diff --git a/.github/workflows/manage-issues.yml b/.github/workflows/manage-issues.yml
index da2d3dd0..34b85b6c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/manage-issues.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/manage-issues.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ on:
- opened
- reopened
- - transferred
diff --git a/src/Core/ARCtrl.Core.fsproj b/src/Core/ARCtrl.Core.fsproj
index f81266b6..f37a0047 100644
--- a/src/Core/ARCtrl.Core.fsproj
+++ b/src/Core/ARCtrl.Core.fsproj
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Core/Data.fs b/src/Core/Data.fs
index 18649f6d..5c028f45 100644
--- a/src/Core/Data.fs
+++ b/src/Core/Data.fs
@@ -4,11 +4,28 @@ open ARCtrl
open ARCtrl.Helper
open Fable.Core
+module DataAux =
+ let nameFromPathAndSelector (path : string) (selector : string) =
+ sprintf "%s#%s" path selector
+ let pathAndSelectorFromName (name : string) =
+ let parts = name.Split('#')
+ if parts.Length = 2 then
+ parts.[0], Some parts.[1]
+ else
+ name, None
-type Data(?id,?name,?dataType,?format,?selectorFormat,?comments) =
+type Data(?id,?name : string,?dataType,?format,?selectorFormat,?comments) =
let mutable _id : URI option = id
- let mutable _name : string option = name
+ let mutable _filePath,_selector =
+ match name with
+ | Some n ->
+ let p,s = DataAux.pathAndSelectorFromName n
+ Some p, s
+ | None -> None, None
let mutable _dataType : DataFile option = dataType
let mutable _format : string option = format
let mutable _selectorFormat : URI option = selectorFormat
@@ -19,8 +36,28 @@ type Data(?id,?name,?dataType,?format,?selectorFormat,?comments) =
and set(id) = _id <- id
member this.Name
- with get() = _name
- and set(name) = _name <- name
+ with get() =
+ match _filePath,_selector with
+ | Some p, Some s -> DataAux.nameFromPathAndSelector p s |> Some
+ | Some p, None -> p |> Some
+ | None, _ -> None
+ and set(name) =
+ match name with
+ | Some n ->
+ let p,s = DataAux.pathAndSelectorFromName n
+ _filePath <- Some p
+ _selector <- s
+ | None ->
+ _filePath <- None
+ _selector <- None
+ member this.FilePath
+ with get() = _filePath
+ and set(filePath) = _filePath <- filePath
+ member this.Selector
+ with get() = _selector
+ and set(selector) = _selector <- selector
member this.DataType
with get() = _dataType
@@ -36,8 +73,7 @@ type Data(?id,?name,?dataType,?format,?selectorFormat,?comments) =
member this.Comments
with get() = _comments
- and set(comments) = _comments <- comments
+ and set(comments) = _comments <- comments
static member make id name dataType format selectorFormat comments =
diff --git a/src/Core/DataContext.fs b/src/Core/DataContext.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58cb3fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Core/DataContext.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+namespace ARCtrl
+open ARCtrl
+open ARCtrl.Helper
+open Fable.Core
+type DataContext(?id,?name : string,?dataType,?format,?selectorFormat, ?explication, ?unit, ?objectType, ?description, ?generatedBy, ?comments) =
+ inherit Data(?id = id,?name = name, ?dataType = dataType, ?format = format, ?selectorFormat = selectorFormat, ?comments = comments)
+ let mutable _explication : OntologyAnnotation option = explication
+ let mutable _unit : OntologyAnnotation option = unit
+ let mutable _objectType : OntologyAnnotation option = objectType
+ let mutable _description : string option = description
+ let mutable _generatedBy : string option = generatedBy
+ member this.Explication
+ with get() = _explication
+ and set(explication) = _explication <- explication
+ member this.Unit
+ with get() = _unit
+ and set(unit) = _unit <- unit
+ member this.ObjectType
+ with get() = _objectType
+ and set(objectType) = _objectType <- objectType
+ member this.Description
+ with get() = _description
+ and set(description) = _description <- description
+ member this.GeneratedBy
+ with get() = _generatedBy
+ and set(generatedBy) = _generatedBy <- generatedBy
+ member this.AsData() =
+ Data(?id = this.ID,?name = this.Name, ?dataType = this.DataType, ?format = this.Format, ?selectorFormat = this.SelectorFormat, comments = this.Comments)
+ member this.Copy() =
+ let copy = new DataContext()
+ copy.ID <- this.ID
