt synchroniseren - + Force sync now Synchronisatie nu forceren - + Restart sync Synchronisatie herstarten - + Resume sync Synchronisatie hervatten - + Pause sync Synchronisatie pauzeren - + Remove folder sync connection Verwijder verbinding voor mapsynchronisatie - + Disable virtual file support … Ondersteuning voor virtuele bestanden uitschakelen... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Virtuele bestandsondersteuning inschakelen %1... - + (experimental) (experimenteel) - + Folder creation failed Map maken mislukt - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Kan lokale map <i>%1</i> niet maken.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Bevestig het verwijderen van de verbinding voor mapsynchronisatie - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Weet je zeker dat je het synchroniseren van map <i>%1</i> wilt stoppen?</p><p><b>Opmerking:</b> Dit zal <b>geen</b> bestanden verwijderen.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Verwijder verbinding voor mapsynchronisatie - + Disable virtual file support? Ondersteuning voor virtuele bestanden uitschakelen? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -575,139 +595,155 @@ Het enige voordeel van het uitschakelen van ondersteuning voor virtuele bestande Dit zal alle synchronisaties, die op dit moment bezig zijn, afbreken. - + Disable support Ondersteuning uitschakelen - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Bezig met synchroniseren - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Bezig met synchroniseren.<br/>Wil je stoppen met synchroniseren? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) van %2 in gebruik. Sommige mappen, inclusief netwerkmappen en gedeelde mappen, kunnen andere limieten hebben. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 van %2 in gebruik - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Er is nu geen informatie over het gebruik van de opslagruimte beschikbaar. - + %1 in use %1 in gebruik - + %1 as %2 %1 als %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. De serverversie %1 wordt niet ondersteund! Verdergaan is op eigen risico. - + Connected to %1. Verbonden met %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Server %1 is momenteel in onderhoudsmodus. - + Signed out from %1. Uitgelogd van %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Autorisatie van de browser wordt verkregen. <a href='%1'>Klik hier</a> om de browser te heropenen. - + Connecting to %1 … Verbinden met %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Geen verbinding met %1 op %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Serverconfiguratiefout: %1 op %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Geen %1 connectie geconfigureerd. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Er zijn mappen die niet gesynchroniseerd zijn, omdat ze te groot zijn: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Er zijn mappen die niet gesynchroniseerd zijn, omdat ze op externe opslag staan: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Er zijn mappen die niet gesynchroniseerd zijn, omdat ze te groot zijn of op externe opslag staan: - + Confirm Account Removal Bevestig verwijderen account - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Wil je de verbinding met het account <i>%1</i> echt verbreken?</p><p><b>Let op:</b> Hierdoor worden <b>geen</b> bestanden verwijderd.</p> - + Remove connection Verbinding verwijderen - - Enable encryption - Encryptie activeren + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Dit account ondersteunt end-to-end-versleuteling + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -969,14 +1005,19 @@ Dit zal alle synchronisaties, die op dit moment bezig zijn, afbreken. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Voer je end-to-end versleutelingswachtwoord in: <br><br>Gebruiker: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3189,107 +3230,107 @@ Dit is een nieuwe, experimentele modus. Als je besluit het te gebruiken, vragen OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Symbolische links worden niet ondersteund bij het synchroniseren. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Het bestand is opgenomen op de negeerlijst. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Bestandsnamen die eindigen met een punt worden niet ondersteund door het bestandssysteem. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Bestandsnamen met een "%1" symbool worden niet ondersteund door het bestandssysteem. - + File name contains at least one invalid character De bestandsnaam bevat ten minste één ongeldig teken - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. De bestandsnaam is een gereserveerde naam op dit bestandssysteem. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. De bestandsnaam bevat spaties achteraan. - + Filename contains leading spaces. De bestandsnaam bevat spaties vooraan. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. De bestandsnaam bevat spaties vooraan en achteraan. - + Filename is too long. De bestandsnaam is te lang. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Bestand/Map is genegeerd omdat het verborgen is. - + Stat failed. Stat mislukt. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Bestandsconflict: serverversie is gedownload, de lokale kopie is hernoemd en niet geüpload - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. De bestandsnaam kan op je bestandssysteem niet worden gecodeerd. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. De bestandsnaam staat op de negeerlijst van de server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Bestand heeft een extensie gereserveerd voor virtuele bestanden. - + size omvang - + permission machtiging - + file id bestand id - + Server reported no %1 Server rapporteerde nr %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3299,52 +3340,52 @@ Dit is een nieuwe, experimentele modus. Als je besluit het te gebruiken, vragen - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Conflict bij het uploaden van een map. Het wordt opgeruimd! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Conflict bij het uploaden van een bestand. Het wordt verwijderd! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Genegeerd vanwege de "wat synchroniseren" negeerlijst - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Niet toegestaan, omdat je geen machtiging hebt om submappen aan die map toe te voegen - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Niet toegestaan omdat je geen machtiging hebt om bestanden in die map toe te voegen - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Niet toegestaan om dit bestand te uploaden, omdat het alleen-lezen is op de server, herstellen - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Verplaatst naar ongeldig doel, herstellen - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Niet toegestaan om te verwijderen, herstellen - + Error while reading the database Fout bij lezen database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Server gaf een foutmelding bij lezen directory "%1'": %2 @@ -3511,45 +3552,46 @@ Dit is een nieuwe, experimentele modus. Als je besluit het te gebruiken, vragen OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Bestand %1 kan niet worden hernoemd naar %2, omdat de naam conflicteert met een lokaal bestand - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Fout bij instellen pin status - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Fout bij bijwerken metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Bestand %1 is al in gebruik - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Kon bestand niet hernoemen @@ -4352,12 +4394,12 @@ Dit is een nieuwe, experimentele modus. Als je besluit het te gebruiken, vragen Kan de blacklist niet lezen uit de lokale database - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Niet mogelijk om te lezen uit het synchronisatie verslag. - + Cannot open the sync journal Kan het sync transactielog niet openen @@ -4367,12 +4409,12 @@ Dit is een nieuwe, experimentele modus. Als je besluit het te gebruiken, vragen Synchronisatie wordt spoedig hervat. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Schijfruimte laag: Downloads die de vrije ruimte tot onder %1 zouden reduceren, zijn overgeslagen. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Onvoldoende schijfruimte op de server voor sommige uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_oc.ts b/translations/client_oc.ts index bfebd15bf0f4d..3a0370eaeae20 100644 --- a/translations/client_oc.ts +++ b/translations/client_oc.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Anullar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Cap de compte pas configurat. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Aqueste compte es compatible amb lo chiframent del cap a la fin - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Activar lo chiframent + Warning Atencion - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Fracàs del chiframent - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Dobrir lo dossièr - + Encrypt Chifrar - - + + Edit Ignored Files Modificar los fichièrs ignorats - - + + Create new folder Crear un dossièr novèl - - + + Availability Disponibilitat - + Choose what to sync Causir qué sincronizar - + Force sync now Forçar la sincronizacion ara - + Restart sync Tornar sincronizar - + Resume sync Reprendre la sincro. - + Pause sync Suspendre la sincro. - + Remove folder sync connection Suprimir la sincro. del dossièr - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Creacion del dossièr pas reüssida - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Creacion impossibla del dossièr local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Execucion de la sincro. - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) sus %2 utilizat. D’unes dossièrs, coma los dossièrs montats sul ret o partejats, pòdon possedir diferentas limitas. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 sus %2 en utilizacion - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Per ara i a pas cap d’informacion sus l’utilizacion de l’espaci d’emmaganizatge. - + %1 in use %1 es utilizat - + %1 as %2 %1 coma %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Connectat a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Lo servidor %1 es temporàriament indisponible. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Lo servidor %1 es actualament en mòde mantenença. - + Signed out from %1. Desconnexion de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. - + Connecting to %1 … Connexion a %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Cap de connexion a %1 a %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Error de configuracion servidor : %1 a %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Cap de connexion %1 configurat. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmatz la supression del compte - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> - + Remove connection Suprimir la connexion - - Enable encryption - Activar lo chiframent + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Aqueste compte es compatible amb lo chiframent del cap a la fin + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3152,107 +3193,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size talha - + permission permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3262,52 +3303,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3474,45 +3515,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4315,12 +4357,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4330,12 +4372,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_pl.ts b/translations/client_pl.ts index a55b66c9a18e0..da33e668e4f9e 100644 --- a/translations/client_pl.ts +++ b/translations/client_pl.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Anuluj @@ -392,12 +392,22 @@ End-to-End Encryption with Virtual Files - Szyfrowanie End-to-End z Plików wirtualnych + Szyfrowanie end-to-end z Plików wirtualnych You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". - Wygląda na to, że funkcja Pliki wirtualne jest włączona w tym katalogu. W tej chwili nie jest możliwe bezpośrednie pobieranie plików wirtualnych, które są zaszyfrowane End-to-End. Aby uzyskać jak najlepsze korzystanie z Plików wirtualnych i Szyfrowania End-to-End, upewnij się, że zaszyfrowany katalog jest oznaczony jako "Dostępne zawsze lokalnie". + Wygląda na to, że funkcja Pliki wirtualne jest włączona w tym katalogu. W tej chwili nie jest możliwe bezpośrednie pobieranie plików wirtualnych, które są zaszyfrowane end-to-end. Aby uzyskać jak najlepsze korzystanie z Plików wirtualnych i Szyfrowania end-to-end, upewnij się, że zaszyfrowany katalog jest oznaczony jako "Dostępne zawsze lokalnie". + + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Szyfrowanie end-to-end za pomocą wirtualnych plików + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Brak skonfigurowanych kont. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - To konto obsługuje szyfrowanie End-to-End - Display mnemonic Wyświetl mnemonik - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - To konto obsługuje szyfrowanie End-to-End + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Na tym koncie włączono szyfrowanie typu end-to-end + + + + Enable encryption + Włącz szyfrowanie @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Ostrzeżenie - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Szyfrowanie end-to-end nie jest skonfigurowane na tym urządzeniu. Po skonfigurowaniu będziesz mógł zaszyfrować ten katalog. +Czy chcesz skonfigurować szyfrowanie end-to-end? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Nie można zaszyfrować katalogu z zawartością, usuń pliki. Poczekaj na nową synchronizację, a następnie ją zaszyfruj. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + To konto obsługuje szyfrowanie end-to-end + + + Encryption failed Szyfrowanie nie powiodło się - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nie można zaszyfrować katalogu, ponieważ katalog już nie istnieje - - + + Open folder Otwórz katalog - + Encrypt Szyfruj - - + + Edit Ignored Files Edytuj pliki ignorowane - - + + Create new folder Utwórz nowy katalog - - + + Availability Dostępność - + Choose what to sync Wybierz co synchronizować - + Force sync now Zsynchronizuj teraz - + Restart sync Uruchom ponownie synchronizację - + Resume sync Wznów synchronizację - + Pause sync Wstrzymaj synchronizację - + Remove folder sync connection Usuń katalog synchronizacji - + Disable virtual file support … Wyłącz obsługę plików wirtualnych… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Włącz obsługę plików wirtualnych %1… - + (experimental) (eksperymentalne) - + Folder creation failed Utworzenie katalogu nie powiodło się - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nie można utworzyć katalogu lokalnego <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Potwierdź usunięcie katalogu synchronizacji - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Czy na pewno chcesz zatrzymać synchronizację katalogu <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Uwaga:</b> Ta operacja <b>nie</b> usunie żadnych plików.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Usuń katalog synchronizacji - + Disable virtual file support? Wyłączyć obsługę plików wirtualnych? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,140 +597,156 @@ Jedyną zaletą wyłączenia obsługi plików wirtualnych jest to, że funkcja s Ta czynność spowoduje przerwanie aktualnie uruchomionej synchronizacji. - + Disable support Wyłącz wsparcie - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - Pamięciowe szyfrowanie End-to-End + Pamięciowe szyfrowanie end-to-end - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Mnemonik szyfrowania end-to-end + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Aby chronić Twoją tożsamość kryptograficzną, szyfrujemy ją za pomocą mnemonika z 12 słów słownikowych. Hasło zachowaj w bezpiecznym miejscu. Będzie ono potrzebne do dodania innych urządzeń do Twojego konta (takich jak telefon komórkowy lub laptop). - + Sync Running Synchronizacja uruchomiona - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Operacja synchronizacji jest uruchomiona.<br/>Czy chcesz ją zakończyć? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) z %2 w użyciu. Niektóre katalogi, w tym zamontowane lub udostępnione katalogi w sieci, mogą mieć różne ograniczenia. - + %1 of %2 in use Wykorzystane: %1 z %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Obecnie nie ma dostępnych informacji o wykorzystaniu pamięci. - + %1 in use Wykorzystane: %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 jako %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Wersja serwera %1 nie jest już obsługiwana! Kontynuujesz na własne ryzyko. - + Connected to %1. Połączono z %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Serwer %1 jest tymczasowo niedostępny. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Serwer %1 jest obecnie w trybie konserwacji. - + Signed out from %1. Wylogowano z %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Uzyskiwanie autoryzacji z przeglądarki. <a href='%1'>Kliknij tutaj</a>, aby ponownie otworzyć przeglądarkę. - + Connecting to %1 … Łączenie do %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Brak połączenia do %1 z %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Błąd konfiguracji serwera: %1 w %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nie skonfigurowano połączenia %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Katalogi te nie zostały zsynchronizowane ponieważ są zbyt duże: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Katalogi te nie zostały zsynchronizowane, ponieważ znajdują się w magazynach zewnętrznych: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Katalogi te nie zostały zsynchronizowane, ponieważ są zbyt duże lub znajdują się w magazynach zewnętrznych: - + Confirm Account Removal Potwierdź usunięcie konta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć połączenie z kontem <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Uwaga:</b> Ta operacja <b>nie</b> usunie plików klienta.</p> - + Remove connection Usuń połączenie - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + To konto obsługuje szyfrowanie end-to-end + + + + Set up encryption Włącz szyfrowanie + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + + OCC::AccountState @@ -970,14 +1007,19 @@ Ta czynność spowoduje przerwanie aktualnie uruchomionej synchronizacji. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Wprowadź hasło szyfrowania end-to-end:<br><br>Nazwa użytkownika: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Wprowadź hasło szyfrowania end to end:<br><br>Użytkownik: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Wprowadź hasło szyfrowania End-to-End:<br><br>Nazwa użytkownika: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> @@ -3186,107 +3228,107 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Linki symboliczne nie są obsługiwane podczas synchronizacji. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Plik znajduje się na liście ignorowanych. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Nazwy plików kończące się kropką nie są obsługiwane w tym systemie plików. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Nazwy plików zawierające znak "%1" nie są obsługiwane w tym systemie plików. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Nazwa pliku zawiera co najmniej jeden nieprawidłowy znak - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Nazwa pliku jest nazwą zarezerwowaną w tym systemie plików. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Nazwa pliku zawiera na końcu spacje. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Nazwa pliku zawiera spacje poprzedzające. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Nazwa pliku zawiera spacje poprzedzające i końcowe. - + Filename is too long. Nazwa pliku jest za długa. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Plik/katalog jest ignorowany, ponieważ jest ukryty. - + Stat failed. Błąd statystyk. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Konflikt: Pobrano wersję z serwera, nazwa lokalnej kopii została zmieniona i nie wysłana. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Nazwa pliku nie może być zakodowana w systemie plików. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Nazwa pliku jest na czarnej liście na serwerze. