This is my personal vim/nvim configuration. It is based on NvChad
I daily drive this
- Neovim 0.10+
- git
- some sort of unzip program like gz or 7z
- npm
- cargo/rust
- Clone this repo to your local machine
- Open neovim (
) - Enjoy, your plugins and Mason packages will be installed automatically
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
git clone ~/.var/app/io.neovim.nvim/config/nvim && flatpak run io.neovim.nvim
git clone $ENV:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\nvim && nvim
This repo is supposed to used as config by NvChad users!
- The main nvchad repo (NvChad/NvChad) is used as a plugin by this repo.
- So you just import its modules , like
require "nvchad.options" , require "nvchad.mappings"
- So you can delete the .git from this repo ( when you clone it locally ) or fork it :)