+ copy.Name <- this.Name
+ copy.DataType <- this.DataType
+ copy.Format <- this.Format
+ copy.SelectorFormat <- this.SelectorFormat
+ copy.Explication <- this.Explication
+ copy.Unit <- this.Unit
+ copy.ObjectType <- this.ObjectType
+ copy.Description <- this.Description
+ copy.GeneratedBy <- this.GeneratedBy
+ copy.Comments <- this.Comments
+ copy
+ override this.GetHashCode() =
+ [|
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.ID
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.Name
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.DataType
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.Format
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.SelectorFormat
+ HashCodes.boxHashSeq this.Comments
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.Explication
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.Unit
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.ObjectType
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.Description
+ HashCodes.boxHashOption this.GeneratedBy
+ |]
+ |> HashCodes.boxHashArray
+ |> fun x -> x :?> int
+ override this.Equals(obj) =
+ HashCodes.hash this = HashCodes.hash obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Core/Table/DataMap.fs b/src/Core/Table/DataMap.fs
index 3b7fedb3..24e8b508 100644
--- a/src/Core/Table/DataMap.fs
+++ b/src/Core/Table/DataMap.fs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ open Fable.Core
module DataMapAux =
let dataMapName = "DataMap"
@@ -51,88 +51,106 @@ module DataMapAux =
let allowedHeaders =
[dataHeader; explicationHeader; unitHeader; objectTypeHeader; descriptionHeader; generatedByHeader]
- let validate (headers : ResizeArray) (values : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary) (raiseException : bool) =
- let headersAreValid =
- headers
- |> Seq.exists (fun h ->
- let hasForeignHeader =
- not (allowedHeaders |> List.exists (fun ah -> ah = h))
- if raiseException && hasForeignHeader then
- failwithf "Header %O is not allowed in DataMap" h
- hasForeignHeader
- )
- let tableIsValid = ArcTableAux.SanityChecks.validate headers values raiseException
- headersAreValid && tableIsValid
-type DataMap(headers: ResizeArray, values: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary) =
- let _ = DataMapAux.validate headers values true
+ let getOntologyColumn (f : DataContext -> OntologyAnnotation option) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ dataContexts
+ |> Seq.map (fun dc ->
+ match f dc with
+ | Some s -> CompositeCell.Term(s)
+ | None -> CompositeCell.emptyTerm
+ )
+ |> ResizeArray
+ let getStringColumn (f : DataContext -> string option) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ dataContexts
+ |> Seq.map (fun dc ->
+ match f dc with
+ | Some s -> CompositeCell.FreeText(s)
+ | None -> CompositeCell.emptyFreeText
+ )
+ |> ResizeArray
+ let setOntologyColumn (f : DataContext -> OntologyAnnotation option -> unit) (column : CompositeCell []) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ column
+ |> Seq.iteri (fun i cell ->
+ match cell with
+ | CompositeCell.Term s -> f (dataContexts.[i]) (Some s)
+ | _ -> ()
+ )
- let table = ArcTable(DataMapAux.dataMapName, headers, values)
- let mutable staticHash = 0
+ let setStringColumn (f : DataContext -> string option -> unit) (column : CompositeCell []) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ column
+ |> Seq.iteri (fun i cell ->
+ match cell with
+ | CompositeCell.FreeText s -> f (dataContexts.[i]) (Some s)
+ | _ -> ()
+ )
- member this.Headers = table.Headers
- member this.Values = table.Values
- member this.StaticHash with get() = staticHash and set(value) = staticHash <- value
+ module SanityChecks =
+ let rowIndexInBoundaries (row : int) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ if row < 0 then
+ failwith "Row index must be greater or equal to 0."
+ if row >= dataContexts.Count then
+ failwith "Row index must be less than the number of rows."
- static member init() = DataMap(ResizeArray(),Dictionary())
+ let lengthOfNewColumn (newColumn : CompositeCell []) (dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ if newColumn.Length <> dataContexts.Count then
+ failwith "Length of new column does not match length of data contexts."
