This plugin is in beta!
This is a meta-plugin which configures other plugins for you. With 1 line of code you can setup LSP for 49 available languages (also includes linters, formatters, completion, customisable keybindings for a lot of languages)
You can choose which languages to include rather than everything!
local instant_lsp_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/instant-lsp.nvim"
-- Clone the plugin onto your system
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(instant_lsp_path) then
-- Let neovim recognize the plugin's path so we can require it
Then, along with your other plugins, add this to setup every language:
local your_plugins = {
require("instant-lsp").setup({ languages = "all" }),
--[[ the above setup is a shorthand for:
languages = {
"html", "shell", "yaml", "htmx", "json", "csharp", "clojure",
"powershell", "odin", "nim", "php", "thrift", "scala", "elm",
"css", "c", "xml", "ansible", "go", "sql", "helm",
"haskell", "dart", "tex", "astro", "angular", "svelte",
"vue", "protobuf", "terraform", "python", "docker", "rust",
"lua", "mdx", "tailwind", "typescript", "markdown", "cmake",
"java", "verilog", "r", "perl", "csv", "ruby", "prisma",
"plantuml", "nix", "git"
-- your other plugins go here, e.g.
{ "catppuccin/nvim", name = "catppuccin", priority = 1000 }
-- your lazy.nvim setup stays the same
require("lazy").setup(your_plugins, --[[ lazy options ]])
Or just choose the ones that you want, and you are done!
Note: You'll likely need to install quite a few languages on your system if you choose the all
options. e.g. you might need to install R, Rust, Ruby and others if you don't have them. If you don't want to do this, don't use all
and just choose the languages you do want!
Also, lets say you ask for 15 lsps out of the 49 available. Those 34 other files will just not be required at all, so this plugin won't unnecesserily download LSPs if you don't specify them.
The setup
function accepts a table with the following default options:
local default_options = {
languages = {},
disable_feature = {
snippets = false,
virtual_text = false,
cmp_border = false,
ts_context = false,
ts_autotag = false,
autopairs = false,
-- Will not use fzf-lua plugin for some LSP commands like "go to references"
fzf_lua = false,
misc = {
format_on_save = false,
completion_suggestions_count = 3,
keys = {
flutter = {
start = "<leader>cs",
devices = "<leader>ce",
emulators = "<leader>ce",
reload = "<leader>cl",
restart = "<leader>cr",
quit = "<leader>cq",
detach = "<leader>cd",
rename = "<leader>cr",
typescript = {
goto_source_definition = "gD",
file_references = "gR",
organize_imports = "<leader>co",
add_missing_imports = "<leader>cM",
remove_unused_imports = "<leader>cu",
fix_all = "<leader>cD",
select_ts_version = "<leader>cV",
cmp = {
select_next_item = "<C-n>",
select_prev_item = "<C-p>",
scroll_docs_up = "<C-b>",
scoll_docs_down = "<C-f>",
confirm = "<tab>",
abort = "<C-e>",
complete = "<C-Space>",
goto_next_snippet_placeholder = "<C-l>",
goto_prev_snippet_placeholder = "<C-h>",
lsp = {
format = "<cr>",
toggle_diagnostics = "<leader>ud",
toggle_inlay_hints = "<leader>uh",
signature_help = "<C-s>",
goto_definition = "gd",
code_rename = "grn",
code_action = "gra",
goto_implementation = "gI",
goto_type_definition = "gt",
hover_documentation = "K",
hover_diagnostics = "<C-k>",
goto_declaration = "gD",
goto_prev_diagnostic = "[d",
goto_next_diagnostic = "]d",
-- these will use fzf-lua if enabled
goto_references = "grr",
document_symbols = "grd",
workspace_symbols = "grs",
icons = {
ellipsis = "...",
vtext_prefix = "●",
error = " ",
warn = " ",
hint = " ",
info = " ",
The plugin iterates through every string in the languages
table that you pass to the setup function and looks for that file in /lua/instant-lsp/lang/[lang].lua
Each [lang].lua
file (e.g. lua.lua
, css.lua
, typescript.lua
) file will return a function, which gets called with your custom configuration as an argument, and returns the table of plugins, aka LazySpec[]
that lazy.nvim accepts (Each plugin in lazy.nvim
is considered a separate LazySpec
We then take all those LazySpec[]
and combine them into a LazySpec[][]
which is the table that this plugin returns, which goes directly into your lazy.nvim config.
The best part is the fact that lazy.nvim
merges fields like opts
in each of the plugins. This means I can call the lspconfig
plugin in all 49 files, and provide the configs for the language servers separately
Lazy.nvim will then merge all these opts
into a single giant opts
object, which means its also super easy to extend functionality of this plugin with your own additions (although PRs are super welcome!)