This is an updated version of the code in Time Series: A Data Analysis Approach Using R.
✨ See the NEWS for further details about the state of the package and the changelog.
✨ An intro to astsa
capabilities can be found at FUN WITH ASTSA
✨ Here is A Road Map if you want a broad view of what is available.
Note when you are in a code block below, you can copy the contents of the block by moving your mouse to the upper right corner and clicking on the copy icon ( 📋 ).
- Chapter 1 - Time Series Elements
- Chapter 2 - Correlation and Stationary Time Series
- Chapter 3 - Time Series Regression and EDA
- Chapter 4 - ARMA Models
- Chapter 5 - ARIMA Models
- Chapter 6 - Spectral Analysis and Filtering
- Chapter 7 - Spectral Estimation
- Chapter 8 - Additional Topics
Example 1.1
tsplot(jj, ylab="QEPS", type="o", col=4, main="Johnson & Johnson Quarterly Earnings")
tsplot(log(jj), ylab="log(QEPS)", type="o", col=4)
Example 1.2
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land,gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, col = astsa.col(c(2,4), .5),
lwd=2, type="o", pch=20, ylab="Temperature Deviations", main="Global Warming")
legend("topleft", col=c(2,4), lty=1, lwd=2, pch=20, bg="white",
legend=c("Land Surface", "Sea Surface"))
Example 1.3
library(xts) # install.packages("xts") if you don't have it already
djia_return = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
plot(djia$Close, col=4)
plot(djia_return, col=4)
tsplot(diff(log(gdp)), type="o", col=4) # using diff log
points(diff(gdp)/lag(gdp,-1), pch="+", col=2) # actual return
Example 1.4
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
tsplot(soi, ylab="", xlab="", main="Southern Oscillation Index", col=4)
text(1970, .91, "COOL", col=5)
text(1970,-.91, "WARM", col=6)
tsplot(rec, ylab="", main="Recruitment", col=4)
Example 1.5
tsplot(cbind(Hare,Lynx), col = astsa.col(c(2,4), .6), lwd=2, type="o", pch=c(0,2),
spaghetti=TRUE, ylab=expression(Number~~~(""%*% 1000)))
legend("topright", col=c(2,4), lty=1, lwd=2, pch=c(0,2), legend=c("Hare", "Lynx"), bty="n")
Example 1.6
x = ts(fmri1[,4:9], start=0, freq=32) # data
names = c("Cortex","Thalamus","Cerebellum")
u = ts(rep(c(rep(.6,16), rep(-.6,16)), 4), start=0, freq=32) # stimulus signal
for (i in 1:3){
j = 2*i-1
tsplot(x[,j:(j+1)], ylab="BOLD", xlab="", main=names[i], col=5:6, ylim=c(-.6,.6),
lwd=2, xaxt="n", spaghetti=TRUE)
axis(seq(0,256,64), side=1, at=0:4)
lines(u, type="s", col=gray(.3))
mtext("seconds", side=1, line=1.75, cex=.9)
Example 1.7 - 1.8
w = rnorm(500) # 500 N(0,1) variates
v = filter(w, sides=2, filter=rep(1/3,3)) # moving average
tsplot(w, col=4, main="white noise")
tsplot(v, ylim=c(-3,3), col=4, main="moving average")
Example 1.9
w = rnorm(250 + 50) # 50 extra to avoid startup problems
x = filter(w, filter=c(1.5,-.75), method="recursive")[-(1:50)]
tsplot(x, main="autoregression", col=4)
Example 1.10
set.seed(314159265) # so you can reproduce the results
w = rnorm(200)
x = cumsum(w)
wd = w +.3
xd = cumsum(wd)
tsplot(xd, ylim=c(-2,80), main="random walk", ylab="", col=4)
clip(0, 200, 0, 80)
abline(a=0, b=.3, lty=2, col=4) # drift
lines(x, col=6)
clip(0, 200, 0, 80)
abline(h=0, col=6, lty=2)
Example 1.11
# cs = 2*cos(2*pi*(1:500)/50 + .6*pi) # as in the text
cs = 2*cos(2*pi*(1:500+15)/50) # same thing
w = rnorm(500,0,1)
tsplot(cs, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)))
tsplot(cs + w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,1)))
tsplot(cs + 5*w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,25)))
Example 2.18
ACF = c(0,0,0,1,2,3,2,1,0,0,0)/3
LAG = -5:5
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", lwd=3, xlab="LAG")
points(LAG[-(4:8)], ACF[-(4:8)], pch=20)
axis(1, at=seq(-5, 5, by=2))
Example 2.25
x = rnorm(100)
y = lag(x,-5) + rnorm(100)
ccf2(y, x, ylab="CCovF", type="covariance")
Examples 2.27
(r = round( acf1(soi, 6, plot=FALSE), 2)) # sample acf values
# [1] 0.60 0.37 0.21 0.05 -0.11 -0.19
tsplot(lag(soi,-1), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-1)')
legend("topleft", legend=r[1], bg="white", adj=.45, cex = 0.85)
tsplot(lag(soi,-6), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-6)')
legend("topleft", legend=r[6], bg="white", adj=.25, cex = 0.8)
Example 2.29
x1 = sample(c(-2,2), 11, replace=TRUE) # simulated coin tosses
x2 = sample(c(-2,2), 101, replace=TRUE)
y1 = 5 + filter(x1, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
y2 = 5 + filter(x2, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
tsplot(y1, type="s", col=4, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") # y2 not shown
axis(1, 1:10); axis(2, seq(2,8,2), las=1)
points(y1, pch=21, cex=1.1, bg=6)
acf(y1, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
acf(y2, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
Example 2.32
acf1(soi, 48, main="Southern Oscillation Index")
acf1(rec, 48, main="Recruitment")
ccf2(soi, rec, 48, main="SOI vs Recruitment")
Example 2.33
num = 120
t = 1:num