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Plik ma rozszerzenie zarezerwowane dla plików wirtualnych. - + size rozmiar - + permission pozwolenie - + file id id pliku - + Server reported no %1 Serwer zgłosił brak %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Nie można zsynchronizować z powodu nieprawidłowego czasu modyfikacji @@ -3296,52 +3338,52 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł Błąd podczas usuwania rekordu pliku %1 z bazy danych - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Konflikt podczas wysyłania katalogu. To się wyjaśni! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Konflikt podczas wysyłania pliku. Zostanie usunięty! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorowane z powodu czarnej listy "Wybierz co synchronizować" - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Niedozwolone, ponieważ nie masz uprawnień do dodawania podkatalogów do tego katalogu - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Niedozwolone, ponieważ nie masz uprawnień do dodawania plików w tym katalogu - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Wysyłanie niedozwolone, ponieważ plik jest tylko do odczytu na serwerze, przywracanie - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Przeniesiono do nieprawidłowego obiektu, przywracanie - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Brak uprawnień by usunąć, przywracanie - + Error while reading the database Błąd podczas odczytu bazy danych - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Serwer odpowiedział z błędem podczas odczytu katalogu "%1" : %2 @@ -3508,45 +3550,46 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Nie można zmienić nazwy pliku %1 na %2 z powodu konfliktu nazwy pliku lokalnego - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB Nie można pobrać pliku %1 z lokalnej bazy danych - + Error setting pin state Błąd podczas ustawiania stanu przypięcia - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Błąd podczas aktualizowania metadanych: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Plik %1 jest aktualnie używany - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Nie można usunąć rekordu pliku %1 z lokalnej bazy danych - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy Nie udało się rozszerzyć zmiany nazwy katalogu w hierarchii - + Failed to rename file Nie udało się zmienić nazwy pliku @@ -3994,7 +4037,7 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł Leave this share - + Opuść udostępnienie @@ -4315,7 +4358,7 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Nie można zaktualizować metadanych pliku: %1 @@ -4349,12 +4392,12 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł Nie można odczytać czarnej listy z lokalnej bazy danych - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nie można odczytać z dziennika synchronizacji. - + Cannot open the sync journal Nie można otworzyć dziennika synchronizacji @@ -4364,12 +4407,12 @@ To nowy, eksperymentalny tryb. Jeśli zdecydujesz się z niego skorzystać, zgł Synchronizacja zostanie wkrótce wznowiona. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Brak miejsca na dysku: Pominięto pobieranie plików, które zmniejszyłyby ilość wolnego miejsca poniżej %1. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Na serwerze nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca na niektóre wysłane pliki. diff --git a/translations/client_pt.ts b/translations/client_pt.ts index 04c8906e310fc..81c663d1d87cd 100644 --- a/translations/client_pt.ts +++ b/translations/client_pt.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. Nenhuma conta configurada. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Esta conta suporta encriptação ponto-a-ponto - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Ativar a encriptação + Warning Aviso - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Abrir pasta - + Encrypt Encriptar - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editar Ficheiros Ignorados - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability Disponibilidade - + Choose what to sync Escolher o que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forçar a sincronização - + Restart sync Retomar sincronização - + Resume sync Retomar sincronização - + Pause sync Pausar sincronização - + Remove folder sync connection Remover ligação de sincronização de pasta - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Não foi possível criar a pasta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar Remoção da Ligação de Sincronização de Pasta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Deseja mesmo parar a sincronização da pasta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> isto <b>não</b> irá eliminar qualquer ficheiro.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Remover Ligação da Sincronização de Pasta - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support Desativar suporte - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronização em Execução - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? A operação de sincronização está em execução.<br/>Deseja terminá-la? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 em utilização. Algumas pastas, incluindo a rede montada ou as pastas partilhadas, podem ter limites diferentes. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 em utilização - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Atualmente não está disponível nenhuma informação da utilização do armazenamento. - + %1 in use %1 em utilização - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Ligado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. O servidor %1 está temporariamente indisponível. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. O Servidor %1 encontra-se em manutenção - + Signed out from %1. Terminou a sessão de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. A obter autorização do browser <a href='%1'>Clique aqui</a> para reabrir o browser - + Connecting to %1 … A ligar a %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Sem ligação para %1 em %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. %1 sem ligação configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas por serem demasiado grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas por serem armazenamento externo: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas por serem demasiado grandes ou armazenamento externo: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmar Remoção da Conta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Deseja mesmo remover a ligação da conta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> isto <b>não</b> irá eliminar quaisquer ficheiros.</p> - + Remove connection Remover ligação - - Enable encryption - Ativar a encriptação + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Esta conta suporta encriptação ponto-a-ponto + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Por favor, insira a sua palavra-passe de encriptação %1:<br><br>Utilizador: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3156,107 +3197,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size tamanho - + permission permissão - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3266,52 +3307,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3478,45 +3519,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4319,12 +4361,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Não foi possível ler a lista negra a partir da base de dados local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Não foi possível ler a partir do jornal de sincronização. - + Cannot open the sync journal Impossível abrir o jornal de sincronismo @@ -4334,12 +4376,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. O espaço em disco é baixo: foram ignoradas as transferências que reduziriam o espaço abaixo de %1. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Não há espaço livre suficiente no servidor para alguns uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_pt_BR.ts b/translations/client_pt_BR.ts index 21596e71a597e..c46fc60e0d41e 100644 --- a/translations/client_pt_BR.ts +++ b/translations/client_pt_BR.ts @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Opening file for local editing - + Abrir arquivo para editar localmente @@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ Activity - + Atividade Sharing - + Compartilhando @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ File details of %1 · %2 - + Detalhes do arquivo %1 · %2 @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Cancelar @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Parece que o recurso Arquivos Virtuais está ativado nesta pasta. No momento, não é possível baixar implicitamente arquivos virtuais criptografados de ponta a ponta. Para obter a melhor experiência com arquivos virtuais e criptografia de ponta a ponta, certifique-se de que a pasta criptografada esteja marcada com "Tornar sempre disponível localmente". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Criptografia Ponta a Ponta com Arquivos Virtuais + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nenhuma conta configurada. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Esta conta suporta criptografia de ponta-a-ponta - Display mnemonic Mostrar mnemônico - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Esta conta é compatível com criptografia de ponta a ponta + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Criptografia Ponta a Ponta foi habilitado para essa conta + + + + Enable encryption + Ativar criptografia @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Aviso - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Criptografia Ponta a Ponta não está configurada para este dispositivo. Quando estiver, você poderá criptografar esta pasta. +Você gostaria de configurar a criptografia ponta a ponta? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Você não pode criptografar uma pasta com o conteúdo. Remova os arquivos. Aguarde a nova sincronização e criptografe-a. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Esta conta é compatível com criptografia de ponta a ponta + + + Encryption failed A criptografia falhou - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Não foi possível criptografar a pasta porque ela não existe mais - - + + Open folder Abrir pasta - + Encrypt Criptografar - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editar arquivos a ignorar - - + + Create new folder Criar nova pasta - - + + Availability Disponibilidade - + Choose what to sync Escolher o que sincronizar - + Force sync now Forçar sincronização agora - + Restart sync Reiniciar a sincronização - + Resume sync Retomar sincronização - + Pause sync Pausar sincronização - + Remove folder sync connection Remover conexão de sincronização de pastas - + Disable virtual file support … Desativar suporte a arquivo virtual... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Habilitar suporte de arquivo virtual %1 … - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Falha na criação da pasta - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Não foi possível criar a pasta local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmar a Remoção da Sincronização de Pasta - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Deseja realmente parar a sincronização desta pasta <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Isto <b>não</b> vai excluir qualquer arquivo.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Remover conexão de sincronização de pasta - + Disable virtual file support? Desativar suporte a arquivo virtual? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ A única vantagem de desativar o suporte a arquivos virtuais é que o recurso de Esta ação irá cancelar qualquer sincronização atualmente em execução. - + Disable support Desativar suporte - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronização ocorrendo - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? A operação de sincronização está ocorrendo.<br/>Deseja finalizá-la? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 em uso. Algumas pastas, incluindo as montadas na rede ou pastas compartilhadas, podem ter limites diferentes. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 em uso - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Atualmente, não há informação disponível do uso de armazenamento. - + %1 in use %1 em uso - + %1 as %2 %1 como %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. A versão do servidor %1 não é suportada! Prossiga por sua própria conta e risco. - + Connected to %1. Conectado a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. O servidor %1 está temporariamente indisponível. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. O servidor %1 está em modo de manutenção. - + Signed out from %1. Desconectado de %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Obtendo autorização do navegador. <a href='%1'>Clique aqui</a> para reabrir o navegador. - + Connecting to %1 … Conectando a %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Sem conexão para %1 em %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Erro na configuração do servidor: %1 em %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nenhuma conexão %1 configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas porque são muito grandes: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas porque são armazenamentos externos: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Existem pastas que não foram sincronizadas porque são muito grandes ou são armazenamentos externos: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmar a Remoção da Conta - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Deseja realmente remover a conexão desta conta<i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Isto <b>não</b> irá excluir nenhum arquivo.</p> - + Remove connection Remover conexão - - Enable encryption - Ativar criptografia + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Esta conta suporta criptografia de ponta-a-ponta + + + + Set up encryption + Configurar criptografia + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ Esta ação irá cancelar qualquer sincronização atualmente em execução. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Insira sua senha de criptografia de ponta a ponta:<br><br>Nome do usuário: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Insira a senha da criptografia de ponta-a-ponta:<br><br>Usuário: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Insira sua senha de criptografia de ponta a ponta:<br><br>Nome do usuário: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Digite sua senha de criptografia ponta a ponta:<br><br>Usuário: %2<br>Conta: %3<br> @@ -1204,38 +1246,38 @@ Esta ação irá cancelar qualquer sincronização atualmente em execução. Please try again. - + Por favor, tente novamente. Invalid file path was provided. - + O caminho do arquivo fornecido é inválido Could not find an account for local editing. - + Não foi possível encontrar uma conta para edição local. Could not validate the request to open a file from server. - + Não foi possível validar a solicitação para abrir um arquivo do servidor. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure it is not excluded via selective sync. - + Não foi possível encontrar um arquivo para edição local. Certifique-se de que não seja excluído por meio de sincronização seletiva. Could not find a file for local editing. Make sure its path is valid and it is synced locally. - + Não foi possível encontrar um arquivo para edição local. Certifique-se de que seu caminho seja válido e esteja sincronizado localmente. Could not find a folder to sync. - + Não foi possível encontrar uma pasta para sincronizar @@ -1254,37 +1296,37 @@ Isso pode ser um problema com suas bibliotecas OpenSSL. %1 second(s) ago seconds elapsed since file last modified - + %1 segundo(s) atrás%1 segundo(s) atrás%1 segundo(s) atrás %1 minute(s) ago minutes elapsed since file last modified - + %1 minuto(s) atrás%1 minuto(s) atrás%1 minuto(s) atrás %1 hour(s) ago hours elapsed since file last modified - + %1 hora(s) atrás%1 hora(s) atrás%1 hora(s) atrás %1 day(s) ago days elapsed since file last modified - + %1 dia(s) atrás%1 dia(s) atrás%1 dia(s) atrás %1 month(s) ago months elapsed since file last modified - + %1 mês(es) atrás%1 mês(es) atrás%1 mês(es) atrás %1 year(s) ago years elapsed since file last modified - + %1 ano(s) atrás%1 ano(s) atrás%1 ano(s) atrás @@ -3184,107 +3226,107 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Links simbólicos não são suportados na sincronização. - + File is listed on the ignore list. O arquivo está listado na lista de ignorados. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Nomes de arquivos contendo o caractere "%1" não são suportados neste sistema de arquivos. - + File name contains at least one invalid character O nome do arquivo contém pelo menos um caractere inválido - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. O nome do arquivo é um nome reservado neste sistema de arquivos. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. O nome do arquivo contém espaços deixados para trás . - + Filename contains leading spaces. O nome do arquivo contém espaços antes. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. O nome do arquivo contém espaços antes e depois. - + Filename is too long. O arquivo é muito grande. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Arquivo/pasta será ignorado porque está oculto. - + Stat failed. Stat falhou. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Conflito: versão do servidor baixada, cópia local renomeada e não carregada. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. O nome do arquivo não pode ser codificado em seu sistema de arquivos. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. O nome do arquivo está na lista negra do servidor. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. O arquivo tem extensão reservada para arquivos virtuais. - + size tamanho - + permission permissão - + file id ID do arquivo - + Server reported no %1 Servidor relatou não %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Não é possível sincronizar devido ao horário de modificação inválido @@ -3294,52 +3336,52 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr Erro ao excluir o registro de arquivo %1 do banco de dados - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Conflito ao enviar uma pasta. Vai ser limpa! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Conflito ao enviar um arquivo. Vai ser removido! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorado devido à lista negra "escolher o que sincronizar" - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Não permitido porque você não tem permissão para adicionar subpastas a essa pasta - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Não permitido porque você não tem permissão para adicionar arquivos nessa pasta - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Não é permitido fazer upload deste arquivo porque ele é somente leitura no servidor, restaurando - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Movido para destino inválido, restaurando - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Não tem permissão para remover, restaurar - + Error while reading the database Erro ao ler o banco de dados - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 O servidor respondeu com um erro ao ler o diretório "%1" : %2 @@ -3506,45 +3548,46 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash O arquivo %1 não pode ser renomeada para %2 devido a um conflito com o nome de um arquivo local - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB não foi possível obter o arquivo %1 do BD local - + Error setting pin state Erro ao definir o estado do pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Erro ao atualizar metadados: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use O arquivo %1 está correntemente em uso - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Não foi possível excluir o registro de arquivo %1 do BD local - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Falha ao renomear arquivo @@ -3860,12 +3903,12 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr Share link - + Compartilhar link Link share - + Link para compartilhar @@ -4347,12 +4390,12 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr Não é possível ler a lista negra do banco de dados local - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Não é possível ler a partir do journal de sincronização. - + Cannot open the sync journal Não é possível abrir o arquivo de sincronização @@ -4362,12 +4405,12 @@ Este é um novo modo experimental. Se você decidir usá-lo, relate quaisquer pr A sincronização será retomada em breve. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. O espaço em disco é pequeno: Os downloads que reduziriam o espaço livre abaixo de %1 foram ignorados. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Não há espaço disponível no servidor para alguns envios. diff --git a/translations/client_ro.ts b/translations/client_ro.ts index 6b48b311943db..2898c5c90e882 100644 --- a/translations/client_ro.ts +++ b/translations/client_ro.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Anulează @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Se pare că ai activată opțiunea de Fișiere Virtuale pentru acest dosar. În acest moment nu este posibil să descarci în mod implicit astfel de fișiere. Pentru cea mai bună experiență folosind opțiunea de Fișiere Virtuale și criptare end-to-end asigurăte că ai marcat dosarul cu "Disponibil mereu local". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Niciun cont configurat. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Contul permite criptare end-to-end. - Display mnemonic Afișează fraza menmonică - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Activează criptarea + Warning Atenție - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Nu se poate cripta un dosar cu conținut, vă rugăm să ștergeți fișierele. Așteaptă pentru sincronizare, apoi criptează dosarul. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Criptarea a eșuat - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nu se poate cripta acest dosar deoarece nu există - - + + Open folder Deschide director - + Encrypt Encrypt - - + + Edit Ignored Files Editează fișierele ignorate - - + + Create new folder Creați director nou - - + + Availability Disponibilitate - + Choose what to sync Alege ce să sync - + Force sync now Forțează sync acum - + Restart sync Repornește sync - + Resume sync Reia sync - + Pause sync Pauză sync - + Remove folder sync connection Elimină conexiunea de sincronizare pentru acest dosar - + Disable virtual file support … Dezactivează suportul pentru fișiere virtuale ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Activează suportul pentru fișiere virtuale %1 ... - + (experimental) (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Crearea directorului a eșuat - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nu s-a putut creea un dosar local <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Confirmă eliminarea conexiunii de sincronizare - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Dorești să oprești sincronizarea dosarului <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Notă:</b> Această funcție <b>nu</b>va șterge nici-un fișier.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Elimină conexiunea de sincronizare - + Disable virtual file support? Dezactivează suportul pentru fișiere virtuale? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Singurul avantaj al dezactivării acestei funcții este că funcția de sincroni Această acțiune va opri toate sincronizările în derulare din acest moment. - + Disable support Dezactivează suportul - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronizare în desfășurare - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Operațiunea de sincronizare este în derulare. <br/>Dorești să o oprești ? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) din %2 în folosire. Unele fișiere, inclusiv dosarele partajate prin rețea, ar putea avea limite diferite. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 din %2 utilizat - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. În acest moment nu există informații legate de folosirea spațiului de stocare. - + %1 in use %1 folosiți - + %1 as %2 %1 ca %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Versiunea serverului %1 este veche și nu mai este menținut!ă Continuă pe propriul tău risc. - + Connected to %1. Conectat la %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Serverul %1 este temporar indisponibil. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Serverul %1 este momentan in mentenanță, - + Signed out from %1. Deautentificat de la %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Se obține autorizarea de la browser. <a href='%1'>Click aici</a> pentru a redeschide browser-ul. - + Connecting to %1 … Se conectează la %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Nu există nici-o conexiune către %1 la %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Eroare de configurare a serverulu: %1 la %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Nu există nici-o conexiune configurată la %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Există dosare ce nu au fost sincronizate deoarece au o dimenziune prea mare: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Există dosare ce nu sunt sincronizate deoarece se află pe stocarea externă: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Există dosare ce nu au fost sinscronizate deoarece acestea sunt prea mari sau se află pe stocarea externă: - + Confirm Account Removal Confirmați ștergerea contului - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Doriți să ștergeți conexiunea la acest cont <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Notă:</b>Această acțiune <b>nu</b>va șterge nici-un fișier.</p> - + Remove connection Șterge conexiunea - - Enable encryption - Activează criptarea + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Contul permite criptare end-to-end. + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Această acțiune va opri toate sincronizările în derulare din acest moment. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Vă rugăm să introduceți fraza de criptare end to end: <br><br>Utilizator:%2<br>Cont:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3168,107 +3209,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3278,52 +3319,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3490,45 +3531,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4329,12 +4371,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Unable to read from the sync journal. - + Cannot open the sync journal @@ -4344,12 +4386,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. diff --git a/translations/client_ru.ts b/translations/client_ru.ts index d20e2053c2df1..cd5c0ff2a2d79 100644 --- a/translations/client_ru.ts +++ b/translations/client_ru.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Отмена @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Для этой папки используется механизм виртуальных файлов. В настоящее время не придерживается «прозрачное» получение с сервера виртуальных файлов, зашифрованных с использованием оконечного шифрования. Для работы с такими файлами используйте пункт "Хранить на устройстве». + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Учётная запись не настроена. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Эта учетная запись поддерживает сквозное шифрование - Display mnemonic Показать мнемофразу - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Эта учетная запись поддерживает сквозное шифрование + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Включить шифрование @@ -442,127 +450,139 @@ Предупреждение - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Невозможно зашифровать непустую папку. Удалите файлы, дождитесь окончания синхронизации и включите шифрование. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Эта учетная запись поддерживает сквозное шифрование + + + Encryption failed Ошибка шифрования - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Не удалось зашифровать папку, она более не существует - - + + Open folder Открыть папку… - + Encrypt Зашифровать - - + + Edit Ignored Files Список исключений синхронизации… - - + + Create new folder Создать папку - - + + Availability Доступность - + Choose what to sync Выбрать объекты для синхронизации - + Force sync now Принудительно запустить синхронизацию - + Restart sync Перезапустить синхронизацию - + Resume sync Возобновить синхронизацию - + Pause sync Приостановить синхронизацию - + Remove folder sync connection Отключить синхронизацию папки - + Disable virtual file support … Отключить поддержку виртуальных файлов… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Включить поддержку виртуальных файлов %1… - + (experimental) (экспериментальное) - + Folder creation failed Ошибка создания папки - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Не удалось создать локальную папку: <i>«%1»</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Подтверждение отключения синхронизации папки - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Действительно остановить синхронизацию папки <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Примечание:</b> Это действие <b>НЕ</b> приведёт к удалению файлов.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Отключить синхронизацию папки - + Disable virtual file support? Отключить поддержку виртуальных файлов? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -575,139 +595,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Отключение приведёт к прекращению выполняющейся синхронизации. - + Disable support Отключить поддержку - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Мнемофраза оконечного шифрования - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Для защиты личного идентификатора оконечного шифрования используется мнемофраза, состоящая из двенадцати слов. Мнемофразу следует записать и сохранить запись в надёжном месте, она потребуется для подключения к учётной записи ваших дополнительных устройств. - + Sync Running Синхронизация запущена - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Выполняется синхронизация.<br/>Действительно прервать операцию? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. Используется %1 (%3%) из %2. Некоторые папки, включая сетевые или общие, могут иметь свои собственные ограничения. - + %1 of %2 in use Используется %1 из %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. В данный момент информация о заполненности хранилища недоступна. - + %1 in use Используется %1 - + %1 as %2 %1: %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Сервер версии %1 не поддерживается. Продолжайте на свой страх и риск. - + Connected to %1. Соединен с %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Сервер %1 временно недоступен. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Сервер %1 в настоящее время находится в режиме технического обслуживания. - + Signed out from %1. Успешно вышли из %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Получение авторизации из браузера. <a href='%1'>Нажмите здесь</a>, чтобы повторно открыть браузер. - + Connecting to %1 … Подключение к %1… - + No connection to %1 at %2. Нет соединения с %1 в %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Ошибка конфигурации сервера: %1: %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Нет настроенного подключения %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Есть папки, которые не синхронизированы, так как их размер превышает установленное ограничение: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Есть папки, которые не были синхронизированы, так как они являются внешними хранилищами: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Есть папки, которые не были синхронизированы, так как их размер превышает установленное ограничение или они являются внешними хранилищами: - + Confirm Account Removal Подтверждение удаления учетной записи - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Действительно удалить подключение к учётной записи <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Примечание:</b> Это действие <b>НЕ</b> приведёт к удалению файлов.</p> - + Remove connection Удалить подключение - - Enable encryption - Включить шифрование + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Эта учетная запись поддерживает сквозное шифрование + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -969,15 +1005,20 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Введите свою парольную фразу сквозного шифрования: <br><br> Пользователь: %2<br>Учётная запись: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Введите свою парольную фразу сквозного шифрования: <br><br> Пользователь: %2<br>Учётная запись: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Введите свою парольную фразу сквозного шифрования: <br><br> Пользователь: %2<br>Учётная запись: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + @@ -3183,107 +3224,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Синхронизация символических ссылок не поддерживается. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Файл присутствует в списке исключений из сихнронизации. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Используемая файловая система не поддерживает имена файлов, оканчивающиеся на точку. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Используемая файловая система не поддерживает имена файлов, содержащие символ «%1». - + File name contains at least one invalid character Имя файла содержит по крайней мере один некорректный символ - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Имя файла является зарезервированным внутренним именем в используемой файловой системе. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Имя файла содержит пробелы на конце. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Имя файла содержит пробелы в начале. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Имя файла содержит пробелы в начале или на конце. - + Filename is too long. Имя файла слишком длинное. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Файл или папка исключены из синхронизации, так как являются скрытыми. - + Stat failed. Ошибка вызова функции stat. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Конфликт: загружена версия файла с сервера, а локальная копия переименована и не передана на сервер. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Имя файла не может быть закодировано для используемой файловой системы. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Имя файла внесено в чёрный список на сервере. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Расширение файла является зарезервированным для виртуальных файлов. - + size размер - + permission разрешение - + file id id файла - + Server reported no %1 Сервер сообщил об отсутствии %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Синхронизация невозможна по причине некорректного времени изменения файла @@ -3293,52 +3334,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Не удалось удалить из базы данных запись %1 - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Передача папки на сервер привела к конфликту версии. Папка, вызвавшая конфликт версии, будет удалена. - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Передача файла на сервер привела к конфликту версии. Файл, вызвавший конфликт версии, будет удалён. - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Игнорируется из-за совпадения с записью в списке исключений из синхронизации - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Недостаточно прав для создания вложенных папок - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Недостаточно прав для создания файлов в этой папке - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Передача этого файла на сервер не разрешена, т.к. он доступен только для чтения, выполняется восстановление - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Перемещено в некорректное расположение, выполняется восстановление - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Удаление недопустимо, выполняется восстановление - + Error while reading the database Ошибка чтения базы данных - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Ошибка сервера при попытке прочитать каталог «%1»: %2 @@ -3505,45 +3546,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Файл %1 не может быть переименован в %2 из-за локального конфликта имён - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB не удалось получить файл %1 из локальной базы данных - + Error setting pin state Не удалось задать состояние pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Ошибка обновления метаданных: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Файл «%1» используется - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Не удалось удалить запись о файле %1 из локальной базы данных - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Не удалось переименовать файл @@ -4346,12 +4388,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Не удалось прочитать файл чёрного списка из локальной базы данных. - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Не удалось прочитать из журнала синхронизации. - + Cannot open the sync journal Не удаётся открыть журнал синхронизации @@ -4361,12 +4403,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Синхронизация возобновится в ближайшее время. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Мало места на диске: Скачивания, которые сократят свободное место ниже %1, будут пропущены. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. На сервере недостаточно места для некоторых закачек. diff --git a/translations/client_sc.ts b/translations/client_sc.ts index 5572e18e39a0f..63b61e1349afc 100644 --- a/translations/client_sc.ts +++ b/translations/client_sc.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Annulla @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Parit chi tengas sa funtzione Archìvios Virtuales ativada in custa cartella. Pro immoe, no faghet a iscarrigare in manera implìtzita archìvios virtuales cun tzifradura end-to-end. Pro otènnere sa mègius esperièntzia cun Archìvios Virtuales e sa tzifradura end-to-end, assegura•ti chi sa cartella tzifrada siat marcada cun "Pone semper a disponimentu in manera locale". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Perunu contu cunfiguradu. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Custu contu non disponet de sa tzifradura end-to-end - Display mnemonic Visualiza mnemònicu - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Ativa tzifradura + Warning Avisu - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Non podes tzifrare una cartella cun cuntenutos, boga·nche is archìvios. Iseta sa sincronizatzione noa, tando tzifra·dda. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed No at fatu a fàghere sa tzifradura - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore No at fatu a tzifrare sa cartella, ca no esistit prus - - + + Open folder Aberi cartella - + Encrypt Tzifra - - + + Edit Ignored Files Modìfica is archìvios ignorados - - + + Create new folder Crea una cartella noa - - + + Availability Disponibilidade - + Choose what to sync Sèbera ite sincronizare - + Force sync now Fortza sa sincronizatzione immoe - + Restart sync Torra a cumintzare sa sincronizatzione - + Resume sync Riprìstina sincronizatzione - + Pause sync Firma sa sincronizatzione - + Remove folder sync connection Boga sa connessione pro sincronizare is cartellas - + Disable virtual file support … Disativa assistèntzia de is archìvios virtuales ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Ativa assistèntzia de is archìvios virtuales %1 … - + (experimental) (isperimentale) - + Folder creation failed Creatzione cartella faddida - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>No at fatu a creare una cartella locale <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Cunfirma bogadura connessione de sincronizatzione cartellas - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>A beru boles firmare sa sincronizatzione de is cartellas <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Mira:</b> custa operatzione <b>no</b> at a cantzellare perunu archìviu.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Boga connessione de sincronizatzione cartellas - + Disable virtual file support? Boles disativare s'assistèntzia de is archìvios virtuales? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ S'ùnicu profetu de disativare su suportu de is archìvios virtuales est ch Custa atzione at a firmare cale si siat sincronizatzione immoe in esecutzione. - + Disable support Disativa suportu - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Sincronizatzione in esecutzione - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Sa sincronizatzione est in esecutzione.