- member this.AddColumns(columns : CompositeColumn [], ?skipFillMissing : bool) =
- columns |> Array.iter (fun c -> c.Validate(true) |> ignore)
- table.AddColumns(columns, ?skipFillMissing = skipFillMissing)
- DataMapAux.validate table.Headers table.Values true |> ignore
+type DataMap(dataContexts : ResizeArray) =
+ let mutable staticHash = 0
+ let mutable dataContexts = dataContexts
- static member addColumns (columns : CompositeColumn [], ?skipFillMissing : bool) =
- fun (dm : DataMap) ->
- let dm : DataMap = dm.Copy()
- dm.AddColumns(columns, ?skipFillMissing = skipFillMissing)
- dm
+ member this.StaticHash with get() = staticHash and set(value) = staticHash <- value
+ member this.DataContexts with get() = dataContexts
- member this.Table = table
+ static member init() = DataMap(ResizeArray())
- member this.TryGetCellAt (row: int, column: int) = table.TryGetCellAt(row, column)
- member this.GetExplicationColumn() =
- table.GetColumnByHeader(DataMapAux.explicationHeader)
+ member this.GetExplicationColumn() =
+ DataMapAux.getOntologyColumn (fun dc -> dc.Explication) dataContexts
- member this.AddExplicationColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
- table.AddColumn(DataMapAux.explicationHeader, cells)
+ member this.SetExplicationColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
+ DataMapAux.setOntologyColumn (fun dc oa -> dc.Explication <- oa) cells dataContexts
member this.GetUnitColumn() =
- table.GetColumnByHeader(DataMapAux.unitHeader)
+ DataMapAux.getOntologyColumn (fun dc -> dc.Unit) dataContexts
- member this.AddUnitColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
- table.AddColumn(DataMapAux.unitHeader, cells)
+ member this.SetUnitColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
+ DataMapAux.setOntologyColumn (fun dc oa -> dc.Unit <- oa) cells dataContexts
- member this.GetDataTypeColumn() =
- table.GetColumnByHeader(DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader)
+ member this.GetObjectTypeColumn() =
+ DataMapAux.getOntologyColumn (fun dc -> dc.ObjectType) dataContexts
- member this.AddDataTypeColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
- table.AddColumn(DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader, cells)
+ member this.SetDataTypeColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
+ DataMapAux.setOntologyColumn (fun dc oa -> dc.ObjectType <- oa) cells dataContexts
member this.GetDescriptionColumn() =
- table.GetColumnByHeader(DataMapAux.descriptionHeader)
- member this.AddDescriptionColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
- table.AddColumn(DataMapAux.descriptionHeader, cells)
+ DataMapAux.getStringColumn (fun dc -> dc.Description) dataContexts
+ member this.SetDescriptionColumn(cells : CompositeCell []) =
+ DataMapAux.setStringColumn (fun dc s -> dc.Description <- s) cells dataContexts
- member this.GetRow(row: int, ?SkipValidation) = table.GetRow(row,?SkipValidation = SkipValidation)
+ member this.GetDataContext(row: int, ?SkipValidation) =
+ DataMapAux.SanityChecks.rowIndexInBoundaries row dataContexts
+ dataContexts.Item(row)
- static member getRow(row: int, ?SkipValidation) =
- fun (dm : DataMap) -> dm.GetRow(row,?SkipValidation = SkipValidation)
+ static member getDataContext(row: int, ?SkipValidation) =
+ fun (dm : DataMap) -> dm.GetDataContext(row,?SkipValidation = SkipValidation)
member this.Copy() =
- ResizeArray(this.Headers),
- Dictionary(this.Values)
+ dataContexts
+ |> Seq.map (fun dc -> dc.Copy())
+ |> ResizeArray
override this.Equals(obj) =
- match obj with
- | :? DataMap as dm ->
- this.Table.Equals(dm.Table)
- | _ -> false
+ HashCodes.hash this = HashCodes.hash obj
override this.GetHashCode() =
- this.Table.GetHashCode()
\ No newline at end of file
+ dataContexts
+ |> HashCodes.boxHashSeq
+ |> fun x -> x :?> int
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spreadsheet/AnnotationTable/CompositeCell.fs b/src/Spreadsheet/AnnotationTable/CompositeCell.fs
index 74d0e294..ace84f8d 100644
--- a/src/Spreadsheet/AnnotationTable/CompositeCell.fs
+++ b/src/Spreadsheet/AnnotationTable/CompositeCell.fs
@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@ open ARCtrl
open ARCtrl.Helper
open FsSpreadsheet
-//let fromFsCells (cells : list) : CompositeCell =
-// let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
-// match cellValues with
-// | [v] -> CompositeCell.createFreeText v