X = ts( 2*cos(2*pi*t/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12 )
Y = ts( 2*cos(2*pi*(t+5)/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12 )
Yw = resid(lm(Y~ cos(2*pi*t/12) + sin(2*pi*t/12), na.action=NULL))
acf1(X, 48)
acf1(Y, 48)
ccf2(X, Y, 24)
ccf2(X, Yw, 24, ylim=c(-.6,.6))
# here's another example that's simpler
# the series are trend stationary with
# just a hint of trend - but same result
num = 250
t = 1:num
X = .01*t + rnorm(num,0,2)
Y = .01*t + rnorm(num)
tsplot(cbind(X,Y), spag=TRUE, col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.7), lwd=2, ylab='data')
ccf2(X, Y, ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)
Yw = resid(lm(Y~t)) # whiten Y by removing trend
ccf2(X, Yw, ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)
Example 3.1
summary(fit <- lm(salmon~time(salmon), na.action=NULL))
tsplot(salmon, col=4, ylab="USD per KG", main="Salmon Export Price")
# astsa version 1.5 has a new trend script that can produce Figure 3.1 with 95% CIs as follows:
trend(salmon, ylab="USD per KG", main="Salmon Export Price")
Example 3.5
##-- separate
tsplot(cmort, main="Cardiovascular Mortality", col=6, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(tempr, main="Temperature", col=4, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(part, main="Particulates", col=2, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
##-- together
tsplot(cmort, ylab="", ylim=c(20,130), col=astsa.col(6,.8))
lines(tempr, col=astsa.col(4,.9))
lines(part, col=astsa.col(2,.8))
legend("topright", legend=c("Mortality", "Temperature", "Pollution"), lty=1, lwd=2, col=c(6,4,2), bg="white")
##-- scatterplot matrix
panel.cor <- function(x, y, ...){
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- round(cor(x, y), 2)
text(0.5, 0.5, r, cex = 1.75)
pairs(cbind(Mortality=cmort, Temperature=tempr, Particulates=part), col=4, lower.panel=panel.cor)
# Regression
temp = tempr-mean(tempr) # center temperature
temp2 = temp^2 # square it
trend = time(cmort) # time
fit = lm(cmort~ trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL)
summary(fit) # regression results
summary(aov(fit)) # ANOVA table (compare to next line)
summary(aov(lm(cmort~cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part)))) # Table 2.1
num = length(cmort) # sample size
AIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # AIC
BIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # BIC
Example 3.6
fish = ts.intersect( rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6) )
summary(fit1 <- lm(rec~ soiL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
tsplot(resid(fit1), col=4) # residuals
summary(fit2 <- dynlm(rec~ L(soi,6)))
Example 3.10
# Figures 3.6 and 3.7 can be as follows using the new detrend script
par(mfrow=2:1) # plot transformed data
tsplot(detrend(salmon), main="detrended salmon price" )
tsplot(diff(salmon), main="differenced salmon price" )
par(mfrow=2:1) # plot their ACFs
acf1(detrend(salmon), main="detrended salmon price")
acf1(diff(salmon), main="differenced salmon price")
# as in the text
fit = lm(salmon~time(salmon), na.action=NULL) # the regression
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # plot transformed data
tsplot(resid(fit), main="detrended salmon price")
tsplot(diff(salmon), main="differenced salmon price")
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # plot their ACFs
acf1(resid(fit), 48, main="detrended salmon price")
acf1(diff(salmon), 48, main="differenced salmon price")
Example 3.11
tsplot(diff(gtemp_land), col=4, main="differenced global tmeperature")
mean(diff(gtemp_land)) # drift since 1880
# [1] 0.0143
mean(window(diff(gtemp_land), start=1980)) # drift since 1980
# [1] 0.0329
Example 3.12
layout(matrix(1:4,2), widths=c(2.5,1))
par(oma=rep(.2, 4))
tsplot(varve, main="", ylab="", col=4, margin=0)
mtext("varve", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
tsplot(log(varve), main="", ylab="", col=4, margin=0)
mtext("log(varve)", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
qqnorm(varve, main="", col=4); qqline(varve, col=2, lwd=2)
qqnorm(log(varve), main="", col=4); qqline(log(varve), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 3.13
lag1.plot(soi, 12, col=4, cex=1) # Figure 3.10
lag2.plot(soi, rec, 8, col=4, cex=1) # Figure 3.11
Example 3.14
dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dL6=lag(dummy,-6))
summary(fit <- lm(rec~ soiL6*dL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
tsplot(fish[,'soiL6'], fish[,'rec'], type='p', col=4)
points(fish[,'soiL6'], fitted(fit), pch=3, col=6)
lines(lowess(fish[,'soiL6'], fish[,'rec']), col=4, lwd=2)
tsplot(resid(fit)) # not shown
acf1(resid(fit)) # and obviously not noise
Example 3.15
set.seed(90210) # so you can reproduce these results
x = 2*cos(2*pi*1:500/50 + .6*pi) + rnorm(500,0,5)
z1 = cos(2*pi*1:500/50)
z2 = sin(2*pi*1:500/50)
summary(fit <- lm(x~ 0 + z1 + z2)) # zero to exclude intercept
tsplot(x, col=4)