<br/> cheres a dda terminare? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) de %2 impreadu. Calicuna cartella, incluende cuddas montadas in sa rete o cuddas cumpartzidas, diant àere barrancos diferentes. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 de %2 impreados - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Immoe non ddoe at informatziones a disponimentu subra de s'impreu de s'ispàtziu de archiviatzione. - + %1 in use %1 impreados - + %1 as %2 %1 comente %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Sa versione %1 de su serbidore non est suportada! Sighi a arriscu tuo. - + Connected to %1. Connètidu a %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Su serbidore %1 pro immoe no est a disponimentu. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Su serbidore %1 pro immoe en in modalidade de mantenidura. - + Signed out from %1. Disconnètidu dae %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Otenimentu de su permissu dae su navigadore. <a href='%1'>Incarca inoghe</a> pro torrare a abèrrere su navigadore. - + Connecting to %1 … Connetende·si a %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Peruna connessione a %1 in %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Ddoe at àpidu un'errore in su serbidore: %1 in %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Perunu connessione %1 configurada. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Ddoe at cartellas chi non sunt istadas sincronizadas ca sunt tropu mannas: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Ddoe at cartellas chi non sunt istadas sincronizadas ca in foras ddoe at memòrias de archiviatzione: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Ddoe at cartellas chi non sunt istadas sincronizadas ca sunt tropu mannas o memòrias de archiviatziones de foras: - + Confirm Account Removal Cunfirma bogadura contu - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>A beru nche boles bogare sa connessione a su contu <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Nota:</b> Custu <b>no</b> at a cantzellare perunu archìviu.</p> - + Remove connection Boga connessione - - Enable encryption - Ativa tzifradura + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Custu contu non disponet de sa tzifradura end-to-end + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ Custa atzione at a firmare cale si siat sincronizatzione immoe in esecutzione. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Pro praghere, iscrie sa fràsia segreta de tzifradura end-to-end:<br><br>Utente: %2<br>Contu: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ Custa est una modalidade noa, isperimentale. Si detzides de dda impreare, sinnal OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Is ligòngios simbòlicos non sunt suportados in sa sincronizatzione. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Archìviu postu in s'elencu de is ignorados. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Is nùmenes chi agabbant cun unu puntu non sunt suportados in custu archìviu de sistema. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Is archìvios cun in intro su caràtere "%1" non sunt suportados in custu archìviu de su sistema. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Su nùmene de su'archìviu tenet a su mancu unu caràtere non bàlidu - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Su nùmene de s'archìviu est unu nùmene riservadu a custu archìviu de sistema. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Su nùmene de s'archìviu cuntenet tretos a sa fine. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Su nùmene de s'archìviu est tropu longu. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. S'archìviu/cartella ignoradu ca cuadu. - + Stat failed. Stat faddida. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Cunflitu: versione de su serbidore iscarrigada, còpia locale torrada a numenare e non carrigada. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Su nùmene de s'archìviu non podet èssere codificada in s'archìviu tuo de sistema. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Su nùmene de s'archìviu est in sa lista niedda de su serbidore. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. S'archìviu at un'estensione riservada a is archìvios virtuales. - + size mannària - + permission - + file id id de s'archìviu - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ Custa est una modalidade noa, isperimentale. Si detzides de dda impreare, sinnal - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Iscòrriu carrighende una cartella. Custa s'at a cantzellare! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Iscòrriu carrighende un'archìviu. Custu s'at a cantzellare! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignoradu ca in sa lista niedda de is cosas de no sincronizare - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Non podes ca non tenes su permissu pro agiùnghere sutacartellas a custas cartellas - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Non podes ca non tenes su permissu pro agiùnghere archìvios a custa cartella - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Non podes carrigare custu archìviu ca in su serbidore podes isceti lèghere, riprìstinu - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Tramudadu a un'indiritzu non bàlidu, riprìstinu - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Non ddu podes bogare, riprìstinu - + Error while reading the database Errore leghende sa base de datos - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Su serbidore nd'at torradu un'errore leghende sa cartella "%1" : %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ Custa est una modalidade noa, isperimentale. Si detzides de dda impreare, sinnal OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash S'archìviu %1 non faghet a ddu torrare a numenare %2 pro unu cunflitu cun su nùmene de s'archìviu locale - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Errore impostende s'istadu de su pin - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Errore agiornende is metadatos: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use S'archìviu %1 est giai impreadu - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file No at fatu a torrare a numenare s'archìviu @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ Custa est una modalidade noa, isperimentale. Si detzides de dda impreare, sinnal Non at fatu a lèghere sa lista niedda de sa base de datos locale - + Unable to read from the sync journal. No at fatu a lèghere dae su registru de sincronizatzione. - + Cannot open the sync journal Non faghet a abèrrerer su registru de sincronizatzione @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ Custa est una modalidade noa, isperimentale. Si detzides de dda impreare, sinnal - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Su logu in su discu est pagu: is iscarrigamentos chi diant pòdere minimare su logu lìberu suta de %1 s'ant a lassare. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Non b'at logu in su serbidore pro unos cantos carrigamentos. diff --git a/translations/client_sk.ts b/translations/client_sk.ts index d581a9f7808df..90198c5bb3b7d 100644 --- a/translations/client_sk.ts +++ b/translations/client_sk.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Zrušiť @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Vyzerá, že podpora Virtuálnych Súborov je na tomto priečinku zapnutá. V súčasnosti nie je možné stiahnuť virtuálne súbory ktoré sú šifrované End-to-End. Pre získanie najlepšieho výsledku s Virtuálnymi súbormi a End-to-End šifrovaním, ubezpečte sa že šifrovaný priečinok je označený ako "Vždy dostupné lokálne". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Nie je nastavený žiadny učet. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Tento účet podporuje šifrovanie end-to-end - Display mnemonic Zobraziť mnemotechnické - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Tento účet podporuje šifrovanie End-to-End + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Zapnúť šifrovanie @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Varovanie - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Nemôžete zašifrovať priečinok s obsahom, odstráňte súbory. Počkajte na novú synchronizáciu a potom ho zašifrujte. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Tento účet podporuje šifrovanie End-to-End + + + Encryption failed Šifrovanie zlyhalo - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Nemôžem zašifrovať priečinok, pretože daný priečinok už neexituje - - + + Open folder Otvoriť priečinok - + Encrypt Zašifrovať - - + + Edit Ignored Files Upraviť ignorované súbory - - + + Create new folder Vytvoriť nový adresár - - + + Availability Dostupnosť - + Choose what to sync Vyberte, čo sa má synchronizovať - + Force sync now Vynútiť synchronizáciu teraz - + Restart sync Reštartovať synchronizáciu - + Resume sync Pokračovať v synchronizácii - + Pause sync Pozastaviť synchronizáciu - + Remove folder sync connection Odstrániť prepojenie synchronizácie priečinka - + Disable virtual file support … Vypnúť podporu virtuálnych súborov ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Zapnúť podproru virtuálnych súborov %1 … - + (experimental) (experimentálne) - + Folder creation failed Vytvorenie priečinka zlyhalo - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Nie je možné vytvoriť lokálny priečinok <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Potvrdiť odstránenie prepojenia synchronizácie priečinka - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Naozaj si prajete zastaviť synchronizácu priečinka <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Poznámka:</b> Toto <b>nevymaže</b> žiadne súbory.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Odstrániť prepojenie synchronizácie priečinka - + Disable virtual file support? Vypnúť podporu virtuálnych súborov? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Jediná výhoda vypnutia podpory virtuálnych súborov je možnosť opätovného Táto akcia zruší všetky prebiehajúce synchronizácie. - + Disable support Zakázať podporu - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Prebieha synchronizácia - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Proces synchronizácie práve prebieha.<br/>Chcete ho ukončiť? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) z %2 je využitých. Niektoré priečinky, vrátane sieťových a zdieľaných, môžu mať iné limity. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 z %2 je využitých - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Momentálne nie sú k dispozícii žiadne informácie o využití ukladacieho priestoru. - + %1 in use %1 sa používa - + %1 as %2 %1 ako %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Verzia serveru %1 nie je podporovaná! Pokračujte na vlastné riziko. - + Connected to %1. Pripojené k %1 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Server %1 je dočasne nedostupný. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Server %1 je momentálne v režime údržby. - + Signed out from %1. Odhlásené z %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Získavam autorizáciu z prehliadača. <a href='%1'>Kliknite sem</a> na opätovné otvorenie prehliadača. - + Connecting to %1 … Pripája sa k %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Žiadne pripojenie k %1 na %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Chyba konfigurácie serveru: %1 na %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Žiadne nakonfigurované %1 spojenie - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Tieto priečinky neboli synchronizované pretože sú príliš veľké: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Niektoré priečinky neboli synchronizované, pretože sú na externom úložisku - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Niektoré priečinky neboli synchronizované, pretože sú príliš veľké alebo sú na externom úložisku - + Confirm Account Removal Potvrďte ostránenie účtu - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Naozaj chcete odstrániť pripojenie k účtu <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Poznámka:</b> Tým sa <b>nevymažú</b> žiadne súbory.</p> - + Remove connection Odstrániť prepojenie - - Enable encryption - Zapnúť šifrovanie + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Tento účet podporuje šifrovanie end-to-end + + + + Set up encryption + Nastaviť šifrovanie + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ Táto akcia zruší všetky prebiehajúce synchronizácie. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Zadajte svoju prístupovú frázu pre šifrovanie medzi koncovými bodmi: <br><br>Meno užívateľa: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Zadajte svoju prístupovú frázu pre šifrovanie medzi koncovými bodmi: <br><br>Používateľ: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Zadajte svoju prístupovú frázu pre šifrovanie medzi koncovými bodmi: <br><br>Meno užívateľa: %2<br>Účet: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + @@ -1204,17 +1245,17 @@ Táto akcia zruší všetky prebiehajúce synchronizácie. Please try again. - + Prosím, skúste to znova. Invalid file path was provided. - + Bola zadaná neplatná cesta k súboru. Could not find an account for local editing. - + Nepodarilo sa nájsť účet pre miestne úpravy. @@ -1254,13 +1295,13 @@ Môže to byť problém s knižnicami OpenSSL. %1 second(s) ago seconds elapsed since file last modified - + pred %1 sekundoupred %1 sekundamipred %1 sekundamipred %1 sekundami %1 minute(s) ago minutes elapsed since file last modified - + pred %n minútoupred %n minútamipred %n minútamipred %n minútami @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Symbolické odkazy nie sú podporované pri synchronizácii. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Súbor je zapísaný na zozname ignorovaných. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Názvy súborov končiacich bodkou nie sú na tomto súborovom systéme podporované. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Názvy súborov obsahujúce znak "%1" nie sú na tomto súborovom systéme podporované. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Názov súboru obsahuje nepovolený znak - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Názov súboru je na tomto súborovom systéme rezervovaným názvom. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Názov súboru obsahuje medzery na konci. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Názov súboru obsahuje medzery na začiatku. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Názov súboru obsahuje medzery na začiatku a na konci. - + Filename is too long. Meno súboru je veľmi dlhé. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Súbor/priečinok je ignorovaný, pretože je skrytý - + Stat failed. Nepodarilo sa získať informácie o súbore. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Konflikt: Prevzatá verzia zo servera, lokálna kópia premenovaná a neodovzdaná. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Názov súboru nemôže byť na tomto súborovom systéme enkódovaný. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Súbor je na tomto serveri na čiernej listine. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Prípona súboru je rezervovaná pre virtuálne súbory. - + size veľkosť - + permission oprávnenie - + file id id súboru - + Server reported no %1 Server nevrátil žiadne %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Chyba pri synchronizácii z dôvodu neplatného času poslednej zmeny @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v Chyba pri mazaní záznamu o súbore %1 z databázy - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Konflikt pri nahrávaní priečinka. Bude odstránený! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Konflikt pri nahrávaní súboru. Bude odstránený! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorované podľa nastavenia "vybrať čo synchronizovať" - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Nie je dovolené, lebo nemáte oprávnenie pridávať podpriečinky do tohto priečinka - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Nie je možné, pretože nemáte oprávnenie pridávať súbory do tohto priečinka - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Nie je dovolené tento súbor nahrať, pretože je na serveri iba na čítanie, obnovujem - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Presunuté do neplatného cieľa, obnovujem - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Nie je dovolené odstrániť, obnovujem - + Error while reading the database Chyba pri čítaní z databáze - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Server odpovedal chybne počas načítania priečinka "%1" : %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Súbor %1 nemôže byť premenovaný na %2 z dôvodu, že tento názov je už použitý - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB nie je možné získať súbor %1 z lokálnej DB - + Error setting pin state Chyba pri nastavovaní stavu pin-u - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Chyba pri aktualizácii metadát: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Súbor %1 sa v súčasnosti používa - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Nie je možné vymazať záznam o súbore %1 z lokálnej DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Nepodarilo sa premenovať súbor @@ -4315,7 +4357,7 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Nemôžem aktualizovať metadáta súboru: %1 @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v Nepodarilo sa načítať čiernu listinu z miestnej databázy - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Nemožno čítať zo synchronizačného žurnálu - + Cannot open the sync journal Nemožno otvoriť sync žurnál @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ Toto je nový experimentálny režim. Ak sa ho rozhodnete použiť, nahláste v Synchronizácia bude čoskoro pokračovať. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Na disku dochádza voľné miesto. Sťahovanie, ktoré by zmenšilo voľné miesto pod %1 bude vynechané. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Na serveri nie je pre niektoré z nahrávaných súborov dostatok voľného miesta. diff --git a/translations/client_sl.ts b/translations/client_sl.ts index 8e70767dcf34d..84acc2d448fcf 100644 --- a/translations/client_sl.ts +++ b/translations/client_sl.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Prekliči @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Kaže, da imate na tej mapi omogočeno možnost navideznih datotek. Trenutno ni mogoče neposredno prejeti tovrstnih datotek, če so šifrirane po protokolu E2E. Za najenostavnejše delo z navideznimi datotekami poskrbite, da je šifrirana mapa označena kot »Vedno na voljo krajevno«. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Ni nastavljenega računa. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Račun podpira celovito šifriranje E2E - Display mnemonic Pokaži mnemoniko - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Omogoči šifriranje + Warning Opozorilo - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Mape z vsebino ni mogoče šifrirati. Najprej je treba datoteke odstraniti in začeti znova. S prazno mapo počakajte na konec usklajevanja, potem jo znova šifrirajte. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed Šifriranje je spodletelo - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Mape ni mogoče šifrirati, ker ne obstaja več. - - + + Open folder Odpri mapo - + Encrypt Šifriraj - - + + Edit Ignored Files Uredi neusklajevane datoteke - - + + Create new folder Ustvari novo mapo - - + + Availability Razpoložljivost - + Choose what to sync Izbor predmetov za usklajevanje - + Force sync now Vsili takojšnje usklajevanje - + Restart sync Ponovno zaženi usklajevanje - + Resume sync Nadaljuj z usklajevanjem - + Pause sync Premor usklajevanja - + Remove folder sync connection Odstrani povezavo za usklajevanje mape - + Disable virtual file support … Onemogoči podporo za navidezne datoteke ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Omogoči podporo za navidezne datoteke %1 ... - + (experimental) (preizkusno) - + Folder creation failed Ustvarjanje mape je spodletelo - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Ni mogoče ustvariti krajevne mape <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Potrdi odstranjevanje povezave usklajevanja mape - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ali res želite zaustaviti usklajevanje mape <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Opomba:</b> s tem datoteke iz odjemalca <b>ne bodo</b> odstranjene.