-// | [v1;v2;v3] -> CompositeCell.createTermFromString(v1,v2,v3)
-// | [v1;v2;v3;v4] -> CompositeCell.createUnitizedFromString(v1,v2,v3,v4)
-// | _ ->
-// failwithf "Dafuq"
let termFromFsCells (tsrCol : int option) (tanCol : int option ) (cells : list) : CompositeCell=
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
let tan = Option.map (fun i -> cellValues.[i]) tanCol
diff --git a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapColumn.fs b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapColumn.fs
index 84b97854..89986a43 100644
--- a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapColumn.fs
+++ b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapColumn.fs
@@ -3,46 +3,75 @@
open ARCtrl
open ArcTable
open FsSpreadsheet
+open DataMapHeader.ActivePattern
-let fromFsColumns (columns : list) : CompositeColumn =
- let header, cellParser =
+let setFromFsColumns (dc : ResizeArray) (columns : list) : ResizeArray =
+ let cellParser =
|> List.map (fun c -> c.[1])
|> DataMapHeader.fromFsCells
- let l = columns.[0].RangeAddress.LastAddress.RowNumber
- let cells =
- [|
- for i = 2 to l do
- columns
- |> List.map (fun c -> c.[i])
- |> cellParser
- |]
- CompositeColumn.create(header,cells)
+ for i = 0 to dc.Count - 1 do
+ columns
+ |> List.map (fun c -> c.[i+2])
+ |> cellParser (dc.[i])
+ |> ignore
+ dc
-let toFsColumns (column : CompositeColumn) : FsCell list list =
- let isTerm = column.Header.IsTermColumn
- let isData = column.Header.IsDataColumn
- let header = DataMapHeader.toFsCells column.Header
- let cells = column.Cells |> Array.map (CompositeCell.toFsCells isTerm false)
- if isTerm then
+let toFsColumns (dc : ResizeArray) : FsCell list list =
+ let commentKeys =
+ dc
+ |> Seq.collect (fun dc -> dc.Comments |> Seq.map (fun c -> c.Name |> Option.defaultValue ""))
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.toList
+ let headers =
+ DataMapHeader.toFsCells commentKeys
+ let createTerm (oa : OntologyAnnotation option) =
+ match oa with
+ | Some oa ->
+ [
+ oa.Name |> Option.defaultValue "" |> FsCell
+ oa.TermSourceREF |> Option.defaultValue "" |> FsCell
+ oa.TermAccessionNumber |> Option.defaultValue "" |> FsCell
+ ]
+ | None ->
+ [
+ FsCell("")
+ FsCell("")
+ FsCell("")
+ ]
+ let createText (s : string option) =
- [header.[0]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[0]]
- [header.[1]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[1]]
- [header.[2]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[2]]
+ FsCell(s |> Option.defaultValue "")
- elif isData then
- let hasFormat = column.Cells |> Seq.exists (fun c -> c.AsData.Format.IsSome)
- let hasSelectorFormat = column.Cells |> Seq.exists (fun c -> c.AsData.SelectorFormat.IsSome)
+ let createData (dc : DataContext) =
- [header.[0]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[0]]
- if hasFormat then
- [header.[1]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[1]]
- if hasSelectorFormat then
- [header.[2]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[2]]
+ FsCell(dc.Name |> Option.defaultValue "")
+ FsCell(dc.Format |> Option.defaultValue "")
+ FsCell(dc.SelectorFormat |> Option.defaultValue "")
- else
+ let createRow (dc : DataContext) =
- [header.[0]; for i = 0 to column.Cells.Length - 1 do cells.[i].[0]]
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ yield! (createData dc)
+ yield! (createTerm dc.Explication)
+ yield! (createTerm dc.Unit)
+ yield! (createTerm dc.ObjectType)
+ yield! (createText dc.Description)
+ yield! (createText dc.GeneratedBy)
+ yield! (
+ commentKeys
+ |> List.map (fun key ->
+ dc.Comments
+ |> Seq.tryFind (fun c ->
+ Option.defaultValue "" c.Name = key)
+ |> Option.bind (fun c -> c.Value)
+ |> Option.defaultValue ""
+ |> FsCell
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ [
+ headers
+ for dc in dc do
+ createRow dc
+ ]
+ |> List.transpose
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapHeader.fs b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapHeader.fs
index 013f60f2..39bcbc7b 100644
--- a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapHeader.fs
+++ b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapHeader.fs
@@ -8,9 +8,25 @@ module ActivePattern =
open Regex.ActivePatterns
- let (|Term|_|) (categoryString : string) (categoryHeader : CompositeHeader) (cells : FsCell list) : (CompositeHeader*(FsCell list -> CompositeCell)) option =