tsplot(x, ylab=expression(hat(x)), col=astsa.col(4, .5))
lines(fitted(fit), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 3.16
w = c(.5, rep(1,11), .5)/12
soif = filter(soi, sides=2, filter=w)
tsplot(soi, col=astsa.col(4,.7), ylim=c(-1, 1.15))
lines(soif, lwd=2, col=4)
# insert
par(fig = c(.65, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE)
w1 = c(rep(0,20), w, rep(0,20))
plot(w1, type="l", ylim = c(-.02,.1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
Example 3.17
tsplot(soi, col=4)
lines(ksmooth(time(soi), soi, "normal", bandwidth=1), lwd=2, col=6)
par(fig = c(.65, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE) # the insert
curve(dnorm, -3, 3, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
SOI = ts(soi, freq=1)
tsplot(SOI, col=8) # the time scale matters (not shown)
lines(ksmooth(time(SOI), SOI, "normal", bandwidth=12), lwd=2, col=4)
Example 3.18
# the example can be done in 2 lines using the new trend script
trend(soi, lowess=TRUE)
lines(lowess(soi, f=.05), lwd=2, col=4) # El Niño cycle
# as in the text
tsplot(soi, col=astsa.col(4,.6))
lines(lowess(soi, f=.05), lwd=2, col=4) # El Niño cycle
# lines(lowess(soi), lty=2, lwd=2, col=2) # trend (with default span)
#- or -#
##-- trend with CIs using loess --##
lo = predict(loess(soi ~ time(soi)), se=TRUE)
trnd = ts(lo$fit, start=1950, freq=12) # put back ts attributes
lines(trnd, col=6, lwd=2)
L = trnd - qt(0.975, lo$df)*lo$se
U = trnd + qt(0.975, lo$df)*lo$se
xx = c(time(soi), rev(time(soi)))
yy = c(L, rev(U))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.4) )
Example 3.19
tsplot(tempr, cmort, type='p', pch=19, xlab="Temperature", ylab="Mortality", col=4)
lines(lowess(tempr,cmort), col=6, lwd=2)
Example 3.20
x = window(hor, start=2002)
plot(decompose(x)) # not shown
plot(stl(x, s.window="per")) # not shown
plot(stl(x, s.window=15)) # nicer version below
culer = c(5, 4, 2, 6)
x = window(hor, start=2002)
par(mfrow = c(4,1), cex.main=1)
out = stl(x, s.window=15)$time.series
tsplot(x, main='Hawaiian Occupancy Rate', ylab='% rooms', col=8)
text(x, labels=1:4, col=culer, cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,1], main="Seasonal", ylab='% rooms',col=8)
text(out[,1], labels=1:4, col=culer, cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,2], main="Trend", ylab='% rooms', col=8)
text(out[,2], labels=1:4, col=culer, cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,3], main="Noise", ylab='% rooms', col=8)
text(out[,3], labels=1:4, col=culer, cex=1.25)
Example 4.2
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar= .9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, main=expression(AR(1)~~~phi==+.9))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=-.9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, main=expression(AR(1)~~~phi==-.9))
Example 4.3
psi = ARMAtoMA(ar = c(1.5, -.75), ma = 0, 50)
tsplot(psi, col=4, type='o', pch=19, ylab=expression(psi-weights), xlab='Index',
simulation = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75), n=144, S=12)
tsplot(simulation, ylab=expression(X[~t]), col=4, xlab='Year', lwd=2)
Examples 4.5
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma= .9, n=100), col=4, ylab="x", main=expression(MA(1)~~~theta==+.9))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma=-.9, n=100), col=4, ylab="x", main=expression(MA(1)~~~theta==-.9))
Example 4.10
set.seed(8675309) # Jenny, I got your number
x = rnorm(150, mean=5) # generate iid N(5,1)s
arima(x, order=c(1,0,1)) # estimation
Example 4.11
AR = c(1, -.3, -.4) # original AR coefs on the left
MA = c(1, .5) # original MA coefs on the right
Example 4.12
round( ARMAtoMA(ar=.8, ma=-.5, 10), 2) # first 10 psi-weights
round( ARMAtoAR(ar=.8, ma=-.5, 10), 2) # first 10 pi-weights
ARMAtoMA(ar=1, ma=0, 20)
Example 4.15
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50)
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="lag")
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 4.18
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24)[-1]
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24, pacf=TRUE)
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="lag", ylim=c(-.8,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(PACF, type="h", xlab="lag", ylim=c(-.8,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 4.21
acf2(rec, 48) # will produce values and a graphic
(regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE))
regr$ # standard errors of the estimates
Example 4.24
rec.yw = ar.yw(rec, order=2)
rec.yw$x.mean # mean estimate
rec.yw$ar # phi parameter estimates
sqrt(diag(rec.yw$asy.var.coef)) # their standard errors
rec.yw$var.pred # error variance estimate
Example 4.25
ma1 = sarima.sim(ma = 0.9, n = 50)
acf1(ma1, plot=FALSE)[1]
Example 4.27
tsplot(diff(log(varve)), col=4, ylab=expression(nabla~log~X[~t]), main="Transformed Glacial Varves")
x = diff(log(varve)) # data
r = acf1(x, 1, plot=FALSE) # acf(1)
c(0) -> z -> Sc -> Sz -> Szw -> para # initialize ...
