This program encodes a DOCSIS binary configuration file from a human-readable text configuration file.
It was originaly developed at and later on moved to
This build is an experimental one and is based on a fork from the GitHub project. Please use this build on your own risk.
This tool is fully compliant with the following specs:
This was tested on Ubuntu 14.10, Fedora 21, openSUSE 13.2 (little endian) and Debian 7.5 Sparc64 (big endian) and it is known to work without issues.
apt-get install automake libtool libsnmp-dev bison make gcc flex git libglib2.0-dev libfl-dev
yum install autoconf automake libtool glib2-devel bison flex net-snmp-devel
zypper install autoconf automake libtool glib2-devel bison flex net-snmp-devel
pkg install automake autoconf bison flex gcc libtool glib net-snmp
Tested and working on OS X Mavericks. Dependencies should be installed using MacPorts:
sudo port install autoconf automake libtool glib2-devel bison flex net-snmp
Tested and working under Cygwin 2.0.2
Packages needed:
automake libtool net-snmp-utils net-snmp-devel bison make gcc-g++ flex libglib2.0-devel
Follow the following steps to download and install the utility.
git clone
cd docsis
make install (optional)
Please use the GitHub system to report feature request and bugs.
Quoting the hex strings will result in a crash. Known workaround is to not quote HEX definitions.
There are compilation problems on old gcc variants, you should get an error similar to: docsis.c: multiple definition of `main'. Known workaround is to upgrade to a newer version of gcc.
If you want to encode as string something similar to ""value"" you need to escape the extra characters. Config file value should look like ""value"".