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Odstrani povezavo za usklajevanje mape - + Disable virtual file support? Ali želite onemogočiti podporo navideznih datotek? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ Edina prednost onemogočanja te podpore je, da bo spet na voljo izbirno usklajev S tem dejanjem prav tako prekinete vsa trenutna usklajevanja v izvajanju. - + Disable support Onemogoči podporo - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Usklajevanje je v teku - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Izvaja se usklajevanje.<br/>Ali želite opravilo prekiniti? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) od %2 v uporabi. Nekatere mape, vključno s priklopljenimi mapami in mapami v souporabi, imajo morda različne omejitve. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 od %2 v uporabi - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Trenutno ni na voljo nobenih podatkov o porabi prostora. - + %1 in use Skupna velikost je %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 z računom %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Različica strežnika %1 ni podprta! Nadaljujete na lastno odgovornost. - + Connected to %1. Vzpostavljena je povezava s strežnikom %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Strežnik %1 trenutno ni dosegljiv. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Strežnik %1 je trenutno v vzdrževalnem načinu. - + Signed out from %1. Uspešno odjavljeno iz %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Poteka pridobitev overitve po brskalniku. <a href='%1'>Kliknite</a> to za ponovno odpiranje brskalnika. - + Connecting to %1 … Poteka vzpostavljanje povezave s strežnikom %1 ... - + No connection to %1 at %2. S strežnikom %1 ni vzpostavljene povezave (%2). - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Napaka nastavitve strežnika: %1 na %2 - + No %1 connection configured. Ni nastavljene povezave %1. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Zaznane so mape, ki zaradi omejitve velikosti niso bile usklajene: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Zaznane so mape, ki so del zunanje shrambe, zato niso bile usklajene: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Zaznane so mape, ki zaradi omejitve velikosti, ali zato, ker so del zunanje shrambe, niso bile usklajene: - + Confirm Account Removal Potrdi odstranjevanje računa - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Ali res želite odstraniti povezavo z računom <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Opomba:</b> odstranitev povezave <b>ne izbriše</b> nobene datoteke.</p> - + Remove connection Odstrani povezavo - - Enable encryption - Omogoči šifriranje + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Račun podpira celovito šifriranje E2E + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,14 +1006,19 @@ S tem dejanjem prav tako prekinete vsa trenutna usklajevanja v izvajanju. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Vnesite neposredno geslo:<br><br>uporabnik: %2<br>račun: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ To je nov preizkusni način. Če ga boste uporabili, pošljite tudi poročila o OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Usklajevanje simbolnih povezav ni podprto. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Datoteka je na seznamu neusklajevanih datotek. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Imena datotek, ki vsebujejo končno piko, na tem sistemu niso podprta. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Imena datotek, ki vsebujejo znak »%1«, na tem sistemu niso podprta. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Ime datoteke vsebuje vsaj en neveljaven znak. - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Ime datoteke je na tem sistemu zadržano za sistemsko datoteko. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Datoteka vsebuje pripete presledne znake. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. Ime datoteke je predolgo. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Datoteka/Mapa ni usklajevana, ker je skrita. - + Stat failed. Določanje stanja je spodletelo. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Spor: prejeta je strežniška različica, krajevna je preimenovana, a ne tudi poslana v oblak. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Zapisa imena datoteke na tem datotečnem sistemu ni mogoče kodirati. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Ime datoteke je na črnem seznamu strežnika. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Datoteka ima predpono, ki je zadržana za navidezne datoteke. - + size velikost - + permission dovoljenje - + file id ID datoteke - + Server reported no %1 Prejet je odziv strežnika %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ To je nov preizkusni način. Če ga boste uporabili, pošljite tudi poročila o - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Zaznan je spor pri pošiljanju mape. Mapa bo počiščena! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Zaznan je spor pri pošiljanju datoteke. Datoteka bo odstranjena! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Predmet ni usklajevan, ker je na »črnem seznamu datotek« za usklajevanje - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Dejanje ni dovoljeno! Ni ustreznih dovoljenj za dodajanje podmap v to mapo. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Dejanje ni dovoljeno, ker ni ustreznih dovoljenj za dodajanje datotek v to mapo - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Te datoteke ni dovoljeno poslati, ker ima določena dovoljenja le za branje. Datoteka bo obnovljena na izvorno različico. - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Predmet je premaknjen na neveljaven cilj, vsebina bo obnovljena. - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Odstranjevanje ni dovoljeno, vsebina bo obnovljena. - + Error while reading the database Napaka branja podatkovne zbirke - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Odziv strežnika vključuje napako med branjem mape »%1«: %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ To je nov preizkusni način. Če ga boste uporabili, pošljite tudi poročila o OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Datoteke %1 ni mogoče preimenovati v %2 zaradi že obstoječe datoteke s tem imenom. - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state Napaka nastavljanja pripetega staja - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Prišlo je do napake posodabljanja metapodatkov: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Datoteka %1 je trenutno v uporabi. - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Preimenovanje datoteke je spodletelo @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ To je nov preizkusni način. Če ga boste uporabili, pošljite tudi poročila o Ni mogoče prebrati črnega seznama iz krajevne mape - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Ni mogoče brati iz dnevnika usklajevanja - + Cannot open the sync journal Ni mogoče odpreti dnevnika usklajevanja @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ To je nov preizkusni način. Če ga boste uporabili, pošljite tudi poročila o Usklajevanje se bo v kratkem nadaljevalo. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Zmanjkuje prostora na disku: prejem predmetov, ki bi zmanjšali prostor na disku pod %1 bo prekinjen. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Za usklajevanje je na strežniku premalo prostora. diff --git a/translations/client_sr.ts b/translations/client_sr.ts index 15c55c589ae5e..e00f4a86f3373 100644 --- a/translations/client_sr.ts +++ b/translations/client_sr.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Одустани @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. Није подешен налог. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Овај налог подржава шифровање са краја на крај - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + Укључи шифровање + Warning Упозорење - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Не можете шифровати фасциклу са садржајем, уклоните фајлове пров. Сачекајте на синхронизацију, и онда је тек шифрујте. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder Отвори фасциклу - + Encrypt Шифруј - - + + Edit Ignored Files Измени игнорисане фајлове - - + + Create new folder - - + + Availability - + Choose what to sync Изаберите шта синхронизовати - + Force sync now Форсирај синхронизацију сада - + Restart sync Поново покрени синхронизацију - + Resume sync Настави синхронизацију - + Pause sync Паузирај синхронизацију - + Remove folder sync connection Уклони везу на синхронизацију фасцикле - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed Прављење фасцикле није успело - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Не могу да направим локалну фасциклу <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Потврдите уклањање конекције на синхронизацију фасцикле - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Желите ли заиста да престанете са синхронизацијом фасцикле <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Напомена:</b> Ово <b>неће</b> обрисати ниједан фајл.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Уклони везу на синхронизацију фасцикле - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Синхронизација у току - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Синхронизација је у току.<br/>Желите ли да је прекинете? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) од %2 искоришћено. Неке фасцикле, укључујући мрежно монтиране или дељене фасцикле, могу имати друга ограничења. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 од %2 искоришћено - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Тренутно нема доступних података о заузећу складишта. - + %1 in use %1 искоришћено - + %1 as %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. - + Connected to %1. Повезан са %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Сервер %1 је привремено недоступан. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Сервер %1 је тренутно у режиму одржавања. - + Signed out from %1. Одјављен са %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Дохватам ауторизацију из веб читача. <a href='%1'>Кликните овде</a> да поново отворите веб читач. - + Connecting to %1 … Повезујем се на %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Нема конекције на %1 са %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Нема подешене %1 везе. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Ово су фасцикле које нису синхронизоване јер су превелике: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Ово су фасцикле које нису синхронизоване зато што су на спољним складиштима: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Ово су фасцикле које нису синхронизоване зато што су превелике или су на спољним складиштима: - + Confirm Account Removal Потврда уклањања налога - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Да ли стварно желите да уклоните везу ка налогу <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Белешка:</b> Овим <b>нећете</b>обрисати ниједан фајл.</p> - + Remove connection Уклони везу - - Enable encryption - Укључи шифровање + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Овај налог подржава шифровање са краја на крај + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Унесите Вашу лозинку за шифровање са краја на крај:<br><br>Корисник: %2<br>Налог: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3164,107 +3205,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3274,52 +3315,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3486,45 +3527,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4327,12 +4369,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Не могу да читам листу ставки игнорисаних за синхронизацију из локалне базе - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Не могу да читам синхронизациони журнал. - + Cannot open the sync journal Не могу да отворим журнал синхронизације @@ -4342,12 +4384,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Мало простора на диску: преузимања која би смањила слободно место испод %1 су прескочена. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Нема довољно места на серверу за нека отпремања. diff --git a/translations/client_sv.ts b/translations/client_sv.ts index 0b0652ec5bfd8..13b78ac6e8677 100644 --- a/translations/client_sv.ts +++ b/translations/client_sv.ts @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ In %1 - + Om %1 @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Talk notification caller avatar - + Avatar för samtalsavisering @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Avbryt @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Det verkar som att funktionen "Virtuella filer" är aktiverad för denna mapp. För närvarande är det inte möjligt att uteslutande ladda ner virtuella filer med end-to-end-kryptering. För bästa upplevelse med virtuella filer och end-to-end-kryptering, säkerställ att "Gör alltid tillgänglig lokalt" är aktiverat. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering med virtuella filer + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Det verkar som att funktionen "Virtuella filer" är aktiverad för denna mapp. För närvarande är det inte möjligt att ladda ner virtuella filer med ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering. För virtuella filer och ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering, verifiera att "Gör alltid tillgänglig lokalt" är aktiverat på den krypterade mappen. + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Inget konto är konfigurerat. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Detta konto stödjer ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering - Display mnemonic Visa mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Detta konto stödjer ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering har aktiverats för detta konto + + + + Enable encryption + Aktivera kryptering @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Varning - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering är inte konfigurerad på den här enheten. När den är konfigurerad kommer du att kunna kryptera den här mappen. +Vill du aktivera ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Du kan inte kryptera en mapp med innehåll, ta bort filerna. Vänta på en ny synk, sedan kryptera den. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Detta konto stödjer ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering + + + Encryption failed Kryptering misslyckades - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Kunde inte kryptera mappen eftersom den inte längre existerar - - + + Open folder Öppna mapp - + Encrypt Kryptera - - + + Edit Ignored Files Redigera ignorerade filer - - + + Create new folder Skapa ny mapp - - + + Availability Tillgänglighet - + Choose what to sync Välj vad som ska synkroniseras - + Force sync now Tvinga synkronisering nu - + Restart sync Starta om synkronisering - + Resume sync Återuppta synkronisering - + Pause sync Pausa synkronisering - + Remove folder sync connection Ta bort anslutning till mappsynkronisering - + Disable virtual file support … Inaktivera stöd för virtuella filer ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Aktivera stöd för virtuella filer %1 … - + (experimental) (experimentell) - + Folder creation failed Kunde inte skapa mappen - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Kunde inte skapa lokal mapp <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Bekräfta radering av anslutning till mappsynkronisering - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vill du verkligen avbryta synkronisering av mappen <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Observera:</b> Detta kommer <b>inte</b> radera några filer.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Ta bort anslutning till mappsynkronisering - + Disable virtual file support? Inaktivera stöd för virtuella filer? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,140 +597,156 @@ Den enda fördelen med att inaktivera stöd för virtuella filer är att den sel Den här åtgärden avbryter alla synkroniseringar som körs. - + Disable support Inaktivera support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic End to end krypteringsord - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt krypteringsord + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). För att skydda din krypteringsidentitet, krypterar vi den med en mnemoteknisk av 12 ord. Notera dessa krypteringsord och håll dem säkra. De kommer behövas för att lägga till andra enheter till ditt konto (t.ex. mobiltelefon eller laptop). - + Sync Running Synkronisering pågår - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? En synkronisering pågår.<br/>Vill du avbryta den? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) av %2 används. Vissa mappar, inklusive nätverks- eller delade mappar, kan ha andra begränsningar. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 av %2 används - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Just nu finns ingen utrymmes information tillgänglig - + %1 in use %1 används - + %1 as %2 %1 som %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Serverversion %1 stöds inte officiellt! Fortsätt på egen risk. - + Connected to %1. Ansluten till %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Servern %1 är för tillfället inte tillgänglig. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Servern %1 är för närvarande i underhållsläge. - + Signed out from %1. Utloggad från %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Anskaffar autentisering från webbläsaren. <a href='%1'>Klicka här </a> för att öppna webbläsaren igen. - + Connecting to %1 … Ansluter till %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. Ingen anslutning till %1 vid %2. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Felaktig serverkonfiguration: %1 på %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Ingen %1 anslutning konfigurerad. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Dessa mappar har inte synkroniserats för att de är för stora: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Det finns mappar som inte synkroniserats för att de är externa lagringsytor: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Det finns mappar som inte blivit synkroniserade på grund av att de är för stora eller är externa lagringsytor: - + Confirm Account Removal Bekräfta radering an kontot - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Vill du verkligen avsluta anslutningen till kontot <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Observera:</b> Detta kommer <b>inte</b> radera några filer.</p> - + Remove connection Ta bort anslutning - - Enable encryption + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Detta konto stödjer ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering + + + + Set up encryption Aktivera kryptering + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering har aktiverats på det här kontot med en annan enhet.<br>Det kan aktiveras på den här enheten genom att ange ditt krypteringsord. + OCC::AccountState @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ Den här åtgärden avbryter alla synkroniseringar som körs. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Ange din lösenordsfras för End-till-End kryptering:<br><br>Användarnamn: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Vänligen ange ditt lösenord för end-to-end-kryptering:<br><br>Användare: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Ange din lösenordsfras för End-till-End kryptering:<br><br>Användarnamn: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Ange din lösenordsfras för ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt-kryptering:<br><br>Användarnamn: %2<br>Konto: %3<br> @@ -1266,25 +1308,25 @@ Det kan vara problem med dina OpenSSL-bibliotek. %1 hour(s) ago hours elapsed since file last modified - + %1 timme sedan%1 timmar sedan %1 day(s) ago days elapsed since file last modified - + %1 dag(ar) sedan%1 dag(ar) sedan %1 month(s) ago months elapsed since file last modified - + %1 månad(er) sedan%1 månad(er) sedan %1 year(s) ago years elapsed since file last modified - + %1 år sedan%1 år sedan @@ -1298,7 +1340,7 @@ Det kan vara problem med dina OpenSSL-bibliotek. The polling URL does not start with HTTPS despite the login URL started with HTTPS. Login will not be possible because this might be a security issue. Please contact your administrator. - + Den returnerade server-URL:n börjar inte med HTTPS trots att inloggnings-URL:n började med HTTPS. Inloggning kommer inte att vara möjlig eftersom detta kan vara ett säkerhetsproblem. Kontakta din administratör. @@ -1327,7 +1369,7 @@ Det kan vara problem med dina OpenSSL-bibliotek. The returned server URL does not start with HTTPS despite the login URL started with HTTPS. Login will not be possible because this might be a security issue. Please contact your administrator. - + Den returnerade server-URL:n börjar inte med HTTPS trots att inloggnings-URL:n började med HTTPS. Inloggning kommer inte att vara möjlig eftersom detta kan vara ett säkerhetsproblem. Kontakta din administratör. @@ -1527,14 +1569,19 @@ Det betyder att synkroniseringsklienten inte kan ladda upp lokala ändringar ome These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. - + Alla filer i den synkade mappen "%1" raderades på servern. +Dessa raderingar kommer att synkroniseras till din lokalt synkade mapp och göra filerna otillgängliga, om du inte har möjlighet att återställa. +Om du återställer dessa filer kommer de att synkroniseras till servern på nytt, om du har rättighet att göra det. +Om du bestämmer dig för att radera filerna är de inte tillgängliga för dig, såvida du inte är ägaren. All the files in your local sync folder "%1" were deleted. These deletes will be synchronized with your server, making such files unavailable unless restored. Are you sure you want to sync those actions with the server? If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synced from the server. - + Alla filer i din lokalt synkade mapp "%1" raderades. Dessa raderingar kommer att synkroniseras med servern och göra filerna otillgängliga, om de inte återställs. +Är du säker på att du vill synka ändringarna till servern? +Om detta var ett misstag och du vill behålla dina filer, kommer de att synkroniseras på nytt från servern. @@ -1590,7 +1637,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce An old sync journal "%1" was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. - + En gammal synkroniseringsjournal "%1" hittades, men kunde inte tas bort. Kontrollera att inget program använder den för närvarande. @@ -2170,7 +2217,7 @@ If this was an accident and you decide to keep your files, they will be re-synce Show call notification dialogs. - + Visa dialogrutor för samtalsmeddelanden. @@ -2505,7 +2552,8 @@ If enabled, logs will be written to %1 This setting persists across client restarts. Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. - + Den här inställningen kvarstår även när klienten startas om. +Observera att om du använder kommandoradsalternativ för loggning kommer den här inställningen att åsidosättas. @@ -2562,7 +2610,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available but the updating process failed.</p><p><b>%2</b> has been downloaded. The installed version is %3. If you confirm restart and update, your computer may reboot to complete the installation.</p> - + <p>En ny version av %1 klienten är tillgänglig men uppdateringsprocessen misslyckades.</p><p><b>%2</b> har laddats ner. Den installerade versionen är %3. Om du bekräftar omstart och uppdatering kan det hända att datorn startas om för att slutföra installationen.</p> @@ -2693,7 +2741,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. There was an error accessing the "token" endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> - + Fel uppstod vid åtkomst till "token"-endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> @@ -2718,7 +2766,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. <h1>Wrong account</h1><p>You logged in with the account <em>%1</em>, but must log in with the account <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in with %2.</p> - + <h1>Fel konto</h1><p>Du loggade in med konto <em>%1</em>, men måste logga in med konto <em>%2</em>.<br>Logga ut från %3 i en annan flik, sedan <a href='%4'>klicka här</a> och logga in med %2.</p> @@ -2736,7 +2784,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. Your computer may reboot to complete the installation. - + En ny uppdatering för %1 kommer att installeras. Uppdateraren kan be om ytterligare rättigheter under processen. Datorn kan starta om för att slutföra installationen. @@ -2987,7 +3035,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. The authenticated request to the server was redirected to "%1". The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. - + Den autentiserade begäran till servern omdirigerades till "%1". URL:n är felaktig, servern är felkonfigurerad. @@ -3094,7 +3142,7 @@ Note that using any logging command line options will override this setting. Cannot remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. - + Kan inte ta bort och göra en säkerhetskopia av mappen på grund av att mappen eller en fil i den används av ett annat program. Stäng mappen eller filen och försök igen eller avbryt installationen. @@ -3176,107 +3224,107 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Symboliska länkar kan ej synkroniseras. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Filen är listad i undantagslistan. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Filnamn som slutar med en punkt stöds inte på detta filsystem. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. ilnamn innehållandes tecknet "%1"' stöds inte på detta filsystem. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Filnamnet innehåller minst ett ogiltigt tecken - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Detta filnamn är reserverat på detta filsystem. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Filnamnet innehåller inledande blanksteg. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Filnamnet innehåller inledande blanksteg. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Filnamnet innehåller blanksteg i början och slutet. - + Filename is too long. Filnamnet är för långt. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Filen/mappen ignoreras eftersom den är dold. - + Stat failed. Status misslyckades. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Konflikt: Serverversion hämtad, lokal kopia omdöpt och inte uppladdad. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Filnamnet kan inte avkodas på ditt filsystem. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Filnamnet är svartlistat på servern. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Filens ändelse är reserverad för virtuella filer. - + size storlek - + permission behörighet - + file id fil-ID - + Server reported no %1 Servern svarade inte %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Det går inte att synkronisera på grund av ogiltig ändringstid @@ -3286,52 +3334,52 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Fel vid borttagning av filpost %1 från databasen - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Konflikt vid uppladdning av en mapp. Den kommer att rensas! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Konflikt vid uppladdning av en fil. Den kommer att tas bort! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Ignorerad eftersom den är svartlistad i "välj vad som ska synkroniseras" - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Otillåtet eftersom du inte har rättigheter att lägga till undermappar i den mappen. - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Otillåtet eftersom du inte har rättigheter att lägga till filer i den mappen. - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Inte tillåtet att ladda upp denna fil eftersom den är skrivskyddad på servern, återställer - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Flyttade till ogiltigt mål, återställer - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Borttagning tillåts ej, återställer - + Error while reading the database Fel uppstod när databasen skulle läsas - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Servern svarade med ett fel när mappen lästes "%1" : %2 @@ -3498,45 +3546,46 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Filen %1 kan inte döpas om till %2 på grund av namnkonflikt med en lokal fil - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB kunde inte hämta filen %1 från lokal DB - + Error setting pin state - + Kunde inte sätta pin-status - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Fel vid uppdatering av metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Filen %1 används för tillfället - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Kunde inte ta bort filposten %1 från lokal DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Kunde inte döpa om filen @@ -3615,7 +3664,7 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Error setting pin state - + Kunde inte sätta pin-status @@ -3694,7 +3743,7 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Poll URL missing - + Poll-URL saknas @@ -3984,7 +4033,7 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Leave this share - + Lämna denna delning @@ -4305,7 +4354,7 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Kunde inte uppdatera filens metadata: %1 @@ -4339,12 +4388,12 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Kunde inte läsa svartlistan från den lokala databasen - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Det går inte att läsa från synkroniseringsjournalen. - + Cannot open the sync journal Det går inte att öppna synkroniseringsjournalen @@ -4354,12 +4403,12 @@ Detta är ett nytt experimentellt läge. Om du bestämmer dig för att använda Synkroniseringen kommer att återupptas inom kort. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Diskutrymmet är lågt: Hämtningar som skulle reducera det fria utrymmet under %1 hoppas över. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Det finns inte tillräckligt med utrymme på servern för vissa uppladdningar. diff --git a/translations/client_th.ts b/translations/client_th.ts index 22f04f3beae53..0958cd7b204a3 100644 --- a/translations/client_th.ts +++ b/translations/client_th.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel ยกเลิก @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,150 +429,160 @@ No account configured. ไม่มีบัญชีที่กำหนดค่าไว้ - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - บัญชีนี้รองรับการเข้ารหัสลับแบบต้นทางถึงปลายทาง - Display mnemonic - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + เปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัส + Warning คำเตือน - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed การเข้ารหัสล้มเหลว - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore - - + + Open folder เปิดโฟลเดอร์ - + Encrypt เข้ารหัส - - + + Edit Ignored Files - - + + Create new folder สร้างโฟลเดอร์ใหม่ - - + + Availability ความพร้อมใช้งาน - + Choose what to sync เลือกสิ่งที่จะซิงค์ - + Force sync now บังคับซิงค์ตอนนี้ - + Restart sync เริ่มซิงค์ใหม่ - + Resume sync ซิงค์ต่อ - + Pause sync หยุดซิงค์ชั่วคราว - + Remove folder sync connection ลบการเชื่อมต่อโฟลเดอร์ซิงค์ - + Disable virtual file support … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … - + (experimental) - + Folder creation failed สร้างโฟลเดอร์ล้มเหลว - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal ยืนยันการลบการเชื่อมต่อโฟลเดอร์ซิงค์ - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>คุณต้องการหยุดซิงค์โฟลเดอร์ <i>%1</i> จริง ๆ หรือไม่?</p><p><b>หมายเหตุ:</b> การกระทำนี้จะ<b>ไม่</b>ลบไฟล์ใด ๆ</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection ลบการเชื่อมต่อโฟลเดอร์ซิงค์ - + Disable virtual file support? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -571,139 +591,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. - + Disable support - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running กำลังซิงค์ - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? กำลังดำเนินการซิงค์อยู่<br/>คุณต้องการหยุดการทำงานหรือไม่? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. ใช้งานอยู่ %1 (%3%) จาก %2 บางโฟลเดอร์ รวมถึงที่ต่อเชื่อมบนเครือข่ายหรือโฟลเดอร์ที่แชร์อาจมีข้อจำกัดที่แตกต่างกัน - + %1 of %2 in use ใช้งานอยู่ %1 จาก %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. ขณะนี้ไม่มีข้อมูลการใช้พื้นที่จัดเก็บ - + %1 in use ใช้งานอยู่ %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 ด้วยบัญชี %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. ไม่รองรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์รุ่น %1! ดำเนินการต่อบนความเสี่ยงของคุณเอง - + Connected to %1. เชื่อมต่อกับ %1 แล้ว - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %1 ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ชั่วคราว - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. เซิร์ฟเวอร์ %1 อยู่ในโหมดการบำรุงรักษา - + Signed out from %1. ลงชื่อออกจาก %1 แล้ว - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. กำลังได้รับอนุญาตจากเบราว์เซอร์ <a href='%1'>คลิกที่นี่</a>เพื่อเปิดเบราว์เซอร์อีกครั้ง - + Connecting to %1 … กำลังเชื่อมต่อไปยัง %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. ไม่มีการเชื่อมต่อไปยัง %1 ที่ %2 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. การกำหนดค่าเซิร์ฟเวอร์ผิดพลาด: %1 ที่ %2 - + No %1 connection configured. ไม่มีการเชื่อมต่อ %1 ที่ถูกกำหนดค่า - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: มีบางโฟลเดอร์ที่ไม่ถูกซิงโครไนซ์เพราะมีขนาดใหญ่เกินไป: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: มีบางโฟลเดอร์ที่ไม่ถูกซิงโครไนซ์เพราะเป็นพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: มีบางโฟลเดอร์ที่ไม่ถูกซิงโครไนซ์เพราะมีขนาดใหญ่เกินไป หรือเป็นพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก: - + Confirm Account Removal ยืนยันการนำบัญชีออก - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>คุณต้องการลบการเชื่อมต่อกับบัญชี <i>%1</i> หรือไม่?</p><p><b>หมายเหตุ:</b> การกระทำนี้จะ<b>ไม่</b>ลบไฟล์ใด ๆ</p> - + Remove connection ลบการเชื่อมต่อ - - Enable encryption - เปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัส + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + บัญชีนี้รองรับการเข้ารหัสลับแบบต้นทางถึงปลายทาง + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -965,14 +1001,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3158,107 +3199,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. - + File is listed on the ignore list. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. - + File name contains at least one invalid character - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. - + size - + permission - + file id - + Server reported no %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3268,52 +3309,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring - + Moved to invalid target, restoring - + Not allowed to remove, restoring - + Error while reading the database - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 @@ -3480,45 +3521,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state - + + Error updating metadata: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file @@ -4319,12 +4361,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss ไม่สามารถอ่านบัญชีดำจากฐานข้อมูลต้นทาง - + Unable to read from the sync journal. ไม่สามารถอ่านจากบันทึกการซิงค์ - + Cannot open the sync journal ไม่สามารถเปิดบันทึกการซิงค์ @@ -4334,12 +4376,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. พื้นที่จัดเก็บเหลือน้อย: การดาวน์โหลดที่จะลดพื้นที่ว่างลงต่ำกว่า %1 ถูกข้ามไป - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. มีพื้นที่ว่างบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ไม่เพียงพอสำหรับการอัปโหลดบางรายการ diff --git a/translations/client_tr.ts b/translations/client_tr.ts index b3271c998f8cc..2d746fa0aae53 100644 --- a/translations/client_tr.ts +++ b/translations/client_tr.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel İptal @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Görünüşe göre bu klasör için sanal dosyalar özelliğini etkinleştirmişsiniz. Şu anda uçtan uca şifrelenmiş sanal dosyaların örtülü olarak indirilmesi desteklenmiyor. Sanal dosyalar ve uçtan uca şifreleme ile en iyi deneyimi elde etmek için, şifrelenmiş klasörün "Her zaman yerel olarak kullanılabilsin" olarak işaretlendiğinden emin olun. + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + Sanal dosyalar ile uçtan uca şifreleme + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + Görünüşe göre bu klasör için sanal dosyalar özelliğini etkinleştirmişsiniz. Şu anda uçtan uca şifrelenmiş sanal dosyaların örtülü olarak indirilmesi desteklenmiyor. Sanal dosyalar ve uçtan uca şifreleme ile en iyi deneyimi elde etmek için, şifrelenmiş klasörün "Her zaman yerel olarak kullanılabilsin" olarak işaretlendiğinden emin olun. + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Herhangi bir hesap yapılandırılmamış. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Bu hesap uçtan uca şifrelemeyi destekliyor - Display mnemonic - İpucu görüntülensin + Anımsatıcı görüntülensin - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Bu hesap uçtan uca şifrelemeyi destekliyor + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + Bu hesap için uçtan uca şifreleme kullanılıyor + + + + Enable encryption + Şifreleme kullanılsın @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ Uyarı - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + Bu aygıtta uçtan uca şifreleme yapılandırılmamış. Yapılandırmayı tamamladığınızda, bu klasörü şifreleyebilirsiniz. +Uçtan uca şifrelemeyi kurmak ister misiniz? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. İçi dolu olan bir klasör şifrelenemez, lütfen dosyaları kaldırın. Eşitlemenin tamamlanmasını bekleyip klasörü şifreleyin - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Bu hesap uçtan uca şifrelemeyi destekliyor + + + Encryption failed Şifrelenemedi - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Klasör bulunamadığından şifrelenemedi - - + + Open folder Klasörü aç - + Encrypt Şifrele - - + + Edit Ignored Files Yok sayılan dosyaları düzenle - - + + Create new folder Klasör ekle - - + + Availability Kullanılabilirlik - + Choose what to sync Eşitlenecek ögeleri seçin - + Force sync now Şimdi eşitlemeye zorla - + Restart sync Eşitlemeyi yeniden başlat - + Resume sync Eşitlemeyi sürdür - + Pause sync Eşitlemeyi duraklat - + Remove folder sync connection Klasör eşitleme bağlantısını sil - + Disable virtual file support … Sanal dosya desteğini devre dışı bırak … - + Enable virtual file support %1 … %1 için sanal dosya desteği kullanılsın … - + (experimental) (deneysel) - + Folder creation failed Klasör oluşturulamadı - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p><i>%1</i> yerel klasörü oluşturulamadı.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Klasör eşitleme bağlantısını silmeyi onaylayın - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p><i>%1</i> klasörünün eşitlemesini durdurmak istediğinize emin misiniz?</p><p><b>Not:</b> Bu işlem herhangi bir dosyayı <b>silmez</b>.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Klasör eşitleme bağlantısını sil - + Disable virtual file support? Sanal dosya desteği devre dışı bırakılsın mı? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ Sanal dosya desteğini devre dışı bırakmanın tek faydası isteğe bağlı e Bu işlem şu anda yürütülmekte olan eşitleme işlemlerini durdurur. - + Disable support Desteği devre dışı bırak - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic Uçtan uca şifreleme anımsatıcısı - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + Uçtan uca şifreleme anımsatıcısı + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). Şifreli kimliğiniz korunmak için 12 sözlük sözcüğünden oluşan bir anımsatıcı ile şifrelendi. Lütfen bu sözcükleri not ederek güvenli bir yerde saklayın. Bu bilgi hesabınıza başka aygıtlar (cep telefonu ya da bilgisayar) eklemek istediğinizde gerekir. - + Sync Running Eşitleme çalışıyor - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Eşitleme işlemi sürüyor.<br/>Durdurmak istiyor musunuz? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) / %2 kullanımda. Ağ üzerinden bağlanmış ya da paylaşılmış klasörlerin sınırları farklı olabilir. - + %1 of %2 in use %1 / %2 kullanılıyor - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. Şu anda depolama kullanımı ile ilgili bir bilgi yok. - + %1 in use %1 kullanılıyor - + %1 as %2 %1, %2 olarak - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. %1 sunucu sürümü desteklenmiyor! Riski üstlenerek devam edebilirsiniz. - + Connected to %1. %1 ile bağlı. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. %1 sunucusu geçici olarak kullanılamıyor. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. %1 sunucusu bakım kipinde. - + Signed out from %1. %1 oturumu kapatıldı. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Kimlik web tarayıcısı üzerinden doğrulanıyor. Web tarayıcıyı yeniden açmak için <a href='%1'>buraya tıklayın</a>. - + Connecting to %1 … %1 bağlantısı kuruluyor … - + No connection to %1 at %2. %1 ile %2 üzerinde bağlantı yok. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Sunucu yapılandırma sorunu: %1 ile %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Henüz bir %1 bağlantısı yapılandırılmamış. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Çok büyük oldukları için eşitlenmeyen klasörler var: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Dış depolama alanlarında bulundukları için eşitlenmeyen klasörler var: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Çok büyük oldukları için ya da dış depolama alanında bulundukları için eşitlenmeyen klasörler var: - + Confirm Account Removal Hesap silmeyi onaylayın - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p><i>%1</i> hesabının bağlantısını kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?</p><p><b>Not:</b> Bu işlem herhangi bir dosyayı <b>silmez</b>.</p> - + Remove connection Bağlantıyı kaldır - - Enable encryption - Şifreleme kullanılsın + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Bu hesap uçtan uca şifrelemeyi destekliyor + + + + Set up encryption + Şifreleme kurulumu + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + Bu hesapta uçtan uca şifreleme başka bir aygıt ile etkinleştirilmiş.<br>Anımsatıcınızı yazarak bu aygıt için etkinleştirebilirsiniz. @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ Bu işlem şu anda yürütülmekte olan eşitleme işlemlerini durdurur. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Lütfen uçtan uca şifreleme parolanızı yazın:<br><br>Kullanıcı adı: %2<br>Hesap: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Lütfen uçtan uca şifreleme parolasını yazın:<br><br>Kullanıcı:%2<br>Hesap:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Lütfen uçtan uca şifreleme parolanızı yazın:<br><br>Kullanıcı adı: %2<br>Hesap: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Lütfen uçtan uca şifreleme parolasını yazın:<br><br>Kullanıcı adı: %2<br>Hesap: %3<br> @@ -3185,107 +3227,107 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Sembolik bağlantıların eşitlenmesi desteklenmiyor. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Dosya yok sayılanlar listesinde. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Nokta ile biten dosya adları bu dosya sisteminde desteklenmiyor. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. "%1" karakterini içeren dosya adları bu sistemde desteklenmiyor. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Dosya adında en az bir geçersiz karakter var - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Bu dosya adı bu dosya sisteminde ayırtılmış bir ad olduğundan kullanılamaz. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Dosya adının sonunda boşluklar var. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Dosya adının başında boşluklar var. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Dosya adının başında ve sonunda boşluklar var. - + Filename is too long. Dosya adı çok uzun. - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Dosya/klasör gizli olduğu için yok sayıldı. - + Stat failed. Durum alınamadı. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Çakışma: Sunucu sürümü indirildi, yerel kopya yeniden adlandırıldı ve yüklenmedi. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Dosya adı dosya sisteminizde kodlanamıyor. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Dosya adı sunucu üzerinde kara listeye alınmış. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Dosyanın uzantısı sanal dosyalar için ayrılmış. - + size boyut - + permission izin - + file id dosya kodu - + Server reported no %1 Sunucunun bildirilen numarası %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Değiştirilme zamanı geçersiz olduğundan eşitlenemedi @@ -3295,52 +3337,52 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş %1 dosya kaydı veritabanından silinirken sorun çıktı - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Bir klasör yüklenirken çakışma oldu. Çakışma temizlenecek! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Bir dosya yüklenirken çakışma oldu. Çakışma temizlenecek! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist "Eşitlenecek ögeleri seçin" kara listesinde olduğundan yok sayıldı - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Bu klasöre alt klasör ekleme izniniz olmadığından izin verilmedi - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Bu klasöre dosya ekleme izniniz olmadığından izin verilmedi - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Sunucu üzerinde salt okunur olduğundan, bu dosya yüklenemedi, geri yükleniyor - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Geçersiz bir hedefe taşındı, geri yükleniyor - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Silmeye izin verilmedi, geri yükleniyor - + Error while reading the database Veritabanı okunurken sorun çıktı - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 "%1" klasörü okunurken sunucu bir hata yanıtı verdi: %2 @@ -3507,45 +3549,46 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Yerel bir dosya adı ile çakışması nedeniyle %1 dosyası %2 olarak adlandırılamadı - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB %1 dosyası yerel veritabanından alınamadı - + Error setting pin state Sabitleme durumu ayarlanırken sorun çıktı - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Üst veriler güncellenirken sorun çıktı: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use %1 dosyası şu anda kullanılıyor - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB %1 dosya kaydı yerel veritabanından silinemedi - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy Hiyerarşi içinde klasörü yeniden adlandırma işlemi yapılamadı - + Failed to rename file Dosya yeniden adlandırılamadı @@ -3993,7 +4036,7 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş Leave this share - + Bu paylaşımdan ayrıl @@ -4314,7 +4357,7 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş Could not update file metadata: %1 - + Dosya üst verileri güncellenemedi: %1 @@ -4348,12 +4391,12 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş Yerel veritabanından kara liste okunamadı - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Eşitleme günlüğü okunamadı. - + Cannot open the sync journal Eşitleme günlüğü açılamadı @@ -4363,12 +4406,12 @@ Bu yeni ve deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanmaya karar verirseniz, lütfen karş Eşitleme kısa bir süre sonra sürdürülecek - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Disk alanı azaldı: Boş alanı %1 değerinin altına düşürecek indirmeler atlandı. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Sunucu üzerinde bazı yüklemeleri kaydetmek için yeterli alan yok. diff --git a/translations/client_uk.ts b/translations/client_uk.ts index 43054dacf18fe..2b79df2ad1ef8 100644 --- a/translations/client_uk.ts +++ b/translations/client_uk.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel Скасувати @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". Схоже, що ви увімкнули функціонал віртуальних файлів для цього каталогу. Наразі, явним чином неможливо завантажувати віртуальні файли, які було зашифровано за допомогою наскрізного шифрування. Щоби отримати максимум можливостей від віртуальних файлів та насрізного шифрування, радимо позначити зашифровані каталоги "Зробити завжди доступними на пристрої". + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. Обліковий запис не налаштовано. - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - Цей обліковий запис підтримує шифрування end-to-end - Display mnemonic Відобразити мнемоніку - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - Цей обліковий запис підтримує наскрізне шифрування + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + + + Enable encryption + Увімкнути шифрування @@ -442,128 +450,140 @@ Увага - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. Ви не можете зашифрувати каталог із вмістом, будь ласка, вилучіть файли. Дочекайтеся нової синхронізації, а потім зашифруйте її. - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + Цей обліковий запис підтримує наскрізне шифрування + + + Encryption failed Невдале шифрування - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore Не вдалося зашифрувати каталог, оскільки такий каталог більше не існує - - + + Open folder Відкрити каталог - + Encrypt Шифрувати - - + + Edit Ignored Files Редагувати список ігнорованих файлів - - + + Create new folder Створити новий каталог - - + + Availability Доступність - + Choose what to sync Оберіть, що хочете синхронізувати - + Force sync now Примусово синхронізувати зараз - + Restart sync Перезапустити синхронізацію - + Resume sync Продовжити синхронізацію - + Pause sync Призупинити синхронізацію - + Remove folder sync connection Вилучити синхронізацію для цього каталогу - + Disable virtual file support … Вимкнути підтримку віртуальних файлів - + Enable virtual file support %1 … Увімкнути підтримку віртуальних файлів %1 - + (experimental) (експериментальна функція) - + Folder creation failed Не вдалося створити каталог - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>Неможливо створити каталог на пристрої <i>%1</i>.</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal Підтвердити скасування синхронізації для цього каталогу - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Дійсно зупинити синхронізацію каталогу <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Примітка:</b> Це <b>не</b> призведе до вилучення файлів.</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection Вилучити синхронізацію для цього каталогу - + Disable virtual file support? Підтвердіть вимкнення підтримки віртуальних файлів. - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +596,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. Ця дія скасує будь-яку синхронізацію, що зараз виконується. - + Disable support Вимкнути підтримку - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running Виконується синхронізація - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? Виконується процедура синхронізації.<br/>Бажаєте зупинити? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. Використовується %1 (%3%) з %2. Окремі каталоги, включно з мережевими або спільними, можуть мати інші обмеження. - + %1 of %2 in use Використовується %1 з %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. На даний час немає відомостей про наповнення сховища. - + %1 in use %1 використовується - + %1 as %2 %1 як %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. Версія серверу %1 не підтримується! Продовження операції здійснюватиметься на ваш ризик. - + Connected to %1. Підключено до %1. - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. Сервер %1 тимчасово недоступний. - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. Сервер %1 перебуває у режимі обслуговування. - + Signed out from %1. Вийшли з облікового запису %1. - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. Отримання авторизації від переглядача. <a href='%1'>Клацніть тут</a>, щоби повторно відкрити переглядач. - + Connecting to %1 … З'єднання з %1... - + No connection to %1 at %2. Відсутнє з'єднання між %2 та %1. - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. Помилка у налаштуванні сервера: %1, див. %2. - + No %1 connection configured. Жодного %1 підключення не налаштовано. - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: Окремі каталоги не було синхронізовано, оскільки їхній розмір завеликий: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: Окремі каталоги не було синхронізовано, оскільки вони розміщені у зовнішніх сховищах: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: Окремі каталоги не було синхронізовано, оскільки їхній розмір завеликий або розміщені у зовнішніх сховищах: - + Confirm Account Removal Підтвердіть вилучення облікового запису - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>Дійсно вилучити з'єднання з обліковим записом <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Примітка:</b> Це <b>не </b> призведе до вилучення файлів.</p> - + Remove connection Вилучити з'єднання - - Enable encryption - Увімкнути шифрування + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + Цей обліковий запис підтримує шифрування end-to-end + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -970,15 +1006,20 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + Зазначте фразу для наскрізного шифрування:<br><br>ім'я користувача: %2<br>обліковий запис: %3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Будь ласка, зазначте пароль для наскрізного шифрування:<br><br>Користувач: %2<br>Обліковий запис: %3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - Зазначте фразу для наскрізного шифрування:<br><br>ім'я користувача: %2<br>обліковий запис: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + @@ -3186,107 +3227,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. Символічні посилання не підтримуються під час синхронізації. - + File is listed on the ignore list. Файл присутній у списку ігнорування. - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. Імена файлів, що закінчуються на крапку, не підтримуються файловою системою. - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. Імена файлів, що містять символ "%1" не підтримуються файловою системою. - + File name contains at least one invalid character Ім'я файлу містить щонайменше один неправильний символ - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. Таке ім'я файлу є зарезервованим ім'ям у файловій системі. - + Filename contains trailing spaces. Ім'я файлу містить пробіли наприкінці назви. - + Filename contains leading spaces. Ім'я файлу містить пробіли на початку назви. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. Ім'я файлу містить пробіли на початку та наприкінці назви. - + Filename is too long. Ім'я файлу завелике - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. Файл чи каталог проігноровано, оскільки він є прихований. - + Stat failed. - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. Конфлікт: Звантажено версію з хмари, копію на пристрої перейменовано і не завантажено. - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. Неможливо зашифрувати ім'я файлу у вашій файловій системі. - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. Таке ім'я файлу внесено до чорного списку на сервері. - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. Файл має розширення, зарезервоване для віртуальних файлів. - + size розмір - + permission дозвіл - + file id ID файлу - + Server reported no %1 Cервер відповів, що немає %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time Неможливо виконати синхронізацію через неправильний час модифікації @@ -3296,52 +3337,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Помилка під час вилучення запису файлу %1 з бази даних - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! Виявлено конфлікт під час завантаження каталогу. Конфліктний каталог буде вилучено! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! Виявлено конфлікт під час завантаження файлу. Конфліктний файл буде вилучено! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist Проігноровано, оскільки те, що вибрано для синхронізації, міститься у чорному списку - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder Не дозволено, оскільки ви не маєте повноважень додавати підкаталоги до цього каталогу - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder Не дозволено, оскільки ви не маєте повноважень додавати файли до цього каталогу - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring Не дозволено завантажити цей файл, оскільки він має ознаку у хмарі лише для читання, файл буде відновлено - + Moved to invalid target, restoring Пересунено до недійсного призначення, буде відновлено - + Not allowed to remove, restoring Не дозволено вилучати, буде відновлено - + Error while reading the database Помилка під час зчитування бази даних - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 Відповідь сервера з помилкою під час зчитування каталогу "%1": %2 @@ -3508,45 +3549,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash Файл %1 неможливо перейменувати у %2 через конфлікт з назвою файлу на пристрої - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB неможливо отримати файл %1 з локальної БД - + Error setting pin state Помилка у встановленні стану PIN - + + Error updating metadata: %1 Помилка під час оновлення метаданих: %1 - + The file %1 is currently in use Файл %1 зараз використовується - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB Неможливо вилучити запис файлу %1 з локальної БД - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file Помилка при перейменуванні файлу @@ -4015,7 +4057,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Copy internal link - Копіювати внутрішнє посилання + Копіювати посилання @@ -4349,12 +4391,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Неможливо прочитати чорний список з локальної бази даних - + Unable to read from the sync journal. Неможливо прочитати з журналу синхронізації. - + Cannot open the sync journal Не вдається відкрити протокол синхронізації @@ -4364,12 +4406,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Синхронізацію буде невдовзі відновлено. - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. Закінчується місце на диску. Звантаження, які можуть зменшити вільне місце до 1% буде пропущено. - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. Недостатньо місця на сервері для окремих завантажень. diff --git a/translations/client_zh_CN.ts b/translations/client_zh_CN.ts index 550bc7fb43b7a..33cc6e3e1518a 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_CN.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_CN.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel 取消 @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". 您似乎在此文件夹上启用了虚拟文件功能。目前,不可能隐式下载端到端加密的虚拟文件。为了获得虚拟文件和端到端加密的最佳体验,请确保加密文件夹被标记为“始终在本地可用”。 + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,151 +429,161 @@ No account configured. 没有配置账号。 - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - 此账号支持端到端加密 - Display mnemonic 显示助记符 - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + + + Enable encryption + 启用加密 + Warning 警告 - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. 您无法使用内容加密文件夹,请删除文件。 等待新的同步,然后对其进行加密。 - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + + + + Encryption failed 加密失败了 - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore 无法加密文件夹,因为文件夹不再存在 - - + + Open folder 打开文件夹 - + Encrypt 加密 - - + + Edit Ignored Files 编辑已忽略的文件 - - + + Create new folder 创建新文件夹 - - + + Availability 可用性 - + Choose what to sync 选择同步内容 - + Force sync now 立即强制同步 - + Restart sync 重启同步 - + Resume sync 恢复同步 - + Pause sync 暂停同步 - + Remove folder sync connection 移除文件夹同步连接 - + Disable virtual file support … 禁用虚拟文件支持 ... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … 启用虚拟文件支持 %1 … - + (experimental) (实验性) - + Folder creation failed 文件夹创建失败 - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>无法新建本地文件夹 <i>%1</i>。</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 确定移除文件夹同步连接 - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您确定要停止文件夹<i>%1</i>同步?</p><p><b>注意:</b> 这 <b>不会</b> 删除任何文件。</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection 移除文件夹同步连接 - + Disable virtual file support? 禁用虚拟文件支持? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -572,139 +592,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. 此操作将禁用虚拟文件支持。因此,当前标记为“仅在线可用”的文件夹的内容将被下载。禁用虚拟文件支持的唯一好处是选择性同步特性将再次可用。此操作将终止任何当前正在运行的同步。 - + Disable support 禁用支持 - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). - + Sync Running 正在同步 - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 同步操作正在进行。<br/>您确定要停止吗? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) of %2 使用中。一些文件夹,例如网络挂载的和共享的文件夹,可能有不同的限制。 - + %1 of %2 in use 使用量 %1 / %2 - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. 目前没有储存使用量信息可用。 - + %1 in use 已使用 %1 - + %1 as %2 %1 作为 %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 服务器版本 %1 不受支持!继续操作,风险自担。 - + Connected to %1. 已连接到 %1。 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 服务器 %1 暂时不可用。 - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. 服务器 %1 目前正在维护。 - + Signed out from %1. 从 %1 登出。 - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. 正在从浏览器获得授权。 <a href='%1'>点击此处</a> 重新打开浏览器。 - + Connecting to %1 … 正在连接到 %1 … - + No connection to %1 at %2. 没有到位于%2中的%1的连接 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. 服务器配置错误:%1 于 %2. - + No %1 connection configured. 没有 %1 连接配置。 - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 以下目录由于太大而没有同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 以下目录由于是外部存储而没有同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 以下目录由于太大或是外部存储而没有同步: - + Confirm Account Removal 确认移除账号 - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您确定要移除与账号<i>%1</i>的连接吗?</p><p><b>注意:</b> 这 <b>不会</b> 删除任何文件。</p> - + Remove connection 移除连接 - - Enable encryption - 启用加密 + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + 此账号支持端到端加密 + + + + Set up encryption + + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + @@ -966,14 +1002,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 请输入端到端加密短语:<br><br>用户名:%2<br>账号:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> @@ -3173,107 +3214,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 符号链接在同步中不受支持。 - + File is listed on the ignore list. 文件位于忽略列表中 - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 此文件系统不支持以句点结尾的文件名。 - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. 此文件系统不支持包含字符“%1”的文件名 - + File name contains at least one invalid character 文件名包含至少一个无效字符 - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 此文件名是这个文件系统上的保留名。 - + Filename contains trailing spaces. 文件名包含结尾空白 - + Filename contains leading spaces. - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. - + Filename is too long. 文件名太长 - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 文件/文件夹被忽略,因为它是隐藏的。 - + Stat failed. 由于排除或错误,项目被跳过。 - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. 冲突:服务器版本已下载,本地副本已重命名,但未上传。 - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. 文件名无法在您的文件系统上被编码 - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. 该文件名在服务器上被列入黑名单 - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. 文件有为虚拟文件保留的扩展名 - + size 大小 - + permission 权限 - + file id 文件标识 - + Server reported no %1 服务器报告无 %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time @@ -3283,52 +3324,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! 上传文件夹时发生冲突。它会被清除! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! 上传时发生冲突。它将被移除! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist 因“选择要同步的内容”黑名单而被忽略 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 不被允许,因为您没有向该文件夹添加子文件夹的权限。 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 不被允许,因为您没有在该文件夹中添加文件的权限。 - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 不允许上传这个文件,因为它在这台服务器上是只读的,恢复中。 - + Moved to invalid target, restoring 移动到无效目标,恢复中。 - + Not allowed to remove, restoring 不允许移除,恢复中。 - + Error while reading the database 读取数据库时出错 - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 服务器在读取目录 "%1" 时返回了一个错误: %2 @@ -3495,45 +3536,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 文件 %1 无法被重命名至 %2,因为一个本地文件名冲突 - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB - + Error setting pin state 设置固定状态出错 - + + Error updating metadata: %1 更新元数据出错:%1 - + The file %1 is currently in use 文件 %1 在使用中 - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy - + Failed to rename file 重命名文件失败 @@ -4336,12 +4378,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 无法从本地数据库读取黑名单 - + Unable to read from the sync journal. 无法读取同步日志。 - + Cannot open the sync journal 无法打开同步日志 @@ -4351,12 +4393,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 同步将很快恢复。 - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. 硬盘剩余容量过低:下载后将会导致剩余容量低于 %1 的文件将会被跳过。 - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. 对于某些上传文件来说,服务器端的可用空间不足。 diff --git a/translations/client_zh_HK.ts b/translations/client_zh_HK.ts index 128a5bf9b64df..dbf484747240a 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_HK.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_HK.ts @@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel 取消 @@ -400,6 +400,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". 您似乎在此資料夾上啟用了「虛擬文件」功能。目前,無法隱式下載經過端到端加密的虛擬檔案。為了獲得最佳的虛擬檔案和端到端加密體驗,請確保已加密的資料夾標記有“在近端始終可用”。 + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + 虛擬檔案的端到端加密 + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + 您似乎在此資料夾上啟用了「虛擬文件」功能。目前,無法隱式下載經過端到端加密的虛擬檔案。為了獲得最佳的虛擬檔案和端到端加密體驗,請確保已加密的資料夾標記有“在近端始終可用”。 + Don't encrypt folder @@ -420,22 +430,20 @@ No account configured. 沒有設置帳號。 - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - 此賬戶支援端到端加密 - Display mnemonic 顯示助記碼 - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - 此賬戶支援端到端加密 + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + 此賬戶已啟用端到端加密 + + + + Enable encryption + 啟用加密 @@ -443,128 +451,141 @@ 警告 - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + 端到端加密尚未在此裝置上設定。一旦其設定好,您將可以加密此資料夾。 +您想要設定端到端加密嗎? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. 您無法加密包含內容的資料夾,請刪除檔案。 等待新的同步,然後對其進行加密。 - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + 此賬戶支援端到端加密 + + + Encryption failed 加密失敗 - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore 無法加密資料夾,因為該資料夾不再存在 - - + + Open folder 開啟資料夾 - + Encrypt 加密 - - + + Edit Ignored Files 編輯要略過的檔案 - - + + Create new folder 新增資料夾 - - + + Availability 可得性 - + Choose what to sync 選擇要同步的項目 - + Force sync now 強制同步 - + Restart sync 重新啟動同步 - + Resume sync 繼續同步 - + Pause sync 暫停同步 - + Remove folder sync connection 移除資料夾同步連線 - + Disable virtual file support … 停用虛擬檔案支援... - + Enable virtual file support %1 … 啟用虛擬檔案支援 %1 … - + (experimental) (實驗性) - + Folder creation failed 資料夾建立失敗 - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>無法建立本機資料夾<i>%1</i>。</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 確認移除資料夾同步連線 - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您確定要停止同步資料夾 <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>注意:</b> 此操作 <b>不會</b> 刪除任何檔案</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection 移除資料夾同步連線 - + Disable virtual file support? 停用虛擬檔案支援? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -577,139 +598,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. 此操作將中止任何當前正在運行的同步。 - + Disable support 停用支援 - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic 端到端加密助記碼 - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + 端到端加密助記碼 + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). 為了保護您的身分,我們將用含12個單詞的助記碼進行加密。請將這些單詞記在一個安全的地方。要將其他裝置(如手提電話或手提電腦)加入您的賬戶中,需用到此助記碼。 - + Sync Running 正在同步中 - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 正在同步中<br/>你真的想要中斷? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1(%3%)中的 %2 正在使用, 有些資料夾,包括網路掛載或分享資料夾,可能有不同的限制。 - + %1 of %2 in use 已使用 %2 中的 %1% - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. 目前無法查詢儲存空間使用資訊。 - + %1 in use %1 正在使用 - + %1 as %2 %1 為 %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 伺服器版本%1過舊,已不支援。繼續的風險請自負。 - + Connected to %1. 已連線到 %1 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 伺服器 %1 暫時無法使用。 - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. 伺服器 %1 現正處於維護模式 - + Signed out from %1. 從 %1 登出 - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. 正從瀏覽器獲取許可。如須重新開啟瀏覽器,請<a href='%1'>點擊此處</a>。 - + Connecting to %1 … 正在連線到 %1... - + No connection to %1 at %2. %1 沒有連線到 %2 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. 伺服器設定錯誤:%1 在 %2。 - + No %1 connection configured. 沒有 %1 連線設置。 - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 有部份的資料夾因為容量太大沒有辦法同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 有部分資料夾因為是外部存儲沒有辦法同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 有部分資料夾因為容量太大或是外部存儲沒有辦法同步: - + Confirm Account Removal 確認移除帳號 - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您確定要中斷此帳號 <i>%1</i> 的連線?</p><p><b>注意:</b>此操作 <b>不會</b> 刪除任何的檔案。</p> - + Remove connection 移除連線 - - Enable encryption - 啟用加密 + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + 此賬戶支援端到端加密 + + + + Set up encryption + 設定加密 + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + 已在另一裝置上為此賬戶啟用端到端加密。<br>可通過輸入您的助記碼在此裝置上啟用。 @@ -971,14 +1008,19 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + 請輸入您的端到端加密密碼:<br><br>用戶名:%2<br>帳戶:%3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 請輸入您端對端加密的密碼短語:<br><br>用戶:%2<br>賬戶:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 請輸入您的端到端加密密碼:<br><br>用戶名:%2<br>帳戶:%3<br> @@ -3185,107 +3227,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 同步不支援符號連結 - + File is listed on the ignore list. 檔案被列在忽略清單。 - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援以「。」結尾的檔案名。 - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援含 "%1" 字元的檔案名稱。 - + File name contains at least one invalid character 檔案名稱含有不合法的字元 - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 此檔案名已被此檔案系統保留所用。 - + Filename contains trailing spaces. 檔案名的結尾為空白符。 - + Filename contains leading spaces. 檔案名包含前導空格。 - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. 檔案名包含前導和尾隨空格。 - + Filename is too long. 檔案名稱太長。 - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 檔案或資料夾被隱藏,因此跳過 - + Stat failed. 狀態失敗。 - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. 抵觸:已下載伺服器版本,近端版本已更名但並未上傳。 - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. 您的檔案系統無法對此檔案名進行編碼。 - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. 伺服器已將此檔名列為黑名單。 - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. 檔案名包含為虛擬檔案保留的擴展名。 - + size 大小 - + permission 權限 - + file id 檔案 ID - + Server reported no %1 伺服器報告沒有 %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time 由於修改時間無效,無法同步 @@ -3295,52 +3337,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 從數據庫中刪除檔案記錄 %1 時出錯 - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! 上傳資料夾時發生衝突。將被清除! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! 上傳檔案時發生衝突。將被清除! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist 被忽略,因為它在“選擇要同步的內容”黑名單中 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 拒絕此操作,您沒有在此新增子資料夾的權限。 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 拒絕此操作,您沒有新增檔案在此資料夾的權限。 - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 不允許上傳此檔案,因為它在伺服器上是唯讀的,正在還原 - + Moved to invalid target, restoring 已移至無效目標,正在還原 - + Not allowed to remove, restoring 不允許刪除,還原 - + Error while reading the database 讀取數據庫時發生錯誤。 - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 伺服器在讀取目錄「%1」回覆錯誤:%2 @@ -3507,45 +3549,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 檔案 %1 無法更名成 %2,因為近端端的檔案名稱已毀損 - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB 無法從近端數據庫獲取檔案 %1 - + Error setting pin state 設置PIN狀態時出錯 - + + Error updating metadata: %1 更新元數據時出錯:%1 - + The file %1 is currently in use 檔案 %1 正在使用中 - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB 無法從近端數據庫中刪除檔案 %1 - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy 未能在層次結構中傳播目錄重命名 - + Failed to rename file 重新命名檔案失敗 @@ -3993,7 +4036,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Leave this share - + 離開此分享 @@ -4314,7 +4357,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file metadata: %1 - + 無法更新檔案元數據:%1 @@ -4348,12 +4391,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 無法從近端數據庫讀取黑名單。 - + Unable to read from the sync journal. 無法讀取同步日誌。 - + Cannot open the sync journal 同步處理日誌無法開啟 @@ -4363,12 +4406,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 同步會很快恢復 - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. 剩餘空間不足:下載後將使剩餘空間降至低於%1的檔案一律跳過。 - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. 伺服器上的剩餘空間不足以容納某些要上載的檔案。 diff --git a/translations/client_zh_TW.ts b/translations/client_zh_TW.ts index c21fbc705443a..d8e058fe41b6a 100644 --- a/translations/client_zh_TW.ts +++ b/translations/client_zh_TW.ts @@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ - - - + + + Cancel 取消 @@ -399,6 +399,16 @@ You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are End-to-End encrypted. To get the best experience with Virtual Files and End-to-End Encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". 您似乎在此資料夾啟用了虛擬檔案的功能。目前無法下載透過端到端加密的虛擬檔案。為了得到最佳的虛擬檔案與端到端加密體驗,請確保已加密的資料夾被標記為「一律可在本機使用」。 + + + End-to-end Encryption with Virtual Files + 虛擬檔案的端到端加密 + + + + You seem to have the Virtual Files feature enabled on this folder. At the moment, it is not possible to implicitly download virtual files that are end-to-end encrypted. To get the best experience with virtual files and end-to-end encryption, make sure the encrypted folder is marked with "Make always available locally". + 您似乎在此資料夾啟用了虛擬檔案的功能。目前無法下載透過端到端加密的虛擬檔案。為了得到最佳的虛擬檔案與端到端加密體驗,請確保已加密的資料夾被標記為「一律可在本機使用」。 + Don't encrypt folder @@ -419,22 +429,20 @@ No account configured. 未設定帳號。 - - - - This account supports end-to-end encryption - 此帳號支援端點對端點加密 - Display mnemonic 顯示助記碼 - - - This account supports End-to-End encryption - 此帳號支援端到端加密 + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled for this account + 此帳號已啟用端到端加密 + + + + Enable encryption + 啟用加密 @@ -442,128 +450,141 @@ 警告 - + + End-to-end encryption is not configured on this device. Once it is configured, you will be able to encrypt this folder. +Would you like to set up end-to-end encryption? + 端到端加密尚未在此裝置上設定。一旦其設定好,您將可以加密此資料夾。 +您想要設定端到端加密嗎? + + + You cannot encrypt a folder with contents, please remove the files. Wait for the new sync, then encrypt it. 您無法加密有內容的資料夾,請移除檔案。 等待新同步,然後加密。 - + + + This account supports End-to-End encryption + 此帳號支援端到端加密 + + + Encryption failed 加密失敗 - + Could not encrypt folder because the folder does not exist anymore 無法加密資料夾,因為該資料夾不存在 - - + + Open folder 開啟資料夾 - + Encrypt 加密 - - + + Edit Ignored Files 編輯要忽視的檔案 - - + + Create new folder 建立新資料夾 - - + + Availability 可用性 - + Choose what to sync 選擇要同步的項目 - + Force sync now 強制同步 - + Restart sync 重新啟動同步 - + Resume sync 繼續同步 - + Pause sync 暫停同步 - + Remove folder sync connection 移除資料夾同步連線 - + Disable virtual file support … 停用虛擬檔案支援…… - + Enable virtual file support %1 … 啟用虛擬檔案支援 %1…… - + (experimental) (實驗性) - + Folder creation failed 資料夾建立失敗 - + <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>.</p> <p>無法建立本機資料夾<i>%1</i>。</p> - + Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 確認移除資料夾同步連線 - + <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您真的想要停止同步資料夾 <i>%1</i> 嗎?</p><p><b>注意:</b>這<b>不會</b>刪除任何檔案。</p> - + Remove Folder Sync Connection 移除資料夾同步連線 - + Disable virtual file support? 停用虛擬檔案支援? - + This action will disable virtual file support. As a consequence contents of folders that are currently marked as "available online only" will be downloaded. The only advantage of disabling virtual file support is that the selective sync feature will become available again. @@ -576,139 +597,155 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. 此動作將會中止任何目前正在執行的同步。 - + Disable support 停用支援 - + End-to-End encryption mnemonic 端到端加密助記詞 - + + End-to-end encryption mnemonic + 端到端加密助記字串 + + + To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). 為了保護您的身份,我們將用含 12 個單詞的助記詞進行加密。請將這些單詞記在一個安全的地方。要將其他裝置(如手機或筆記型電腦)加入您的帳號中,需用到此助記詞。 - + Sync Running 正在執行同步 - + The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 正在執行同步動作。<br/>您真的想要中斷嗎? - + %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) 中的 %2 正在使用, 有些資料夾,包括網路掛載或分享資料夾,可能有不同的限制。 - + %1 of %2 in use 已使用 %2 中的 %1% - + Currently there is no storage usage information available. 目前無法查詢儲存空間使用資訊。 - + %1 in use %1 正在使用 - + %1 as %2 %1 作為 %2 - + The server version %1 is unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 已不支援伺服器版本 %1!繼續的風險請自負。 - + Connected to %1. 已連線到 %1 - + Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 伺服器 %1 暫時無法使用。 - + Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. 伺服器 %1 目前正處於維護模式。 - + Signed out from %1. 從 %1 登出。 - + Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. 正在從瀏覽器取得授權。<a href='%1'>點擊此處</a>以重新開啟瀏覽器。 - + Connecting to %1 … 正在連線到 %1…… - + No connection to %1 at %2. 在 %2 沒有連線到 %1。 - + Server configuration error: %1 at %2. 伺服器設定錯誤:%1 於 %2。 - + No %1 connection configured. 未設定 %1 連線。 - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 有部份的資料夾因為容量太大沒有辦法同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 有部分資料夾因為是外部儲存空間沒有辦法同步: - + There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 有部分資料夾因為容量太大或是外部儲存空間沒有辦法同步: - + Confirm Account Removal 確認移除帳號 - + <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您真的想要移除到帳號 <i>%1</i> 的連線嗎?</p><p><b>注意:</b>這<b>不會</b>刪除任何檔案。</p> - + Remove connection 移除連線 - - Enable encryption - 啟用加密 + + + This account supports end-to-end encryption + 此帳號支援端點對端點加密 + + + + Set up encryption + 設定加密 + + + + End-to-end encryption has been enabled on this account with another device.<br>It can be enabled on this device by entering your mnemonic. + 已在其他裝置上為此帳號啟用端到端加密。<br>可透過輸入您的助記字串在此裝置上啟用。 @@ -970,15 +1007,20 @@ This action will abort any currently running synchronization. OCC::ClientSideEncryption + + + Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + 請輸入您的端到端加密密碼:<br><br>使用者名稱:%2<br>帳號:%3<br> + Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 請輸入您的端到端加密認證資訊:<br><br>使用者:%2<br>帳號:%3<br> - - Please enter your End-to-End encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> - 請輸入您的端到端加密密碼:<br><br>使用者名稱:%2<br>帳號:%3<br> + + Please enter your end-to-end encryption passphrase:<br><br>Username: %2<br>Account: %3<br> + 請輸入您的端到端加密通關密語:<br><br>使用者名稱:%2<br>帳號:%3<br> @@ -3186,107 +3228,107 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob - + Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 同步不支援符號連結。 - + File is listed on the ignore list. 檔案被列在忽略清單。 - + File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援以「.」結尾的檔案名。 - + File names containing the character "%1" are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援包含「%1」字元的檔案名稱。 - + File name contains at least one invalid character 檔案名稱包含至少一個無效的字元 - + The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 此檔案名稱為檔案系統的保留名稱。 - + Filename contains trailing spaces. 檔案名稱的結尾為空格。 - + Filename contains leading spaces. 檔案名稱包含了前導空格。 - + Filename contains leading and trailing spaces. 檔案名稱包含了前導及結尾空格。 - + Filename is too long. 檔案名稱太長。 - + File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 因為檔案或資料夾被隱藏,因此被忽略。 - + Stat failed. 統計失敗。 - + Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. 衝突:已下載伺服器的版本,本機版本已更名但並未上傳。 - + The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. 您的檔案系統無法對此檔案名進行編碼。 - + The filename is blacklisted on the server. 伺服器已將此檔名列為黑名單。 - + File has extension reserved for virtual files. 檔案有為虛擬檔案保留的副檔名。 - + size 大小 - + permission 權限 - + file id 檔案 ID - + Server reported no %1 伺服器回報沒有 %1 - + Cannot sync due to invalid modification time 由於修改時間無效,因此無法同步 @@ -3296,52 +3338,52 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 從資料庫刪除紀錄 %1 時發生錯誤 - + Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared! 上傳資料夾時發生衝突。將會被清除! - + Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed! 上傳檔案時發生衝突。其將會被移除! - + Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist 由於「選擇要同步的內容」黑名單而被忽略 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 不允許,因為您無權新增子資料夾到該資料夾 - + Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 不允許,因為您無權新增檔案到該資料夾 - + Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 不允許上傳此檔案,因為這在伺服器上是唯讀,正在復原 - + Moved to invalid target, restoring 移動至無效目標,正在復原 - + Not allowed to remove, restoring 不允許刪除,正在復原 - + Error while reading the database 讀取資料庫時發生錯誤 - + Server replied with an error while reading directory "%1" : %2 伺服器在讀取目錄「%1」回覆錯誤:%2 @@ -3508,45 +3550,46 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss OCC::PropagateLocalRename - + File %1 cannot be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 檔案 %1 無法重新命名為 %2,因為本機檔案名稱有衝突 - - - + + + could not get file %1 from local DB 無法從本機資料庫取得檔案 %1 - + Error setting pin state 設定釘選狀態時發生錯誤 - + + Error updating metadata: %1 更新詮釋資料時發生錯誤:%1 - + The file %1 is currently in use 檔案 %1 目前正在使用中 - - + + Could not delete file record %1 from local DB 無法從本機資料庫刪除檔案紀錄 %1 - + Failed to propagate directory rename in hierarchy 無法在層次結構中傳播目錄重新命名 - + Failed to rename file 重新命名檔案失敗 @@ -3994,7 +4037,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Leave this share - + 離開此分享 @@ -4315,7 +4358,7 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss Could not update file metadata: %1 - + 無法更新檔案詮釋資料:%1 @@ -4349,12 +4392,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 無法從本機資料庫讀取黑名單 - + Unable to read from the sync journal. 無法讀取同步日誌。 - + Cannot open the sync journal 無法開啟同步日誌 @@ -4364,12 +4407,12 @@ This is a new, experimental mode. If you decide to use it, please report any iss 同步會很快恢復 - + Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. 剩餘空間不足:下載後將使剩餘空間降至低於 %1 的檔案一律跳過。 - + There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. 伺服器上的剩餘空間不足以容納某些要上傳的檔案。