Demo of ORIO, free fleet and a physical robot.
cd ~/orio/orio_free_fleet
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Change the gazebo plugins.
# Change door plugin
cd ~/orio_free_fleet/build/orio_magni_worlds/maps/office_door
sed -i 's/'
# Change lift plugin
cd ~/orio_free_fleet/build/orio_magni_worlds/maps/office_lift
sed -i 's/'
cd ~/orio_free_fleet
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
Align the coordinate frames
The PLC endpoint is secured by a username and password, which is passed into the launch file of each world here:
<param from="$(find-pkg-share orio_magni_worlds)/worlds/$(var world_name)/credentials/http_auth.yaml"/>
Create the yaml file with the following format
<put manager node name here>:
username: "xxx"
password: "xxx"
Make sure there is a connection to the Orio PLC first.
# Run free_fleet server
ros2 launch orio_magni_ff_server free_fleet_server.launch.xml
# run simulation
ros2 launch orio_magni_worlds office_door.launch.xml
ros2 launch orio_magni_worlds test_office_door_simple_loop.launch.xml start_point:=1_d end_point:=1_a
There are 4 points from 1_a
to 1_d
Make sure there is a connection to the Orio PLC first. And make sure it is at either L1 or L2.
ros2 launch orio_magni_ff_server free_fleet_server.launch.xml
# run simulation
ros2 launch orio_magni_worlds office_lift.launch.xml
ros2 launch orio_magni_worlds test_office_lift_simple_loop.launch.xml start_point:=1_a end_point:=2_c