+ let ontologyAnnotationFromFsCells (tsrCol : int option) (tanCol : int option) (cells : list) : OntologyAnnotation =
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ let tsr = Option.map (fun i -> cellValues.[i]) tsrCol
+ let tan = Option.map (fun i -> cellValues.[i]) tanCol
+ OntologyAnnotation(cellValues.[0],?tsr = tsr, ?tan = tan)
+ let freeTextFromFsCells (cells : list) : string =
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ cellValues.[0]
+ let dataFromFsCells (format : int option) (selectorFormat : int option) (cells : list) : Data =
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ let format = Option.map (fun i -> cellValues.[i]) format
+ let selectorFormat = Option.map (fun i -> cellValues.[i]) selectorFormat
+ Data(name = cellValues.[0],?format = format, ?selectorFormat = selectorFormat)
+ let (|Term|_|) (categoryString : string) (cells : FsCell list) : ((FsCell list -> OntologyAnnotation)) option =
let (|AC|_|) s =
- if s = categoryString then Some categoryHeader else None
+ if s = categoryString then Some 1 else None
let (|TSRColumnHeaderRaw|_|) (s : string) =
if s.StartsWith("Term Source REF") then Some s else None
let (|TANColumnHeaderRaw|_|) (s : string) =
@@ -18,105 +34,155 @@ module ActivePattern =
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
match cellValues with
| [AC header] ->
- (header, CompositeCell.termFromFsCells None None)
+ (ontologyAnnotationFromFsCells None None)
|> Some
| [AC header; TSRColumnHeaderRaw _; TANColumnHeaderRaw _] ->
- (header, CompositeCell.termFromFsCells (Some 1) (Some 2))
+ (ontologyAnnotationFromFsCells (Some 1) (Some 2))
|> Some
| [AC header; TANColumnHeaderRaw _; TSRColumnHeaderRaw _] ->
- (header, CompositeCell.termFromFsCells (Some 2) (Some 1))
+ (ontologyAnnotationFromFsCells (Some 2) (Some 1))
|> Some
| _ -> None
let (|Explication|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
match cells with
- | Term DataMapAux.explicationShortHand DataMapAux.explicationHeader r ->
- Some r
+ | Term DataMapAux.explicationShortHand r ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ dc.Explication <- Some (r cells)
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|Unit|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
match cells with
- | Term DataMapAux.unitShortHand DataMapAux.unitHeader r ->
- Some r
+ | Term DataMapAux.unitShortHand r ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ dc.Unit <- Some (r cells)
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|ObjectType|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
match cells with
- | Term DataMapAux.objectTypeShortHand DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader r ->
- Some r
+ | Term DataMapAux.objectTypeShortHand r ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ dc.ObjectType <- Some (r cells)
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|Description|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
match cellValues with
- | [DataMapAux.descriptionShortHand] -> Some(DataMapAux.descriptionHeader, CompositeCell.freeTextFromFsCells)
+ | [DataMapAux.descriptionShortHand] ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ dc.Description <- Some (freeTextFromFsCells cells)
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|GeneratedBy|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
match cellValues with
- | [DataMapAux.generatedByShortHand] -> Some(DataMapAux.generatedByHeader, CompositeCell.freeTextFromFsCells)
+ | [DataMapAux.generatedByShortHand] ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ dc.GeneratedBy <- Some (freeTextFromFsCells cells)
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|Data|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
match cellValues with
| DataMapAux.dataShortHand :: cols ->
- let format = cols |> List.tryFindIndex (fun s -> s.StartsWith("Data Format")) |> Option.map ((+) 1)
- let selectorFormat = cols |> List.tryFindIndex (fun s -> s.StartsWith("Data Selector Format")) |> Option.map ((+) 1)
- (CompositeHeader.Input (IOType.Data), CompositeCell.dataFromFsCells format selectorFormat)
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ let format = cols |> List.tryFindIndex (fun s -> s.StartsWith("Data Format")) |> Option.map ((+) 1)
+ let selectorFormat = cols |> List.tryFindIndex (fun s -> s.StartsWith("Data Selector Format")) |> Option.map ((+) 1)
