Create list of typo or phishing domains for blocking on corporate firewalls.
There's a lot of examples when actors register typosquatting domains, listening to 25,53,80,110,443,465,995 and other ports, waiting when somebody in company mistyped domain, and connected to adversarie's server.
After Certainly tool was introduced at blackhat'24 the amount of such attacks raised.
Certainly - is a offensive security toolkit to capture large amounts of traffic in various network protocols in bitflip and typosquatting scenarios. The tool was built to support research on these topics...
Why not using urlcrazy or dnstwist? Because they are offense-tools - focused on finding seversal best typosquattings. I need defence tool - focused on coverage and completeness. It also must be simple to review and modify, without unnecessary founctionality like DNS queries.
So here is a small tool to generate typosquattings. You can use 6 methods to generate a list of your domain typos and block them on corporate FW. When some IT guy or developer mistyped your corporate domain, portentially evil domain won't be resolved and dangerous request won't be sent.
python3 -d "," -o shuffled_domains.txt
python3 -d 2-lvl_domains.lst -f csv -o shuffled_domains.csv
python3 -d "" -m swap,neighbor
Also you can use 7-th method "homoglyph" and defend against phising attacks, by adding the list hosts file on endpoints sinkholing them and blocking such domain resolutions. Method disabled by default.
python3 -d "" -m neighbor,similar,omit,duplicate,swap,neighbor_duplicate,homoglyph
Requres idna python module for punycode non-us characters in domain:
0) Install git, pip3, python3.11-venv
1) Clone
# git clone
2) Activate python virtual environment
# cd dnshuffler
# python3 -m venv venv
# source venv/bin/activate
3) Install requrements
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
4) Run tool
# python3
5) Deactivate python virtual environment
# deactivate