To create your own OpenShift Cluster on IBM Cloud follow these steps.
Note: This is not available with a free IBM Cloud Lite Account!
- Log on to the IBM Cloud, go to the Catalog, open the category "Containers" and select "Red Hat OpenShift Cluster"
In the next dialog simply click "Create"
Fill out the form with
- a Cluster name (1)
- a Geography or region (2) like North America, Europe, or Asia Pacific
- Single zone is perfect for this workshop (3)
- a datacenter of your choice (4)
- Continue with the form:
- "Public endpoint only" will do (1)
- Machine type: Virtual - shared (2)
- and the smallest flavor (3)
- Finish:
- Reduce the number of nodes to 1 (1) which is sufficient for this workshop
- Click "Create Cluster" (2)
The creation of the cluster takes at least 20 minutes, during this time continue with Part 3 of this workshop doing some hands-on exercises.
Continue with Part 3: Red Hat tutorials