+ let d = dataFromFsCells format selectorFormat cells
+ dc.FilePath <- d.FilePath
+ dc.Selector <- d.Selector
+ dc.Format <- d.Format
+ dc.SelectorFormat <- d.SelectorFormat
+ dc
+ )
|> Some
+ | _ -> None
+ let (|Comment|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ match cellValues with
+ | [Comment key] ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ let comment = cellValues.[0]
+ dc.Comments.Add(Comment.create(key,comment))
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
- let (|FreeText|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
+ let (|Freetext|_|) (cells : FsCell list) =
let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
match cellValues with
- | [text] ->
- (CompositeHeader.FreeText text, CompositeCell.freeTextFromFsCells)
- |> Some
+ | [key] ->
+ (fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) ->
+ let cellValues = cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString())
+ let comment = cellValues.[0]
+ dc.Comments.Add(Comment.create(key,comment))
+ dc
+ )
+ |> Some
| _ -> None
open ActivePattern
-let fromFsCells (cells : list) : CompositeHeader*(FsCell list -> CompositeCell) =
+let fromFsCells (cells : FsCell list) : DataContext -> FsCell list -> DataContext =
match cells with
- | Data d -> d
- | Explication e -> e
- | Unit u -> u
- | ObjectType ot -> ot
- | Description d -> d
- | GeneratedBy gb -> gb
- | FreeText ft -> ft
- | _ -> failwithf "Could not parse header group %O" cells
-let toFsCells (header : CompositeHeader) : list =
- match header with
- | CompositeHeader.Input IOType.Data ->
- [
+ | Explication r
+ | Unit r
+ | ObjectType r
+ | Description r
+ | GeneratedBy r
+ | Data r
+ | Comment r
+ | Freetext r ->
+ fun (dc : DataContext) (cells : FsCell list) -> r dc cells
+ | _ -> failwithf "Could not parse data map column: %s" (cells |> List.map (fun c -> c.ValueAsString()) |> String.concat ", ")
+let toFsCells (commentKeys : string list) : list =
+ [
+ yield! [
FsCell("Data Format")
FsCell("Data Selector Format")
- ]
- | h when h = DataMapAux.explicationHeader ->
- [
+ ]
+ yield! [
FsCell("Term Source REF")
FsCell("Term Accession Number")
- | h when h = DataMapAux.unitHeader ->
- [
+ yield![
FsCell("Term Source REF")
FsCell("Term Accession Number")
- | h when h = DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader ->
- [
+ yield![
FsCell("Term Source REF")
FsCell("Term Accession Number")
- | CompositeHeader.FreeText text ->
- [FsCell(text)]
- | _ -> failwithf "Could not parse DataMap header %O." header
+ yield! [
+ FsCell(DataMapAux.descriptionShortHand)
+ ]
+ yield! [
+ FsCell(DataMapAux.generatedByShortHand)
+ ]
+ for ck in commentKeys do
+ yield FsCell(ck)
+ ]
diff --git a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapTable.fs b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapTable.fs
index b188e514..94cd8afd 100644
--- a/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapTable.fs
+++ b/src/Spreadsheet/DataMapTable/DataMapTable.fs
@@ -30,24 +30,24 @@ let tryDataMapTable (sheet : FsWorksheet) =
|> Seq.tryFind (fun t -> t.Name.StartsWith datamapTablePrefix)
/// Groups and parses a collection of single columns into the according ISA composite columns
-let composeColumns (columns : seq) : CompositeColumn [] =
+let composeColumns (columns : seq) : ResizeArray =
+ let l = (columns |> Seq.item 0).MaxRowIndex - 1
+ let dc = ResizeArray([| for i = 0 to l - 1 do yield DataContext()|])
|> Seq.toList
|> groupColumnsByHeader
- |> List.map DataMapColumn.fromFsColumns
- |> List.toArray
+ |> List.iter (DataMapColumn.setFromFsColumns dc >> ignore)
+ dc
/// Returns the protocol described by the headers and a function for parsing the values of the matrix to the processes of this protocol
let tryFromFsWorksheet (sheet : FsWorksheet) =
match tryDataMapTable sheet with
| Some (t: FsTable) ->
- let compositeColumns =
+ let dataContexts =
|> composeColumns
- DataMap.init()
- |> DataMap.addColumns(compositeColumns,skipFillMissing = true)
+ DataMap(dataContexts)
|> Some
| None ->
@@ -60,14 +60,11 @@ let toFsWorksheet (table : DataMap) =
let ws = FsWorksheet("isa_datamap")
// Cancel if there are no columns
- if table.Table.Columns.Length = 0 then ws
+ if table.DataContexts.Count = 0 then ws
let columns =
- table.Table.Columns
- |> List.ofArray
- |> List.sortBy classifyColumnOrder
- |> List.collect DataMapColumn.toFsColumns
