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⚡Lightning Talk: Green(Ing) CI/CD: A Sustainability Journey with GitOps

by Niki Manoledaki, Software Engineer, Weaveworks

[GitOpsCon NA 2022]

Talk Abstract

Our infrastructure needs are increasingly energy and carbon intensive. CI/CD is one area where we can take steps to measure and reduce our footprint. In this talk, we present our investigation into instrumenting CI/CD systems and GitOps tools to achieve this. We share the outcomes and lessons learned from these experiments so far. Our journey begins with traditional CI/CD where the two are tightly coupled. Transitioning to GitOps often starts with decoupling the two. This is an opportunity to measure the energy consumption of each step and think about environmental impact from the very beginning. Energy use can be measured before and after this decoupling, and we can show you how. On the next stop in our sustainability journey, we evaluate how GitOps tools and patterns can be used to reduce energy consumption and wasted resources. Expressing a system declaratively offers full visibility of the tools running in your clusters. Another promise of GitOps is that it can be used to turn IT off when not needed. GitOps can also support tools and policies to measure and optimize energy and carbon usage. Our journey ends with some reflections on methodology, outcomes, and next steps.


The aim of this project is to measure and compare the energy consumption of operations that run on a traditional / snowflake K8s cluster versus on a Flux-operated GitOps-based K8s cluster.

Getting started

1. Fork this repository

Then, clone the fork:

git clone<username>/sustainability-journey-with-gitops.git

2. Spin up a K8s cluster that can run Kepler

The following tests require a K8s cluster with Kepler running on it. Kepler, which stands for "Kubernetes-based Efficient Power Level Exporter", uses eBPF to probe energy related system stats and exports as Prometheus metrics. It has some requirements that may not be present on all environments, such as kernel headers and certain kernel flags for eBPF support.

To make things easier, here is a step-by-step guide for how to create a baremetal cluster "the hard way" with kubeadm on RHEL 8.6. The tutorial creates and runs everything on a single Control Plane Node. Kepler, which is deployed as a Daemonset, can then be accessed as a Pod. It monitors and gathers energy metrics on Pods and the Node itself, which it exports to Prometheus. This environment can be used to gather energy consumption metrics about workloads running on the K8s cluster.

Once the environment is setup, the following tests can be performed on the cluster.

3. Install & bootstrap Flux

Install Flux if you have not done so already. Then, bootstrap Flux on your cluster.

curl -s | sudo bash
flux bootstrap github --owner=$GITHUB_USER --repository=gitops-energy-usage --path=clusters

This will automatically add all the dependencies - Kepler, Prometheus & Grafana - on the cluster. Their manifests live in the clusters/ dir (here).

4. Gather energy consumption metrics about the Flux Source Controller

First, let's check what lives in the Flux namespace:

kubectl get all -n flux-system
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/helm-controller-68b799b589-5zh7z          1/1     Running   0          3m34s
pod/kustomize-controller-7ddb8d8f7-6p4lb      1/1     Running   0          3m34s
pod/notification-controller-56bd788f9-96djn   1/1     Running   0          3m34s
pod/source-controller-7d98d6688c-d6mmd        1/1     Running   0          3m34s

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/notification-controller   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    3m35s
service/source-controller         ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    3m35s
service/webhook-receiver          ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    3m35s

NAME                                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/helm-controller           1/1     1            1           3m35s
deployment.apps/kustomize-controller      1/1     1            1           3m35s
deployment.apps/notification-controller   1/1     1            1           3m35s
deployment.apps/source-controller         1/1     1            1           3m35s

NAME                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/helm-controller-68b799b589          1         1         1       3m35s
replicaset.apps/kustomize-controller-7ddb8d8f7      1         1         1       3m35s
replicaset.apps/notification-controller-56bd788f9   1         1         1       3m35s
replicaset.apps/source-controller-7d98d6688c        1         1         1       3m35s

To get the energy metrics, first, port-forward Prometheus to 9090:

kubectl port-forward pod/prometheus-k8s-0 9090 -n monitoring

Queries can be written for the Prometheus Pod prometheus-k8s-0 with a curl request that targets the api/v1/query endpoint. For example, here is a query that gathers the current (curr) energy of compute (the CPU, denoted by pkg) in milliJoule for the Flux Source Controller:

curl -sG http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query --data-urlencode "query=pod_curr_energy_in_pkg_millijoule{pod_name='source-controller-7d98d6688c-d6mmd'}" | jq
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "resultType": "vector",
    "result": [
        "metric": {
          "__name__": "pod_curr_energy_in_pkg_millijoule",
          "command": "source-con",
          "container": "kepler-exporter",
          "endpoint": "http",
          "instance": "c3.small.x86-01",
          "job": "kepler-exporter",
          "namespace": "kepler",
          "pod": "kepler-exporter-6q26p",
          "pod_name": "source-controller-7d98d6688c-d6mmd",
          "pod_namespace": "flux-system",
          "service": "kepler-exporter"
        "value": [

In the command above, the flag --data-urlencode is used to pass a Prometheus query in PromQL syntax. The result is piped to jq to transform it into json format.

A list of example queries and data can be found in

7. Visualise the energy data with Grafana

The energy consumption data can be visualised with Grafana. This can be used alongside any of the tests mentioned above. The script provided can be used to spin up Grafana and load the Kepler dashboard:


Next Steps

The main restriction at the moment is the environment setup for Kepler. The reason for this, as written in this post by the Pixie team on "The Challenge with Deploying eBPF Into the Wild":

One problem that hinders the wide-scale deployment of eBPF is the fact that it is challenging to build applications that are compatible across a wide range of Linux distributions.

It would be great to work on integrating Kepler with the following environments:

  • Use it with a VM, or even better, a Liquid Metal microVM! Hopefully coming soon!
  • Use it in an EC2 instance (which is technically a VM). This does not work yet but it might be possible, if the hypervisor supports it, and with a lot of integration work.
  • Use it in a Kind cluster. This is currently in the works over at Kepler.

Joule for beginners

What is a joule (J)? Very simply put, it is a unit of energy.

1 joule equals 1000 millijoules (mJ), where 1 J = 1000 mJ.

1 joule per second equals to 1 Watt, so 1W = 1 J/s.

Therefore, 1 W/h = 3600 J = 3600000 mJ, which is the same as (60 sec x 60 min) x 1000, where the multiplication by 1000 converts joules to millijoules.