c(x[1]) -> w # ... all variables
num = length(x) # 633
## Gauss-Newton Estimation
para[1] = (1-sqrt(1-4*(r^2)))/(2*r) # MME to start (not very good)
niter = 12
for (j in 1:niter){
for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - para[j]*w[t-1]
z[t] = w[t-1] - para[j]*z[t-1]
Sc[j] = sum(w^2)
Sz[j] = sum(z^2)
Szw[j] = sum(z*w)
para[j+1] = para[j] + Szw[j]/Sz[j]
## Results
cbind(iteration=1:niter-1, thetahat=para[1:niter], Sc, Sz)
## Plot conditional SS and results
c(0) -> cSS
th = -seq(.3, .94, .01)
for (p in 1:length(th)){
for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - th[p]*w[t-1]
cSS[p] = sum(w^2)
tsplot(th, cSS, ylab=expression(S[c](theta)), xlab=expression(theta))
abline(v=para[1:12], lty=2, col=4) # add previous results to plot
points(para[1:12], Sc[1:12], pch=16, col=4)
Example 4.28
sarima(diff(log(varve)), p=0, d=0, q=1, no.constant=TRUE)
Example 4.31
sarima(rec, p=2, d=0, q=0) # fit the model
sarima.for(rec, n.ahead=24, p=2, d=0, q=0)
abline(h=61.8585, col=4) # display estimated mean
The way AIC, AICc, and BIC are calculated in
changed a few versions ago. The values in the text will be a little different than the current values, but the results of any data analysis in the text are the same.
Example 5.2
sarima(diff(log(varve)), p=0, d=0, q=1, no.constant=TRUE)
# equivalently
sarima(log(varve), p=0, d=1, q=1, no.constant=TRUE)
Example 5.3
ARMAtoMA(ar=1, ma=0, 20) # psi-weights for rw
Example 5.4
round( ARMAtoMA(ar=c(1.9,-.9), ma=0, 60), 1 ) # ain't no AR(2)
x <- sarima.sim(ar=.9, d=1, n=150)
y <- window(x, start=1, end=100)
sarima.for(y, n.ahead = 50, p = 1, d = 1, q = 0, plot.all=TRUE)
text(85, 255, "PAST"); text(115, 255, "FUTURE")
abline(v=100, lty=2, col=4)
Example 5.5
x = sarima.sim(ma = -0.8, d=1, n = 100)
(x.ima = HoltWinters(x, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE))
plot(x.ima, main="EWMA")
Example 5.6
##-- Figure 5.3 --##
layout(1:2, heights=2:1)
tsplot(gnp, col=4)
acf1(gnp, main="")
##-- Figure 5.4 --##
tsplot(diff(log(gnp)), ylab="GNP Growth Rate", col=4)
abline(h = mean(diff(log(gnp))), col=6)
##-- Figure 5.5 --##
acf2(diff(log(gnp)), main="")
sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 0,0,2) # MA(2) on growth rate
sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 1,0,0) # AR(1) on growth rate
round( ARMAtoMA(ar=.35, ma=0, 10), 3) # print psi-weights
Example 5.7
sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 0, 0, 2) # MA(2) fit with diagnostics
Example 5.8
sarima(log(varve), 0, 1, 1, no.constant=TRUE) # ARIMA(0,1,1)
sarima(log(varve), 1, 1, 1, no.constant=TRUE) # ARIMA(1,1,1)
Example 5.9
uspop = c(75.995, 91.972, 105.711, 123.203, 131.669,150.697,
179.323, 203.212, 226.505, 249.633, 281.422, 308.745)
uspop = ts(uspop, start=1900, freq=.1)
t = time(uspop) - 1955
reg = lm( uspop~ t+I(t^2)+I(t^3)+I(t^4)+I(t^5)+I(t^6)+I(t^7)+I(t^8) )
b = as.vector(reg$coef)
g = function(t){ b[1] + b[2]*(t-1955) + b[3]*(t-1955)^2 + b[4]*(t-1955)^3 +
b[5]*(t-1955)^4 + b[6]*(t-1955)^5 + b[7]*(t-1955)^6 +
b[8]*(t-1955)^7 + b[9]*(t-1955)^8
par(mar=c(2,2.5,.5,0)+.5, mgp=c(1.6,.6,0))
curve(g, 1900, 2024, ylab="Population", xlab="Year", cex.main=1, font.main=1,
col=4, main="U.S. Population by Official Census", panel.first=Grid())
abline(v=seq(1910,2020,by=20), lty=1, col=gray(.9))
points(time(uspop), uspop, pch=21, bg=rainbow(12), cex=1.25)
mtext(expression(""%*% 10^6), side=2, line=1.5, adj=.95)
axis(1, seq(1910,2020,by=20), labels=TRUE)
Example 5.10
sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 1, 0, 0) # AR(1)
sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 0, 0, 2) # MA(2)
Example 5.11
SAR = sarima.sim(sar=.9, S=12, n=37) + 50
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), nc=2), heights=c(1.5,1))
tsplot(SAR, type="c", xlab="Year")
abline(v=1:3, col=4, lty=2)
Months = c("J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D")
points(SAR, pch=Months, cex=1.35, font=4, col=1:6)
phi = c(rep(0,11),.9)