+ DataMapColumn.toFsColumns table.DataContexts
let maxRow = columns.Head.Length
let maxCol = columns.Length
let fsTable = ws.Table("datamapTable",FsRangeAddress(FsAddress(1,1),FsAddress(maxRow,maxCol)))
@@ -91,4 +88,5 @@ let toFsWorksheet (table : DataMap) =
fsTable.Cell(address, ws.CellCollection).SetValueAs value
+ ws.RescanRows()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ARCtrl/ARCtrl.Tests.fs b/tests/ARCtrl/ARCtrl.Tests.fs
index 15f56764..8716ee44 100644
--- a/tests/ARCtrl/ARCtrl.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ARCtrl/ARCtrl.Tests.fs
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let private tests_read_contracts = testList "read_contracts" [
let a1 = inv.GetAssay(SimpleISA.Assay.proteomeIdentifer)
let datamap = Expect.wantSome a1.DataMap "Proteome Assay was supposed to have datamap"
- Expect.equal 2 datamap.Table.RowCount "Datamap was not read correctly"
+ Expect.equal 2 datamap.DataContexts.Count "Datamap was not read correctly"
let a2 = inv.GetAssay(SimpleISA.Assay.metabolomeIdentifer)
Expect.isNone a2.DataMap "Metabolome Assay was not supposed to have datamap"
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ let private tests_updateContracts = testList "update_contracts" [
let isa = arc.ISA.Value
let dm = Expect.wantSome (isa.GetAssay(SimpleISA.Assay.proteomeIdentifer).DataMap) "Assay should have datamap"
- dm.Values.[(0,1)] <- CompositeCell.createDataFromString("Hello")
+ dm.GetDataContext(1).Name <- Some "Hello"
let contracts = arc.GetUpdateContracts()
Expect.equal contracts.Length 1 $"Should contain only assay datamap change contract"
diff --git a/tests/Spreadsheet/DataMapTests.fs b/tests/Spreadsheet/DataMapTests.fs
index 6d43065f..68c884c7 100644
--- a/tests/Spreadsheet/DataMapTests.fs
+++ b/tests/Spreadsheet/DataMapTests.fs
@@ -29,30 +29,28 @@ let private simpleTable =
Expect.isSome table "Table was not created"
let table = table.Value
- Expect.equal table.Table.ColumnCount 6 "Wrong number of columns"
- Expect.equal table.Table.RowCount 1 "Wrong number of rows"
- let expectedHeaders =
- [
- DataMapAux.dataHeader
- DataMapAux.explicationHeader
- DataMapAux.unitHeader
- DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader
- DataMapAux.descriptionHeader
- DataMapAux.generatedByHeader
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual table.Headers expectedHeaders "Headers did not match"
- let expectedCells =
- [
- Data.dataValue
- Explication.meanValue
- Unit.ppmValue
- ObjectType.floatValue
- Description.descriptionValue
- GeneratedBy.generatedByValue
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual (table.GetRow(0)) expectedCells "Cells did not match"
+ Expect.equal table.DataContexts.Count 1 "Wrong number of rows"
+ let dc = table.GetDataContext(0)
+ Expect.equal (dc.AsData()) Data.dataValue "Data did not match"
+ let explication = Expect.wantSome dc.Explication "Explication was not set"
+ Expect.equal explication Explication.meanValue "Explication did not match"
+ let unit = Expect.wantSome dc.Unit "Unit was not set"
+ Expect.equal unit Unit.ppmValue "Unit did not match"
+ let objectType = Expect.wantSome dc.ObjectType "ObjectType was not set"
+ Expect.equal objectType ObjectType.floatValue "ObjectType did not match"
+ let description = Expect.wantSome dc.Description "Description was not set"
+ Expect.equal description Description.descriptionValue "Description did not match"
+ let generatedBy = Expect.wantSome dc.GeneratedBy "GeneratedBy was not set"
+ Expect.equal generatedBy GeneratedBy.generatedByValue "GeneratedBy did not match"
+ Expect.isEmpty dc.Comments "Comments should be empty"
testCase "Write" (fun () ->
@@ -84,19 +82,8 @@ let private valuelessTable =
Expect.isSome table "Table was not created"
let table = table.Value
- Expect.equal table.Table.ColumnCount 6 "Wrong number of columns"
- Expect.equal table.Table.RowCount 0 "Wrong number of rows"
- let expectedHeaders =
- [
- DataMapAux.dataHeader
- DataMapAux.explicationHeader
- DataMapAux.unitHeader
- DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader
- DataMapAux.descriptionHeader
- DataMapAux.generatedByHeader
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual table.Headers expectedHeaders "Headers did not match"
+ Expect.equal table.DataContexts.Count 0 "Wrong number of rows"
// TODO: What should we do with units of empty columns?
