We use Azure Active Directory B2C as our main identity provider. See [./tech-stack](Tech Stack) for details about the decision.
We setup our Azure AD B2C tenant with the following steps:
Create a new Azure AD B2C Tenant
Organization name: FutureNHS Initial domain name: futurenhsplatform.onmicrosoft.com Country/Region: West Europe
Link the tenant to our production subscription
Create app registration "Development"
Name: Development Supported account types: Accounts in any organizational directory or any identity provider. For authenticating users with Azure AD B2C. Redirect URI: Web, http://localhost:3000/auth/callback Permissions: Grant admin consent to openid and offline_access permissions
Create client secret for "Development" app registration. Then copy client secret, client id (called Application ID in the portal) and create a sealed secret:
kubectl create secret generic sessions \ --from-literal="AAD_B2C_CLIENT_SECRET=<paste client secret here>" \ --from-literal="AAD_B2C_CLIENT_ID=<paste client id here>" \ --from-literal="COOKIE_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 30)" \ --namespace frontend \ --dry-run=client -o yaml \ | kubeseal -o yaml > frontend/manifests/dev-template/secret-sessions.yaml
Create app registration "Production"
Name: Production Supported account types: Accounts in any organizational directory or any identity provider. For authenticating users with Azure AD B2C. Redirect URI: Web, https://beta.future.nhs.uk/auth/callback Permissions: Grant admin consent to openid and offline_access permissions
Create client secret for "Production" app registration. Then copy client secret, client id (called Application ID in the portal) and create a sealed secret:
kubectl create secret generic sessions \ --from-literal="AAD_B2C_CLIENT_SECRET=<paste client secret here>" \ --from-literal="AAD_B2C_CLIENT_ID=<paste client id here>" \ --from-literal="COOKIE_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 30)" \ --namespace frontend \ --dry-run=client -o yaml \ | kubeseal -o yaml --context production > frontend/manifests/production/secret-sessions.yaml
Create user flow "Sign in"
Version: Recommended Name: signin Identity providers: Email signin Multifactor authentication: Disabled Application claims: Display Name, Email Addresses
Change the page layout "Sign in page" of the user flow "Sign in"
Use custom page content: Yes Custom page URI: https://beta.future.nhs.uk/auth-page-layouts/login
Create user flow "Password reset"
Version: Recommended Name: passwordreset Identity providers: Reset password using email address Multifactor authentication: Disabled Application claims: Display Name, Email Addresses
Invite a new user with their correct email address
Set Roles to "Global administrator"
Note: These users can login to portal.azure.com to manage the Azure Active Directory, but will not be able to login to beta.future.nhs.uk. To do that, they need another platform member user (see below).
Invite a new user with their correct email address (e.g. abc@england.nhs.uk)
Set Roles to "User administrator"
Note: These users can login to portal.azure.com to manage users, but will not be able to login to beta.future.nhs.uk. To do that, they need another platform member user (see below).
Create a new Azure AD B2C user
Sign in method: Email
Let them know their initial password. The password can only be changed using the above created password reset flow.