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100)[-1] # [-1] removes 0 lag
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100, pacf=TRUE)
LAG = 1:100/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 5.12
##-- Figure 5.10 --##
phi = c(rep(0,11),.8)
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50)[-1]
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50, pacf=TRUE)
LAG = 1:50/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type='h', xlab='LAG')
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type='h', xlab='LAG')
##-- birth series --##
tsplot(birth) # monthly number of births in US
acf2( diff(birth) ) # P/ACF of the differenced birth rate
##-- seasonal persistence --##
x = window(hor, start=2002)
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
tsplot(x, main="Hawaiian Quarterly Occupancy Rate", ylab=" % rooms", ylim=c(62,86), col=8)
text(x, labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=.8)
Qx = stl(x,15)$time.series[,1]
tsplot(Qx, main="Seasonal Component", ylab=" % rooms", ylim=c(-4.7,4.7), col=8)
text(Qx, labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=.8)
Example 5.15
tsplot(cardox, col=4, ylab=expression(CO[2]))
title("Monthly Carbon Dioxide Readings - Mauna Loa Observatory ", cex.main=1)
tsplot(diff(diff(cardox,12)), col=4,
sarima(cardox, p=0,d=1,q=1, P=0,D=1,Q=1,S=12)
sarima(cardox, p=1,d=1,q=1, P=0,D=1,Q=1,S=12)
sarima.for(cardox, 60, 1,1,1, 0,1,1,12)
abline(v=2018.9, lty=6)
##-- for comparison --##
sarima.for(cardox, 60, 0,1,1, 0,1,1,12) # not shown
Example 5.16
trend = time(cmort); temp = tempr - mean(tempr); temp2 = temp^2
fit = lm(cmort~trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL)
acf2(resid(fit), 52) # implies AR2
sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part) )
Example 5.17
lag2.plot(Hare, Lynx, 5) # lead-lag relationship
pp = as.zoo(ts.intersect(Lynx, HareL1 = lag(Hare,-1)))
summary(reg <- lm(pp$Lynx~ pp$HareL1)) # results not displayed
acf2(resid(reg)) # in Figure 5.11
( reg2 = sarima(pp$Lynx, 2,0,0, xreg=pp$HareL1 ))
prd = Lynx - resid(reg2$fit) # prediction (resid = obs - pred)
prde = sqrt(reg2$fit$sigma2) # prediction error
tsplot(prd, lwd=2, col=rgb(0,0,.9,.5), ylim=c(-20,90), ylab="Lynx")
points(Lynx, pch=16, col=rgb(.8,.3,0))
x = time(Lynx)[-1]
xx = c(x, rev(x))
yy = c(prd - 2*prde, rev(prd + 2*prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=rgb(.4, .5, .6, .15))
mtext(expression(""%*% 10^3), side=2, line=1.5, adj=.975)
legend("topright", legend=c("Predicted", "Observed"), lty=c(1,NA), lwd=2, pch=c(NA,16), col=c(4,rgb(.8,.3,0)), cex=.9)
t = seq(0, 24, by=.01)
X = cos(2*pi*t*1/2) # 1 cycle every 2 hours
tsplot(t, X, xlab="Hours")
T = seq(1, length(t), by=250) # observed every 2.5 hrs
points(t[T], X[T], pch=19, col=4)
lines(t, cos(2*pi*t/10), col=4)
axis(1, at=t[T], labels=FALSE, lwd.ticks=2, col.ticks=2)
abline(v=t[T], col=rgb(1,0,0,.2), lty=2)
Example 6.1
x1 = 2*cos(2*pi*1:100*6/100) + 3*sin(2*pi*1:100*6/100)
x2 = 4*cos(2*pi*1:100*10/100) + 5*sin(2*pi*1:100*10/100)
x3 = 6*cos(2*pi*1:100*40/100) + 7*sin(2*pi*1:100*40/100)
x = x1 + x2 + x3
tsplot(x1, ylim=c(-10,10), main=expression(omega==6/100~~~A^2==13))
tsplot(x2, ylim=c(-10,10), main=expression(omega==10/100~~~A^2==41))
tsplot(x3, ylim=c(-10,10), main=expression(omega==40/100~~~A^2==85))
tsplot(x, ylim=c(-16,16), main="sum")
# periogoram -- after example
P = Mod(fft(x)/sqrt(100))^2 # periodogram
sP = (4/100)*P # scaled peridogram
Fr = 0:99/100 # fundamental frequencies
tsplot(Fr, sP, type="o", xlab="frequency", ylab="scaled periodogram", col=4, ylim=c(0,90))
abline(v=.5, lty=5)
axis(side=1, at=seq(.1,.9,by=.2))
Example 6.5
for(i in 4:9){
mvspec(fmri1[,i], main=colnames(fmri1)[i], ylim=c(0,3), xlim=c(0,.2), col=5, lwd=2, type="o", pch=20)
abline(v=1/32, col=4, lty=5) # stimulus frequency
Example 6.7, 6.9, 6.10
arma.spec(main="White Noise", col=4)
arma.spec(ma=.5, main="Moving Average", col=4)
arma.spec(ar=c(1,-.9), main="Autoregression", col=4)
Example 6.12