//testCase "Write" (fun () ->
@@ -143,30 +130,28 @@ let private simpleFile =
let table = DataMap.fromFsWorkbook wb
- Expect.equal table.Table.ColumnCount 6 "Wrong number of columns"
- Expect.equal table.Table.RowCount 1 "Wrong number of rows"
- let expectedHeaders =
- [
- DataMapAux.dataHeader
- DataMapAux.explicationHeader
- DataMapAux.unitHeader
- DataMapAux.objectTypeHeader
- DataMapAux.descriptionHeader
- DataMapAux.generatedByHeader
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual table.Headers expectedHeaders "Headers did not match"
- let expectedCells =
- [
- Data.dataValue
- Explication.meanValue
- Unit.ppmValue
- ObjectType.floatValue
- Description.descriptionValue
- GeneratedBy.generatedByValue
- ]
- Expect.sequenceEqual (table.GetRow(0)) expectedCells "Cells did not match"
+ Expect.equal table.DataContexts.Count 1 "Wrong number of rows"
+ let dc = table.GetDataContext(0)
+ Expect.equal (dc.AsData()) Data.dataValue "Data did not match"
+ let explication = Expect.wantSome dc.Explication "Explication was not set"
+ Expect.equal explication Explication.meanValue "Explication did not match"
+ let unit = Expect.wantSome dc.Unit "Unit was not set"
+ Expect.equal unit Unit.ppmValue "Unit did not match"
+ let objectType = Expect.wantSome dc.ObjectType "ObjectType was not set"
+ Expect.equal objectType ObjectType.floatValue "ObjectType did not match"
+ let description = Expect.wantSome dc.Description "Description was not set"
+ Expect.equal description Description.descriptionValue "Description did not match"
+ let generatedBy = Expect.wantSome dc.GeneratedBy "GeneratedBy was not set"
+ Expect.equal generatedBy GeneratedBy.generatedByValue "GeneratedBy did not match"
+ Expect.isEmpty dc.Comments "Comments should be empty"
testCase "Write" (fun () ->
diff --git a/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.DataMap.fs b/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.DataMap.fs
index adc5777c..42fd172f 100644
--- a/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.DataMap.fs
+++ b/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.DataMap.fs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Data =
let dataValue =
Data.create(Name = "MyDataFile.csv#col=1",Format = "text/csv", SelectorFormat = "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7111")
- |> CompositeCell.Data
let dataHeaderV1 = "Data"
let dataHeaderV2 = "Data Format"
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ module Explication =
let pValueValue =
- |> CompositeCell.Term
let explicationHeaderV1 = "Explication"
let explicationHeaderV2 = "Term Source REF"
@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ module Explication =
// Arithmetic Mean, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C53319
let meanValue =
OntologyAnnotation("Arithmetic Mean","NCIT","http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C53319")
- |> CompositeCell.Term
let meanValueV1 = "Arithmetic Mean"
let meanValueV2 = "NCIT"
@@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ module Unit =
let ppmValue =
OntologyAnnotation("parts per million","UO","http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UO_0000169")
- |> CompositeCell.Term
let unitHeaderV1 = "Unit"
let unitHeaderV2 = "Term Source REF"
@@ -107,7 +103,6 @@ module ObjectType =
let floatValue =
- |> CompositeCell.Term
let objectTypeHeaderV1 = "Object Type"
let objectTypeHeaderV2 = "Term Source REF"
@@ -129,7 +124,7 @@ module ObjectType =
module Description =
- let descriptionValue = CompositeCell.FreeText "This is a description"
+ let descriptionValue = "This is a description"
let descriptionHeaderV1 = "Description"
@@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ module Description =
module GeneratedBy =
- let generatedByValue = CompositeCell.FreeText "MyTool.exe"
+ let generatedByValue = "MyTool.exe"
let generatedByHeaderV1 = "Generated By"