title | description | keywords | notoc | noratings | redirect_from | ||
Docker glossary |
Glossary of terms used around Docker |
glossary, docker, terms, definitions |
true |
true |
To see a definition for a term, and all topics in the documentation that have been tagged with that term, click any entry below:
{% for entry in site.data.glossary %}- [{{ entry[0] }}] {% endfor %}
{% for entry in site.data.glossary %}[{{ entry[0] }}]: /glossary/?term={{ entry[0] }} {: class="glossLink" data-content="{{ entry[1] | markdownify | strip_html | strip | truncatewords: 50, "..."}}" data-trigger="hover" id="popoverData{{ forloop.index }}" rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Definition of: {{ entry[0]}}"} {% endfor %}