tsplot(soi, col=4, main="SOI")
tsplot(diff(soi), col=4, main="First Difference")
k = kernel("modified.daniell", 6) # MA weights
tsplot(kernapply(soi, k), col=4, main="Seasonal Moving Average")
##-- frequency responses --##
w = seq(0, .5, by=.01)
FRdiff = abs(1-exp(2i*pi*w))^2
tsplot(w, FRdiff, xlab="frequency", main="High Pass Filter")
u = cos(2*pi*w)+cos(4*pi*w)+cos(6*pi*w)+cos(8*pi*w)+cos(10*pi*w)
FRma = ((1 + cos(12*pi*w) + 2*u)/12)^2
tsplot(w, FRma, xlab="frequency", main="Low Pass Filter")
(dft = fft(1:4)/sqrt(4))
(idft = fft(dft, inverse=TRUE)/sqrt(4))
Example 7.4
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # raw periodogram
mvspec(soi, col=rgb(.05,.6,.75), lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
mvspec(rec, col=rgb(.05,.6,.75), lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
# log redux
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # raw periodogram
mvspec(soi, col=rgb(.05,.6,.75), lwd=2, log='y')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
mvspec(rec, col=rgb(.05,.6,.75), lwd=2, log='y')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
Periodogram... Bad!
u = mvspec(rnorm(1000), col=5) # periodogram
abline(h=1, col=2, lwd=5) # true spectrum
lines(u$freq, filter(u$spec, filter=rep(1,101)/101, circular=TRUE),
col=4, lwd=2) # add the smooth
Example 7.5
soi.ave = mvspec(soi, spans=9, col=5, lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
rec.ave = mvspec(rec, spans=9, col=5, lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
##-- redo on log scale with CIs --##
soi.ave = mvspec(soi, spans=9, col=5, lwd=2, log='yes')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
rec.ave = mvspec(rec, spans=9, col=5, lwd=2, log='yes')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col="dodgerblue")
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
Example 7.6
y = ts(rev(1:100 %% 20), freq=20) # sawtooth signal
tsplot(1:100, y, ylab="sawtooth signal", col=4)
mvspec(y, main="", ylab="periodogram", col=5, xlim=c(0,7))
Example 7.7
(dm = kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3))) # for a list
# the figure with both kernels
par(mfrow=1:2, mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.6,.6,0))
plot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3)), ylab=expression(h[~k]),
cex.main=1, col=4, panel.first=Grid())
plot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3,3)), ylab=expression(h[~k]),
cex.main=1, col=4, panel.first=Grid())
sois = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, col=5, lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
recs = mvspec(rec, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, col=5, lwd=2)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
# to find the peaks
##-- for the logs - not shown in the text --##
sois = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, col=5, lwd=2, log='yes')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
recs = mvspec(rec, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, col=5, lwd=2, log='yes')
rect(1/7, 1e-5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=4)
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
w = seq(-.04,.04,.0001); n=480; u=0
for (i in -4:4){
k = i/n
u = u + sin(n*pi*(w+k))^2 / sin(pi*(w+k))^2
fk = u/(9*480)
u=0; wp = w+1/n; wm = w-1/n
for (i in -4:4){
k = i/n; wk = w+k; wpk = wp+k; wmk = wm+k
z = complex(real=0, imag=2*pi*wk)
zp = complex(real=0, imag=2*pi*wpk)
zm = complex(real=0, imag=2*pi*wmk)
d = exp(z)*(1-exp(z*n))/(1-exp(z))
dp = exp(zp)*(1-exp(zp*n))/(1-exp(zp))
dm = exp(zm)*(1-exp(zm*n))/(1-exp(zm))
D = .5*d - .25*dm*exp(pi*w/n)-.25*dp*exp(-pi*w/n)
D2 = abs(D)^2
u = u + D2
sfk = u/(480*9)
plot(w, fk, type="l", ylab="", xlab="frequency", main="Without Tapering", yaxt="n")
mtext(expression("|"), side=1, line=-.20, at=c(-0.009375, .009375), cex=1.5, col=2)
segments(-4.5/480, -2, 4.5/480, -2 , lty=1, lwd=3, col=2)
plot(w, sfk, type="l", ylab="",xlab="frequency", main="With Tapering", yaxt="n")
mtext(expression("|"), side=1, line=-.20, at=c(-0.009375, .009375), cex=1.5, col=2)
segments(-4.5/480, -.78, 4.5/480, -.78, lty=1, lwd=3, col=2)
Example 7.8
s0 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), plot=FALSE) # no taper
s50 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.5, plot=FALSE) # full taper
tsplot(s50$freq, s50$spec, log="y", type="l", ylab="spectrum", xlab="frequency")
lines(s0$freq, s0$spec, lty=2)
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.9)
legend(5,.04, legend=c('full taper', 'no taper'), lty=1:2)
text(1.42, 0.04, 'leakage', cex=.8)
arrows(1.4, .035, .75, .009, length=0.05,angle=30)
arrows(1.4, .035, 1.21, .0075, length=0.05,angle=30)
par(fig = c(.65, 1, .65, 1), new = TRUE, cex=.5, mgp=c(0,-.1,0), tcl=-.2)
taper <- function(x) { .5*(1+cos(2*pi*x)) }
x <- seq(from = -.5, to = .5, by = 0.001)
plot(x, taper(x), type = "l", lty = 1, yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
Example 7.10
# AR spectrum - AIC picks order=15
u <- spec.ic(soi, detrend=TRUE, col=4, lwd=2, nxm=4)
# plot AIC and BIC
tsplot(0:30, u[[1]][,2:3], type='o', col=2:3, xlab='ORDER', nxm=5, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)
Example 7.12
sr = mvspec(cbind(soi,rec), kernel("daniell",9), plot.type="coh")
sr$df # df = 35.8625
f = qf(.999, 2, sr$df-2) # f = 8.529792
C = f/(18+f) # C = 0.3188779
abline(h = C)
Example 8.1
res = resid( sarima(diff(log(gnp)), 1,0,0, details=FALSE)$fit )
acf2(res^2, 20)
gnpr = diff(log(gnp))
summary( garchFit(~arma(1,0) + garch(1,0), data = gnpr) )
#### Note that garchFit still pulls up:
# Warning message:
# Using formula(x) is deprecated ...
### That's their problem, which obviously hasn't been addressed yet.
Example 8.2
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
acf2(djiar) # exhibits some autocorrelation
u = resid( sarima(djiar, 1,0,0, details=FALSE)$fit )
acf2(u^2) # oozes autocorrelation
summary(djia.g <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist="std"))
plot(djia.g, which=3)
Example 8.3
lapply( c("xts", "fGarch"), library, char=TRUE) # load 2 packages in one line - amazing!
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
summary(djia.ap <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist="std"))
plot(djia.ap) # to see all plot options
Example 8.4
acf1(cumsum(rnorm(634)), 100, main="Series: random walk")
acf1(log(varve), 100, ylim=c(-.1,1))
adf.test(log(varve), k=0) # DF test
adf.test(log(varve)) # ADF test
pp.test(log(varve)) # PP test
Example 8.5
d = 0.3727893; p = c(1)
for (k in 1:30){ p[k+1] = (k-d)*p[k]/(k+1) }
tsplot(1:30, p[-1], ylab=expression(pi(d)), lwd=2, xlab="Index", type="h", col=4)
summary(varve.fd <- arfima(log(varve), order = c(0,0,0)))
# residuals
innov = resid(varve.fd)
tsplot(innov[[1]]) # not shown in text
acf1(resid(sarima(log(varve),1,1,1, details=FALSE)$fit), main="ARIMA(1,1,1)")
acf1(innov[[1]], main="Frac Diff")
Example 8.8
u = ssm(gtemp_land, A=1, alpha=.01, phi=1, sigw=.01, sigv=.1)
tsplot(gtemp_land, col=4, type="o", pch=20, ylab="Temperature Deviations")
lines(u$Xs, col=6, lwd=2)
xx = c(time(u$Xs), rev(time(u$Xs)))
yy = c(u$Xs-2*sqrt(u$Ps), rev(u$Xs+2*sqrt(u$Ps)))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25) )
Example 8.9
ccf2(cmort, part) # Figure 8.7
acf2(diff(cmort)) # Figure 8.8 implies AR(1)
u = sarima(cmort, 1, 1, 0, no.constant=TRUE) # fits well
cmortw = resid(u$fit)
phi = as.vector(u$fit$coef) # -.5064
# filter particluates the same way
partf = filter(diff(part), filter=c(1, -phi), sides=1)
## -- now line up the series - this step is important --##
both = ts.intersect(cmortw, partf) # line them up
Mw = both[,1] # cmort whitened
Pf = both[,2] # part filtered
ccf2(Mw, Pf) # Figure 8.9
-- Section 8.6 --
# data
# make double exp innovations
e = rexp(150, rate=.5); u = runif(150,-1,1)
de = e*sign(u)
# generate AR(1) with 'de' innovations
dex = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50)
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1), widths=c(5,2))
tsplot(dex, col=4, ylab=expression(X[~t]))
# density - standard Laplace vs normal
f = function(x) { .5*dexp(abs(x), rate = 1/sqrt(2))}
curve(f, -5, 5, col=4, ylab="f(w)", xlab="w")
curve(dnorm, -5, 5, ylab="", xlab="", yaxt="no", xaxt="no", col=2)
fit = ar.yw(dex, order=1)
round(est <- cbind(fit$x.mean, fit$ar, sqrt(fit$asy.var.coef)), 2)
# simulate distribution of phi-hat
phi.yw = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
e = rexp(150, rate=.5)
u = runif(150,-1,1)
de = e*sign(u)
x = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50)
phi.yw[i] = ar.yw(x, order=1)$ar
set.seed(666) # not that 666
fit = ar.yw(dex, order=1) # assumes the data were retained
m = fit$x.mean # estimate of mean
phi = fit$ar # estimate of phi
nboot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
resids = fit$resid[-1] # the 99 residuals = dex # initialize x* = c()
# Bootstrap
for (i in 1:nboot) { = sample(resids, replace=TRUE)
for (t in 1:99)
{[t+1] = m + phi*([t]-m) +[t]
}[i] = ar.yw(, order=1)$ar
# Picture
culer = astsa.col(5, .4)
hist(, 15, main="", prob=TRUE, xlim=c(.65,1.05), ylim=c(0,15),
col=culer, xlab=expression(hat(phi)))
lines(density(phi.yw, bw=.02), lwd=2) # from previous simulation
u = seq(.75, 1.1, by=.001) # normal approximation
lines(u, dnorm(u, mean=est[,2], sd=est[,3]), lty=2, lwd=2)
legend(.65, 14, bty="n", lty=c(1,0,2), lwd=c(2,0,2), col=1, pch=c(NA,22,NA),,culer,NA), pt.cex=2.5, legend=c("true distribution",
"bootstrap distribution", "normal approximation"))
# CIs
alf = .025 # 95% CI
quantile(, probs = c(alf, 1-alf))
quantile(phi.yw, probs = c(alf, 1-alf))
n=100; phi = fit$ar; se = sqrt((1-phi)/n)
c( phi - qnorm(1-alf)*se, phi + qnorm(1-alf)*se )
Example 8.10
tsplot(flu, type="c", ylab="Influenza Deaths per 10,000")
Months = c("J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D")
points(flu, pch=Months, cex=.8, font=4, col=c(4,2,3,6))
# Start analysis
dflu = diff(flu)
lag1.plot(dflu, corr=FALSE) # scatterplot with lowess fit
thrsh = .05 # threshold
Z = ts.intersect(dflu, lag(dflu,-1), lag(dflu,-2), lag(dflu,-3), lag(dflu,-4) )
ind1 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, 1, NA) # indicator < thrsh
ind2 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, NA, 1) # indicator >= thrsh
X1 = Z[,1]*ind1
X2 = Z[,1]*ind2
summary(fit1 <- lm(X1~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 1
summary(fit2 <- lm(X2~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 2
D = cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z)), Z[,2:5]) # design matrix
p1 = D %*% coef(fit1) # get predictions
p2 = D %*% coef(fit2)
prd = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, p1, p2)
# Figure 8.11
tsplot(prd, ylim=c(-.5,.5), ylab=expression(nabla~flu[~t]), lwd=2, col=4)
prde1 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit1)^2)/df.residual(fit1))
prde2 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit2)^2)/df.residual(fit2))
prde = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, prde1, prde2)
x = time(dflu)[-(1:4)]
xx = c(x, rev(x))
yy = c(prd - 2*prde, rev(prd + 2*prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.8, .3))
abline(h=.05, col=4, lty=6)
points(dflu, pch=16, col=2)
par(mar=c(2.5,2.5,0,0)+.5, mgp=c(1.6,.6,0))
U = matrix(Z, ncol=5) # Z was created in the analysis above
culer = c(rgb(0,1,0,.4), rgb(0,0,1,.4))
culers = ifelse(U[,2]<.05, culer[1], culer[2])
plot(U[,2], U[,1], panel.first=Grid(), pch=21, cex=1.1, bg=culers,
xlab=expression(nabla~flu[~t-1]), ylab=expression(nabla~flu[~t]))
lines(lowess(U[,2], U[,1], f=2/3), col=6)
abline(v=.05, lty=2, col=4)
##- alternate method
library(tsDyn) # load package - install it if you don"t have it
# vignette("tsDyn") # for package details
(u = setar(dflu, m=4, thDelay=0, th=.05)) # fit model and view results
(u = setar(dflu, m=4, thDelay=0)) # let program fit threshold (=.036)
AIC(u) # if you want to try other models; m=3 works well too
plot(u) # graphics - ?plot.setar for information